/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; //import org.jikesrvm.*; /** * A test to test java.lang.ref.*. */ class ReferenceTest { public static <T> double checkReferenceArray(Reference<T> [] ra, ReferenceQueue<T> rq) { // Verify that all references on rq belong to ra and that if so they are cleared for (Reference<?> r = rq.poll(); r != null; r = rq.poll()) { int i; for (i=0; i<ra.length; i++) if (ra[i] == r) break; if (i == ra.length) return -2.0; } // Return fraction of ra array whose references are not cleared int count = 0; for (Reference<T> aRa : ra) if (aRa.get() != null) count++; return count / ((double) ra.length); } static int microUnitSize = 100; // conservative upper bound for small object static int allocateUnitSize = 5000; public static int MBtoUnits(double amt) { // in Mbytes return (int) ((amt * (1 << 20)) / allocateUnitSize); } public static Object[] allocateUnit() { int t = allocateUnitSize / microUnitSize; Object[] result = new Object[t]; for (int i=0; i<t; i++) result[i] = new byte[microUnitSize - 4]; // 4 bytes of header return result; } static Object dummy; public static void allocateDiscard(double amt) { // amt in Mb int rounds = MBtoUnits(amt); for (int i=0; i<rounds; i++) dummy = allocateUnit(); } private static Object outOfMemoryHandle; public static void allocateUntilOOM() { try { while(true) { Object[] myArray = new Object[10000]; myArray[0] = outOfMemoryHandle; outOfMemoryHandle = myArray; } } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { outOfMemoryHandle = null; System.out.println("Caught OutOfMemoryError"); } } public static double allocateUntilNextGC() { int count = 0; long lastFree = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); while (true) { allocateDiscard(0.1); long curFree = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); count++; if (curFree > lastFree) return (count * 0.1); lastFree = curFree; } } static final int WEAK = 0; static final int SOFT = 1; public static Reference<Object[]> [] allocateReferenceArray(int type, double amt, ReferenceQueue<Object[]> rq) { // amt in Mb int rounds = MBtoUnits(amt); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Reference<Object[]> [] ra = new Reference[rounds]; for (int i=0; i<rounds; i++) { final Reference<Object[]> reference; if(type == WEAK) { reference = new WeakReference<Object[]>(allocateUnit(), rq); } else if(type == SOFT) { reference = new SoftReference<Object[]>(allocateUnit(), rq); } else { reference = null; } ra[i] = reference; } return ra; } public static double getHeapSize() { allocateUntilNextGC(); // clear current heap twice allocateUntilNextGC(); double size = allocateUntilNextGC(); System.out.print("ReferenceTest checking available size of heap (Mb): "); System.out.println(size); return size; } private static int failCount = 0; private static final int NO_QUALITY = 0; private static final int GOOD = 1; private static final int POOR = 2; private static void check(String msg, boolean correct, int quality) { System.out.print(msg + " "); System.out.print(correct ? "PASS" : "FAIL"); if (correct) { if (quality == GOOD) System.out.print(" GOOD"); if (quality == POOR) System.out.print(" POOR"); } else { failCount++; } System.out.println(); } private static void check(String msg, boolean correct) { check(msg, correct, NO_QUALITY); } /** * Force compilation of each of the methods and report on the size * of the generated machine code. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // ------ Compute initial heap size (inaccuracy subject to compilation) -------- double initialHeapSize = getHeapSize(); // ------ Test weak references ----------- System.out.println("\nChecking weak references and reference queue"); ReferenceQueue<Object[]> wrq = new ReferenceQueue<Object[]>(); allocateUntilNextGC(); Reference<Object[]> [] wra = allocateReferenceArray(WEAK, 0.5 * initialHeapSize, wrq); double weakAvail = checkReferenceArray(wra, wrq); check("Fraction of weak references before GC still live = " + weakAvail, (weakAvail == 1.0)); allocateDiscard(0.75 * initialHeapSize); weakAvail = checkReferenceArray(wra, wrq); check("Fraction of weak references after GC still live = " + weakAvail, (weakAvail == 0.0)); // ------ Test soft references ----------- System.out.println("\nChecking soft references and reference queue"); ReferenceQueue<Object[]> srq = new ReferenceQueue<Object[]>(); allocateUntilNextGC(); Reference<Object[]> [] sra = allocateReferenceArray(SOFT, 0.75 * initialHeapSize, srq); double softAvail = checkReferenceArray(sra, srq); check("Fraction of soft references before GC still live = " + softAvail, (softAvail == 1.0)); allocateUntilOOM(); softAvail = checkReferenceArray(sra, srq); check("Fraction of soft references after GC still live = " + softAvail, (softAvail >= 0.00) && (softAvail <= 0.67), ((softAvail >= 0.33) && (softAvail <= 0.66)) ? GOOD : POOR); // ------ Finish up ----------- System.out.println(); getHeapSize(); System.out.print("\nOverall: "); System.out.println((failCount == 0) ? "SUCCESS" : (failCount + " FAILURES")); } }