/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.plan.semispace.gcspy; import org.mmtk.plan.GCspyPlan; import org.mmtk.plan.Phase; import org.mmtk.plan.semispace.SS; import org.mmtk.policy.CopySpace; import org.mmtk.policy.LargeObjectSpace; import org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers.AbstractDriver; import org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers.LinearSpaceDriver; import org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers.ImmortalSpaceDriver; import org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers.TreadmillDriver; import org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.GCspy; import org.mmtk.utility.Log; import org.mmtk.utility.options.Options; import org.vmmagic.pragma.*; /** * This class extends a simple semi-space collector to instrument it for * GCspy. <p> * * See the Jones & Lins GC book, section 2.2 for an overview of the basic * algorithm. This implementation also includes a large object space * (LOS), and an uncollected "immortal" space.<p> * * All plans make a clear distinction between <i>global</i> and * <i>thread-local</i> activities. Global activities must be * synchronized, whereas no synchronization is required for * thread-local activities. Instances of Plan map 1:1 to "kernel * threads" (aka CPUs or in Jikes RVM, VM_Processors). Thus instance * methods allow fast, unsychronized access to Plan utilities such as * allocation and collection. Each instance rests on static resources * (such as memory and virtual memory resources) which are "global" * and therefore "static" members of Plan. This mapping of threads to * instances is crucial to understanding the correctness and * performance proprties of this plan. * * FIXME This seems to have changed * The order of phases and GCspy actions is important here. It is: * PREPARE phase * SSGCspyMutator.gcspyGatherData(SSGCspy.BEFORE_COLLECTION); // safepoint * SSMutator.PREPARE // FIXME DOES NOT ss.rebind(SS.toSpace()); * * PREPARE phase * SS.PREPARE // flip semispaces * gcspySpace.prepare(); * SSGCspyCollector.gcspyGatherData(SSGCspy.BEFORE_COLLECTION); * SSCollector.PREPARE // ss.rebind(SS.toSpace()); * * * FORWARD_FINALIZABLE phase * SSCollector.FORWARD_FINALIZABLE * SSGCspyCollector.gcspyGatherData(SSGCspy.SEMISPACE_COPIED); * * RELEASE phase * SSGCspyMutator.gcspyGatherData(SSGCspy.SEMISPACE_COPIED); // safepoint * SSMutator.RELEASE // FIXME ss.rebind(SS.toSpace()); * SSGCspyMutator.gcspyGatherData(SSGCspy.AFTER_COLLECTION); * * RELEASE phase * SSCollector.RELEASE * SSGCspyCollector.gcspyGatherData(SSGCspy.AFTER_COLLECTION); * SS.RELEASE * gcspySpace.release(); * SSGCspy.gcspyGatherData(); // safepoint * * Note that SSMutator has changed the point at which it rebinds toSpace * from PREPARE (2.4.6) to after RELEASE (3.x.x). * --Phase Collector.initiate --Phase Mutator.initiate-mutator --Phase Mutator.prepare-mutator SSGCspyMutator.gcspyGatherData, event=0 --Phase Plan.prepare --Phase Collector.prepare SSGCspyCollector.gcspyGatherData, event=0 --Phase Collector.precopy --Phase Collector.bootimage-root --Phase Collector.root --Phase Plan.root --Phase Collector.start-closure --Phase Collector.soft-ref --Phase Collector.complete-closure --Phase Collector.weak-ref --Phase Collector.finalize --Phase Collector.complete-closure --Phase Collector.phantom-ref --Phase Collector.forward-ref --Phase Collector.forward-finalize SSGCspyCollector.gcspyGatherData, event=1 --Phase Mutator.release-mutator SSGCspyMutator.gcspyGatherData, event=1 SSGCspyMutator.gcspyGatherData, event=2 --Phase Collector.release SSGCspyCollector.gcspyGatherData, event=2 --Phase Plan.release SSGCspy.gcspyGatherData, event=2 --Phase Collector.complete --Phase Plan.complete */ @Uninterruptible public class SSGCspy extends SS implements GCspyPlan { /**************************************************************************** * * Class variables */ // The events, BEFORE_COLLECTION, SEMISPACE_COPIED or AFTER_COLLECTION /** * Before a collection has started, * i.e. before SS.collectionPhase(SS.PREPARE,..). */ static final int BEFORE_COLLECTION = 0; /** * After the semispace has been copied and the large object space has been traced * At this time the Large Object Space has not been swept. */ static final int SEMISPACE_COPIED = BEFORE_COLLECTION + 1; /** * The collection is complete, * i.e. immediately after SS.collectionPhase(SS.RELEASE,..). * The Large Object Space has been swept. */ static final int AFTER_COLLECTION = SEMISPACE_COPIED + 1; static int gcspyEvent_ = BEFORE_COLLECTION; // The specific drivers for this collector static LinearSpaceDriver ss0Driver; static LinearSpaceDriver ss1Driver; static ImmortalSpaceDriver immortalDriver; static TreadmillDriver losNurseryDriver; static TreadmillDriver losDriver; static TreadmillDriver plosNurseryDriver; static TreadmillDriver plosDriver; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; static { GCspy.createOptions(); } /** * Start the server and wait if necessary. * This method has the following responsibilities. * <ol> * <li> Create and initialise the GCspy server by calling. * <pre>server = ServerInterpreter.init(name, portNumber, verbose);</pre> * <li> Add each event to the ServerInterpreter * <pre>server.addEvent(eventID, eventName);</pre> * <li> Set some general information about the server (e.g. name of the collector, build, etc). * <pre>server.setGeneralInfo(info); </pre> * <li> Create new drivers for each component to be visualised. * <pre>myDriver = new MyDriver(server, args...);</pre> * Drivers extend AbstractDriver and register their spce with the * ServerInterpreter. In addition to the server, drivers will take as * arguments the name of the space, the MMTk space, the tilesize, and * whether this space is to be the main space in the visualiser. * </ol> * * WARNING: allocates memory. * @param wait Whether to wait * @param port The port to talk to the GCspy client (e.g. visualiser) */ @Interruptible public final void startGCspyServer(int port, boolean wait) { GCspy.server.init("SemiSpaceServerInterpreter", port, true/*verbose*/); if (DEBUG) Log.writeln("SSGCspy: ServerInterpreter initialised"); GCspy.server.addEvent(BEFORE_COLLECTION, "Before collection"); GCspy.server.addEvent(SEMISPACE_COPIED, "Semispace copied; LOS traced"); GCspy.server.addEvent(AFTER_COLLECTION, "After collection; LOS swept"); GCspy.server.setGeneralInfo( "SSGCspy\n\nRichard Jones, October 2006\\http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/~rej/"); if (DEBUG) Log.writeln("SSGCspy: events added to ServerInterpreter"); // Initialise each driver ss0Driver = newLinearSpaceDriver("Semispace 0 Space", copySpace0, true); ss1Driver = newLinearSpaceDriver("Semispace 1 Space", copySpace1, false); immortalDriver = new ImmortalSpaceDriver( GCspy.server, "Immortal Space", immortalSpace, Options.gcspyTileSize.getValue(), false); losNurseryDriver = newTreadmillDriver("LOS Nursery", loSpace); losDriver = newTreadmillDriver("LOS", loSpace); plosNurseryDriver = newTreadmillDriver("Primitive LOS Nursery", ploSpace); plosDriver = newTreadmillDriver("PLOS", ploSpace); if (DEBUG) Log.write("SemiServerInterpreter initialised\n"); // Register drivers to allow immortal space to notify direct references immortalDriver.registerDriversForReferenceNotification( new AbstractDriver[] {ss0Driver, ss1Driver, immortalDriver, losNurseryDriver, losDriver, plosNurseryDriver, plosDriver}); if (DEBUG) Log.writeln("SSGCspy: registered drivers"); gcspyEvent_ = BEFORE_COLLECTION; // Start the server GCspy.server.startServer(wait); } /** * Create a new LinearSpaceDriver * TODO is this the best name or should we call it LargeObjectSpaceDriver? * @param name Name of the space * @param space The space * @return A new GCspy driver for this space */ @Interruptible private LinearSpaceDriver newLinearSpaceDriver(String name, CopySpace space, boolean mainSpace) { // TODO What if tileSize is too small (i.e. too many tiles for GCspy buffer) // TODO stop the GCspy spaces in the visualiser from fluctuating in size // so much as we resize them. return new LinearSpaceDriver(GCspy.server, name, space, Options.gcspyTileSize.getValue(), mainSpace); } /** * Create a new TreadmillDriver * TODO is this the best name or should we call it LargeObjectSpaceDriver? * @param name Name of the space * @param space The space * @return A new GCspy driver for this space */ @Interruptible private TreadmillDriver newTreadmillDriver(String name, LargeObjectSpace space) { return new TreadmillDriver(GCspy.server, name, space, Options.gcspyTileSize.getValue(), LOS_SIZE_THRESHOLD, false); } /**************************************************************************** * * Collection */ /** * Perform a (global) collection phase. * * @param phaseId Collection phase */ @Inline public void collectionPhase(short phaseId) { if (DEBUG) { Log.write("--Phase Plan."); Log.writeln(Phase.getName(phaseId)); } if (phaseId == SSGCspy.PREPARE) { super.collectionPhase(phaseId); gcspySpace.prepare(); return; } if (phaseId == SSGCspy.RELEASE) { super.collectionPhase(phaseId); gcspySpace.release(); //if (primary) gcspyGatherData(SSGCspy.AFTER_COLLECTION); return; } super.collectionPhase(phaseId); } /** * Gather data for GCspy for the semispaces, the immortal space and the large * object space. * <p> * This method sweeps the semispace under consideration to gather data. * Alternatively and more efficiently, 'used space' can obviously be * discovered in constant time simply by comparing the start and the end * addresses of the semispace. However, per-object information can only be * gathered by sweeping through the space and we do this here for tutorial * purposes. * * @param event * The event, either BEFORE_COLLECTION, SEMISPACE_COPIED or * AFTER_COLLECTION */ private void gcspyGatherData(int event) { if(DEBUG) { Log.writeln("SSGCspy.gcspyGatherData, event=", event); Log.writeln("SSGCspy.gcspyGatherData, port=", GCspy.getGCspyPort()); } // If port = 0 there can be no GCspy client connected if (GCspy.getGCspyPort() == 0) return; // This is a safepoint for the server, i.e. it is a point at which // the server can pause. // The Mutator is called after the Collector so the Mutator must set the safepoint if(DEBUG) Log.writeln("SSGCspy safepoint"); GCspy.server.serverSafepoint(event); } /**************************************************************************** * * Accounting */ /** * Return the number of pages reserved for use given the pending * allocation. This is <i>exclusive of</i> space reserved for * copying. * * @return The number of pages reserved given the pending * allocation, excluding space reserved for copying. */ public final int getPagesUsed() { return super.getPagesUsed() + gcspySpace.reservedPages(); } /** * Report information on the semispaces */ static void reportSpaces() { Log.write("\n Low semispace: "); Log.write(SSGCspy.copySpace0.getStart()); Log.write(" - "); Log.write(SSGCspy.copySpace0.getStart() .plus(SSGCspy.copySpace0.getExtent())); Log.write("\n High semispace: "); Log.write(SSGCspy.copySpace1.getStart()); Log.write(" - "); Log.write(SSGCspy.copySpace1.getStart() .plus(SSGCspy.copySpace1.getExtent())); Log.flush(); } }