package; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText; public class Mission implements QuestGoalSocket, AutoCloseable { public static final String KEY_TYPE_RUNNING = "running"; enum QuestState { pending, running, finished, resigned; } private static class QuestingPlayerState { public EntityPlayerMP player; public boolean vote; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean restoreInventory; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean reward; public IExplorationManager previousManager; public QuestingPlayerState(EntityPlayerMP p, boolean vote, boolean restoreInventory, boolean reward) { this.player = p; this.restoreInventory = restoreInventory; = vote; this.reward = reward; this.previousManager = MHFCExplorationRegistry.getExplorationManagerFor(p); } } private static QuestingPlayerState newAttribute(EntityPlayerMP player) { return new QuestingPlayerState(player, false, true, false); } private final String missionID; private QuestDefinition originalDescription; private PlayerMap<QuestingPlayerState> playerAttributes; private int maxPlayerCount; protected QuestState state; protected QuestGoal questGoal; protected GroupProperty rootGoalProperties; /** * Not set before the {@link StagedFuture} from that the area is retrieved from is complete. */ protected IActiveArea questingArea; protected QuestExplorationManager explorationManager; protected int reward; protected int fee; private boolean closed; public Mission( String missionID, QuestGoal goal, GroupProperty goalProperties, int maxPartySize, int reward, int fee, CompletionStage<IActiveArea> activeArea, QuestDefinition originalDescription) { this.missionID = Objects.requireNonNull(missionID); this.playerAttributes = new PlayerMap<>(); this.questGoal = Objects.requireNonNull(goal); this.rootGoalProperties = Objects.requireNonNull(goalProperties); activeArea.thenAccept(this::onAreaFinished); goal.setSocket(this); this.reward = reward; this.fee = fee; this.state = QuestState.pending; this.originalDescription = originalDescription; this.maxPlayerCount = maxPartySize; this.closed = false; } public void updateCheck() { updatePlayers(); } public QuestState getState() { return state; } public QuestGoal getQuestGoal() { return questGoal; } public int getReward() { return reward; } public int getFee() { return fee; } @Override public void questGoalStatusNotification(QuestGoal goal, EnumSet<QuestStatus> newStatus) { if (newStatus.contains(QuestStatus.Fulfilled)) { onSuccess(); } if (newStatus.contains(QuestStatus.Failed)) { onFail(); } updatePlayers(); } protected void onAreaFinished(IActiveArea area) { this.questingArea = Objects.requireNonNull(area); tryStart(); } protected boolean canStart() { return allVotes() && this.questingArea != null; } private void tryStart() { if (canStart()) { onStart(); resetVotes(); } } protected void onFail() { for (EntityPlayerMP player : getPlayers()) { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("You have failed a quest")); } // TODO do special stuff for fail onEnd(); } protected void onSuccess() { for (QuestingPlayerState attribute : playerAttributes.values()) { attribute.reward = true; attribute.player.addExperienceLevel(10); attribute.player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("You have successfully completed a quest")); } this.state = QuestState.finished; // TODO reward the players for finishing the quest with dynamic rewards onEnd(); } protected void onStart() { explorationManager = new QuestExplorationManager(getQuestFlair(), getQuestingArea(), this); questGoal.setActive(true); this.state = QuestState.running; for (EntityPlayerMP player : getPlayers()) { MHFCExplorationRegistry.bindPlayer(explorationManager, player); explorationManager.respawn(player); // AreaTeleportation.movePlayerToArea(player, questingArea.getArea()); } updatePlayers(); resetVotes(); } private void resetVotes() { for (QuestingPlayerState attribute : playerAttributes.values()) { = false; } } /** * This method should be called whenever the quest ends, no matter how. */ protected void onEnd() { for (EntityPlayerMP player : getPlayers()) { removePlayer(player); } MHFCQuestRegistry.getRegistry().endMission(this); MHFCMain.logger().info("Mission {} ended", getMission()); } protected void updatePlayers() { MessageMissionUpdate update = MessageMissionUpdate.createUpdate(missionID, rootGoalProperties); if (update == null) { return; } for (QuestingPlayerState attribute : playerAttributes.values()) { EntityPlayerMP player = attribute.player; PacketPipeline.networkPipe.sendTo(update, player); } // MHFCQuestRegistry.questUpdated(update); } protected void updatePlayerInitial(EntityPlayerMP player) { // TODO: add player to the quest PacketPipeline.networkPipe.sendTo(MessageMissionStatus.joining(missionID), player); PacketPipeline.networkPipe.sendTo(createFullUpdateMessage(), player); } public boolean canJoin(EntityPlayer player) { // TODO add more evaluation and/or move to another class? boolean isPending = state == QuestState.pending; boolean notFull = playerCount() < maxPlayerCount; boolean playerHasNoQuest = MHFCQuestRegistry.getRegistry().getQuestForPlayer(player) == null; return isPending && notFull && playerHasNoQuest; } private int playerCount() { return playerAttributes.size(); } @Override public void reset() { questGoal.reset(); } @Override public Mission getMission() { return this; } private void addPlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { playerAttributes.putPlayer(player, Mission.newAttribute(player)); MHFCQuestRegistry.getRegistry().setQuestForPlayer(player, this); updatePlayerInitial(player); updatePlayers(); } private boolean removePlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { QuestingPlayerState att = playerAttributes.removePlayer(player); if (att != null) { PacketPipeline.networkPipe.sendTo(MessageMissionStatus.departing(missionID), att.player); MHFCQuestRegistry.getRegistry().setQuestForPlayer(att.player, null); MHFCExplorationRegistry.bindPlayer(att.previousManager, player); MHFCExplorationRegistry.respawnPlayer(player); return true; } return false; } public boolean joinPlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { if (!canJoin(player)) { return false; } addPlayer(player); return true; } public boolean quitPlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { boolean found = removePlayer(player); if (playerCount() == 0) { onEnd(); } return found; } public Set<EntityPlayerMP> getPlayers() { return playerAttributes.values().stream().map(t -> t.player).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } /** * Utility method to provide the spawn controller. Might also introduce an indirection if the publicly available * controller should behave differently. */ public IQuestAreaSpawnController getSpawnController() { return questingArea.getArea().getSpawnController(); } public QuestDefinition getOriginalDescription() { return originalDescription; } private QuestingPlayerState getPlayerAttributes(EntityPlayerMP player) { return playerAttributes.getPlayer(player); } public void voteStart(EntityPlayerMP player) { QuestingPlayerState attributes = getPlayerAttributes(player); = true; tryStart(); } private boolean allVotes() { return playerAttributes.values().stream().map((x) ->; } public void voteEnd(EntityPlayerMP player) { QuestingPlayerState attributes = getPlayerAttributes(player); = true; boolean end = allVotes(); if (end && state == QuestState.running) { onEnd(); resetVotes(); } } public int getMaxPartySize() { return maxPlayerCount; } public IAreaType getAreaType() { return questingArea.getType(); } public IActiveArea getQuestingArea() { return questingArea; } public QuestFlair getQuestFlair() { return originalDescription.getQuestFlair(); } @Override public void close() { if (closed) { MHFCMain.logger().debug("Tried to close already closed instance of mission {}", missionID); return; } questGoal.questGoalFinalize(); questingArea.close(); closed = true; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if (!closed) { close(); } } /** * Searches for the player with a matching entity id and updates all references */ public boolean updatePlayerEntity(EntityPlayerMP player) { return playerAttributes.computeIfPresent(PlayerMap.playerToKey(player), (k, a) -> { a.player = player; return a; }) != null; } /** * Creates a packet suitable to initialize the properties of a mission based on the current state. * * @return */ public MessageMissionUpdate createFullUpdateMessage() { return MessageMissionUpdate.createFullDump(missionID, rootGoalProperties); } }