/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation.VM_CompilerDNA; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_NormalMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.VM_CompiledMethod; /** * Represents the recompilation choice of simply recompiling the * method in question at a particular opt-level. The cost is the * expected compilation time at that level, and the benefit is the * execution improvement of executing at that level. */ class VM_RecompileOptChoice extends VM_RecompilationChoice { /** * The opt level associated with this recompilation choice */ private int thisChoiceOptLevel; /** * The "compiler" (see VM_CompilerDNA) that is associated with this choice */ private int thisChoiceCompiler; /** * Constructor */ VM_RecompileOptChoice(int level) { thisChoiceOptLevel = level; thisChoiceCompiler = VM_CompilerDNA.getCompilerConstant(level); } /** * What is the cost of executing this plan? * * @param meth The method being considered for recompilation. * @return The expected cost of exeuting this recompilation choice */ double getCost(VM_NormalMethod meth) { return VM_CompilerDNA.estimateCompileTime(getCompiler(), meth); } /** * What is the benefit of executing this plan, given the estimated * future time for the method if nothing changes? * * @param prevCompiler The previous compiler * @param futureTimeForMethod The expected future execution time of * the method if left running with the previous compiler. * @return The expected future execution time if this choice were selected */ double getFutureExecutionTime(int prevCompiler, double futureTimeForMethod) { double rtFactor = VM_CompilerDNA.getBenefitRatio(prevCompiler, getCompiler()); return futureTimeForMethod / rtFactor; } /** * Return a controller plan that will start this recompilation * choice in action. In this case, simply create a plan to * recompile at level "optLevel" * * @param cmpMethod The method in question * @param prevCompiler The previous compiler * @param prevTimeForMethod The estimated future time had nothing been done * @param bestActionTime The estimated total time implementing this choice * @param expectedCompilationTime The expected time for recompiling * @return The controller plan implementing this recompilation choice */ VM_ControllerPlan makeControllerPlan(VM_CompiledMethod cmpMethod, int prevCompiler, double prevTimeForMethod, double bestActionTime, double expectedCompilationTime) { double speedup = VM_CompilerDNA.getBenefitRatio(prevCompiler, getCompiler()); double priority = prevTimeForMethod - bestActionTime; return VM_Controller.recompilationStrategy. createControllerPlan(cmpMethod.getMethod(), thisChoiceOptLevel, null, cmpMethod.getId(), speedup, expectedCompilationTime, priority); } /** * How should this choice be displayed? */ public String toString() { return "O" + getOptLevel(); } /** * Which opt-level is associated with this choice? */ int getOptLevel() { return thisChoiceOptLevel; } /** * Which "compiler" (@see VM_CompilerDNA) is associated with this choice? */ int getCompiler() { return thisChoiceCompiler; } }