/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.osr.ppc; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.VM_Constants; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_NormalMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.VM_BaselineCompiledMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ppc.VM_Compiler; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.VM_CompiledMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.VM_CompiledMethods; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.VM_OptCompiledMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ppc.OPT_PhysicalRegisterConstants; import org.jikesrvm.osr.OSR_BytecodeTraverser; import org.jikesrvm.osr.OSR_Constants; import org.jikesrvm.osr.OSR_ExecStateExtractor; import org.jikesrvm.osr.OSR_ExecutionState; import org.jikesrvm.osr.OSR_VariableElement; import org.jikesrvm.ppc.VM_BaselineConstants; import org.jikesrvm.ppc.VM_Registers; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.VM_Magic; import org.jikesrvm.scheduler.VM_Thread; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.LocalAddress; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.WordArray; /** * OSR_BaselineExecStateExtractor retrieves the runtime state from a suspended * thread whose top method was compiled by a baseline compiler. */ public abstract class OSR_BaselineExecStateExtractor extends OSR_ExecStateExtractor implements VM_Constants, OSR_Constants, VM_BaselineConstants, OPT_PhysicalRegisterConstants { /** * Implements OSR_ExecStateExtractor.extractState. */ public OSR_ExecutionState extractState(VM_Thread thread, Offset tsFromFPoff, Offset methFPoff, int cmid) { /* performs architecture and compiler dependent operations here * * When a thread is hung called from baseline compiled code, * the hierarchy of calls on stack looks like follows * ( starting from FP in the FP register ): * * morph * yield * threadSwitch * threadSwitchFrom[Prologue|Backedge|Epilong] * foo ( real method ). * * The returned OSR_ExecutionState should have following * * current thread * compiled method ID of "foo" * fp of foo's stack frame * bytecode index of foo's next instruction * the list of variable,value of foo at that point * which method (foo) */ if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) { VM.sysWriteln("BASE execStateExtractor starting ..."); } VM_Registers contextRegisters = (VM_Registers)thread.getContextRegisters(); byte[] stack = thread.getStack(); if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { int fooCmid = VM_Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack, methFPoff.plus(STACKFRAME_METHOD_ID_OFFSET)); VM._assert(fooCmid == cmid); } VM_BaselineCompiledMethod fooCM = (VM_BaselineCompiledMethod) VM_CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(cmid); VM_NormalMethod fooM = (VM_NormalMethod) fooCM.getMethod(); // get the next bc index VM.disableGC(); LocalAddress rowIP = VM_Magic.objectAsLocalAddress(stack).loadLocalAddress(methFPoff.plus(STACKFRAME_NEXT_INSTRUCTION_OFFSET)); Offset ipOffset = fooCM.getInstructionOffset(rowIP); VM.enableGC(); // CAUTION: IP Offset should point to next instruction int bcIndex = fooCM.findBytecodeIndexForInstruction(ipOffset.plus(INSTRUCTION_WIDTH)); // assertions if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(bcIndex != -1); // create execution state object OSR_ExecutionState state = new OSR_ExecutionState(thread, methFPoff, cmid, bcIndex, tsFromFPoff); /* extract values for local and stack, but first of all * we need to get type information for current PC. */ OSR_BytecodeTraverser typer = new OSR_BytecodeTraverser(); typer.computeLocalStackTypes(fooM, bcIndex); byte[] localTypes = typer.getLocalTypes(); byte[] stackTypes = typer.getStackTypes(); // consult GC reference map again since the type matcher does not complete // the flow analysis, it can not distinguish reference or non-reference // type. We should remove non-reference type for (int i = 0, n = localTypes.length; i < n; i++) { // if typer reports a local is reference type, but the GC map says no // then set the localType to uninitialized, see VM spec, bytecode verifier // CAUTION: gc map uses mc offset in bytes!!! boolean gcref = fooCM.referenceMaps.isLocalRefType(fooM, ipOffset.plus(INSTRUCTION_WIDTH), i); if (!gcref && (localTypes[i] == ClassTypeCode)) { localTypes[i] = VoidTypeCode; // use gc map as reference if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) { VM.sysWriteln("GC maps disgrees with type matcher at " + i + "th local\n"); } } } if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) { Offset ipIndex = ipOffset.toWord().rsha(LG_INSTRUCTION_WIDTH).toOffset(); VM.sysWrite("BC Index : " + bcIndex + "\n"); VM.sysWrite("IP Index : ", ipIndex.plus(1), "\n"); VM.sysWrite("MC Offset : ", ipOffset.plus(INSTRUCTION_WIDTH), "\n"); VM.sysWrite("Local Types :"); for (byte localType : localTypes) { VM.sysWrite(" " + (char) localType); } VM.sysWrite("\nStack Types :"); for (byte stackType : stackTypes) { VM.sysWrite(" " + (char) stackType); } VM.sysWriteln(); } // go through the stack frame and extract values // In the variable value list, we keep the order as follows: // L0, L1, ..., S0, S1, .... // adjust local offset and stack offset // NOTE: donot call VM_Compiler.getFirstLocalOffset(method) int bufCMID = VM_Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack, tsFromFPoff.plus(STACKFRAME_METHOD_ID_OFFSET)); VM_CompiledMethod bufCM = VM_CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(bufCMID); int cType = bufCM.getCompilerType(); //restore non-volatile registers that could contain locals; saved by yieldpointfrom methods //for the moment disabled OPT compilation of yieldpointfrom, because here we assume baselinecompilation !! TODO OSR_TempRegisters registers = new OSR_TempRegisters(contextRegisters); WordArray gprs = registers.gprs; double[] fprs = registers.fprs; Object[] objs = registers.objs; VM.disableGC(); // method fooCM is always baseline, otherwise we wouldn't be in this code. // the threadswitchfrom... method on the other hand can be baseline or opt! if (cType == VM_CompiledMethod.BASELINE) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert(bufCM.getMethod().hasBaselineSaveLSRegistersAnnotation()); VM._assert(methFPoff.EQ(tsFromFPoff.plus(VM_Compiler.getFrameSize((VM_BaselineCompiledMethod) bufCM)))); } Offset currentRegisterLocation = tsFromFPoff.plus(VM_Compiler.getFrameSize((VM_BaselineCompiledMethod) bufCM)); for (int i = LAST_FLOAT_STACK_REGISTER; i >= FIRST_FLOAT_LOCAL_REGISTER; --i) { currentRegisterLocation = currentRegisterLocation.minus(BYTES_IN_DOUBLE); long lbits = VM_Magic.getLongAtOffset(stack, currentRegisterLocation); fprs[i] = VM_Magic.longBitsAsDouble(lbits); } for (int i = LAST_FIXED_STACK_REGISTER; i >= FIRST_FIXED_LOCAL_REGISTER; --i) { currentRegisterLocation = currentRegisterLocation.minus(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS); Word w = VM_Magic.objectAsAddress(stack).loadWord(currentRegisterLocation); gprs.set(i, w); } } else { //(cType == VM_CompiledMethod.OPT) //KV: this code needs to be modified. We need the tsFrom methods to save all NON-VOLATILES in their prolog (as is the case for baseline) //This is because we don't know at compile time which registers might be in use and wich not by the caller method at runtime!! //For now we disallow tsFrom methods to be opt compiled when the caller is baseline compiled //todo: fix this together with the SaveVolatile rewrite VM_OptCompiledMethod fooOpt = (VM_OptCompiledMethod) bufCM; // foo definitely not save volatile. if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { boolean saveVolatile = fooOpt.isSaveVolatile(); VM._assert(!saveVolatile); } Offset offset = tsFromFPoff.plus(fooOpt.getUnsignedNonVolatileOffset()); // recover nonvolatile GPRs int firstGPR = fooOpt.getFirstNonVolatileGPR(); if (firstGPR != -1) { for (int i = firstGPR; i <= LAST_NONVOLATILE_GPR; i++) { Word w = VM_Magic.objectAsAddress(stack).loadWord(offset); gprs.set(i, w); offset = offset.plus(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS); } } // recover nonvolatile FPRs int firstFPR = fooOpt.getFirstNonVolatileFPR(); if (firstFPR != -1) { for (int i = firstFPR; i <= LAST_NONVOLATILE_FPR; i++) { long lbits = VM_Magic.getLongAtOffset(stack, offset); fprs[i] = VM_Magic.longBitsAsDouble(lbits); offset = offset.plus(BYTES_IN_DOUBLE); } } } //save objects in registers in register object array int size = localTypes.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if ((localTypes[i] == ClassTypeCode) || (localTypes[i] == ArrayTypeCode)) { int loc = fooCM.getGeneralLocalLocation(i); if (VM_Compiler.isRegister(loc)) { objs[loc] = VM_Magic.addressAsObject(gprs.get(loc).toAddress()); } } } VM.enableGC(); // for locals getVariableValueFromLocations(stack, methFPoff, localTypes, fooCM, LOCAL, registers, state); // for stacks Offset stackOffset = methFPoff.plus(fooCM.getEmptyStackOffset()); getVariableValue(stack, stackOffset, stackTypes, fooCM, STACK, state); if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) { state.printState(); } if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) { VM.sysWriteln("BASE executionStateExtractor done "); } return state; } /** go over local/stack array, and build OSR_VariableElement. */ private static void getVariableValueFromLocations(byte[] stack, Offset methFPoff, byte[] types, VM_BaselineCompiledMethod compiledMethod, boolean kind, OSR_TempRegisters registers, OSR_ExecutionState state) { int start = 0; if (kind == LOCAL) { start = 0; } else { VM._assert(false); //implement me for stack } int size = types.length; for (int i = start; i < size; i++) { switch (types[i]) { case VoidTypeCode: break; case BooleanTypeCode: case ByteTypeCode: case ShortTypeCode: case CharTypeCode: case IntTypeCode: { int loc = compiledMethod.getGeneralLocalLocation(i); int value; if (VM_Compiler.isRegister(loc)) { value = registers.gprs.get(loc).toInt(); } else { value = VM_Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack, methFPoff.plus(VM_Compiler.locationToOffset(loc) - BYTES_IN_INT)); } state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, INT, value)); break; } case LongTypeCode: { int loc = compiledMethod.getGeneralLocalLocation(i); long lvalue; if (VM_Compiler.isRegister(loc)) { if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) { lvalue = ((((long) registers.gprs.get(loc).toInt()) << 32) | (((long) registers.gprs.get(loc + 1).toInt()) & 0x0FFFFFFFFL)); } else { lvalue = registers.gprs.get(loc).toLong(); } } else { lvalue = VM_Magic.getLongAtOffset(stack, methFPoff.plus(VM_Compiler.locationToOffset(loc) - BYTES_IN_LONG)); } state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, LONG, lvalue)); if (kind == LOCAL) { //KV:VoidTypeCode is next i++; //KV:skip VoidTypeCode } break; } case FloatTypeCode: { int loc = compiledMethod.getFloatLocalLocation(i); int value; if (VM_Compiler.isRegister(loc)) { value = VM_Magic.floatAsIntBits((float) registers.fprs[loc]); } else { value = VM_Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack, methFPoff.plus(VM_Compiler.locationToOffset(loc) - BYTES_IN_FLOAT)); } state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, FLOAT, value)); break; } case DoubleTypeCode: { int loc = compiledMethod.getFloatLocalLocation(i); long lvalue; if (VM_Compiler.isRegister(loc)) { lvalue = VM_Magic.doubleAsLongBits(registers.fprs[loc]); } else { lvalue = VM_Magic.getLongAtOffset(stack, methFPoff.plus(VM_Compiler.locationToOffset(loc) - BYTES_IN_DOUBLE)); } state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, DOUBLE, lvalue)); if (kind == LOCAL) { //KV:VoidTypeCode is next i++; //KV:skip VoidTypeCode } break; } case ReturnAddressTypeCode: { int loc = compiledMethod.getGeneralLocalLocation(i); VM.disableGC(); LocalAddress rowIP; if (VM_Compiler.isRegister(loc)) { rowIP = registers.gprs.get(loc).toLocalAddress(); } else { rowIP = VM_Magic.objectAsLocalAddress(stack).loadLocalAddress(methFPoff.plus(VM_Compiler.locationToOffset(loc) - BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)); } Offset ipOffset = compiledMethod.getInstructionOffset(rowIP); VM.enableGC(); if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) { Offset ipIndex = ipOffset.toWord().rsha(LG_INSTRUCTION_WIDTH).toOffset(); VM.sysWrite("baseline ret_addr ip ", ipIndex, " --> "); } int bcIndex = compiledMethod.findBytecodeIndexForInstruction(ipOffset.plus(INSTRUCTION_WIDTH)); if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) { VM.sysWrite(" bc " + bcIndex + "\n"); } state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, RET_ADDR, bcIndex)); break; } case ClassTypeCode: case ArrayTypeCode: { int loc = compiledMethod.getGeneralLocalLocation(i); Object ref; if (VM_Compiler.isRegister(loc)) { ref = registers.objs[loc]; } else { ref = VM_Magic.getObjectAtOffset(stack, methFPoff.plus(VM_Compiler.locationToOffset(loc) - BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)); } state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, REF, ref)); break; } case WordTypeCode: { int loc = compiledMethod.getGeneralLocalLocation(i); Word value; if (VM_Compiler.isRegister(loc)) { value = registers.gprs.get(loc); } else { value = VM_Magic.getWordAtOffset(stack, methFPoff.plus(VM_Compiler.locationToOffset(loc) - BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)); } state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, WORD, value)); break; } default: if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.NOT_REACHED); break; } // switch } // for loop } /* go over local/stack array, and build OSR_VariableElement. */ private static void getVariableValue(byte[] stack, Offset offset, byte[] types, VM_BaselineCompiledMethod compiledMethod, boolean kind, OSR_ExecutionState state) { int size = types.length; Offset vOffset = offset; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { switch (types[i]) { case VoidTypeCode: vOffset = vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_STACKSLOT); break; case BooleanTypeCode: case ByteTypeCode: case ShortTypeCode: case CharTypeCode: case IntTypeCode: case FloatTypeCode: { int value = VM_Magic.getIntAtOffset(stack, vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_INT)); vOffset = vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_STACKSLOT); byte tcode = (types[i] == FloatTypeCode) ? FLOAT : INT; state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, tcode, value)); break; } case LongTypeCode: case DoubleTypeCode: { //KV: this code would be nicer if VoidTypeCode would always follow a 64-bit value. Rigth now for LOCAL it follows, for STACK it proceeds Offset memoff = (kind == LOCAL) ? vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_DOUBLE) : VM.BuildFor64Addr ? vOffset : vOffset.minus( BYTES_IN_STACKSLOT); long value = VM_Magic.getLongAtOffset(stack, memoff); byte tcode = (types[i] == LongTypeCode) ? LONG : DOUBLE; state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, tcode, value)); if (kind == LOCAL) { //KV:VoidTypeCode is next vOffset = vOffset.minus(2 * BYTES_IN_STACKSLOT); i++; //KV:skip VoidTypeCode } else { vOffset = vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_STACKSLOT); //KV:VoidTypeCode was already in front } break; } case ReturnAddressTypeCode: { VM.disableGC(); LocalAddress rowIP = VM_Magic.objectAsLocalAddress(stack).loadLocalAddress(vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)); Offset ipOffset = compiledMethod.getInstructionOffset(rowIP); VM.enableGC(); vOffset = vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_STACKSLOT); if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) { Offset ipIndex = ipOffset.toWord().rsha(LG_INSTRUCTION_WIDTH).toOffset(); VM.sysWrite("baseline ret_addr ip ", ipIndex, " --> "); } int bcIndex = compiledMethod.findBytecodeIndexForInstruction(ipOffset.plus(INSTRUCTION_WIDTH)); if (VM.TraceOnStackReplacement) { VM.sysWrite(" bc " + bcIndex + "\n"); } state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, RET_ADDR, bcIndex)); break; } case ClassTypeCode: case ArrayTypeCode: { VM.disableGC(); Object ref = VM_Magic.getObjectAtOffset(stack, vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)); VM.enableGC(); vOffset = vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_STACKSLOT); state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, REF, ref)); break; } case WordTypeCode: { Word value = VM_Magic.getWordAtOffset(stack, vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS)); vOffset = vOffset.minus(BYTES_IN_STACKSLOT); state.add(new OSR_VariableElement(kind, i, WORD, value)); break; } default: if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.NOT_REACHED); break; } // switch } // for loop } }