package; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; public class GuiQuestManagement extends MHFCGui implements IMHFCTab { private static final int startQuestHeight = 20; private static final int startQuestWidth = 120; private List<Slot> chestSlots; private int xSize, ySize; // TODO Change functionality of start button to a switch to vote that // actually does not just asume stuff private GuiButton cancelQuest, startQuest; private final EntityPlayer accessor; public GuiQuestManagement(List<Slot> chestSlots, EntityPlayer player) { this.accessor = player; this.chestSlots = chestSlots; this.xSize = 374; this.ySize = 220; cancelQuest = new GuiButton(0, 25, 10, 120, 20, "Cancel current Quest") { @Override public boolean mousePressed(Minecraft p_146116_1_, int p_146116_2_, int p_146116_3_) { if (super.mousePressed(p_146116_1_, p_146116_2_, p_146116_3_)) { PacketPipeline.networkPipe .sendToServer(new MessageMHFCInteraction(Interaction.FORFEIT_QUEST, new String[0])); return true; } return false; } }; startQuest = new GuiButton(0, 25, 10, startQuestWidth, startQuestHeight, "Set ready status") { // FIXME this assumes that have voted when you have a quest boolean voted = MHFCRegQuestVisual.hasPlayerQuest(); @Override public boolean mousePressed(Minecraft p_146116_1_, int p_146116_2_, int p_146116_3_) { if (super.mousePressed(p_146116_1_, p_146116_2_, p_146116_3_)) { if (!voted) { PacketPipeline.networkPipe .sendToServer(new MessageMHFCInteraction(Interaction.START_QUEST, new String[0])); accessor.closeScreen(); voted = true; } else { PacketPipeline.networkPipe .sendToServer(new MessageMHFCInteraction(Interaction.END_QUEST, new String[0])); voted = false; } return true; } return false; } @Override public void drawButton(Minecraft p_146112_1_, int p_146112_2_, int p_146112_3_) { this.displayString = voted ? "Unset ready status" : "Set ready status"; super.drawButton(p_146112_1_, p_146112_2_, p_146112_3_); } }; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void initGui() { buttonList.add(cancelQuest); buttonList.add(startQuest); super.initGui(); } @Override public void drawBackground(int p_146278_1_) { mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(MHFCRegQuestVisual.QUEST_BOARD_BACKGROUND); MHFCGuiUtil.drawTexturedBoxFromBorder(0, 0, this.zLevel, this.xSize, this.ySize, 0, 0, 1f, 1f); } @Override public void draw(double mousePosX, double mousePosY, float partialTick) { updateScreen(); drawBackground(0); String warning = "You are already on a quest"; int warnX = (xSize - fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(warning)) / 2, warnY = 60; fontRendererObj.drawString(warning, warnX, warnY, MHFCGuiUtil.COLOUR_TEXT); super.draw(mousePosX, mousePosY, partialTick); } @Override public boolean containsSlot(Slot slot) { if (slot.inventory instanceof InventoryPlayer) return true; return chestSlots == null ? false : chestSlots.contains(slot); } @Override public void updateTab() { cancelQuest.xPosition = xSize / 2 - cancelQuest.getButtonWidth() / 2; cancelQuest.yPosition = ySize / 2 + 5; startQuest.xPosition = xSize / 2 - startQuest.getButtonWidth() / 2; startQuest.yPosition = ySize / 2 - startQuestHeight - 10; } @Override public void updateScreen() { updateTab(); } @Override public void onClose() { super.onGuiClosed(); } @Override public void onOpen() { super.initGui(); } @Override protected void itemUpdated(IMHFCGuiItem item) {} }