/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.jikesrvm.ArchitectureSpecific; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.VM_Constants; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.database.callgraph.VM_CallSite; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_Array; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_MemberReference; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_Method; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_NormalMethod; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_TypeReference; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.MIR_Call; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_CallSiteTree; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_GCIRMap; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_GCIRMapElement; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_IR; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_Instruction; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.OPT_MethodOperand; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Interruptible; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; //TODO - Deal with Subarch /** * A class that encapsulates mapping information about generated machine code. * Since there will be an instance of this class with every VM_OptCompiledMethod, * we attempt to pack the data into a reasonably small number of bits. * * <p> The supported functions are: * <ul> * <li> (1) Map from a machine code offset to a GC map (register & stack map). * <li> (2) Map from machinecode offset to <method, bcIndex> pair. * Used for: * <ul> * <li> dynamic linking * <li> lazy compilation * <li> adaptive system profiling * </ul> * <li> (3) Map from a machine code offset to a tree of <method, bcIndex> pairs * that encodes the inlining sequence. * Used for: * <ul> * <li> IPA * <li> stack inspection (print stack trace, * security manager, etc). * <li> general debugging support. * <li> adaptive system profiling * </ul> * * Note: This file contains two types of methods * 1) methods called during compilation to create the maps * 2) methods called at GC time (no allocation allowed!) */ @Uninterruptible public final class VM_OptMachineCodeMap implements VM_Constants, OPT_Constants { /** * Private constructor, object should be created via create */ private VM_OptMachineCodeMap(int[] _MCInformation, int[] _gcMaps, int[] _inlineEncoding) { MCInformation = _MCInformation; gcMaps = _gcMaps; inlineEncoding = _inlineEncoding; } /** * Private null constructor for no information */ private VM_OptMachineCodeMap() { MCInformation = null; gcMaps = null; inlineEncoding = null; } /** * Create the map, called during compilation * @param ir the ir object for this method * @param machineCodeSize the number of machine code instructions generated. */ @Interruptible static VM_OptMachineCodeMap create(OPT_IR ir, int machineCodeSize) { if (DUMP_MAPS) { VM.sysWrite("Creating final machine code map for " + ir.method + "\n"); } // create all machine code maps final VM_OptMachineCodeMap map = generateMCInformation(ir.MIRInfo.gcIRMap); if (DUMP_MAP_SIZES) { map.recordStats(ir.method, map.size(), machineCodeSize << ArchitectureSpecific.VM_RegisterConstants.LG_INSTRUCTION_WIDTH); } if (DUMP_MAPS) { VM.sysWrite("Final Machine code information:\n"); map.dumpMCInformation(); for (OPT_Instruction i = ir.firstInstructionInCodeOrder(); i != null; i = i.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) { VM.sysWriteln(i.getmcOffset() + "\t" + i); } } return map; } /** * Get the bytecode index for a machine instruction offset. * * @param MCOffset the machine code offset of interest * @return -1 if unknown. */ public int getBytecodeIndexForMCOffset(Offset MCOffset) { int entry = findMCEntry(MCOffset); if (entry == -1) { return -1; } return getBytecodeIndex(entry); } /** * Get the VM_Method for a machine instruction offset. * This method is the source method that the instruction came from. * * @param MCOffset the machine code offset of interest * @return null if unknown */ public VM_NormalMethod getMethodForMCOffset(Offset MCOffset) { int entry = findMCEntry(MCOffset); if (entry == -1) { return null; } int iei = getInlineEncodingIndex(entry); if (iei == -1) { return null; } int mid = VM_OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getMethodID(iei, inlineEncoding); return (VM_NormalMethod) VM_MemberReference.getMemberRef(mid).asMethodReference().getResolvedMember(); } /** * Return the inlining encoding index for the machine instruction offset. * * @param MCOffset the machine code offset of interest * @return -1 if unknown. */ public int getInlineEncodingForMCOffset(Offset MCOffset) { int entry = findMCEntry(MCOffset); if (entry == -1) { return -1; } return getInlineEncodingIndex(entry); } /** * This method searches for the GC map corresponding to the * passed machine code offset. * If no map is present, an error has occurred and VM_OptGCMap.ERROR * is returned. * * @param MCOffset the machine code offset to look for * @return the GC map index or VM_OptGCMap.ERROR */ public int findGCMapIndex(Offset MCOffset) { int entry = findMCEntry(MCOffset); if (entry == -1) return VM_OptGCMap.ERROR; return getGCMapIndex(entry); } /** * @return an arraylist of VM_CallSite objects representing all non-inlined * callsites in the method. Returns null if there are no such callsites. */ @Interruptible public ArrayList<VM_CallSite> getNonInlinedCallSites() { ArrayList<VM_CallSite> ans = null; if (MCInformation == null) return ans; for (int entry = 0; entry < MCInformation.length;) { int callInfo = getCallInfo(entry); if (callInfo == IS_UNGUARDED_CALL) { int bcIndex = getBytecodeIndex(entry); if (bcIndex != -1) { int iei = getInlineEncodingIndex(entry); if (iei != -1) { int mid = VM_OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getMethodID(iei, inlineEncoding); VM_Method caller = VM_MemberReference.getMemberRef(mid).asMethodReference().peekResolvedMethod(false); if (caller != null) { if (ans == null) ans = new ArrayList<VM_CallSite>(); ans.add(new VM_CallSite(caller, bcIndex)); } } } } entry = nextEntry(entry); } return ans; } /** * This method searches the machine code maps and determines if * the given call edge is definitely inlined into the method. * NOTE: This current implementation may return false even if the * edge actually was inlined. This happens when no GC point occurs within * the inlined body. This is less than ideal; we need to fix this at some point. * @param caller caller VM_Method * @param bcIndex bytecode index of the caller method * @param callee callee VM_Method * @return true if the call edge is <em>definitely</em> inlined in this compiled method. */ public boolean hasInlinedEdge(VM_Method caller, int bcIndex, VM_Method callee) { if (MCInformation == null) return false; if (inlineEncoding == null) return false; return VM_OptEncodedCallSiteTree.edgePresent(caller.getId(), bcIndex, callee.getId(), inlineEncoding); } /** * Returns the GC map information for the GC map information entry passed * @param index GCmap entry */ public int gcMapInformation(int index) { return VM_OptGCMap.gcMapInformation(index, gcMaps); } /** * Determines if the register map information for the entry passed is true * @param entry map entry * @param registerNumber the register number */ public boolean registerIsSet(int entry, int registerNumber) { return VM_OptGCMap.registerIsSet(entry, registerNumber, gcMaps); } /** * @return the next (relative) location or -1 for no more locations */ public int nextLocation(int currentIndex) { return VM_OptGCMap.nextLocation(currentIndex, gcMaps); } /////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation /////////////////////////////////////// /** * Do a binary search of the machine code maps to find the index * in MCInformation where the entry for the argument machine code * offset starts. Will return -1 if the entry doesn't exist. * * @param MCOffset the machine code offset of interest */ private int findMCEntry(Offset MCOffset) { // Given a machine code instruction MCOffset, find the corresponding entry if (MCInformation == null) return -1; if (MCInformation.length == 0) return -1; int left = 0; int right = MCInformation.length - 1; while (left <= right) { int middle = (left + right) >> 1; // take the average while ((MCInformation[middle] & START_OF_ENTRY) != START_OF_ENTRY) { // if necessary, step backwards to beginning of entry. middle--; } Offset offset = Offset.fromIntSignExtend(getMCOffset(middle)); if (MCOffset.EQ(offset)) { return middle; } else if (MCOffset.sGT(offset)) { // middle is too small, shift interval to the right left = middle + 1; if (left >= MCInformation.length) return -1; while ((MCInformation[left] & START_OF_ENTRY) != START_OF_ENTRY) { // if necessary, step forward to find next entry, but not passed end // Need to do this to avoid finding middle again left++; if (left >= MCInformation.length) { return -1; } } } else { // middle is too small, shift interval to the left right = middle - 1; // Note no need to adjust as, we won't chance finding middle again } } return -1; } private int nextEntry(int entry) { if (isBigEntry(entry)) return entry + SIZEOF_BIG_ENTRY; if (isHugeEntry(entry)) return entry + SIZEOF_HUGE_ENTRY; return entry + SIZEOF_ENTRY; } //////////////////////////////////////////// // Create the map (at compile time) //////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This method walks the IR map, and for each entry it creates * the machine code mapping information for the entry. * It is called during the compilation of the method, not at GC time. * @param irMap the irmap to translate from */ @Interruptible private static VM_OptMachineCodeMap generateMCInformation(OPT_GCIRMap irMap) { OPT_CallSiteTree inliningMap = new OPT_CallSiteTree(); int numEntries = 0; // (1) Count how many entries we are going to have and // construct and encode the inlining information for those entries. for (OPT_GCIRMapElement irMapElem : irMap) { numEntries++; OPT_Instruction instr = irMapElem.getInstruction(); if (instr.position == null && instr.bcIndex != INSTRUMENTATION_BCI) { if (MIR_Call.conforms(instr) && MIR_Call.hasMethod(instr)) { throw new OPT_OptimizingCompilerException("position required for all call instructions " + instr); } } else { inliningMap.addLocation(instr.position); } } if (numEntries == 0) return emptyMachineCodeMap; // if no entries, then we are done. int[] inlineEncoding = VM_OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getEncoding(inliningMap); // (2) Encode the primary machine code mapping information and the GCMaps. VM_OptGCMap gcMapBuilder = new VM_OptGCMap(); int[] tmpMC = new int[numEntries * SIZEOF_HUGE_ENTRY]; int lastMCInfoEntry = 0; for (OPT_GCIRMapElement irMapElem : irMap) { OPT_Instruction instr = irMapElem.getInstruction(); if (DUMP_MAPS) VM.sysWrite("IR Map for " + instr + "\n\t" + irMapElem); // retrieve the machine code offset (in bytes) from the instruction, int mco = instr.getmcOffset(); if (mco < 0) { VM.sysWrite("Negative machine code MCOffset found:" + mco); OPT_Instruction i = irMapElem.getInstruction(); VM.sysWrite(i.bcIndex + ", " + i + ", " + i.getmcOffset() + "\n"); throw new OPT_OptimizingCompilerException("Negative machine code MCOffset found"); } // create GC map and get GCI int gci = gcMapBuilder.generateGCMapEntry(irMapElem); // get bci information int bci = instr.getBytecodeIndex(); if (bci < 0) { if (bci == UNKNOWN_BCI && MIR_Call.conforms(instr) && MIR_Call.hasMethod(instr)) { throw new OPT_OptimizingCompilerException("valid bytecode index required for all calls " + instr); } bci = -1; } // get index into inline encoding int iei = -1; if (instr.position != null) { iei = inliningMap.find(instr.position).encodedOffset; } // set the call info int cm = 0; if (MIR_Call.conforms(instr)) { OPT_MethodOperand mo = MIR_Call.getMethod(instr); if (mo != null && mo.isGuardedInlineOffBranch()) { cm = IS_GUARDED_CALL; } else { cm = IS_UNGUARDED_CALL; } } // Encode this entry into MCInformation if (bci < INVALID_BCI && iei < INVALID_IEI && gci < INVALID_GCI && mco < (OFFSET_MASK >>> OFFSET_SHIFT)) { // use a small entry if (bci == -1) bci = INVALID_BCI; if (iei == -1) iei = INVALID_IEI; if (gci == -1) gci = INVALID_GCI; if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert((cm & (CALL_MASK >>> CALL_SHIFT)) == cm); VM._assert((bci & (BCI_MASK >>> BCI_SHIFT)) == bci); VM._assert((iei & (IEI_MASK >>> IEI_SHIFT)) == iei); VM._assert((gci & (GCI_MASK >>> GCI_SHIFT)) == gci); VM._assert((mco & (OFFSET_MASK >>> OFFSET_SHIFT)) == mco); } int t = START_OF_ENTRY; t |= (cm << CALL_SHIFT); t |= (bci << BCI_SHIFT); t |= (iei << IEI_SHIFT); t |= (gci << GCI_SHIFT); t |= (mco << OFFSET_SHIFT); tmpMC[lastMCInfoEntry++] = t; } else if (bci < BIG_INVALID_BCI && iei < BIG_INVALID_IEI && gci < BIG_INVALID_GCI && mco < (BIG_OFFSET_MASK >>> BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT)) { // use a big entry if (bci == -1) bci = BIG_INVALID_BCI; if (iei == -1) iei = BIG_INVALID_IEI; if (gci == -1) gci = BIG_INVALID_GCI; if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert((cm & (BIG_CALL_MASK >>> BIG_CALL_SHIFT)) == cm); VM._assert((bci & (BIG_BCI_MASK >>> BIG_BCI_SHIFT)) == bci); VM._assert((iei & (BIG_IEI_MASK >>> BIG_IEI_SHIFT)) == iei); VM._assert((gci & (BIG_GCI_MASK >>> BIG_GCI_SHIFT)) == gci); VM._assert((mco & (BIG_OFFSET_MASK >>> BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT)) == mco); } int startIdx = lastMCInfoEntry; tmpMC[startIdx] = START_OF_BIG_ENTRY; tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_CALL_IDX_ADJ] |= (cm << BIG_CALL_SHIFT); tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_BCI_IDX_ADJ] |= (bci << BIG_BCI_SHIFT); tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ] |= (mco << BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT); tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_GCI_IDX_ADJ] |= (gci << BIG_GCI_SHIFT); tmpMC[startIdx + BIG_IEI_IDX_ADJ] |= (iei << BIG_IEI_SHIFT); lastMCInfoEntry += SIZEOF_BIG_ENTRY; } else { // use a huge entry if (bci == -1) bci = HUGE_INVALID_BCI; if (iei == -1) iei = HUGE_INVALID_IEI; if (gci == -1) gci = HUGE_INVALID_GCI; if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert((cm & (HUGE_CALL_MASK >>> HUGE_CALL_SHIFT)) == cm); VM._assert((bci & (HUGE_BCI_MASK >>> HUGE_BCI_SHIFT)) == bci); VM._assert((iei & (HUGE_IEI_MASK >>> HUGE_IEI_SHIFT)) == iei); VM._assert((gci & (HUGE_GCI_MASK >>> HUGE_GCI_SHIFT)) == gci); VM._assert((mco & (HUGE_OFFSET_MASK >>> HUGE_OFFSET_SHIFT)) == mco); } int startIdx = lastMCInfoEntry; tmpMC[startIdx] = START_OF_HUGE_ENTRY; tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_CALL_IDX_ADJ] |= (cm << HUGE_CALL_SHIFT); tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_BCI_IDX_ADJ] |= (bci << HUGE_BCI_SHIFT); tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ] |= (mco << HUGE_OFFSET_SHIFT); tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_GCI_IDX_ADJ] |= (gci << HUGE_GCI_SHIFT); tmpMC[startIdx + HUGE_IEI_IDX_ADJ] |= (iei << HUGE_IEI_SHIFT); lastMCInfoEntry += SIZEOF_HUGE_ENTRY; } } int[] mcInformation = new int[lastMCInfoEntry]; System.arraycopy(tmpMC, 0, mcInformation, 0, mcInformation.length); int[] gcMaps = gcMapBuilder.finish(); return new VM_OptMachineCodeMap(mcInformation, gcMaps, inlineEncoding); } //////////////////////////////////////////// // Accessors // NB: The accessors take an entry number, which is defined to // be the index of word I of the MCInformation entry //////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns the MCOffset for the entry passed * @param entry the index of the start of the entry * @return the MCOffset for this entry */ private int getMCOffset(int entry) { if (isBigEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ]; return (t & BIG_OFFSET_MASK) >>> BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT; } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ]; return (t & HUGE_OFFSET_MASK) >>> HUGE_OFFSET_SHIFT; } else { int t = MCInformation[entry]; return (t & OFFSET_MASK) >>> OFFSET_SHIFT; } } /** * Returns the GC map index for the entry passed * @param entry the index of the start of the entry * @return the GC map entry index for this entry (or -1 if none) */ private int getGCMapIndex(int entry) { if (isBigEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_GCI_IDX_ADJ]; int gci = (t & BIG_GCI_MASK) >>> BIG_GCI_SHIFT; if (gci == BIG_INVALID_GCI) return -1; return gci; } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_GCI_IDX_ADJ]; int gci = (t & HUGE_GCI_MASK) >>> HUGE_GCI_SHIFT; if (gci == HUGE_INVALID_GCI) return -1; return gci; } else { int t = MCInformation[entry]; int gci = (t & GCI_MASK) >>> GCI_SHIFT; if (gci == INVALID_GCI) return -1; return gci; } } /** * Returns the Bytecode index for the entry passed * @param entry the index of the start of the entry * @return the bytecode index for this entry (-1 if unknown) */ private int getBytecodeIndex(int entry) { if (isBigEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_BCI_IDX_ADJ]; int bci = (t & BIG_BCI_MASK) >>> BIG_BCI_SHIFT; if (bci == BIG_INVALID_BCI) return -1; return bci; } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_BCI_IDX_ADJ]; int bci = (t & HUGE_BCI_MASK) >>> HUGE_BCI_SHIFT; if (bci == HUGE_INVALID_BCI) return -1; return bci; } else { int t = MCInformation[entry]; int bci = (t & BCI_MASK) >>> BCI_SHIFT; if (bci == INVALID_BCI) return -1; return bci; } } /** * Returns the inline encoding index for the entry passed. * @param entry the index of the start of the entry * @return the inline encoding index for this entry (-1 if unknown) */ private int getInlineEncodingIndex(int entry) { if (isBigEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_IEI_IDX_ADJ]; int iei = (t & BIG_IEI_MASK) >>> BIG_IEI_SHIFT; if (iei == BIG_INVALID_IEI) return -1; return iei; } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_IEI_IDX_ADJ]; int iei = (t & HUGE_IEI_MASK) >>> HUGE_IEI_SHIFT; if (iei == HUGE_INVALID_IEI) return -1; return iei; } else { int t = MCInformation[entry]; int iei = (t & IEI_MASK) >>> IEI_SHIFT; if (iei == INVALID_IEI) return -1; return iei; } } /** * Returns the call info for the entry passed. * @param entry the index of the start of the entry * @return the call info for this entry */ private int getCallInfo(int entry) { if (isBigEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + BIG_CALL_IDX_ADJ]; return (t & BIG_CALL_MASK) >>> BIG_CALL_SHIFT; } else if (isHugeEntry(entry)) { int t = MCInformation[entry + HUGE_CALL_IDX_ADJ]; return (t & HUGE_CALL_MASK) >>> HUGE_CALL_SHIFT; } else { int t = MCInformation[entry]; return (t & CALL_MASK) >>> CALL_SHIFT; } } /** * Is the entry a big entry? */ private boolean isBigEntry(int entry) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert((MCInformation[entry] & START_OF_ENTRY) == START_OF_ENTRY); } return (MCInformation[entry] & START_BITS) == START_OF_BIG_ENTRY; } /** * Is the entry a big entry? */ private boolean isHugeEntry(int entry) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert((MCInformation[entry] & START_OF_ENTRY) == START_OF_ENTRY); } return (MCInformation[entry] & START_BITS) == START_OF_HUGE_ENTRY; } //////////////////////////////////////////// // Debugging //////////////////////////////////////////// @Interruptible public void dumpMCInformation() { if (DUMP_MAPS) { VM.sysWrite(" Dumping the MCInformation\n"); if (MCInformation == null) return; for (int idx = 0; idx < MCInformation.length;) { printMCInformationEntry(idx); idx = nextEntry(idx); } } } /** * Prints the MCInformation for this entry * @param entry the entry to print */ @Interruptible private void printMCInformationEntry(int entry) { if (DUMP_MAPS) { String sep = "\tMC: "; if (isBigEntry(entry)) sep = "B\tMC: "; if (isHugeEntry(entry)) sep = "H\tMC: "; VM.sysWrite(entry + sep + getMCOffset(entry)); int bci = getBytecodeIndex(entry); if (bci != -1) { VM.sysWrite("\n\tBCI: " + bci); } int iei = getInlineEncodingIndex(entry); if (iei != -1) { VM.sysWrite("\n\tIEI: " + iei); } boolean first = true; while (iei >= 0) { int mid = VM_OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getMethodID(iei, inlineEncoding); VM_Method meth = VM_MemberReference.getMemberRef(mid).asMethodReference().getResolvedMember(); if (first) { first = false; VM.sysWrite("\n\tIn method " + meth + " at bytecode " + bci); } else { VM.sysWrite("\n\tInlined into " + meth + " at bytecode " + bci); } if (iei > 0) { bci = VM_OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getByteCodeOffset(iei, inlineEncoding); } iei = VM_OptEncodedCallSiteTree.getParent(iei, inlineEncoding); } if (getGCMapIndex(entry) != VM_OptGCMap.NO_MAP_ENTRY) { VM.sysWrite("\n\tGC Map Idx: " + getGCMapIndex(entry) + " "); VM_OptGCMap.dumpMap(getGCMapIndex(entry), gcMaps); } else { VM.sysWrite("\n\tno GC map"); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); } } /** * Gather cumulative stats about the space consumed by maps. * @param method * @param mapSize * @param machineCodeSize */ @Interruptible private void recordStats(VM_Method method, int mapSize, int machineCodeSize) { if (DUMP_MAP_SIZES) { double mapMCPercent = (double) mapSize / machineCodeSize; VM.sysWrite(method); VM.sysWrite(" map is " + (int) (mapMCPercent * 100) + "% (" + mapSize + "/" + machineCodeSize + ") of MC.\n"); totalMCSize += machineCodeSize; totalMapSize += mapSize; double MCPct = (double) totalMapSize / totalMCSize; VM.sysWrite(" Cumulative maps are now " + (int) (MCPct * 100) + "% (" + totalMapSize + "/" + totalMCSize + ") of MC.\n"); } } /** * Total bytes of machine code maps */ int size() { int size = TYPE.peekType().asClass().getInstanceSize(); if (MCInformation != null) size += VM_Array.IntArray.getInstanceSize(MCInformation.length); if (inlineEncoding != null) size += VM_Array.IntArray.getInstanceSize(inlineEncoding.length); if (gcMaps != null) size += VM_Array.IntArray.getInstanceSize(gcMaps.length); return size; } //////////////////////////////////////////// // // Encoding constants and backing data. // //////////////////////////////////////////// // An entry contains the following data: // o: a machine code offset (in bytes) // g: an index into the GC maps array // b: bytecode index of the instruction // i: index into the inline encoding. // c: bits to encode one of three possibilites // (a) the instruction is not a call // (b) the instruction is a "normal" call // (c) the instruction is a call in the off-branch // of a guarded inline. // U indicates an unused bit; its value is undefined. // // We support three entry formats as defined below // private static final int START_OF_ENTRY = 0x80000000; private static final int START_OF_BIG_ENTRY = 0xc0000000; private static final int START_OF_HUGE_ENTRY = 0xe0000000; private static final int START_BITS = 0xe0000000; // A small entry is 1 int used as follows: // 10cc bbbb bbii iiii iggg ggoo oooo oooo private static final int CALL_MASK = 0x30000000; private static final int CALL_SHIFT = 28; private static final int BCI_MASK = 0x0fc00000; private static final int BCI_SHIFT = 22; private static final int IEI_MASK = 0x003f8000; private static final int IEI_SHIFT = 15; private static final int GCI_MASK = 0x00007c00; private static final int GCI_SHIFT = 10; private static final int OFFSET_MASK = 0x000003ff; private static final int OFFSET_SHIFT = 0; private static final int INVALID_GCI = (GCI_MASK >>> GCI_SHIFT); private static final int INVALID_BCI = (BCI_MASK >>> BCI_SHIFT); private static final int INVALID_IEI = (IEI_MASK >>> IEI_SHIFT); private static final int SIZEOF_ENTRY = 1; // A big entry is 2 ints used as follows: // 110c cbbb bbbb bbbb biii iiii iiii iiii // 0ggg gggg gggg ggoo oooo oooo oooo oooo private static final int BIG_CALL_MASK = 0x18000000; private static final int BIG_CALL_SHIFT = 27; private static final int BIG_CALL_IDX_ADJ = 0; private static final int BIG_BCI_MASK = 0x07ff8000; private static final int BIG_BCI_SHIFT = 15; private static final int BIG_BCI_IDX_ADJ = 0; private static final int BIG_IEI_MASK = 0x00007fff; private static final int BIG_IEI_SHIFT = 0; private static final int BIG_IEI_IDX_ADJ = 0; private static final int BIG_GCI_MASK = 0x7ffc0000; private static final int BIG_GCI_SHIFT = 18; private static final int BIG_GCI_IDX_ADJ = 1; private static final int BIG_OFFSET_MASK = 0x0003ffff; private static final int BIG_OFFSET_SHIFT = 0; private static final int BIG_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ = 1; private static final int BIG_INVALID_GCI = (BIG_GCI_MASK >>> BIG_GCI_SHIFT); private static final int BIG_INVALID_BCI = (BIG_BCI_MASK >>> BIG_BCI_SHIFT); private static final int BIG_INVALID_IEI = (BIG_IEI_MASK >>> BIG_IEI_SHIFT); private static final int SIZEOF_BIG_ENTRY = 2; // A huge entry is 4 ints used as follows: // 111c cUUU UUUU UUUU bbbb bbbb bbbb bbbb // 0iii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii // 0ggg gggg gggg gggg gggg gggg gggg gggg // 0ooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo private static final int HUGE_CALL_MASK = 0x18000000; private static final int HUGE_CALL_SHIFT = 27; private static final int HUGE_CALL_IDX_ADJ = 0; private static final int HUGE_BCI_MASK = 0x0000ffff; private static final int HUGE_BCI_SHIFT = 0; private static final int HUGE_BCI_IDX_ADJ = 0; private static final int HUGE_IEI_MASK = 0x7fffffff; private static final int HUGE_IEI_SHIFT = 0; private static final int HUGE_IEI_IDX_ADJ = 1; private static final int HUGE_GCI_MASK = 0x7fffffff; private static final int HUGE_GCI_SHIFT = 0; private static final int HUGE_GCI_IDX_ADJ = 2; private static final int HUGE_OFFSET_MASK = 0x7fffffff; private static final int HUGE_OFFSET_SHIFT = 0; private static final int HUGE_OFFSET_IDX_ADJ = 3; private static final int HUGE_INVALID_GCI = (HUGE_GCI_MASK >>> HUGE_GCI_SHIFT); private static final int HUGE_INVALID_BCI = (HUGE_BCI_MASK >>> HUGE_BCI_SHIFT); private static final int HUGE_INVALID_IEI = (HUGE_IEI_MASK >>> HUGE_IEI_SHIFT); private static final int SIZEOF_HUGE_ENTRY = 4; // bit patterns for cc portion of machine code map */ private static final int IS_UNGUARDED_CALL = 0x1; private static final int IS_GUARDED_CALL = 0x3; /** * Hold entries as defined by the constants above. */ private final int[] MCInformation; /** * array of GC maps as defined by VM_OptGCMap */ private final int[] gcMaps; /** * encoded data as defined by VM_OptEncodedCallSiteTree. */ public final int[] inlineEncoding; /** * Dump maps as methods are compiled. */ private static final boolean DUMP_MAPS = false; /** * Dump stats on map size as maps are compiled. */ private static final boolean DUMP_MAP_SIZES = false; /** * Running totals for the size of machine code and maps */ private static int totalMCSize = 0; private static int totalMapSize = 0; /** * A machine code map when no information is present */ private static final VM_OptMachineCodeMap emptyMachineCodeMap = new VM_OptMachineCodeMap(); private static final VM_TypeReference TYPE = VM_TypeReference.findOrCreate(VM_OptMachineCodeMap.class); }