package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; import; public abstract class SpawnControllerAdapter implements IQuestAreaSpawnController { public static interface Spawnable extends Function<World, Entity> {} public static class SpawnInformation { private Spawnable spawnable; private double relX, relY, relZ; public SpawnInformation(Spawnable entity, double relX, double relY, double relZ) { this.spawnable = entity; this.relX = relX; this.relY = relY; this.relZ = relZ; } public Spawnable getEntity() { return spawnable; } public void setEntity(Spawnable entity) { this.spawnable = entity; } public double getRelX() { return relX; } public void setRelX(double relX) { this.relX = relX; } public double getRelY() { return relY; } public void setRelY(double relY) { this.relY = relY; } public double getRelZ() { return relZ; } public void setRelZ(double relZ) { this.relZ = relZ; } } protected class WorldAccessor implements IWorldAccess { @Override public void markBlockForUpdate(int p_147586_1_, int p_147586_2_, int p_147586_3_) {} @Override public void markBlockForRenderUpdate(int p_147588_1_, int p_147588_2_, int p_147588_3_) {} @Override public void markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate( int p_147585_1_, int p_147585_2_, int p_147585_3_, int p_147585_4_, int p_147585_5_, int p_147585_6_) {} @Override public void playSound( String p_72704_1_, double p_72704_2_, double p_72704_4_, double p_72704_6_, float p_72704_8_, float p_72704_9_) {} @Override public void playSoundToNearExcept( EntityPlayer p_85102_1_, String p_85102_2_, double p_85102_3_, double p_85102_5_, double p_85102_7_, float p_85102_9_, float p_85102_10_) {} @Override public void spawnParticle( String p_72708_1_, double p_72708_2_, double p_72708_4_, double p_72708_6_, double p_72708_8_, double p_72708_10_, double p_72708_12_) {} @Override public void onEntityCreate(Entity entity) { Vec3 pos = Vec3.createVectorHelper(entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ); pos = SpawnControllerAdapter.this.worldView.convertToLocal(pos); if (!inArea(pos.xCoord, pos.yCoord, pos.zCoord)) return; SpawnControllerAdapter.this.controlEntity(entity); } @Override public void onEntityDestroy(Entity entity) { SpawnControllerAdapter.this.releaseEntity(entity); } @Override public void playRecord(String p_72702_1_, int p_72702_2_, int p_72702_3_, int p_72702_4_) {} @Override public void broadcastSound(int p_82746_1_, int p_82746_2_, int p_82746_3_, int p_82746_4_, int p_82746_5_) {} @Override public void playAuxSFX( EntityPlayer p_72706_1_, int p_72706_2_, int p_72706_3_, int p_72706_4_, int p_72706_5_, int p_72706_6_) {} @Override public void destroyBlockPartially( int p_147587_1_, int p_147587_2_, int p_147587_3_, int p_147587_4_, int p_147587_5_) {} @Override public void onStaticEntitiesChanged() {} } protected class TickerEntity extends TileEntity { public TickerEntity() { super(); xCoord = 0; yCoord = 0; zCoord = 0; tileEntityInvalid = false; } @Override public void updateEntity() { SpawnControllerAdapter.this.runSpawnCycle(); } } protected Set<Queue<Spawnable>> spawnQueues; protected Map<Class<? extends Entity>, Integer> aliveCount; protected Map<Class<? extends Entity>, Integer> spawnMaximum; protected Set<Entity> managedEntities; protected TileEntity tickerEntity; protected IWorldView worldView; protected IArea areaInstance; public void setAreaInstance(IArea areaInstance) { this.areaInstance = areaInstance; } public SpawnControllerAdapter(IWorldView worldView) { Objects.requireNonNull(worldView); this.worldView = worldView; this.spawnQueues = new HashSet<>(); this.aliveCount = new HashMap<>(); this.spawnMaximum = new HashMap<>(); this.managedEntities = new HashSet<>(); this.tickerEntity = new TickerEntity(); worldView.addWorldAccess(new WorldAccessor()); worldView.addTileEntity(tickerEntity); } @Override public void defaultSpawnsEnabled(boolean defaultSpawnsEnabled) { if (defaultSpawnsEnabled) enqueDefaultSpawns(); } protected abstract void enqueDefaultSpawns(); protected abstract SpawnInformation constructDefaultSpawnInformation(Spawnable entity); @Override public void spawnEntity(String entityID) { spawnEntity((world) -> EntityList.createEntityByName(entityID, world)); } @Override public void spawnEntity(String entityID, double x, double y, double z) { spawnEntity(new SpawnInformation((world) -> EntityList.createEntityByName(entityID, world), x, y, z)); } @Override public void spawnEntity(Spawnable entity) { spawnEntity(constructDefaultSpawnInformation(entity)); } public void spawnEntity(Spawnable entity, double x, double y, double z) { spawnEntity(new SpawnInformation(entity, x, y, z)); } @Override public void enqueueSpawns(Queue<Spawnable> qu) { spawnQueues.add(qu); } public void dequeueSpawns(Queue<Spawnable> qu) { spawnQueues.remove(qu); } @Override public void clearQueues() { spawnQueues.clear(); } @Override public void setGenerationMaximum(String entityID, int maxAmount) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends Entity> clazz = (Class<? extends Entity>) EntityList.stringToClassMapping.get(entityID); if (clazz == null) return; setGenerationMaximum(clazz, maxAmount); } @Override public <T extends Entity> void setGenerationMaximum(Class<T> entityclass, int maxAmount) { spawnMaximum.put(entityclass, maxAmount); } @Override public int clearArea() { List<Entity> allEntities = new ArrayList<>(managedEntities); return -> despawnEntity(e)).collect(Collectors.counting()).intValue(); } public Set<Entity> getControlledEntities() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.managedEntities); } @Override public int clearAreaOf(String entityClassID) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // This cast should be safe, EntityList does it itself Class<? extends Entity> clazz = (Class<? extends Entity>) EntityList.stringToClassMapping.get(entityClassID); if (clazz == null) return 0; List<Entity> allEntities = new ArrayList<>(managedEntities); return -> clazz.isInstance(e)).filter((e) -> despawnEntity(e)) .collect(Collectors.counting()).intValue(); } protected boolean inArea(double posX, double posY, double posZ) { return worldView.isManaged(posX, posY, posZ); } /** * Directly spawns the given entity at the position. Forces the spawn */ protected boolean spawnEntity(SpawnInformation information) { Entity entity = information.spawnable.apply(worldView.getWorldObject()); AreaTeleportation.assignAreaForEntity(entity, areaInstance); worldView.spawnEntityAt(entity, information.relX, information.relY, information.relZ); return controlEntity(entity); } /** * Directly despawns the entity (if it is managed) and removes it from this manager. * * @param entity * @return */ protected boolean despawnEntity(Entity entity) { worldView.removeEntity(entity); return releaseEntity(entity); } /** * This method should be called by all methods spawning an entity */ protected boolean controlEntity(Entity entity) { if (!managedEntities.add(entity)) return false; Class<? extends Entity> clazz = entity.getClass(); Integer count = aliveCount.getOrDefault(clazz, new Integer(0)); aliveCount.put(clazz, count.intValue() + 1); return true; } /** * This method should be called by all methods removing entities from the area. It only handles the internal lists * and maps, not the actual world. */ protected boolean releaseEntity(Entity entity) { if (!managedEntities.remove(entity)) return false; Class<? extends Entity> clazz = entity.getClass(); Integer count = aliveCount.get(clazz); aliveCount.put(clazz, count.intValue() - 1); return true; } @Override public void runSpawnCycle() { Iterator<Queue<Spawnable>> it = spawnQueues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Queue<Spawnable> spawnQ =; Spawnable firstEnt = spawnQ.peek(); if (firstEnt == null) it.remove(); if (spawnIfFreeSlots(firstEnt)) spawnQ.poll(); } } private boolean spawnIfFreeSlots(Spawnable firstEnt) { Entity entity = firstEnt.apply(worldView.getWorldObject()); if (aliveCount.getOrDefault(entity.getClass(), 0) >= spawnMaximum.getOrDefault(entity.getClass(), 0)) return false; spawnEntity((world) -> entity); return true; } }