/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_BasicBlock; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_BasicBlockEnumeration; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_IR; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_WeightedBranchTargets; /** * Derive relative basic block execution frequencies from branch probabilities.<p> * * This code assumes that the loop structure tree can be constructed for * the CFG in question. This implies that the CFG is reducible. <p> * * The basic algorithm is as follows: * <ul> * <li> Construct the loop structure tree for the CFG. </li> * <li> In a postorder traversal, compute the loop multiplier for each loop. * The loop multiplier is a number such that the execution frequency of * the loop pre-header times the loop multiplier is equal to the * execution frequency of the loop head. This can be derived by computing * the loop exit weight (the probability of exiting the loop) and applying * Kirchoff's law that flow in is equal to flow out. Loop exit weight * can be computed in a single topological (ignoring backedges) traversal * of the nodes in the loop. </li> * <li> Assign the entry node weight 1. In a topological traversal of the CFG * (ignoring backedges), propagate the weights. When processing a loop head, * multiply the incoming weight by the loop multiplier.</li> * </ul> */ public class OPT_EstimateBlockFrequencies extends OPT_CompilerPhase { /** * The IR on which to operate. */ private OPT_IR ir; /** * The loop structure tree of said IR */ private OPT_LSTGraph lst; /** * Constructor for this compiler phase */ private static final Constructor<OPT_CompilerPhase> constructor = getCompilerPhaseConstructor(OPT_EstimateBlockFrequencies.class); /** * Get a constructor object for this compiler phase * @return compiler phase constructor */ public Constructor<OPT_CompilerPhase> getClassConstructor() { return constructor; } /** * Topological ordering (ignoring backedges) of CFG */ private OPT_BasicBlock[] topOrder; public String getName() { return "Estimate Block Frequencies"; } public void reportAdditionalStats() { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(container.counter1 / container.counter2 * 100, 2); VM.sysWrite("% Infrequent BBs"); } /** * Compute relative basic block frequencies for the argument IR based on the * branch probability information on each conditional and multiway branch. * Assumptions: (1) LST is valid * (2) basic block numbering is dense (compact has been called). * @param _ir the IR on which to apply the phase */ public void perform(OPT_IR _ir) { // Prepare ir = _ir; if (ir.options.FREQUENCY_STRATEGY == OPT_Options.DUMB_FREQ) { setDumbFrequencies(ir); return; } ir.cfg.resetTopSorted(); ir.cfg.buildTopSort(); topOrder = new OPT_BasicBlock[ir.cfg.numberOfNodes()]; int idx = 0; for (OPT_BasicBlock ptr = ir.cfg.entry(); ptr != null; ptr = (OPT_BasicBlock) ptr.getForwardSortedNext()) { topOrder[idx++] = ptr; ptr.setExecutionFrequency(0f); ptr.clearScratchFlag(); } // Get pre-computed LST from IR. lst = ir.HIRInfo.LoopStructureTree; // Compute loop multipliers if (lst != null) { computeLoopMultipliers(lst.getRoot()); for (OPT_BasicBlockEnumeration e = ir.getBasicBlocks(); e.hasMoreElements();) { OPT_BasicBlock bb = e.next(); bb.setExecutionFrequency(0f); bb.clearScratchFlag(); } } // Compute execution frequency of each basic block computeBlockFrequencies(); // Set infrequent bits on basic blocks computeInfrequentBlocks(ir); } /** * Set the frequency of each basic block to 1.0f. */ private void setDumbFrequencies(OPT_IR ir) { for (OPT_BasicBlockEnumeration e = ir.getBasicBlocks(); e.hasMoreElements();) { OPT_BasicBlock bb = e.next(); bb.setExecutionFrequency(1f); } } /** * Compute which blocks are infrequent. * Algorithm: let f = INFREQUENT_THRESHOLD. * Start with S = {all basic blocks}. * Sort the blocks by frequency. Starting with the most frequent * blocks, remove blocks from S until the sum of block frequencies in S * <= f. Then blocks in S are infrequent. * * @param ir the governing IR. */ private void computeInfrequentBlocks(OPT_IR ir) { int i = 0; float[] freq = new float[ir.getMaxBasicBlockNumber()]; float total = 0f; // count the total frequency of all blocks for (Enumeration<OPT_BasicBlock> e = ir.getBasicBlocks(); e.hasMoreElements();) { OPT_BasicBlock bb = e.nextElement(); freq[i] = bb.getExecutionFrequency(); total += freq[i]; i++; } // sort the frequencies (ascending); Arrays.sort(freq); float f = ir.options.INFREQUENT_THRESHOLD; float goal = (1f - f) * total; total = 0f; float threshold = 0f; // add up the frequencies (desceding) until we real the goal. for (i = freq.length - 1; i >= 0 && total < goal; i--) { threshold = freq[i]; total += threshold; } // go back and set infrequent bits. for (Enumeration<OPT_BasicBlock> e = ir.getBasicBlocks(); e.hasMoreElements();) { OPT_BasicBlock bb = e.nextElement(); if (bb.getExecutionFrequency() < threshold) { bb.setInfrequent(); container.counter1++; } else { bb.clearInfrequent(); } container.counter2++; } } /** * Postorder traversal of LST computing loop multiplier and loop exits * for each loop. */ private void computeLoopMultipliers(OPT_LSTNode n) { for (Enumeration<OPT_LSTNode> e = n.getChildren(); e.hasMoreElements();) { computeLoopMultipliers(e.nextElement()); } if (n != lst.getRoot()) { computeMultiplier(n); n.header.clearScratchFlag(); // so we won't ignore when processing enclosing loop } } /** * Compute the loop multiplier for this loop nest */ private void computeMultiplier(OPT_LSTNode n) { n.initializeLoopExits(); computeNodeWeights(n); float loopExitWeight = computeLoopExitWeight(n); n.loopMultiplier = 1.0f / loopExitWeight; } /** * Propagate execution frequencies through the loop. * Also records loop exit edges in loopExits. */ private void computeNodeWeights(OPT_LSTNode n) { n.header.setExecutionFrequency(1f); int idx = 0; while (topOrder[idx] != n.header) idx++; for (int numNodes = n.loop.populationCount(); numNodes > 0;) { if (idx >= topOrder.length) { numNodes--; continue; } OPT_BasicBlock cur = topOrder[idx++]; if (cur == null) { numNodes--; continue; } if (!n.loop.get(cur.getNumber())) continue; // node was not in the loop nest being processed. OPT_LSTNode other = lst.getLoop(cur); if (other != n) { if (cur == other.header) { // loop header of nested loop numNodes -= other.loop.populationCount(); } continue; // skip over nodes in nested loop. } numNodes--; cur.setScratchFlag(); float weight = cur.getExecutionFrequency(); for (OPT_WeightedBranchTargets wbt = new OPT_WeightedBranchTargets(cur); wbt.hasMoreElements(); wbt.advance()) { processEdge(n, cur, wbt.curBlock(), wbt.curWeight(), weight); } } } private void processEdge(OPT_LSTNode n, OPT_BasicBlock source, OPT_BasicBlock target, float prob, float weight) { if (target.getScratchFlag()) return; // ignore backedge if (n.loop.get(target.getNumber())) { OPT_LSTNode other = lst.getLoop(target); if (other == n) { target.augmentExecutionFrequency(prob * weight); } else { // header of nested loop; pass prob and weight through to targets of loop exits // Algorithm: find the total loopExitWeight, then distribute prob and weight // in ratio to the exit weight for each exit. // Effectively we are treating the nested loop as an n-way branch to its loop exits. target.setScratchFlag(); float exitWeight = computeLoopExitWeight(other); for (OPT_LSTNode.Edge exit : other.loopExits) { float myWeight = exit.source.getExecutionFrequency() * exit.probability; float myFraction = myWeight / exitWeight; processEdge(n, source, exit.target, prob * myFraction, weight); } target.clearScratchFlag(); } } else { n.addLoopExit(source, target, prob); } } private float computeLoopExitWeight(OPT_LSTNode n) { float exitWeight = 0f; for (OPT_LSTNode.Edge exit : n.loopExits) { exitWeight += (exit.source.getExecutionFrequency() * exit.probability); } // Kludge: if we think the loop has no exits, lets pretend that there is a 1% // chance of exiting to avoid getting NaN's in our computation. return exitWeight == 0f ? 0.01f : exitWeight; } private void computeBlockFrequencies() { ir.cfg.entry().setExecutionFrequency(1f); for (OPT_BasicBlock cur : topOrder) { if (cur == null || cur.isExit()) continue; // ignore exit node. if (lst != null) { OPT_LSTNode loop = lst.getLoop(cur); if (loop != null && loop.header == cur) { cur.setExecutionFrequency(cur.getExecutionFrequency() * loop.loopMultiplier); } } float weight = cur.getExecutionFrequency(); cur.setScratchFlag(); for (OPT_WeightedBranchTargets wbt = new OPT_WeightedBranchTargets(cur); wbt.hasMoreElements(); wbt.advance()) { OPT_BasicBlock target = wbt.curBlock(); if (!target.getScratchFlag()) { target.augmentExecutionFrequency(wbt.curWeight() * weight); } } } } }