package; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; /** * @author Heltrato * * MHF Configuration Files Created for the fix of ID Conflicts in 1.6.4 however this wouldnt be last as 1.7 will * going be release for Forge and MCP . * * DN: public<? for easy access; DN: int<? no dec. variables; * */ public class MHFCConfig { private boolean allCanPickup; private boolean spawnTigrex; private boolean spawnKirin; private int dimensionHandlerID; // public final boolean setupComplexGraphics = false; // I'll add this soon if dan is finish with the block HD's better biome performance for faster pc private Map<String, EnableSetting> enableSettings; private Map<String, ReloadTimeSetting> reloadTimeSettings; private Configuration config; // FIXME: rework the registry, current state is not maintainable, // externalize strings public MHFCConfig(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { enableSettings = new LinkedHashMap<String, EnableSetting>(); reloadTimeSettings = new LinkedHashMap<String, ReloadTimeSetting>(); config = new Configuration(e.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); } /** * TBC after all Settings have been registered */ public void init() { for (EnableSetting es : enableSettings.values()) { es.enabled = config.get("enable", es.settingName, es.enabled).getBoolean(es.enabled); } for (ReloadTimeSetting rs : reloadTimeSettings.values()) { rs.reloadTime = config.get("reloadtime", rs.settingName, rs.reloadTime).getInt(rs.reloadTime); } spawnTigrex = config.get("MHFC Mobs", "Summon Tigrex", true).getBoolean(true); spawnKirin = config.get("MHFC Mobs", "Summon Kirin", true).getBoolean(true); allCanPickup = config.get("settings", "pickup-all", true, "Another work-in-progress soon.").getBoolean(true); dimensionHandlerID = config.getInt( "dimensionHandlerID", "Questing", -71, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Change this if you have any collisions");; } private static abstract class Setting { final String settingName; Setting(String name) { settingName = name; } } private static class ReloadTimeSetting extends Setting { int reloadTime; ReloadTimeSetting(String name, int time) { super(name + ".reloadtime"); reloadTime = time; } } private static class EnableSetting extends Setting { boolean enabled; EnableSetting(String name) { super(name + ".enabled"); enabled = true; } } public void addEnableSetting(String weapon) { enableSettings.put(weapon, new EnableSetting(weapon)); } public void addReloadTimeSetting(String weapon, int defaulttime) { reloadTimeSettings.put(weapon, new ReloadTimeSetting(weapon, defaulttime)); } public boolean isEnabled(String weapon) { EnableSetting es = enableSettings.get(weapon); return es == null || es.enabled; } public int getReloadTime(String weapon) { ReloadTimeSetting rs = reloadTimeSettings.get(weapon); return rs == null ? 0 : rs.reloadTime; } public boolean isAllCanPickup() { return allCanPickup; } public boolean isSpawnTigrex() { return spawnTigrex; } public boolean isSpawnKirin() { return spawnKirin; } public int getDimensionHandlerID() { return dimensionHandlerID; } }