/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.database.methodsamples; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller.VM_Controller; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller.VM_HotMethodEvent; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller.VM_HotMethodRecompilationEvent; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.VM_Reportable; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util.VM_AOSLogging; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_Method; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.VM_CompiledMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.VM_CompiledMethods; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.VM_OptCompiledMethod; /** * A container for recording how often a method is executed. */ public final class VM_MethodCountData implements VM_Reportable { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** * Sum of values in count array. */ private double totalCountsTaken; /** * Count array: counts how many times a method is executed. * Constraint: counts[0] is not used. */ private double[] counts; /** * Maps count array index to compiled method id. * Constraint: cmids[0] is not used. */ private int[] cmids; /** * Maps compiled method id to count array index. * '0' implies that there is no entry in the count array for this cmid */ private int[] map; /** * Next available count array entry. */ private int nextIndex; /** * Constructor */ public VM_MethodCountData() { initialize(); } /** * Reset fields. */ private void initialize() { int numCompiledMethods = VM_CompiledMethods.numCompiledMethods(); map = new int[numCompiledMethods + (numCompiledMethods >>> 2)]; counts = new double[256]; cmids = new int[256]; nextIndex = 1; totalCountsTaken = 0; } /** * Drain a buffer of compiled method id's and update the count array. * * @param countBuffer a buffer of compiled method id's * @param numCounts the number of valid entries in the buffer */ public synchronized void update(int[] countBuffer, int numCounts) { for (int i = 0; i < numCounts; i++) { int cmid = countBuffer[i]; int index = findOrCreateHeapIdx(cmid); counts[index]++; // Record count heapifyUp(index); // Fix up the heap } totalCountsTaken += numCounts; if (DEBUG) validityCheck(); } /** * Increment the count for a compiled method id. * * @param cmid compiled method id * @param numCounts number of counts */ public synchronized void update(int cmid, double numCounts) { int index = findOrCreateHeapIdx(cmid); counts[index] += numCounts; // Record counts heapifyUp(index); // Fix up the heap totalCountsTaken += numCounts; if (DEBUG) validityCheck(); } /** * Print the counted (nonzero) methods. * To get a sorted list, pipe the output through sort -n -r. */ public synchronized void report() { VM.sysWrite("Method counts: A total of " + totalCountsTaken + " samples\n"); for (int i = 1; i < nextIndex; i++) { double percent = 100 * countsToHotness(counts[i]); VM_CompiledMethod cm = VM_CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(cmids[i]); VM.sysWrite(counts[i] + " (" + percent + "%) "); if (cm == null) { VM.sysWriteln("OBSOLETE"); // Compiled Method Obsolete } else { if (cm.getCompilerType() == VM_CompiledMethod.TRAP) { VM.sysWriteln("<Hardware Trap Frame>"); } else { VM_Method m = cm.getMethod(); VM.sysWrite(m); if (m.getDeclaringClass().isInBootImage()) { VM.sysWrite("\tBOOT"); } } VM.sysWriteln(); } } } /** * @return the total number of samples taken */ public double getTotalNumberOfSamples() { return totalCountsTaken; } /** * Reset (clear) the method counts */ public synchronized void reset() { initialize(); } /** * Get the current count for a given compiled method id. * * @param cmid compiled method id */ public synchronized double getData(int cmid) { int index = findHeapIdx(cmid); if (index > 0) { return counts[index]; } else { return 0.0; } } /** * Reset (set to 0.0) the count for a given compiled method id. * * @param cmid compiled method id */ public synchronized void reset(int cmid) { int index = findHeapIdx(cmid); if (index > 0) { // Cmid does have a value in the heap. // (1) clear map[cmid]. // (2) shrink the heap by one slot. // (a) If index is the last element in the heap we have nothing // to do after we decrement nextIndex. // (b) If index is not the last element in the heap, then move the // last heap element to index and heapify. map[cmid] = 0; nextIndex--; if (index < nextIndex) { double oldValue = counts[index]; counts[index] = counts[nextIndex]; cmids[index] = cmids[nextIndex]; map[cmids[index]] = index; if (counts[index] > oldValue) { heapifyUp(index); } else { heapifyDown(index); } } } if (DEBUG) validityCheck(); } /** * Augment the data associated with a given cmid by the specified number of samples * * @param cmid compiled method id * @param addVal samples to add */ public synchronized void augmentData(int cmid, double addVal) { if (addVal == 0) return; // nothing to do int index = findOrCreateHeapIdx(cmid); counts[index] += addVal; if (addVal > 0) { heapifyUp(index); } else { heapifyDown(index); } if (DEBUG) validityCheck(); } /** * Enqueue events describing the "hot" methods on the organizer's event queue. * * @param filterOptLevel filter out all methods already compiled at * this opt level (or higher) * @param threshold hotness value above which the method is considered * to be hot. (0.0 to 1.0) */ public synchronized void insertHotMethods(int filterOptLevel, double threshold) { if (DEBUG) validityCheck(); insertHotMethodsInternal(1, filterOptLevel, hotnessToCounts(threshold)); } /** * Collect the hot methods that have been compiled at the given opt level. * * @param optLevel target opt level * @param threshold hotness value above which the method is considered to * be hot. (0.0 to 1.0) * @return a VM_MethodCountSet containing an * array of compiled methods and an array of their counts. */ public synchronized VM_MethodCountSet collectHotMethods(int optLevel, double threshold) { if (DEBUG) validityCheck(); ArrayList<VM_HotMethodRecompilationEvent> collect = new ArrayList<VM_HotMethodRecompilationEvent>(); collectHotOptMethodsInternal(1, collect, hotnessToCounts(threshold), optLevel); // now package the data into the form the caller expects. int numHotMethods = collect.size(); double[] numCounts = new double[numHotMethods]; VM_CompiledMethod[] hotMethods = new VM_CompiledMethod[numHotMethods]; for (int i = 0; i < numHotMethods; i++) { VM_HotMethodEvent event = collect.get(i); hotMethods[i] = event.getCompiledMethod(); numCounts[i] = event.getNumSamples(); } return new VM_MethodCountSet(hotMethods, numCounts); } /** * Convert from a [0.0...1.0] hotness value to the number of counts * that represents that fraction of hotness * * @param hotness a value [0.0...1.0] * @return a number of counts */ private double hotnessToCounts(double hotness) { return totalCountsTaken * hotness; } /** * Convert a value to a [0.0...1.0] fractional hotness value * * @param numCounts number of counts * @return a value [0.0...1.0] */ private double countsToHotness(double numCounts) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(numCounts <= totalCountsTaken); return numCounts / totalCountsTaken; } /** * Recursive implementation of insertHotMethods. Exploit heap property. * Note threshold has been converted into a count value by my caller! * * @param index count array index * @param filterOptLevel filter out all methods already compiled at * this opt level (or higher) * @param threshold hotness value above which the method is considered * to be hot. (0.0 to 1.0) */ private void insertHotMethodsInternal(int index, int filterOptLevel, double threshold) { if (index < nextIndex) { if (counts[index] > threshold) { int cmid = cmids[index]; VM_CompiledMethod cm = VM_CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(cmid); if (cm == null) { // obsolete and deleted reset(cmid); // free up this slot // Visit new one in the slot insertHotMethodsInternal(index, filterOptLevel, threshold); } else { int compilerType = cm.getCompilerType(); // Enqueue it unless it's either a trap method or already // opt compiled at filterOptLevel or higher. if (!(compilerType == VM_CompiledMethod.TRAP || (compilerType == VM_CompiledMethod.OPT && (((VM_OptCompiledMethod) cm).getOptLevel() >= filterOptLevel)))) { double ns = counts[index]; VM_HotMethodRecompilationEvent event = new VM_HotMethodRecompilationEvent(cm, ns); VM_Controller.controllerInputQueue.insert(ns, event); VM_AOSLogging.controllerNotifiedForHotness(cm, ns); } // Since I was hot enough, also consider my children. insertHotMethodsInternal(index * 2, filterOptLevel, threshold); insertHotMethodsInternal(index * 2 + 1, filterOptLevel, threshold); } } } } /** * Recursive implementation of collectHotOptNMethods. * Exploit heap property. * Constraint: threshold has been converted into a count value by my caller! * * @param index count array index * @param collect vector used to collect output. * @param threshold hotness value above which the method is considered * to be hot. (0.0 to 1.0) * @param optLevel target opt level to look for. */ private void collectHotOptMethodsInternal(int index, List<VM_HotMethodRecompilationEvent> collect, double threshold, int optLevel) { if (index < nextIndex) { if (counts[index] > threshold) { int cmid = cmids[index]; VM_CompiledMethod cm = VM_CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(cmid); if (cm == null) { // obsolete and deleted reset(cmid); // free up this slot // Visit new one in the slot collectHotOptMethodsInternal(index, collect, threshold, optLevel); } else { int compilerType = cm.getCompilerType(); if (compilerType == VM_CompiledMethod.OPT && ((VM_OptCompiledMethod) cm).getOptLevel() == optLevel) { double ns = counts[index]; collect.add(new VM_HotMethodRecompilationEvent(cm, ns)); } // Since I was hot enough, also consider my children. collectHotOptMethodsInternal(index * 2, collect, threshold, optLevel); collectHotOptMethodsInternal(index * 2 + 1, collect, threshold, optLevel); } } } } /** * Either find the index that is already being used to hold the counts * for cmid or allocate a new entry in the heap for cmid. * * @param cmid compiled method id * @return count array index */ private int findOrCreateHeapIdx(int cmid) { if (cmid >= map.length) { growHeapMap(cmid); } int index = map[cmid]; if (index == 0) { // A new cmid. Allocate a heap entry for it. index = nextIndex++; if (index >= counts.length) { growHeap(); } counts[index] = 0.0; cmids[index] = cmid; map[cmid] = index; } return index; } /** * Find the index that is already being used to hold the counts for cmid. * If no such index exists, return 0. * * @param cmid compiled method id */ private int findHeapIdx(int cmid) { if (cmid < map.length) { int index = map[cmid]; return index; } else { return 0; } } /** * Grow the map to be at least as large as would be required to map cmid * * @param cmid compiled method id */ private void growHeapMap(int cmid) { int[] newMap = new int[Math.max((int) (map.length * 1.25), cmid + 1)]; for (int j = 0; j < map.length; j++) { newMap[j] = map[j]; } map = newMap; } /** * Increase the size of the count's backing arrays */ private void growHeap() { double[] tmp1 = new double[counts.length * 2]; for (int i = 1; i < counts.length; i++) { tmp1[i] = counts[i]; } counts = tmp1; int[] tmp2 = new int[cmids.length * 2]; for (int i = 1; i < cmids.length; i++) { tmp2[i] = cmids[i]; } cmids = tmp2; } /** * Restore the heap property after increasing a count array entry's value * * @param index of count array entry */ private void heapifyUp(int index) { int current = index; int parent = index / 2; while (parent > 0 && counts[parent] < counts[current]) { swap(parent, current); current = parent; parent = parent / 2; } } /** * Restore the heap property after decreasing a count array entry's value * * @param index of count array entry */ private void heapifyDown(int index) { int current = index; int child1 = current * 2; while (child1 < nextIndex) { int child2 = current * 2 + 1; int larger = (child2 < nextIndex && counts[child2] > counts[child1]) ? child2 : child1; if (counts[current] >= counts[larger]) break; // done swap(current, larger); current = larger; child1 = current * 2; } } /** * Swap the heap entries at i and j. * * @param i count array index * @param j count array index */ private void swap(int i, int j) { double tmpS = counts[i]; counts[i] = counts[j]; counts[j] = tmpS; int tmpC = cmids[i]; cmids[i] = cmids[j]; cmids[j] = tmpC; map[cmids[i]] = i; map[cmids[j]] = j; } /** * Validate that internal fields are consistent. * This is very expensive. Only use for debugging purposes. */ private void validityCheck() { if (DEBUG && VM.VerifyAssertions) { // (1) Verify map and cmids are in synch for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { VM._assert(map[i] == 0 || cmids[map[i]] == i); } for (int i = 1; i < nextIndex; i++) { VM._assert(map[cmids[i]] == i); } // Verify that heap property holds on data. for (int i = 2; i < nextIndex; i++) { VM._assert(counts[i] <= counts[i / 2]); } } } }