/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ia32; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.jikesrvm.ArchitectureSpecific.OPT_Assembler; import org.jikesrvm.ArchitectureSpecific.VM_Assembler; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.VM_Constants; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.assembler.VM_ForwardReference; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OPT_OptimizingCompilerException; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_BinaryAcc; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_Branch; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_Call; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_Compare; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_CondBranch; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_Lea; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_Move; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_Test; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_Unary; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_UnaryNoRes; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_BranchOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_IR; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_Instruction; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_IntConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_MemoryOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_Operand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_OperandEnumeration; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_Operator; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_Operators; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_Register; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_RegisterOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_TrapCodeOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.OPT_IA32ConditionOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.OPT_PhysicalRegisterSet; import org.jikesrvm.ia32.VM_TrapConstants; import org.vmmagic.pragma.NoInline; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * This class provides support functionality used by the generated * OPT_Assembler; it handles basic impedance-matching functionality * such as determining which addressing mode is suitable for a given * OPT_IA32MemoryOperand. This class also provides some boilerplate * methods that do not depend on how instructions sould actually be * assembled, like the top-level generateCode driver. This class is * not meant to be used in isolation, but rather to provide support * from the OPT_Assembler. */ abstract class OPT_AssemblerBase extends VM_Assembler implements OPT_Operators, VM_Constants, OPT_PhysicalRegisterConstants { private static final boolean DEBUG_ESTIMATE = false; /** * Hold EBP register object for use in estimating size of memory operands. */ private final OPT_Register EBP; /** * Hold EBP register object for use in estimating size of memory operands. */ private final OPT_Register ESP; /** * Operators with byte arguments */ private static final OPT_Operator[] byteSizeOperators; /** * Operators with word arguments */ private static final OPT_Operator[] wordSizeOperators; /** * Operators with quad arguments */ private static final OPT_Operator[] quadSizeOperators; static { ArrayList<OPT_Operator> temp = new ArrayList<OPT_Operator>(); for (OPT_Operator opr : OPT_Operator.OperatorArray) { if (opr != null && opr.toString().indexOf("__b") != -1) { temp.add(opr); } } byteSizeOperators = temp.toArray(new OPT_Operator[temp.size()]); temp.clear(); for (OPT_Operator opr : OPT_Operator.OperatorArray) { if (opr != null && opr.toString().indexOf("__w") != -1) { temp.add(opr); } } wordSizeOperators = temp.toArray(new OPT_Operator[temp.size()]); for (OPT_Operator opr : OPT_Operator.OperatorArray) { if (opr != null && opr.toString().indexOf("__q") != -1) { temp.add(opr); } } quadSizeOperators = temp.toArray(new OPT_Operator[temp.size()]); } /** * Construct Assembler object * @see VM_Assembler */ OPT_AssemblerBase(int bytecodeSize, boolean shouldPrint, OPT_IR ir) { super(bytecodeSize, shouldPrint); EBP = ir.regpool.getPhysicalRegisterSet().getEBP(); ESP = ir.regpool.getPhysicalRegisterSet().getESP(); } /** * Should code created by this assembler instance be allocated in the * hot code code space? The default answer for opt compiled code is yes * (otherwise why are we opt compiling it?). */ protected boolean isHotCode() { return true; } /** * Is the given operand an immediate? In the IA32 assembly, one * cannot specify floating-point constants, so the possible * immediates we may see are OPT_IntegerConstants and * OPT_TrapConstants (a trap constant really is an integer), and * jump targets for which the exact offset is known. * * @see #getImm * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if op represents an immediate */ boolean isImm(OPT_Operand op) { return (op instanceof OPT_IntConstantOperand) || (op instanceof OPT_TrapCodeOperand) || (op instanceof OPT_BranchOperand && op.asBranch().target.getmcOffset() >= 0); } /** * Return the IA32 ISA encoding of the immediate value * represented by the the given operand. This method assumes the * operand is an immediate and will likely throw a * ClassCastException if this not the case. It treats * OPT_BranchOperands somewhat differently than isImm does: in * case a branch target is not resolved, it simply returns a wrong * answer and trusts the caller to ignore it. This behavior * simplifies life when generating code for ImmOrLabel operands. * * @see #isImm * * @param op the operand being queried * @return the immediate value represented by the operand */ int getImm(OPT_Operand op) { if (op.isIntConstant()) { return op.asIntConstant().value; } else if (op.isBranch()) { // used by ImmOrLabel stuff return op.asBranch().target.getmcOffset(); } else { return ((OPT_TrapCodeOperand) op).getTrapCode() + VM_TrapConstants.RVM_TRAP_BASE; } } /** * Is the given operand a register operand? * * @see #getReg * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if op is an OPT_RegisterOperand */ boolean isReg(OPT_Operand op) { return op.isRegister(); } /** * Return the machine-level register number corresponding to a given integer * OPT_Register. The optimizing compiler has its own notion of register * numbers, which is not the same as the numbers used by the IA32 ISA. This * method takes an optimizing compiler register and translates it into the * appropriate machine-level encoding. This method is not applied directly to * operands, but rather to register objects. * * @see #getBase * @see #getIndex * * @param reg the register being queried * @return the 3 bit machine-level encoding of reg */ private byte getGPMachineRegister(OPT_Register reg) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert(OPT_PhysicalRegisterSet.getPhysicalRegisterType(reg) == INT_REG); } return (byte) (reg.number - FIRST_INT); } /** * Return the machine-level register number corresponding to a * given OPT_Register. The optimizing compiler has its own notion * of register numbers, which is not the same as the numbers used * by the IA32 ISA. This method takes an optimizing compiler * register and translates it into the appropriate machine-level * encoding. This method is not applied directly to operands, but * rather to register objects. * * @see #getReg * @see #getBase * @see #getIndex * * @param reg the register being queried * @return the 3 bit machine-level encoding of reg */ private byte getMachineRegister(OPT_Register reg) { int type = OPT_PhysicalRegisterSet.getPhysicalRegisterType(reg); byte result; if (type == INT_REG) { result = (byte) (reg.number - FIRST_INT); } else { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(type == DOUBLE_REG); if (reg.number < FIRST_SPECIAL) { result = (byte) (reg.number - FIRST_DOUBLE); } else if (reg.number == ST0) { result = 0; } else { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(reg.number == ST1); result = 1; } } if (OPT_IR.PARANOID) VM._assert((result & 0x7) == result); return result; } /** * Given a register operand, return the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding * of that register. This function translates an optimizing * compiler register operand into the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding that * can be passed to the VM_Assembler. This function assumes its * operand is a register operand, and will blow up if it is not; * use isReg to check operands passed to this method. * * @see #isReg * * @param op the register operand being queried * @return the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding of op */ byte getReg(OPT_Operand op) { return getMachineRegister(op.asRegister().getRegister()); } /** * Given a memory operand, return the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding * of its base regsiter. This function translates the optimizing * compiler register operand representing the base of the given * memory operand into the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding that * can be passed to the VM_Assembler. This function assumes its * operand is a memory operand, and will blow up if it is not; * one should confirm an operand really has a base register before * invoking this method on it. * * @see #isRegDisp * @see #isRegIdx * @see #isRegInd * * @param op the register operand being queried * @return the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding of the base register of op */ byte getBase(OPT_Operand op) { return getGPMachineRegister(((OPT_MemoryOperand) op).base.getRegister()); } /** * Given a memory operand, return the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding * of its index regsiter. This function translates the optimizing * compiler register operand representing the index of the given * memory operand into the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding that * can be passed to the VM_Assembler. This function assumes its * operand is a memory operand, and will blow up if it is not; * one should confirm an operand really has an index register before * invoking this method on it. * * @see #isRegIdx * @see #isRegOff * * @param op the register operand being queried * @return the 3 bit IA32 ISA encoding of the index register of op */ byte getIndex(OPT_Operand op) { return getGPMachineRegister(((OPT_MemoryOperand) op).index.getRegister()); } /** * Given a memory operand, return the 2 bit IA32 ISA encoding * of its scale, suitable for passing to the VM_Assembler to mask * into a SIB byte. This function assumes its operand is a memory * operand, and will blow up if it is not; one should confirm an * operand really has a scale before invoking this method on it. * * @see #isRegIdx * @see #isRegOff * * @param op the register operand being queried * @return the IA32 ISA encoding of the scale of op */ short getScale(OPT_Operand op) { return ((OPT_MemoryOperand) op).scale; } /** * Given a memory operand, return the 2 bit IA32 ISA encoding * of its scale, suitable for passing to the VM_Assembler to mask * into a SIB byte. This function assumes its operand is a memory * operand, and will blow up if it is not; one should confirm an * operand really has a scale before invoking this method on it. * * @see #isRegIdx * @see #isRegOff * * @param op the register operand being queried * @return the IA32 ISA encoding of the scale of op */ Offset getDisp(OPT_Operand op) { return ((OPT_MemoryOperand) op).disp; } /** * Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing * register-displacement mode addressing. This method takes an * arbitrary operand, checks whether it is a memory operand, and, * if it is, checks whether it should be assembled as IA32 * register-displacement mode. That is, does it have a non-zero * displacement and a base register, but no scale and no index * register? * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if op should be assembled as register-displacement mode */ boolean isRegDisp(OPT_Operand op) { if (op instanceof OPT_MemoryOperand) { OPT_MemoryOperand mop = (OPT_MemoryOperand) op; return (mop.base != null) && (mop.index == null) && (!mop.disp.isZero()) && (mop.scale == 0); } else { return false; } } /** * Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing * absolute mode addressing. This method takes an * arbitrary operand, checks whether it is a memory operand, and, * if it is, checks whether it should be assembled as IA32 * absolute address mode. That is, does it have a non-zero * displacement, but no scale, no scale and no index register? * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if op should be assembled as absolute mode */ boolean isAbs(OPT_Operand op) { if (op instanceof OPT_MemoryOperand) { OPT_MemoryOperand mop = (OPT_MemoryOperand) op; return (mop.base == null) && (mop.index == null) && (!mop.disp.isZero()) && (mop.scale == 0); } else { return false; } } /** * Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing * register-indirect mode addressing. This method takes an * arbitrary operand, checks whether it is a memory operand, and, * if it is, checks whether it should be assembled as IA32 * register-displacement mode. That is, does it have a base * register, but no displacement, no scale and no index * register? * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if op should be assembled as register-indirect mode */ boolean isRegInd(OPT_Operand op) { if (op instanceof OPT_MemoryOperand) { OPT_MemoryOperand mop = (OPT_MemoryOperand) op; return (mop.base != null) && (mop.index == null) && (mop.disp.isZero()) && (mop.scale == 0); } else { return false; } } /** * Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing * register-offset mode addressing. This method takes an * arbitrary operand, checks whether it is a memory operand, and, * if it is, checks whether it should be assembled as IA32 * register-offset mode. That is, does it have a non-zero * displacement, a scale parameter and an index register, but no * base register? * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if op should be assembled as register-offset mode */ boolean isRegOff(OPT_Operand op) { if (op instanceof OPT_MemoryOperand) { OPT_MemoryOperand mop = (OPT_MemoryOperand) op; return (mop.base == null) && (mop.index != null); } else { return false; } } /** * Determine if a given operand is a memory operand representing * the full glory of scaled-index-base addressing. This method takes an * arbitrary operand, checks whether it is a memory operand, and, * if it is, checks whether it should be assembled as IA32 * SIB mode. That is, does it have a non-zero * displacement, a scale parameter, a base register and an index * register? * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if op should be assembled as SIB mode */ boolean isRegIdx(OPT_Operand op) { if (op instanceof OPT_MemoryOperand) { return !(isAbs(op) || isRegInd(op) || isRegDisp(op) || isRegOff(op)); } else { return false; } } /** * Return the condition bits of a given optimizing compiler * condition operand. This method returns the IA32 ISA bits * representing a given condition operand, suitable for passing to * the VM_Assembler to encode into the opcode of a SET, Jcc or * CMOV instruction. This being IA32, there are of course * exceptions in the binary encoding of conditions (see FCMOV), * but the VM_Assembler handles that. This function assumes its * argument is an OPT_IA32ConditionOperand, and will blow up if it * is not. * * @param op the operand being queried * @return the bits that (usually) represent the given condition * in the IA32 ISA */ byte getCond(OPT_Operand op) { return ((OPT_IA32ConditionOperand) op).value; } /** * Is the given operand an IA32 condition operand? * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if op is an IA32 condition operand */ boolean isCond(OPT_Operand op) { return (op instanceof OPT_IA32ConditionOperand); } /** * Return the label representing the target of the given branch * operand. These labels are used to represent branch targets * that have not yet been assembled, and so cannot be given * concrete machine code offsets. All instructions are nunbered * just prior to assembly, and these numbers are used as labels. * This method also returns 0 (not a valid label) for int * constants to simplify generation of branches (the branch * generation code will ignore this invalid label; it is used to * prevent type exceptions). This method assumes its operand is a * branch operand (or an int) and will blow up if it is not. * * @param op the branch operand being queried * @return the label representing the branch target */ int getLabel(OPT_Operand op) { if (op instanceof OPT_IntConstantOperand) { // used by ImmOrLabel stuff return 0; } else { if (op.asBranch().target.getmcOffset() < 0) { return -op.asBranch().target.getmcOffset(); } else { return -1; } } } /** * Is the given operand a branch target that requires a label? * * @see #getLabel * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if it represents a branch requiring a label target */ boolean isLabel(OPT_Operand op) { return (op instanceof OPT_BranchOperand && op.asBranch().target.getmcOffset() < 0); } /** * Is the given operand a branch target? * * @see #getLabel * @see #isLabel * * @param op the operand being queried * @return true if it represents a branch target */ @NoInline boolean isImmOrLabel(OPT_Operand op) { // TODO: Remove NoInlinePragma, work around for leave SSA bug return (isImm(op) || isLabel(op)); } /** * Does the given instruction operate upon byte-sized data? The * opt compiler does not represent the size of register data, so * this method typically looks at the memory operand, if any, and * checks whether that is a byte. This does not work for the * size-converting moves (MOVSX and MOVZX), and those instructions * use the operator convention that __b on the end of the operator * name means operate upon byte data. * * @param inst the instruction being queried * @return true if inst operates upon byte data */ boolean isByte(OPT_Instruction inst) { for(OPT_Operator opr : byteSizeOperators){ if (opr == inst.operator) { return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < inst.getNumberOfOperands(); i++) { OPT_Operand op = inst.getOperand(i); if (op instanceof OPT_MemoryOperand) { return (((OPT_MemoryOperand) op).size == 1); } } return false; } /** * Does the given instruction operate upon word-sized data? The * opt compiler does not represent the size of register data, so * this method typically looks at the memory operand, if any, and * checks whether that is a word. This does not work for the * size-converting moves (MOVSX and MOVZX), and those instructions * use the operator convention that __w on the end of the operator * name means operate upon word data. * * @param inst the instruction being queried * @return true if inst operates upon word data */ boolean isWord(OPT_Instruction inst) { for(OPT_Operator opr : wordSizeOperators){ if (opr == inst.operator) { return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < inst.getNumberOfOperands(); i++) { OPT_Operand op = inst.getOperand(i); if (op instanceof OPT_MemoryOperand) { return (((OPT_MemoryOperand) op).size == 2); } } return false; } /** * Does the given instruction operate upon quad-sized data? The * opt compiler does not represent the size of register data, so * this method typically looks at the memory operand, if any, and * checks whether that is a byte. This method also recognizes * the operator convention that __q on the end of the operator * name means operate upon quad data; no operator currently uses * this convention. * * @param inst the instruction being queried * @return true if inst operates upon quad data */ boolean isQuad(OPT_Instruction inst) { for(OPT_Operator opr : quadSizeOperators){ if (opr == inst.operator) { return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < inst.getNumberOfOperands(); i++) { OPT_Operand op = inst.getOperand(i); if (op instanceof OPT_MemoryOperand) { return (((OPT_MemoryOperand) op).size == 8); } } return false; } /** * Given a forward branch instruction and its target, * determine (conservatively) if the relative offset to the * target is less than 127 bytes * @param start the branch instruction * @param target the value of the mcOffset of the target label * @return true if the relative offset will be less than 127, false otherwise */ protected boolean targetIsClose(OPT_Instruction start, int target) { OPT_Instruction inst = start.nextInstructionInCodeOrder(); int budget = 120; // slight fudge factor could be 127 while (true) { if (budget <= 0) return false; if (inst.getmcOffset() == target) { return true; } budget -= estimateSize(inst); inst = inst.nextInstructionInCodeOrder(); } } protected int estimateSize(OPT_Instruction inst) { switch (inst.getOpcode()) { case LABEL_opcode: case BBEND_opcode: case UNINT_BEGIN_opcode: case UNINT_END_opcode: { // these generate no code return 0; } // Generated from the same case in VM_Assembler case IA32_ADC_opcode: case IA32_ADD_opcode: case IA32_AND_opcode: case IA32_OR_opcode: case IA32_SBB_opcode: case IA32_XOR_opcode: { int size = 2; // opcode + modr/m size += operandCost(MIR_BinaryAcc.getResult(inst), true); size += operandCost(MIR_BinaryAcc.getValue(inst), true); return size; } case IA32_CMP_opcode: { int size = 2; // opcode + modr/m size += operandCost(MIR_Compare.getVal1(inst), true); size += operandCost(MIR_Compare.getVal2(inst), true); return size; } case IA32_TEST_opcode: { int size = 2; // opcode + modr/m size += operandCost(MIR_Test.getVal1(inst), true); size += operandCost(MIR_Test.getVal2(inst), true); return size; } case IA32_ADDSD_opcode: case IA32_SUBSD_opcode: case IA32_MULSD_opcode: case IA32_DIVSD_opcode: case IA32_XORPD_opcode: case IA32_ADDSS_opcode: case IA32_SUBSS_opcode: case IA32_MULSS_opcode: case IA32_DIVSS_opcode: case IA32_XORPS_opcode: { int size = 4; // opcode + modr/m OPT_Operand value = MIR_BinaryAcc.getValue(inst); size += operandCost(value, false); return size; } case IA32_UCOMISS_opcode: { int size = 3; // opcode + modr/m OPT_Operand val2 = MIR_Compare.getVal2(inst); size += operandCost(val2, false); return size; } case IA32_UCOMISD_opcode: { int size = 4; // opcode + modr/m OPT_Operand val2 = MIR_Compare.getVal2(inst); size += operandCost(val2, false); return size; } case IA32_CVTSI2SS_opcode: case IA32_CVTSI2SD_opcode: case IA32_CVTSS2SD_opcode: case IA32_CVTSD2SS_opcode: case IA32_CVTSD2SI_opcode: case IA32_CVTTSD2SI_opcode: case IA32_CVTSS2SI_opcode: case IA32_CVTTSS2SI_opcode: { int size = 4; // opcode + modr/m OPT_Operand result = MIR_Unary.getResult(inst); OPT_Operand value = MIR_Unary.getVal(inst); size += operandCost(result, false); size += operandCost(value, false); return size; } case IA32_CMPEQSD_opcode: case IA32_CMPLTSD_opcode: case IA32_CMPLESD_opcode: case IA32_CMPUNORDSD_opcode: case IA32_CMPNESD_opcode: case IA32_CMPNLTSD_opcode: case IA32_CMPNLESD_opcode: case IA32_CMPORDSD_opcode: case IA32_CMPEQSS_opcode: case IA32_CMPLTSS_opcode: case IA32_CMPLESS_opcode: case IA32_CMPUNORDSS_opcode: case IA32_CMPNESS_opcode: case IA32_CMPNLTSS_opcode: case IA32_CMPNLESS_opcode: case IA32_CMPORDSS_opcode: { int size = 5; // opcode + modr/m + type OPT_Operand value = MIR_BinaryAcc.getValue(inst); size += operandCost(value, false); return size; } case IA32_MOVD_opcode: case IA32_MOVQ_opcode: case IA32_MOVSS_opcode: case IA32_MOVSD_opcode: { int size = 4; // opcode + modr/m OPT_Operand result = MIR_Move.getResult(inst); OPT_Operand value = MIR_Move.getValue(inst); size += operandCost(result, false); size += operandCost(value, false); return size; } case IA32_PUSH_opcode: { OPT_Operand op = MIR_UnaryNoRes.getVal(inst); int size = 0; if (op instanceof OPT_RegisterOperand) { size += 1; } else if (op instanceof OPT_IntConstantOperand) { if (fits(((OPT_IntConstantOperand) op).value, 8)) { size += 2; } else { size += 5; } } else { size += (2 + operandCost(op, true)); } return size; } case IA32_LEA_opcode: { int size = 2; // opcode + 1 byte modr/m size += operandCost(MIR_Lea.getResult(inst), false); size += operandCost(MIR_Lea.getValue(inst), false); return size; } case IA32_MOV_opcode: { int size = 2; // opcode + modr/m OPT_Operand result = MIR_Move.getResult(inst); OPT_Operand value = MIR_Move.getValue(inst); size += operandCost(result, false); size += operandCost(value, false); return size; } case IA32_OFFSET_opcode: return 4; case IA32_JCC_opcode: case IA32_JMP_opcode: return 6; // assume long form case IA32_LOCK_opcode: return 1; case IG_PATCH_POINT_opcode: return 6; case IA32_INT_opcode: return 2; case IA32_RET_opcode: return 3; case IA32_CALL_opcode: OPT_Operand target = MIR_Call.getTarget(inst); if (isImmOrLabel(target)) { return 5; // opcode + 32bit immediate } else { return 2 + operandCost(target, false); // opcode + modr/m } default: { int size = 3; // 2 bytes opcode + 1 byte modr/m for (OPT_OperandEnumeration opEnum = inst.getRootOperands(); opEnum.hasMoreElements();) { OPT_Operand op = opEnum.next(); size += operandCost(op, false); } return size; } } } private int operandCost(OPT_Operand op, boolean shortFormImmediate) { if (op instanceof OPT_MemoryOperand) { OPT_MemoryOperand mop = (OPT_MemoryOperand) op; // If it's a 2byte mem location, we're going to need an override prefix int prefix = mop.size == 2 ? 1 : 0; // Deal with EBP wierdness if (mop.base != null && mop.base.getRegister() == EBP) { if (mop.index != null) { // forced into SIB + 32 bit displacement no matter what disp is return prefix + 5; } if (fits(mop.disp, 8)) { return prefix + 1; } else { return prefix + 4; } } if (mop.index != null && mop.index.getRegister() == EBP) { // forced into SIB + 32 bit displacement no matter what disp is return prefix + 5; } // Deal with ESP wierdness -- requires SIB byte even when index is null if (mop.base != null && mop.base.getRegister() == ESP) { if (fits(mop.disp, 8)) { return prefix + 2; } else { return prefix + 5; } } if (mop.index == null) { // just displacement to worry about if (mop.disp.isZero()) { return prefix + 0; } else if (fits(mop.disp, 8)) { return prefix + 1; } else { return prefix + 4; } } else { // have a SIB if (mop.base == null && mop.scale != 0) { // forced to 32 bit displacement even if it would fit in 8 return prefix + 5; } else { if (mop.disp.isZero()) { return prefix + 1; } else if (fits(mop.disp, 8)) { return prefix + 2; } else { return prefix + 5; } } } } else if (op instanceof OPT_IntConstantOperand) { if (shortFormImmediate && fits(((OPT_IntConstantOperand) op).value, 8)) { return 1; } else { return 4; } } else { return 0; } } /** * Emit the given instruction, assuming that * it is a MIR_CondBranch instruction * and has a JCC operator * * @param inst the instruction to assemble */ protected void doJCC(OPT_Instruction inst) { byte cond = getCond(MIR_CondBranch.getCond(inst)); if (isImm(MIR_CondBranch.getTarget(inst))) { emitJCC_Cond_Imm(cond, getImm(MIR_CondBranch.getTarget(inst))); } else { if (VM.VerifyAssertions && !isLabel(MIR_CondBranch.getTarget(inst))) VM._assert(false, inst.toString()); int sourceLabel = -inst.getmcOffset(); int targetLabel = getLabel(MIR_CondBranch.getTarget(inst)); int delta = targetLabel - sourceLabel; if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(delta >= 0); if (delta < 10 || (delta < 90 && targetIsClose(inst, -targetLabel))) { int miStart = mi; VM_ForwardReference r = new VM_ForwardReference.ShortBranch(mi, targetLabel); forwardRefs = VM_ForwardReference.enqueue(forwardRefs, r); setMachineCodes(mi++, (byte) (0x70 + cond)); mi += 1; // leave space for displacement if (lister != null) lister.I(miStart, "J" + CONDITION[cond], 0); } else { emitJCC_Cond_Label(cond, targetLabel); } } } /** * Emit the given instruction, assuming that * it is a MIR_Branch instruction * and has a JMP operator * * @param inst the instruction to assemble */ protected void doJMP(OPT_Instruction inst) { if (isImm(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))) { emitJMP_Imm(getImm(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))); } else if (isLabel(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))) { int sourceLabel = -inst.getmcOffset(); int targetLabel = getLabel(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst)); int delta = targetLabel - sourceLabel; if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(delta >= 0); if (delta < 10 || (delta < 90 && targetIsClose(inst, -targetLabel))) { int miStart = mi; VM_ForwardReference r = new VM_ForwardReference.ShortBranch(mi, targetLabel); forwardRefs = VM_ForwardReference.enqueue(forwardRefs, r); setMachineCodes(mi++, (byte) 0xEB); mi += 1; // leave space for displacement if (lister != null) lister.I(miStart, "JMP", 0); } else { emitJMP_Label(getLabel(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))); } } else if (isReg(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))) { emitJMP_Reg(getReg(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))); } else if (isAbs(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))) { emitJMP_Abs(getDisp(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))); } else if (isRegDisp(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))) { emitJMP_RegDisp(getBase(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst)), getDisp(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))); } else if (isRegOff(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))) { emitJMP_RegOff(getIndex(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst)), getScale(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst)), getDisp(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))); } else if (isRegIdx(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))) { emitJMP_RegIdx(getBase(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst)), getIndex(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst)), getScale(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst)), getDisp(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))); } else if (isRegInd(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))) { emitJMP_RegInd(getBase(MIR_Branch.getTarget(inst))); } else { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(false, inst.toString()); } } /** * Debugging support (return a printable representation of the machine code). * * @param instr An integer to be interpreted as a PowerPC instruction * @param offset the mcoffset (in bytes) of the instruction */ public String disasm(int instr, int offset) { OPT_OptimizingCompilerException.TODO("OPT_Assembler: disassembler"); return null; } /** * generate machine code into ir.machinecode. * @param ir the IR to generate * @param shouldPrint should we print the machine code? * @return the number of machinecode instructions generated */ public static int generateCode(OPT_IR ir, boolean shouldPrint) { int count = 0; OPT_Assembler asm = new OPT_Assembler(count, shouldPrint, ir); for (OPT_Instruction p = ir.firstInstructionInCodeOrder(); p != null; p = p.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) { p.setmcOffset(-++count); } for (OPT_Instruction p = ir.firstInstructionInCodeOrder(); p != null; p = p.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) { if (DEBUG_ESTIMATE) { int start = asm.getMachineCodeIndex(); int estimate = asm.estimateSize(p); asm.doInst(p); int end = asm.getMachineCodeIndex(); if (end - start > estimate) { VM.sysWriteln("Bad estimate: " + (end - start) + " " + estimate + " " + p); VM.sysWrite("\tMachine code: "); asm.writeLastInstruction(start); VM.sysWriteln(); } } else { asm.doInst(p); } } ir.MIRInfo.machinecode = asm.getMachineCodes(); return ir.MIRInfo.machinecode.length(); } }