/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ class TestConversions { public static void main(String[] args) { run(); } static boolean testSuccess = true; public static boolean run() { boolean retSuccess = true; System.out.print("TestConversions"); i2b(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- i2b --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; i2c(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- i2c --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; i2s(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- i2s --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; i2l(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- i2l --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; l2i(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- l2i --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; i2f(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- i2f --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; i2d(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- i2d --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; l2f(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- l2f --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; l2d(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- l2d --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; f2d(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- f2d --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; f2l(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- f2l --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; f2i(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- f2i --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; d2i(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- d2i --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; d2l(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- d2l --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; d2f(); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- d2f --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; testFloatLimits(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); // testFloatLimits( Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE); // testFloatLimits(-Float.MAX_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE); // testFloatLimits(-99999F, 99999F); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- float_limits --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } retSuccess &= testSuccess; testSuccess = true; testDoubleLimits(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); // testDoubleLimits( Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE); // testDoubleLimits(-Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE); // testDoubleLimits(-99999D, 99999D); if (!testSuccess) { System.out.print("\n-- double_limits --"); System.out.println(" failed. ***************\n\n"); } if (retSuccess) System.out.println(" succeeded."); return retSuccess; } static void i2b() { byte x; x = i2b(0x0000007f); if (x != 127) { System.out.print("\nwant: 127\n got: "); System.out.println(i2b(0x0000007f)); testSuccess = false; } x = i2b(0x000000ff); if (x != -1) { System.out.print("\nwant: -1\n got: "); System.out.println(i2b(0x000000ff)); testSuccess = false; } x = i2b(0xffffffff); if (x != -1) { System.out.print("\nwant: -1\n got: "); System.out.println(i2b(0xffffffff)); testSuccess = false; } } static byte i2b(int i) { return (byte)i; } static void i2c() { int c = (int)i2c(0x0000007f); if (c != 127) { System.out.print("\nwant: 127\n got: "); System.out.println((int)i2c(0x0000007f)); testSuccess = false; } c = (int)i2c(0x000000ff); if (c != 255) { System.out.print("\nwant: 255\n got: "); System.out.println((int)i2c(0x000000ff)); testSuccess = false; } c = (int)i2c(0xffffffff); if (c != 65535) { System.out.print("\nwant: 65535\n got: "); System.out.println((int)i2c(0xffffffff)); testSuccess = false; } } static char i2c(int i) { return (char)i; } static void i2s() { short x; x = i2s(0x00007fff); if (x != 32767) { System.out.print("\nwant: 32767\n got: "); System.out.println(i2s(0x00007fff)); testSuccess = false; } x = i2s(0x0000ffff); if (x != -1) { System.out.print("\nwant: -1\n got: "); System.out.println(i2s(0x0000ffff)); testSuccess = false; } } static short i2s(int i) { return (short)i; } static void i2l() { long l = i2l(0x7fffffff); if (l != 2147483647L) { System.out.print("\nwant: 2147483647\n got: "); System.out.println(i2l(0x7fffffff)); testSuccess = false; } l = i2l(0xffffffff); if (l != -1) { System.out.print("\nwant: -1\n got: "); System.out.println(i2l(0xffffffff)); testSuccess = false; } } static long i2l(int i) { return (long)i; } static void l2i() { int i = l2i(0x000000007fffffffL); if (i != 2147483647) { System.out.print("\nwant: 2147483647\n got: "); System.out.println(l2i(0x000000007fffffffL)); testSuccess = false; } i = l2i(0x00000000ffffffffL); if (i != -1) { System.out.print("\nwant: -1\n got: "); System.out.println(l2i(0x00000000ffffffffL)); testSuccess = false; } } static int l2i(long i) { return (int)i; } static void i2f() { if (i2f(-2) != -2.0) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2.0\n got: "); System.out.println(i2f(-2)); testSuccess = false; } } static float i2f(int i) { return (float)i; } static void l2f() { if (l2f(-2L) != -2.0) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2.0\n got: "); System.out.println(l2f(-2L)); testSuccess = false; } } static float l2f(long i) { return (float)i; } static void l2d() { if (l2d(-2L) != -2.0) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2.0\n got: "); System.out.println(l2d(-2L)); testSuccess = false; } } static double l2d(long i) { return (double)i; } static void i2d() { if (i2d(-2) != -2.0) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2.0\n got: "); System.out.println(i2d(-2)); testSuccess = false; } } static double i2d(int i) { return (double)i; } static void f2d() { if (f2d(-2.6F) != -2.5999999046325684D) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2.5999999046325684\n got: "); System.out.println(f2d(-2.6F)); testSuccess = false; } } static double f2d(float f) { return (double)f; } static void f2l() { if (f2l(-2.6F) != -2) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2\n got: "); System.out.println(f2l(-2.6F)); testSuccess = false; } } static long f2l(float f) { return (long)f; } static void f2i() { if (f2i(-2.6F) != -2) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2\n got: "); System.out.println(f2i(-2.6F)); testSuccess = false; } } static int f2i(float f) { return (int)f; } static void d2i() { if (d2i(-2.6) != -2) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2\n got: "); System.out.println(d2i(-2.6)); testSuccess = false; } } static int d2i(double d) { return (int)d; } static void d2l() { if (d2l(-2.6) != -2) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2\n got: "); System.out.println(d2l(-2.6)); testSuccess = false; } } static long d2l(double d) { return (long)d; } static void d2f() { if (d2f(-2.6) != -2.6F) { System.out.print("\nwant: -2.6\n got: "); System.out.println(d2f(-2.6)); testSuccess = false; } } static float d2f(double d) { return (float)d; } static void testFloatLimits(float lo, float hi) { // System.out.println(); if ((!Float.toString(lo).equals("-Infinity")) || (!Float.toString(hi).equals("Infinity"))) { System.out.println("\nfloat: " + lo + " .. " + hi); testSuccess = false; } if ((!Long.toString((long)lo).equals("-9223372036854775808")) || (!Long.toString((long)hi).equals("9223372036854775807"))) { System.out.println("\nlong: " + (long)lo + " .. " + (long)hi); testSuccess = false; } if ((!Integer.toString((int)lo).equals("-2147483648")) || (!Integer.toString((int)hi).equals("2147483647"))) { System.out.println("\nint: " + (int)lo + " .. " + (int)hi); testSuccess = false; } } static void testDoubleLimits(double lo, double hi) { // System.out.println(); Double dbl1 = new Double(lo), dbl2 = new Double(hi); if ((!dbl1.toString().equals("-Infinity")) || (!dbl2.toString().equals("Infinity"))) { System.out.println("\ndouble: " + lo + " .. " + hi); testSuccess = false; } if ((!Long.toString((long)lo).equals("-9223372036854775808")) || (!Long.toString((long)hi).equals("9223372036854775807"))) { System.out.println("\nlong: " + (long)lo + " .. " + (long)hi); testSuccess = false; } if ((!Integer.toString((int)lo).equals("-2147483648")) || (!Integer.toString((int)hi).equals("2147483647"))) { System.out.println("\nint: " + (int)lo + " .. " + (int)hi); testSuccess = false; } } }