/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util.VM_AOSGenerator; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util.VM_AOSLogging; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.VM_CompiledMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.VM_CompiledMethods; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.VM_RuntimeCompiler; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OPT_CompilationPlan; // TODO - Deal with subarch /** * An instance of this class describes a compilation decision made by * the controller * * Constraints: * Given the plan list of a method: * Only one plan will have status COMPLETED * Multiple plans may have status OUTDATED * Only one plan will have status IN_PROGRESS * * status states: * UNINITIALIZED -> IN_PROGRESS -> COMPLETED -> OUTDATED * \ \--> ABORTED_COMPILATION_ERROR (never recompile method) */ public final class VM_ControllerPlan { // The plan was created, but the setStatus method was never called public static final byte UNINITIALIZED = 0; // The plan was successfully completed, i.e., the method was recompiled public static final byte COMPLETED = 1; // Compilation began the method, but failed in an error public static final byte ABORTED_COMPILATION_ERROR = 2; // The compilation is still in progress public static final byte IN_PROGRESS = 3; // The compilation completed, but a new plan for the same method also // completed, so this is not the most recent completed plan public static final byte OUTDATED = 4; // The compilation plan is for a promotion from BASE to OPT public static final byte OSR_BASE_2_OPT = 5; // This is used by clients to initialize local variables for Java semantics public static final byte UNKNOWN = 99; /** * The associate compilation plan */ private OPT_CompilationPlan compPlan; /** * The time we created this plan */ private int timeCreated; /** * The time compilation began */ private int timeInitiated = -1; /** * The time compilation end */ private int timeCompleted = -1; /** * The speedup we were expecting */ private double expectedSpeedup; /** * The compilation time we were expecting */ private double expectedCompilationTime; /** * The priority associated with this plan */ private double priority; /** * The compiled method ID for this plan */ private int CMID; /** * The compiled method ID for the previous plan for this method */ private int prevCMID; /** * The status of this plan */ private byte status; /** * The list that we are onstatus of this plan */ private LinkedList<VM_ControllerPlan> planList; /** * Construct a controller plan * * @param compPlan The compilation plan * @param timeCreated The "time" this plan was created * @param prevCMID The previous compiled method ID * @param expectedSpeedup Expected recompilation benefit * @param expectedCompilationTime Expected recompilation cost * @param priority How important is executing this plan? */ public VM_ControllerPlan(OPT_CompilationPlan compPlan, int timeCreated, int prevCMID, double expectedSpeedup, double expectedCompilationTime, double priority) { this.compPlan = compPlan; this.timeCreated = timeCreated; this.prevCMID = prevCMID; this.status = VM_ControllerPlan.UNINITIALIZED; this.expectedSpeedup = expectedSpeedup; this.expectedCompilationTime = expectedCompilationTime; this.priority = priority; } /** * Execute the plan. * * @return true on success, false on failure */ public boolean execute() { // mark plan as in progress and insert it into controller memory setStatus(VM_ControllerPlan.IN_PROGRESS); VM_ControllerMemory.insert(this); if (VM_Controller.options .BACKGROUND_RECOMPILATION || getCompPlan().getMethod().getDeclaringClass().isInBootImage()) { VM_Controller.compilationQueue.insert(getPriority(), this); VM_AOSLogging.recompilationScheduled(getCompPlan(), getPriority()); return true; } else { getCompPlan().getMethod().replaceCompiledMethod(null, false); return true; } } /** * This method will recompile the method designated by the controller plan * {@link #getCompPlan}. It also * 1) credits the samples associated with the old compiled method * ID to the new method ID and clears the old value. * 2) clears inlining information * 3) updates the status of the controller plan */ public VM_CompiledMethod doRecompile() { OPT_CompilationPlan cp = getCompPlan(); setTimeInitiated(VM_Controller.controllerClock); VM_AOSLogging.recompilationStarted(cp); if (cp.options.PRINT_METHOD) { VM.sysWrite("-oc:O" + cp.options.getOptLevel() + " \n"); } // Compile the method. int newCMID = VM_RuntimeCompiler.recompileWithOpt(cp); int prevCMID = getPrevCMID(); if (VM_Controller.options.sampling()) { // transfer the samples from the old CMID to the new CMID. // scale the number of samples down by the expected speedup // in the newly compiled method. double expectedSpeedup = getExpectedSpeedup(); double oldNumSamples = VM_Controller.methodSamples.getData(prevCMID); double newNumSamples = oldNumSamples / expectedSpeedup; VM_Controller.methodSamples.reset(prevCMID); if (newCMID > -1) { VM_Controller.methodSamples.augmentData(newCMID, newNumSamples); } } // set the status of the plan accordingly if (newCMID != -1) { setStatus(VM_ControllerPlan.COMPLETED); } else { setStatus(VM_ControllerPlan.ABORTED_COMPILATION_ERROR); } setCMID(newCMID); setTimeCompleted(VM_Controller.controllerClock); VM_CompiledMethod cm = newCMID == -1 ? null : VM_CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(newCMID); if (newCMID == -1) { VM_AOSLogging.recompilationAborted(cp); } else { VM_AOSLogging.recompilationCompleted(cp); VM_AOSLogging.recordCompileTime(cm, getExpectedCompilationTime()); } if (VM_Controller.options.ENABLE_ADVICE_GENERATION && (newCMID != -1)) { VM_AOSGenerator.reCompilationWithOpt(cp); } return cm; } /** * The compilation plan */ public OPT_CompilationPlan getCompPlan() { return compPlan; } /** * The expected speedup <em>for this method </em> due to this recompilation */ public double getExpectedSpeedup() { return expectedSpeedup; } /** * The expected compilation time for this method */ public double getExpectedCompilationTime() { return expectedCompilationTime; } /** * The priority (how important is it that this plan be executed) */ public double getPriority() { return priority; } /** * The time this plan was created */ public int getTimeCreated() { return timeCreated; } /** * The time (according to the controller clock) compilation of this plan * began. */ public int getTimeInitiated() { return timeInitiated; } public void setTimeInitiated(int t) { timeInitiated = t; } /** * The time (according to the controller clock) compilation of this plan * completed. */ public int getTimeCompleted() { return timeCompleted; } public void setTimeCompleted(int t) { timeCompleted = t; } /** * CMID (compiled method id) associated with the code produced * by executing this plan */ public int getCMID() { return CMID; } public void setCMID(int x) { CMID = x; } /** * CMID (compiled method id) associated with the *PREVIOUS* compiled * version of this method */ public int getPrevCMID() { return prevCMID; } /** * Status of this compilation plan, choose from the values above */ public byte getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(byte newStatus) { status = newStatus; // if we are marking this plan as completed, all previous completed plans // for this method should be marked as OUTDATED if (newStatus == COMPLETED) { // iterate over the planList until we get to this item synchronized (planList) { for (VM_ControllerPlan curPlan : planList) { // exit when we find ourselves if (curPlan == this) break; if (curPlan.getStatus() == COMPLETED) { curPlan.status = OUTDATED; } } // more to process } } } /** * List of plans for a source method */ public void setPlanList(LinkedList<VM_ControllerPlan> list) { planList = list; } public String getStatusString() { switch (status) { case UNINITIALIZED: return "UNINITIALIZED"; case COMPLETED: return "COMPLETED"; case ABORTED_COMPILATION_ERROR: return "ABORTED_COMPILATION_ERROR"; case IN_PROGRESS: return "IN_PROGRESS"; case OUTDATED: return "OUTDATED"; case OSR_BASE_2_OPT: return "OSR_BASE_2_OPT"; case UNKNOWN: return "UNKNOWN (not error)"; default: return "**** ERROR, UNKNOWN STATUS ****"; } } public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Method: ").append(getCompPlan().method).append("\n\tCompiled Method ID: ").append(CMID).append( "\n\tPrevious Compiled Method ID: ").append(prevCMID).append("\n\tCreated at ").append(timeCreated).append( "\n\tInitiated at ").append(timeInitiated).append("\n\tCompleted at ").append(timeCompleted).append( "\n\tExpected Speedup: ").append(expectedSpeedup).append("\n\tExpected Compilation Time: ").append( expectedCompilationTime).append("\n\tPriority: ").append(priority).append("\n\tStatus: ").append(getStatusString()).append( "\n\tComp. Plan Level: ").append(compPlan.options.getOptLevel()).append("\n"); return buf.toString(); } }