/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers; import org.mmtk.plan.TransitiveClosure; import org.mmtk.policy.Space; import org.mmtk.utility.Log; import org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.ServerInterpreter; import org.mmtk.vm.VM; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*; import org.vmmagic.pragma.*; /** * GCspy driver for the contiguous MMTk ImmortalSpace. * Adds features for the Immortal space. * <p> * * This class extends LinearSpaceDriver, a simple driver for contiguous MMTk spaces * such as CopySpace and ImmortalSpace. */ @Uninterruptible public class ImmortalSpaceDriver extends LinearSpaceDriver { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; // Instance variables private AbstractDriver[] registeredDrivers; private ImmortalSpaceDriver.Closure closure; /** * Create a new driver for an immortal Contiguous MMTk space. * * @param server The GCspy ServerInterpreter * @param spaceName The name of this GCspy space * @param mmtkSpace The MMTk space * @param blockSize The tile size * @param mainSpace Is this the main space? */ public ImmortalSpaceDriver( ServerInterpreter server, String spaceName, Space mmtkSpace, int blockSize, boolean mainSpace) { super(server, spaceName, mmtkSpace, blockSize, mainSpace); if (DEBUG) { Log.write("ImmortalSpaceDriver for "); Log.write(spaceName); Log.write(", blocksize="); Log.write(blockSize); Log.write(", start="); Log.write(mmtkSpace.getStart()); Log.write(", extent="); Log.write(mmtkSpace.getExtent()); Log.write(", maxTileNum="); Log.writeln(maxTileNum); } // initially no registered drivers for reference notification registeredDrivers = new AbstractDriver[0]; closure = new ImmortalSpaceDriver.Closure(); } /** * Get the name of this driver type. * @return The name, "MMTk ImmortalSpaceDriver" for this driver. */ protected String getDriverName() { return "MMTk ImmortalSpaceDriver"; } /** * Update the tile statistics. <br> * This method overrides <code> scan </code> iin its superclass to * add immortal space features. * * @param object The current object * @param total Whether to accumulate the values */ public void scan(ObjectReference object, boolean total) { Address addr = object.toAddress(); if (subspace.addressInRange(addr)) { VM.scanning.scanObject(closure, object); super.scan(object, total); } } /** * Register a set of AbstractDriver instances to be notified about direct references. * * @param drivers The array of driver objects. */ public void registerDriversForReferenceNotification(AbstractDriver[] drivers) { this.registeredDrivers = drivers; } /** * Used to visit the edges in the immortal object. */ @Uninterruptible private class Closure extends TransitiveClosure { /** * Process an edge. */ public void processEdge(ObjectReference source, Address slot) { // Address in Range, locate references Address target = slot.loadAddress(); // notify registered drivers for (int j = 0; j < registeredDrivers.length; j++) { registeredDrivers[j].handleReferenceFromImmortalSpace(target); } } } }