/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Goto; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_BasicBlock; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_BasicBlockEnumeration; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_BranchOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_IR; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_Instruction; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_Operators.GOTO; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_WeightedBranchTargets; /** * Reorder code layout of basic blocks for improved I-cache locality and * branch prediction. This code assumes that basic block frequencies have * been computed and blocks have been marked infrequent. * This pass actually implements two code placement algorithms: * (1) A simple 'fluff' removal pass that moves all infrequent basic blocks * to the end of the code order. * (2) Pettis and Hansen Algo2. */ final class OPT_ReorderingPhase extends OPT_CompilerPhase { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** * Return this instance of this phase. This phase contains no * per-compilation instance fields. * @param ir not used * @return this */ public OPT_CompilerPhase newExecution(OPT_IR ir) { return this; } public boolean shouldPerform(OPT_Options options) { return options.REORDER_CODE; } public boolean printingEnabled(OPT_Options options, boolean before) { return DEBUG; } public String getName() { return "Code Reordering"; } /** * Reorder basic blocks either by trivially moving infrequent blocks * to the end of the code order or by applying Pettis and Hansen Algo2. * * We will rearrange basic blocks and insert/remove * unconditional GOTO's if needed. It does not clean up branches, * by reversing the branch condition, however. That is saved for * OPT_BranchOptimizations. */ public void perform(OPT_IR ir) { ir.cfg.entry().clearInfrequent(); if (ir.options.REORDER_CODE_PH) { // Do Pettis and Hansen PLDI'90 Algo2 doPettisHansenAlgo2(ir); } else { // Simple algorithm: just move infrequent code to the end exileInfrequentBlocks(ir); } } ///////////////////////// // Code for trivial algorithm ///////////////////////// /** * Select a new basic block ordering via a simple heuristic * that moves all infrequent basic blocks to the end. * @param ir the OPT_IR object to reorder */ private void exileInfrequentBlocks(OPT_IR ir) { // (1) Look to see if there are infrequent blocks // Also count how many blocks there are. int numBlocks = 0; boolean foundSome = false; for (OPT_BasicBlockEnumeration e = ir.getBasicBlocks(); e.hasMoreElements();) { OPT_BasicBlock bb = e.next(); numBlocks++; foundSome |= bb.getInfrequent(); } if (!foundSome) return; // Nothing to do // Reorder the blocks to exile the infrequent blocks. // Relative order within the set of frequent and infrequent is unchanged. OPT_BasicBlock[] newOrdering = new OPT_BasicBlock[numBlocks]; int idx = 0; // First append frequent blocks to newOrdering for (OPT_BasicBlock bb = ir.cfg.firstInCodeOrder(); bb != null; bb = bb.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder()) { if (!bb.getInfrequent()) { newOrdering[idx++] = bb; } } // Next append infrequent blocks to newOrdering for (OPT_BasicBlock bb = ir.cfg.firstInCodeOrder(); bb != null; bb = bb.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder()) { if (bb.getInfrequent()) { newOrdering[idx++] = bb; } } if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(idx == numBlocks); // don't lose blocks! if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(ir.cfg.entry() == newOrdering[0]); // Add/remove unconditional goto's as needed. for (int i = 0; i < newOrdering.length; i++) { OPT_Instruction lastInstr = newOrdering[i].lastRealInstruction(); // Append a GOTO if needed to maintain old fallthrough semantics. OPT_BasicBlock fallthroughBlock = newOrdering[i].getFallThroughBlock(); if (fallthroughBlock != null) { if (i == newOrdering.length - 1 || fallthroughBlock != newOrdering[i + 1]) { // Add unconditional goto to preserve old fallthrough semantics newOrdering[i].appendInstruction(fallthroughBlock.makeGOTO()); } } // Remove last instruction if it is a redundant GOTO that // can be implemented by a fallthrough edge in the new ordering. // (Only possible if newOrdering[i] is not the last basic block.) if (i < newOrdering.length - 1 && lastInstr != null && lastInstr.operator() == GOTO) { OPT_BranchOperand op = Goto.getTarget(lastInstr); if (op.target.getBasicBlock() == newOrdering[i + 1]) { // unconditional goto is redundant in new ordering lastInstr.remove(); } } } // Re-insert all basic blocks according to new ordering ir.cfg.clearCodeOrder(); for (OPT_BasicBlock bb : newOrdering) { ir.cfg.addLastInCodeOrder(bb); } } ///////////////////////// // Code for P&H Algo2 ///////////////////////// /** * Reorder code using Algo2 (Bottom-Up Positioning) from * Pettis and Hansen PLDI'90. * @param ir the OPT_IR to reorder. */ private void doPettisHansenAlgo2(OPT_IR ir) { // (1) Setup: // (a) Count the blocks // (b) Create a sorted set of CFG edges // (c) Create a set of blocks // (d) Make fallthroughs explict by adding GOTOs int numBlocks = 0; TreeSet<Edge> edges = new TreeSet<Edge>(); HashSet<OPT_BasicBlock> chainHeads = new HashSet<OPT_BasicBlock>(); OPT_BasicBlock entry = ir.cfg.entry(); if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(ir.cfg.entry() == ir.cfg.firstInCodeOrder()); for (OPT_BasicBlock bb = entry; bb != null; bb = bb.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder()) { numBlocks++; chainHeads.add(bb); bb.scratchObject = bb; OPT_BasicBlock ft = bb.getFallThroughBlock(); if (ft != null) { bb.appendInstruction(Goto.create(GOTO, ft.makeJumpTarget())); } float bw = bb.getExecutionFrequency(); for (OPT_WeightedBranchTargets wbt = new OPT_WeightedBranchTargets(bb); wbt.hasMoreElements(); wbt.advance()) { edges.add(new Edge(bb, wbt.curBlock(), wbt.curWeight() * bw)); } } if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("Edges = " + edges); // (2) Build chains ir.cfg.clearCodeOrder(); for (Edge e : edges) { // If the source of the edge is the last block in its chain // and the target of the edge is the first block in its chain // then merge the chains. if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("Processing edge " + e); if (e.target == entry) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("\tCan't put entry block in interior of chain"); continue; } if (e.source.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder() != null) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("\tSource is not at end of a chain"); continue; } if (e.target.prevBasicBlockInCodeOrder() != null) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("\tTarget is not at start of a chain"); continue; } if (e.source.scratchObject == e.target.scratchObject) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("\tSource and target are in same chain"); continue; } if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("\tMerging chains"); chainHeads.remove(e.target); ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(e.source, e.target); // Yuck....we should really use near-linear time union find here // Doing this crappy thing makes us O(N^2) in the worst case. OPT_BasicBlock newChain = (OPT_BasicBlock) e.source.scratchObject; for (OPT_BasicBlock ptr = e.target; ptr != null; ptr = ptr.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder()) { ptr.scratchObject = newChain; } } if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("Chains constructed "); HashMap<OPT_BasicBlock, ChainInfo> chainInfo = new HashMap<OPT_BasicBlock, ChainInfo>(); for (OPT_BasicBlock head : chainHeads) { if (DEBUG) dumpChain(head); chainInfo.put(head, new ChainInfo(head)); } // (3) Summarize inter-chain edges. for (Edge e : edges) { if (e.source.scratchObject != e.target.scratchObject) { Object sourceChain = e.source.scratchObject; Object targetChain = e.target.scratchObject; ChainInfo sourceInfo = chainInfo.get(sourceChain); ChainInfo targetInfo = chainInfo.get(targetChain); if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("Inter-chain edge " + sourceChain + "->" + targetChain + " (" + e.weight + ")"); Object value = sourceInfo.outWeights.get(targetInfo); float weight = e.weight; if (value != null) { weight += (Float) value; } sourceInfo.outWeights.put(targetInfo, weight); targetInfo.inWeight += e.weight; if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("\t" + targetInfo + "," + sourceInfo.outWeights.get(targetInfo)); } } if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("Chain Info " + chainInfo); // (4) Construct a total order of the chains, guided by the interchain edge weights. // Constructing an optimal order is NP-Hard, so we apply the following heuristic. // The chain that starts with the entry node is placed first. // At each step, pick the chain with the maximal placedWeight (incoming edges from chains // that are already placed) and minimal inWeight (incoming edges from chains that are not // already placed). Prefer a node with non-zero placedWeight and inWeight to one that has // zeros for both. (A node with both zero placedWeight and zero inWeight is something that // the profile data predicts is not reachable via normal control flow from the entry node). OPT_BasicBlock lastNode = null; ChainInfo nextChoice = chainInfo.get(entry); int numPlaced = 0; ir.cfg._firstNode = entry; while (true) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("Placing chain " + nextChoice); // Append nextChoice to the previous chain if (lastNode != null) ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(lastNode, nextChoice.head); for (OPT_BasicBlock ptr = nextChoice.head; ptr != null; ptr = ptr.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder()) { numPlaced++; lastNode = ptr; } // update ChainInfo chainInfo.remove(nextChoice.head); if (chainInfo.isEmpty()) break; // no chains left to place. for (ChainInfo target : nextChoice.outWeights.keySet()) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWrite("\toutedge " + target); float weight = (Float) nextChoice.outWeights.get(target); if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln(" = " + weight); target.placedWeight += weight; target.inWeight -= weight; } if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("Chain Info " + chainInfo); // Find the next chain to append. nextChoice = null; for (ChainInfo cand : chainInfo.values()) { if (cand.placedWeight > 0f) { if (nextChoice == null) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("First reachable candidate " + cand); nextChoice = cand; } else if (cand.inWeight > nextChoice.inWeight || (cand.inWeight == nextChoice.inWeight && cand.placedWeight > nextChoice.placedWeight)) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln(cand + " is a better choice than " + nextChoice); nextChoice = cand; } } } if (nextChoice != null) continue; // All remaining chains are fluff (not reachable from entry). // Pick one with minimal inWeight and continue. for (ChainInfo cand : chainInfo.values()) { if (nextChoice == null) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln("First candidate " + cand); nextChoice = cand; } else if (cand.inWeight < nextChoice.inWeight) { if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln(cand + " is a better choice than " + nextChoice); nextChoice = cand; } } } if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(numPlaced == numBlocks); // Don't lose blocks!! ir.cfg._lastNode = lastNode; } private void dumpChain(OPT_BasicBlock head) { VM.sysWrite("{" + head); for (OPT_BasicBlock next = head.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); next != null; next = next.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder()) { VM.sysWrite(", " + next); } VM.sysWriteln("}"); } private static class ChainInfo { final OPT_BasicBlock head; float placedWeight; float inWeight; final HashMap<ChainInfo, Object> outWeights = new HashMap<ChainInfo, Object>(); ChainInfo(OPT_BasicBlock h) { head = h; } public String toString() { return "[" + head + "," + placedWeight + "," + inWeight + "] " + outWeights.size(); } } private static final class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> { final OPT_BasicBlock source; final OPT_BasicBlock target; final float weight; Edge(OPT_BasicBlock s, OPT_BasicBlock t, float w) { source = s; target = t; weight = w; } public String toString() { return weight + ": " + source.toString() + " -> " + target.toString(); } public int compareTo(Edge that) { if (weight < that.weight) { return 1; } else if (weight > that.weight) { return -1; } else { // Equal weights. // Sort based on original code ordering, which is implied by block number if (source.getNumber() < that.source.getNumber()) { return 1; } else if (source.getNumber() > that.source.getNumber()) { return -1; } else { if (target.getNumber() > that.target.getNumber()) { return 1; } else if (source.getNumber() < that.target.getNumber()) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } } } } }