package; import java.util.List; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBiped; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.EnumAction; import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import; public class ST_Bionic extends ItemArmor { private static final String[] names = { MHFCReference.armor_bionic_helm_name, MHFCReference.armor_bionic_chest_name, MHFCReference.armor_bionic_legs_name, MHFCReference.armor_bionic_boots_name }; private static final String[] icons = { MHFCReference.armor_default_helm_icon, MHFCReference.armor_default_chest_icon, MHFCReference.armor_default_legs_icon, MHFCReference.armor_default_boots_icon }; public ST_Bionic(int type) { super(ArmorMaterialHelper.ArmorST_1_Bionic, 4, type); setCreativeTab(MHFCMain.mhfctabs); setUnlocalizedName(names[type]); } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister) { this.itemIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon(icons[this.armorType]); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void addInformation( ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer par2EntityPlayer, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") List par3List, boolean par4) { par3List.add( ColorSystem.ENUMRED + "(DONATORS EXCLUSIVE) Designed from Sean Tang" + "[ " + ColorSystem.ENUMGOLD + " ST - 1 'Bionic' " + ColorSystem.ENUMRED + "]"); } @Override public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, String type) { if (!(entity instanceof EntityPlayer) || stack == null) { return MHFCReference.armor_null_tex; } EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entity; if (!DonatorSystem.checkbioNic(player)) { return MHFCReference.armor_null_tex; } if (stack.getItem() == MHFCItemRegistry.getRegistry().armor_bionic_helm || stack.getItem() == MHFCItemRegistry.getRegistry().armor_bionic_chest || stack.getItem() == MHFCItemRegistry.getRegistry().armor_bionic_boots) { return MHFCReference.armor_bionic_tex1; } if (stack.getItem() == MHFCItemRegistry.getRegistry().armor_bionic_legs) { return MHFCReference.armor_bionic_tex2; } return MHFCReference.armor_null_tex; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public ModelBiped getArmorModel(EntityLivingBase entityLiving, ItemStack itemStack, int armorSlot) { ModelBiped armorModel = null; if (itemStack == null || !(itemStack.getItem() instanceof ItemArmor)) { return null; } int type = ((ItemArmor) itemStack.getItem()).armorType; if (type == 1 || type == 3 || type == 0) { armorModel = ArmorModelHelper.bionic; } if (armorModel == null) { return null; } armorModel.bipedHead.showModel = armorSlot == 0; armorModel.bipedHeadwear.showModel = armorSlot == 0; armorModel.bipedBody.showModel = armorSlot == 1 || armorSlot == 2; armorModel.bipedRightArm.showModel = armorSlot == 1; armorModel.bipedLeftArm.showModel = armorSlot == 1; armorModel.bipedRightLeg.showModel = armorSlot == 2 || armorSlot == 3; armorModel.bipedLeftLeg.showModel = armorSlot == 2 || armorSlot == 3; armorModel.isSneak = entityLiving.isSneaking(); armorModel.isRiding = entityLiving.isRiding(); armorModel.isChild = entityLiving.isChild(); armorModel.heldItemRight = 0; armorModel.aimedBow = false; ItemStack held_item = entityLiving.getEquipmentInSlot(0); if (held_item != null) { armorModel.heldItemRight = 1; if (entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer && ((EntityPlayer) entityLiving).getItemInUseCount() > 0) { EnumAction enumaction = held_item.getItemUseAction(); if (enumaction == EnumAction.bow) { armorModel.aimedBow = true; } else if (enumaction == EnumAction.block) { armorModel.heldItemRight = 3; } } } return armorModel; } @Override public void onArmorTick(World world, EntityPlayer player, ItemStack itemStack) { // The player needs to wear all armor pieces, so when we check on the // helmet it's enough if (this.armorType != 0) { return; } ItemStack boots = player.getCurrentArmor(0); ItemStack legs = player.getCurrentArmor(1); ItemStack chest = player.getCurrentArmor(2); if (chest != null && legs != null && boots != null && chest.getItem() == MHFCItemRegistry.getRegistry().armor_bionic_chest && boots.getItem() == MHFCItemRegistry.getRegistry().armor_bionic_boots && legs.getItem() == MHFCItemRegistry.getRegistry().armor_bionic_legs) {} } }