/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.VM_Entrypoints; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.VM_Magic; import org.jikesrvm.scheduler.VM_Synchronization; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Interruptible; import org.vmmagic.pragma.NoInline; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; import org.vmmagic.pragma.UninterruptibleNoWarn; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * Various service utilities. This is a common place for some shared utility routines */ @Uninterruptible public class VM_Services implements VM_SizeConstants { /** * Biggest buffer you would possibly need for {@link #dump(char[], int)} * Modify this if you modify that method. */ public static final int MAX_DUMP_LEN = 10 /* for thread ID */ + 7 + 5 + 5 + 11 + 5 + 10 + 13 + 17 + 10; /** Pre-allocate the dump buffer, since dump() might get called inside GC. */ private static final char[] dumpBuffer = new char[MAX_DUMP_LEN]; @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "CanBeFinal", "UnusedDeclaration"})// accessed via VM_EntryPoints private static int dumpBufferLock = 0; /** Reset at boot time. */ private static Offset dumpBufferLockOffset = Offset.max(); /** * A map of hexadecimal digit values to their character representations. * <P> * XXX We currently only use '0' through '9'. The rest are here pending * possibly merging this code with the similar code in Log.java, or breaking * this code out into a separate utility class. */ private static final char [] hexDigitCharacter = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; /** * How many characters we need to have in a buffer for building string * representations of <code>long</code>s, such as {@link #intBuffer}. A * <code>long</code> is a signed 64-bit integer in the range -2^63 to * 2^63+1. The number of digits in the decimal representation of 2^63 is * ceiling(log10(2^63)) == ceiling(63 * log10(2)) == 19. An extra character * may be required for a minus sign (-). So the maximum number of characters * is 20. */ private static final int INT_BUFFER_SIZE = 20; /** A buffer for building string representations of <code>long</code>s */ private static final char [] intBuffer = new char[INT_BUFFER_SIZE]; /** A lock for {@link #intBuffer} */ @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "CanBeFinal", "UnusedDeclaration"})// accessed via VM_EntryPoints private static int intBufferLock = 0; /** The offset of {@link #intBufferLock} in this class's TIB. * This is set properly at boot time, even though it's a * <code>private</code> variable. . */ private static Offset intBufferLockOffset = Offset.max(); /** * Called during the boot sequence, any time before we go multi-threaded. We * do this so that we can leave the lockOffsets set to -1 until the VM * actually needs the locking (and is running multi-threaded). */ public static void boot() { dumpBufferLockOffset = VM_Entrypoints.dumpBufferLockField.getOffset(); intBufferLockOffset = VM_Entrypoints.intBufferLockField.getOffset(); } public static char[] grabDumpBuffer() { if (!dumpBufferLockOffset.isMax()) { while (!VM_Synchronization.testAndSet(VM_Magic.getJTOC(), dumpBufferLockOffset, 1)) { ; } } return dumpBuffer; } public static void releaseDumpBuffer() { if (!dumpBufferLockOffset.isMax()) { VM_Synchronization.fetchAndStore(VM_Magic.getJTOC(), dumpBufferLockOffset, 0); } } /** Copy a String into a character array. * * This function may be called during GC and may be used in conjunction * with the MMTk {@link org.mmtk.utility.Log} class. It avoids write barriers and allocation. * <p> * XXX This function should probably be moved to a sensible location where * we can use it as a utility. Suggestions welcome. * <P> * * @param dest char array to copy into. * @param destOffset Offset into <code>dest</code> where we start copying * * @return 1 plus the index of the last character written. If we were to * write zero characters (which we won't) then we would return * <code>offset</code>. This is intended to represent the first * unused position in the array <code>dest</code>. However, it also * serves as a pseudo-overflow check: It may have the value * <code>dest.length</code>, if the array <code>dest</code> was * completely filled by the call, or it may have a value greater * than <code>dest.length</code>, if the info needs more than * <code>dest.length - offset</code> characters of space. * * @return -1 if <code>offset</code> is negative. * * the MMTk {@link org.mmtk.utility.Log} class). */ public static int sprintf(char[] dest, int destOffset, String s) { final char[] sArray = java.lang.JikesRVMSupport.getBackingCharArray(s); return sprintf(dest, destOffset, sArray); } public static int sprintf(char[] dest, int destOffset, char[] src) { return sprintf(dest, destOffset, src, 0, src.length); } /** Copies characters from <code>src</code> into the destination character * array <code>dest</code>. * * The first character to be copied is at index <code>srcBegin</code>; the * last character to be copied is at index <code>srcEnd-1</code>. (This is * the same convention as followed by java.lang.String#getChars). * * @param dest char array to copy into. * @param destOffset Offset into <code>dest</code> where we start copying * @param src Char array to copy from * @param srcStart index of the first character of <code>src</code> to copy. * @param srcEnd index after the last character of <code>src</code> to copy. */ public static int sprintf(char[] dest, int destOffset, char[] src, int srcStart, int srcEnd) { for (int i = srcStart; i < srcEnd; ++i) { char nextChar = getArrayNoBarrier(src, i); destOffset = sprintf(dest, destOffset, nextChar); } return destOffset; } public static int sprintf(char[] dest, int destOffset, char c) { if (destOffset < 0) { // bounds check return -1; } if (destOffset < dest.length) { setArrayNoBarrier(dest, destOffset, c); } return destOffset + 1; } /** Copy the printed decimal representation of a long into * a character array. The value is not padded and no * thousands seperator is copied. If the value is negative a * leading minus sign (-) is copied. * * This function may be called during GC and may be used in conjunction * with the Log class. It avoids write barriers and allocation. * <p> * XXX This function should probably be moved to a sensible location where * we can use it as a utility. Suggestions welcome. * <p> * XXX This method's implementation is stolen from the {@link org.mmtk.utility.Log} class. * * @param dest char array to copy into. * @param offset Offset into <code>dest</code> where we start copying * * @return 1 plus the index of the last character written. If we were to * write zero characters (which we won't) then we would return * <code>offset</code>. This is intended to represent the first * unused position in the array <code>dest</code>. However, it also * serves as a pseudo-overflow check: It may have the value * <code>dest.length</code>, if the array <code>dest</code> was * completely filled by the call, or it may have a value greater * than <code>dest.length</code>, if the info needs more than * <code>dest.length - offset</code> characters of space. * * @return -1 if <code>offset</code> is negative. */ public static int sprintf(char[] dest, int offset, long l) { boolean negative = l < 0; int nextDigit; char nextChar; int index = INT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1; char[] intBuffer = grabIntBuffer(); nextDigit = (int) (l % 10); nextChar = getArrayNoBarrier(hexDigitCharacter, negative ? -nextDigit : nextDigit); setArrayNoBarrier(intBuffer, index--, nextChar); l = l / 10; while (l != 0) { nextDigit = (int) (l % 10); nextChar = getArrayNoBarrier(hexDigitCharacter, negative ? -nextDigit : nextDigit); setArrayNoBarrier(intBuffer, index--, nextChar); l = l / 10; } if (negative) { setArrayNoBarrier(intBuffer, index--, '-'); } int newOffset = sprintf(dest, offset, intBuffer, index + 1, INT_BUFFER_SIZE); releaseIntBuffer(); return newOffset; } /** * Get exclusive access to {@link #intBuffer}, the buffer for building * string representations of integers. */ private static char[] grabIntBuffer() { if (!intBufferLockOffset.isMax()) { while (!VM_Synchronization.testAndSet(VM_Magic.getJTOC(), intBufferLockOffset, 1)) { ; } } return intBuffer; } /** * Release {@link #intBuffer}, the buffer for building string * representations of integers. */ private static void releaseIntBuffer() { if (!intBufferLockOffset.isMax()) { VM_Synchronization.fetchAndStore(VM_Magic.getJTOC(), intBufferLockOffset, 0); } } /** * Utility printing function. * @param i * @param blank */ @Interruptible public static String getHexString(int i, boolean blank) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(8); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++, i <<= 4) { int n = i >>> 28; if (blank && (n == 0) && (j != 7)) { buf.append(' '); } else { buf.append(Character.forDigit(n, 16)); blank = false; } } return buf.toString(); } @NoInline public static void breakStub() { } static void println() { VM.sysWrite("\n"); } static void print(String s) { VM.sysWrite(s); } static void println(String s) { print(s); println(); } static void print(int i) { VM.sysWrite(i); } static void println(int i) { print(i); println(); } static void print(String s, int i) { print(s); print(i); } static void println(String s, int i) { print(s, i); println(); } public static void percentage(int numerator, int denominator, String quantity) { print("\t"); if (denominator > 0) { print((int) ((((double) numerator) * 100.0) / ((double) denominator))); } else { print("0"); } print("% of "); println(quantity); } static void percentage(long numerator, long denominator, String quantity) { print("\t"); if (denominator > 0L) { print((int) ((((double) numerator) * 100.0) / ((double) denominator))); } else { print("0"); } print("% of "); println(quantity); } /** * Sets an element of a object array without invoking any write * barrier. * * @param dst the destination array * @param index the index of the element to set * @param value the new value for the element */ @UninterruptibleNoWarn public static void setArrayNoBarrier(Object[] dst, int index, Object value) { if (VM.runningVM) VM_Magic.setObjectAtOffset(dst, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS), value); else dst[index] = value; } /** * Sets an element of a char array without invoking any write * barrier. This method is called by the Log method, as it will be * used during garbage collection and needs to manipulate character * arrays without causing a write barrier operation. * * @param dst the destination array * @param index the index of the element to set * @param value the new value for the element */ public static void setArrayNoBarrier(char[] dst, int index, char value) { if (VM.runningVM) VM_Magic.setCharAtOffset(dst, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_CHAR), value); else dst[index] = value; } /** * Gets an element of an Object array without invoking any read * barrier or performing bounds checks. * * @param src the source array * @param index the natural array index of the element to get * @return the new value of element */ public static Object getArrayNoBarrier(Object[] src, int index) { if (VM.runningVM) return VM_Magic.getObjectAtOffset(src, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)); else return src[index]; } /** * Gets an element of an int array without invoking any read barrier * or performing bounds checks. * * @param src the source array * @param index the natural array index of the element to get * @return the new value of element */ public static int getArrayNoBarrier(int[] src, int index) { if (VM.runningVM) return VM_Magic.getIntAtOffset(src, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_INT)); else return src[index]; } /** * Gets an element of a char array without invoking any read barrier * or performing bounds check. * * @param src the source array * @param index the natural array index of the element to get * @return the new value of element */ public static char getArrayNoBarrier(char[] src, int index) { if (VM.runningVM) return VM_Magic.getCharAtOffset(src, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_CHAR)); else return src[index]; } /** * Gets an element of a byte array without invoking any read barrier * or bounds check. * * @param src the source array * @param index the natural array index of the element to get * @return the new value of element */ public static byte getArrayNoBarrier(byte[] src, int index) { if (VM.runningVM) return VM_Magic.getByteAtOffset(src, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(index)); else return src[index]; } /** * Gets an element of an array of byte arrays without causing the potential * thread switch point that array accesses normally cause. * * @param src the source array * @param index the index of the element to get * @return the new value of element */ public static byte[] getArrayNoBarrier(byte[][] src, int index) { if (VM.runningVM) return VM_Magic.addressAsByteArray(VM_Magic.objectAsAddress(VM_Magic.getObjectAtOffset(src, Offset.fromIntZeroExtend(index << LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)))); else return src[index]; } }