import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.command.IEntitySelector;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
* This class should help with some general problems related with the World and Entities like path-finding,
* target-finding and collision-detection.
* @author WorldSEnder
public class WorldHelper {
* Returns a list of all entities that are colliding with the entity given or any sub-entities if there are any.
* @param entity
* the entity to collide with
* @return all colliding entities
public static List<Entity> collidingEntities(Entity entity) {
return collidingEntities(entity, null);
* Like {@link #collidingEntities(Entity)} but allows the entities to be filtered before being returned.
* @param entity
* the entity to collide with
* @param filter
* the filter to apply, <code>null</code> means no filtering
* @return all collidig entities that are not filtered
public static List<Entity> collidingEntities(Entity entity, IEntitySelector filter) {
World world = entity.worldObj;
List<Entity> collidingEntities = world.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(entity, entity.boundingBox);
Entity[] subEntities = entity.getParts();
if (subEntities == null) {
return collidingEntities;
for (Entity subE : subEntities) {
List<Entity> collidingEntitiesSub = world.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(entity, subE.boundingBox);
for (Entity collidingE : collidingEntitiesSub) {
if (!collidingEntities.contains(collidingE)) {
return collidingEntities;
* Finds the vector that points from the entity to the target.
* @param entity
* the entity from which the vector points from
* @param target
* the entity to which the vector points to
* @return the vector between them
public static Vec3 getVectorToTarget(Entity entity, Entity target) {
// TODO: ?use entity.getPosition() on CLIENT-side?
Vec3 pos = getEntityPositionVector(entity);
Vec3 entityToTarget = getEntityPositionVector(target);
entityToTarget = pos.subtract(entityToTarget);
return entityToTarget;
public static Vec3 getEntityPositionVector(Entity entity) {
return Vec3.createVectorHelper(entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ);