package; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier; import java.util.function.DoubleSupplier; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.IntSupplier; import java.util.function.LongSupplier; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A Holder is the <b>immutable</b> version of an Any and the general basecase. * * @author WorldSEnder */ public final class Holder implements IValueHolder { private static class FailedComputationTag {} private static class ClassTag {} private static FailedComputationTag failedTag = new FailedComputationTag(); private static ClassTag classTag = new ClassTag(); private static interface Wrapper { /** * * @return <code>null</code> if not convertible, else a supplier */ BooleanSupplier asBool(); CharSupplier asChar(); ByteSupplier asByte(); ShortSupplier asShort(); IntSupplier asInt(); LongSupplier asLong(); FloatSupplier asFloat(); DoubleSupplier asDouble(); <T> Supplier<T> asObject(Class<T> clazz); Class<?> getWrappedClass(); Throwable checkError(); } private static abstract class BasicWrapper implements Wrapper { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> Supplier<T> asBoxedPrimitive(Class<T> clazz) { if (!clazz.isPrimitive()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("clazz must be primitive"); } if (boolean.class.equals(clazz)) { BooleanSupplier supp = asBool(); return supp == null ? null : () -> (T) Boolean.valueOf(supp.getAsBoolean()); } if (char.class.equals(clazz)) { CharSupplier supp = asChar(); return supp == null ? null : () -> (T) Character.valueOf(supp.getAsChar()); } if (byte.class.equals(clazz)) { ByteSupplier supp = asByte(); return supp == null ? null : () -> (T) Byte.valueOf(supp.getAsByte()); } if (short.class.equals(clazz)) { ShortSupplier supp = asShort(); return supp == null ? null : () -> (T) Short.valueOf(supp.getAsShort()); } if (int.class.equals(clazz)) { IntSupplier supp = asInt(); return supp == null ? null : () -> (T) Integer.valueOf(supp.getAsInt()); } if (long.class.equals(clazz)) { LongSupplier supp = asLong(); return supp == null ? null : () -> (T) Long.valueOf(supp.getAsLong()); } if (float.class.equals(clazz)) { FloatSupplier supp = asFloat(); return supp == null ? null : () -> (T) Float.valueOf(supp.getAsFloat()); } if (double.class.equals(clazz)) { DoubleSupplier supp = asDouble(); return supp == null ? null : () -> (T) Double.valueOf(supp.getAsDouble()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unreachable. Did java add another primitive type?"); } } private static abstract class PrimitiveWrapper<B> extends BasicWrapper { private Class<B> boxedClazz; public PrimitiveWrapper() { boxedClazz = Objects.requireNonNull(getBoxedClass()); } protected abstract B boxed(); protected abstract Class<B> getBoxedClass(); @Override public BooleanSupplier asBool() { return null; } @Override public CharSupplier asChar() { return null; } @Override public ByteSupplier asByte() { return null; } @Override public ShortSupplier asShort() { return null; } @Override public IntSupplier asInt() { return null; } @Override public LongSupplier asLong() { return null; } @Override public FloatSupplier asFloat() { return null; } @Override public DoubleSupplier asDouble() { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> Supplier<T> asObject(Class<T> clazz) { if (clazz.isPrimitive()) { return asBoxedPrimitive(clazz); } // 5.2 // A boxing conversion, optionally followed by a widening reference conversion if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(boxedClazz)) { return () -> (T) boxed(); } // TODO: maybe extend the cases of 5.2 to // A widening primitive conversion, then a boxing conversion (no widening reference conversion) return null; } @Override public Throwable checkError() { return null; } } private static class BooleanWrapper extends PrimitiveWrapper<Boolean> { private final boolean bool; public BooleanWrapper(boolean bool) { this.bool = bool; } @Override public BooleanSupplier asBool() { return () -> bool; } @Override protected Boolean boxed() { return Boolean.valueOf(bool); } @Override protected Class<Boolean> getBoxedClass() { return Boolean.class; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return boolean.class; } } private static class CharWrapper extends PrimitiveWrapper<Character> { private final char ch; public CharWrapper(char ch) { = ch; } @Override protected Character boxed() { return Character.valueOf(ch); } @Override protected Class<Character> getBoxedClass() { return Character.class; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return char.class; } } private static class ByteWrapper extends PrimitiveWrapper<Byte> { private final byte b; public ByteWrapper(byte b) { this.b = b; } @Override public ByteSupplier asByte() { return () -> this.b; } @Override public ShortSupplier asShort() { return () -> this.b; } @Override public IntSupplier asInt() { return () -> this.b; } @Override public LongSupplier asLong() { return () -> this.b; } @Override public FloatSupplier asFloat() { return () -> this.b; } @Override public DoubleSupplier asDouble() { return () -> this.b; } @Override protected Byte boxed() { return Byte.valueOf(b); } @Override protected Class<Byte> getBoxedClass() { return Byte.class; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return byte.class; } } private static class ShortWrapper extends PrimitiveWrapper<Short> { private final short sh; public ShortWrapper(short sh) { = sh; } @Override public ShortSupplier asShort() { return () ->; } @Override public IntSupplier asInt() { return () ->; } @Override public LongSupplier asLong() { return () ->; } @Override public FloatSupplier asFloat() { return () ->; } @Override public DoubleSupplier asDouble() { return () ->; } @Override protected Short boxed() { return Short.valueOf(sh); } @Override protected Class<Short> getBoxedClass() { return Short.class; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return short.class; } } private static class IntWrapper extends PrimitiveWrapper<Integer> { private final int i; public IntWrapper(int i) { this.i = i; } @Override public IntSupplier asInt() { return () -> this.i; } @Override public LongSupplier asLong() { return () -> this.i; } @Override public FloatSupplier asFloat() { return () -> this.i; } @Override public DoubleSupplier asDouble() { return () -> this.i; } @Override protected Integer boxed() { return Integer.valueOf(i); } @Override protected Class<Integer> getBoxedClass() { return Integer.class; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return int.class; } } private static class LongWrapper extends PrimitiveWrapper<Long> { private final long l; public LongWrapper(long l) { this.l = l; } @Override public LongSupplier asLong() { return () -> this.l; } @Override public FloatSupplier asFloat() { return () -> this.l; } @Override public DoubleSupplier asDouble() { return () -> this.l; } @Override protected Long boxed() { return Long.valueOf(l); } @Override protected Class<Long> getBoxedClass() { return Long.class; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return void.class; } } private static class FloatWrapper extends PrimitiveWrapper<Float> { private float f; public FloatWrapper(float f) { this.f = f; } @Override public FloatSupplier asFloat() { return () -> this.f; } @Override public DoubleSupplier asDouble() { return () -> this.f; } @Override protected Float boxed() { return Float.valueOf(f); } @Override protected Class<Float> getBoxedClass() { return Float.class; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return float.class; } } private static class DoubleWrapper extends PrimitiveWrapper<Double> { private final double d; public DoubleWrapper(double d) { this.d = d; } @Override public DoubleSupplier asDouble() { return () -> this.d; } @Override protected Double boxed() { return Double.valueOf(d); } @Override protected Class<Double> getBoxedClass() { return Double.class; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return double.class; } } private static class VoidWrapper extends PrimitiveWrapper<Void> { @Override public <T> Supplier<T> asObject(Class<T> clazz) { return null; } @Override protected Void boxed() { return null; } @Override protected Class<Void> getBoxedClass() { return Void.class; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return EMPTY_CLASS; } } private static final Wrapper VOID_WRAPPER = new VoidWrapper(); private static class ThrowableWrapper extends VoidWrapper { private final Throwable caught; public ThrowableWrapper(Throwable thr) { this.caught = thr; } @Override public Throwable checkError() { return this.caught; } } private static class ObjectWrapper extends BasicWrapper { private final Object obj; private final Class<?> clazz; private BooleanSupplier boolS; private CharSupplier charS; private ByteSupplier byteS; private ShortSupplier shortS; private IntSupplier intS; private LongSupplier longS; private FloatSupplier floatS; private DoubleSupplier doubleS; public ObjectWrapper(Object nonNull) { this(nonNull, nonNull.getClass()); } public ObjectWrapper(Class<?> of, ClassTag overload) { this(null, of); if (of.isPrimitive()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("of can't be primitive for null-values"); } } private ObjectWrapper(Object obj, Class<?> clazz) { this.obj = clazz.cast(obj); this.clazz = Objects.requireNonNull(clazz); updateSuppliers(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> T retrieveUnsafe() { return (T) obj; } private void updateSuppliers() { // 5.2 Allow unboxing, optionally followed by widening primitive conversion if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { this.boolS = () -> this.<Boolean>retrieveUnsafe().booleanValue(); } else if (Character.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { this.charS = () -> this.<Character>retrieveUnsafe().charValue(); } else if (Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { this.byteS = () -> this.<Byte>retrieveUnsafe().byteValue(); this.shortS = () -> this.<Byte>retrieveUnsafe().shortValue(); this.intS = () -> this.<Byte>retrieveUnsafe().intValue(); this.longS = () -> this.<Byte>retrieveUnsafe().longValue(); this.floatS = () -> this.<Byte>retrieveUnsafe().floatValue(); this.doubleS = () -> this.<Byte>retrieveUnsafe().doubleValue(); } else if (Short.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { this.shortS = () -> this.<Short>retrieveUnsafe().shortValue(); this.intS = () -> this.<Short>retrieveUnsafe().intValue(); this.longS = () -> this.<Short>retrieveUnsafe().longValue(); this.floatS = () -> this.<Short>retrieveUnsafe().floatValue(); this.doubleS = () -> this.<Short>retrieveUnsafe().doubleValue(); } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { this.intS = () -> this.<Integer>retrieveUnsafe().intValue(); this.longS = () -> this.<Integer>retrieveUnsafe().longValue(); this.floatS = () -> this.<Integer>retrieveUnsafe().floatValue(); this.doubleS = () -> this.<Integer>retrieveUnsafe().doubleValue(); } else if (Long.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { this.longS = () -> this.<Long>retrieveUnsafe().longValue(); this.floatS = () -> this.<Long>retrieveUnsafe().floatValue(); this.doubleS = () -> this.<Long>retrieveUnsafe().longValue(); } else if (Float.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { this.floatS = () -> this.<Float>retrieveUnsafe().floatValue(); this.doubleS = () -> this.<Float>retrieveUnsafe().doubleValue(); } else if (Double.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { this.doubleS = () -> this.<Double>retrieveUnsafe().doubleValue(); } } @Override public BooleanSupplier asBool() { return boolS; } @Override public CharSupplier asChar() { return charS; } @Override public ByteSupplier asByte() { return byteS; } @Override public ShortSupplier asShort() { return shortS; } @Override public IntSupplier asInt() { return intS; } @Override public LongSupplier asLong() { return longS; } @Override public FloatSupplier asFloat() { return floatS; } @Override public DoubleSupplier asDouble() { return doubleS; } @Override public <T> Supplier<T> asObject(Class<T> clazz) { if (clazz.isPrimitive()) { return asBoxedPrimitive(clazz); } if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(this.clazz)) { return () -> this.retrieveUnsafe(); } return null; } @Override public Throwable checkError() { return null; } @Override public Class<?> getWrappedClass() { return clazz; } } public static final Holder EMPTY = new Holder(); public static Holder empty() { return EMPTY; } public static final Holder FALSE = new Holder(false); public static final Holder TRUE = new Holder(true); public static Holder valueOf(boolean bool) { return bool ? TRUE : FALSE; } public static Holder valueOf(byte b) { return new Holder(b); } public static Holder valueOf(char c) { return new Holder(c); } public static Holder valueOf(short s) { return new Holder(s); } public static Holder valueOf(int i) { return new Holder(i); } public static Holder valueOf(long l) { return new Holder(l); } public static Holder valueOf(float f) { return new Holder(f); } public static Holder valueOf(double d) { return new Holder(d); } public static Holder valueOf(Object nonNull) { return new Holder(nonNull); } /** * Constructs a Holder of the object if the object is not null, else an empty Holder. * * @param o * @return */ public static Holder valueOrEmpty(Object o) { return o == null ? empty() : new Holder(o); } /** * If clazz represents a primitive class, unboxes o, otherwise wraps o into a Holder. Note that o shall always * represent the boxed form of clazz, but may be null if clazz is not primitve.<br> * If unboxing fails, returns a Holder with the conversion exception.<br> * This is primarily aimed at the unboxing of value retrieved by reflection, in which case you can write * #makeUnboxer(fieldType).apply(fieldValue) to retrieve the correct Holder wrapping the field. * * @param clazz * @return */ public static <T> Function<Object, Holder> makeUnboxer(Class<T> clazz) { if (void.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return t -> Holder.empty(); } if (boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return t -> Holder.valueOf(Boolean.class.cast(t).booleanValue()); } if (char.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return t -> Holder.valueOf(Character.class.cast(t).charValue()); } if (byte.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return t -> Holder.valueOf(Byte.class.cast(t).byteValue()); } if (short.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return t -> Holder.valueOf(Short.class.cast(t).shortValue()); } if (int.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return t -> Holder.valueOf(Integer.class.cast(t).intValue()); } if (long.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return t -> Holder.valueOf(Long.class.cast(t).longValue()); } if (float.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return t -> Holder.valueOf(Float.class.cast(t).floatValue()); } if (double.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return t -> Holder.valueOf(Double.class.cast(t).doubleValue()); } return t -> Holder.valueOf(clazz.cast(t), clazz); } public static Holder typedNull(Class<?> clazz) { return new Holder(clazz, classTag); } /** * Constructs a Holder of the value, or if null, one for the given class. * * @param object * the object to hold, possibly null * @param clazz * the exact class to hold if object is null * @return an engaged Holder that holds an object of the given Class. */ public static <F> Holder valueOf(F object, Class<? super F> clazz) { return object == null ? new Holder(clazz, classTag) : new Holder(object); } /** * Executes the supplier, if it throws an exception of type excClazz, it is caught and returned in a Holder, else * the computed Holder is returned.<br> * Usage: * * <pre> * <code> * return Holder.catching(NullPointerException.class, () -> { * return possiblyNull.compute(); * }); * </code> * </pre> * * Keep in mind that all exceptions <b>but E</b> are still thrown. * * @param excClazz * @param supplier * @return */ public static <E extends Throwable> Holder catching( Class<? extends E> excClazz, ThrowingSupplier<Holder, E> supplier) { try { return supplier.get(); } catch (Throwable thr) { MHFCMain.logger().catching(thr); Objects.requireNonNull(excClazz); if (excClazz.isInstance(thr)) { return Holder.catching(thr); } return ExceptionLessFunctions.throwUnchecked(thr); } } /** * The same as {@link #catching(Class, ThrowingSupplier)} but for supplier that only throw * {@link RuntimeException}s. Most of the time, instead of using this directly, try * {@link #snapshotSafely(IValueHolder)}. * * @param supplier * @return */ public static <E extends Throwable> Holder catching(ThrowingSupplier<Holder, E> supplier) { return Holder.catching(RuntimeException.class, supplier::get); } public static Holder catching(Throwable cause) { return new Holder(cause, failedTag); } public static Holder snapshotSafely(IValueHolder holder) { return Holder.catching(Throwable.class, holder::snapshot); } private final Wrapper wrap; /** * Any empty Any */ private Holder() { this.wrap = VOID_WRAPPER; } private Holder(boolean bool) { this(new BooleanWrapper(bool)); } private Holder(byte b) { this(new ByteWrapper(b)); } private Holder(char c) { this(new CharWrapper(c)); } private Holder(short s) { this(new ShortWrapper(s)); } private Holder(int i) { this(new IntWrapper(i)); } private Holder(long l) { this(new LongWrapper(l)); } private Holder(float f) { this(new FloatWrapper(f)); } private Holder(double d) { this(new DoubleWrapper(d)); } /** * An empty Any that is empty for a reason * * @param tag * ignored tag for overload * @param cause * the cause why this {@link Holder} is empty */ private Holder(Throwable cause, FailedComputationTag tag) { this(new ThrowableWrapper(cause)); } /** * Initializes the Any with an Object. If the value is <code>null</code>, this does the same as {@link #Holder()}. * If you want to enforce a type with the value, use {@link #Holder(Object, Class)}. * * @param value * the value to assign. * @see #valueOf(Object, Class) */ private Holder(Object value) { this.wrap = value == null ? VOID_WRAPPER : new ObjectWrapper(value); } private <F> Holder(Class<?> clazz, ClassTag tag) { this.wrap = new ObjectWrapper(clazz, tag); } private Holder(Wrapper wrap) { this.wrap = wrap; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Any)) { return false; } Holder o = (Holder) obj; // return this.contained.equals(other.contained); if (!this.isValid() || !o.isValid()) { return false; } Object thisBoxed = this.boxed(); Object otherBoxed = o.boxed(); return thisBoxed == null ? otherBoxed == null : thisBoxed.equals(otherBoxed); } public Object boxed() { return getAs(Object.class); } public Object boxedOrNull() { return getAs(Object.class, null); } /** * Check if an error is stored, if yes, throw, if no, return */ private void throwIfError() { Throwable th = this.wrap.checkError(); if (th == null) { return; } throw new IllegalStateException(th.toString(), th); } private ClassCastException failedConversion(Class<?> to) { return new ClassCastException("Can't convert from " + wrap.getWrappedClass() + " to " + to); } public boolean asBool() { throwIfError(); BooleanSupplier supply = this.wrap.asBool(); if (supply == null) { throw failedConversion(boolean.class); } return supply.getAsBoolean(); } public byte asByte() { throwIfError(); ByteSupplier supply = this.wrap.asByte(); if (supply == null) { throw failedConversion(byte.class); } return supply.getAsByte(); } public char asChar() { throwIfError(); CharSupplier supply = this.wrap.asChar(); if (supply == null) { throw failedConversion(char.class); } return supply.getAsChar(); } public short asShort() { throwIfError(); ShortSupplier supply = this.wrap.asShort(); if (supply == null) { throw failedConversion(short.class); } return supply.getAsShort(); } public int asInt() { throwIfError(); IntSupplier supply = this.wrap.asInt(); if (supply == null) { throw failedConversion(int.class); } return supply.getAsInt(); } public long asLong() { throwIfError(); LongSupplier supply = this.wrap.asLong(); if (supply == null) { throw failedConversion(long.class); } return supply.getAsLong(); } public float asFloat() { throwIfError(); FloatSupplier supply = this.wrap.asFloat(); if (supply == null) { throw failedConversion(float.class); } return supply.getAsFloat(); } public double asDouble() { throwIfError(); DoubleSupplier supply = this.wrap.asDouble(); if (supply == null) { throw failedConversion(double.class); } return supply.getAsDouble(); } /** * Returns the object stored in this any if it could be assigned to an object of the given class in a simple * expression <code>F object = getAs<F>(F.class)</code>. This includes auto-boxing. For example, when this class * holds an int, it is possible to say getAs(Integer.class) because <code>Integer a = 5;</code> is a legal * expression. * * @param fClazz * the class to cast to. It is legal to give primitive classes - although that won't get you far because * the value is boxed and unboxed anyway because with type erasure this method returns an Object * @return * @throws Throwable */ public <F> F getAs(Class<F> fClazz) { throwIfError(); Supplier<F> supply = this.wrap.asObject(fClazz); if (supply == null) { throw failedConversion(fClazz); } return supply.get(); } public <F> F getAs(Class<F> fClazz, F otherwise) { throwIfError(); Supplier<F> supply = this.wrap.asObject(fClazz); if (supply == null) { return otherwise; } return supply.get(); } /** * This Holder is said to be "valid" when it doesn't hold an error. * * @return */ public boolean isValid() { return this.wrap.checkError() == null; } /** * This Holder is said to be "engaged" when it isn't empty and doesn't hold an error. * * @return */ public boolean isEngaged() { return !EMPTY_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(wrap.getClass()); } /** * Returns true if this holder's value can be converted to the class clazz. <b>This does not mean that no exceptions * may be thrown during conversion</b>. For example, if this holder holds null of type {@link Integer}, this would * return <code>true</code> but during execution an {@link NullPointerException} will be thrown. * * @param clazz * @return */ public boolean holdsClass(Class<?> clazz) { return this.wrap.asObject(clazz) != null; } public Class<?> getType() { throwIfError(); return this.wrap.getWrappedClass(); } /** * * {@inheritDoc} * * @return */ @Override public Holder snapshot() { return this; } public Throwable getFailCause() { if (!isValid()) { return this.wrap.checkError(); } return null; } /** * "{error: <errorstring>}" if this holds an error.<br> * "void" if this is empty.<br> * otherwise the (boxed) held object.toString()<br> */ @Override public String toString() { if (!isValid()) { return "{error: " + this.wrap.checkError().toString() + "}"; } Object hold = boxedOrNull(); return hold == null ? "void" : hold.toString(); } /** * If this holds an exception, return this, otherwise call the function with this and return the result. * * @param supplier * @return */ public Holder ifValid(Function<Holder, Holder> mapping) { if (!this.isValid()) { return this; } return mapping.apply(this); } /** * Flat maps the function application. If the function returns null, an empty Holder is returned instead. * * @param classT * @param func * @return */ public <T> Holder ifValidMap(Class<T> classT, Function<T, Holder> func) { if (!this.isValid()) { return this; } Supplier<T> supp = this.wrap.asObject(classT); if (supp == null) { throw failedConversion(classT); } Holder ret = func.apply(supp.get()); return ret == null ? Holder.empty() : ret; } /** * Utility method to supply a back-up if normal calculations should fail.<br> * If {@link #isValid()}, return this, otherwise return {@link Supplier#get()} of the supplier given. * * @param supplier * @return * @see {@link #ifNotEngaged(Supplier)}: uses {@link #isEngaged()} to determine validity of itself */ public Holder ifInvalid(Supplier<Holder> supplier) { if (this.isValid()) { return this; } return supplier.get(); } /** * Utility method to supply a back-up if normal calculations returns no result.<br> * If {@link #isEngaged()}, return this, otherwise return {@link Supplier#get()} of the supplier given. * * @param supplier * @return * @see {@link #ifInvalid(Supplier)}: uses {@link #isValid()} to determine validity of itself */ public Holder ifNotEngaged(Supplier<Holder> supplier) { if (this.isEngaged()) { return this; } return supplier.get(); } /** * If this Holder represents an exception, return one that holds that exception as value, else return an empty * Holder. * * @return */ public Holder exceptionAsValue() { return Holder.valueOrEmpty(this.wrap.checkError()); } }