/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline; import org.jikesrvm.ArchitectureSpecific.VM_BaselineConstants; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_Array; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_Method; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_NormalMethod; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_TypeReference; import org.jikesrvm.scheduler.VM_ProcessorLock; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Interruptible; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * class that provides stack (and local var) map for a baseline compiled method * GC uses the methods provided here */ @Uninterruptible public final class VM_ReferenceMaps implements VM_BaselineConstants { public static final byte JSR_MASK = -128; // byte = x'80' public static final byte JSR_INDEX_MASK = 0x7F; public static final int STARTINDEX = 0; public static final int NOMORE = 0; private static final byte OR = 1; private static final byte NAND = 2; private static final byte COPY = 3; private static final int BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT = 8; public static final VM_ProcessorLock jsrLock = new VM_ProcessorLock(); // for serialization of JSR processing private byte[] referenceMaps; private int[] MCSites; private final int bitsPerMap; // number of bits in each map private int mapCount; // final private int startLocal0Offset; // distance from frame pointer to start of the Local area private VM_JSRInfo jsrInfo; /* * size of individul maps */ private int bytesPerMap() { return ((bitsPerMap + 7) / 8) + 1; } VM_ReferenceMaps(VM_BaselineCompiledMethod cm, int[] stackHeights, byte[] localTypes) { VM_NormalMethod method = (VM_NormalMethod) cm.getMethod(); // save input information and compute related data this.bitsPerMap = (method.getLocalWords() + method.getOperandWords() + 1); // +1 for jsr bit // this.startLocal0Offset = VM_Compiler.getStartLocalOffset(method); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps constructor. Method name is:"); VM.sysWrite(method.getName()); VM.sysWrite(" -Class name is :"); VM.sysWrite(method.getDeclaringClass().getDescriptor()); VM.sysWrite("\n"); VM.sysWrite(" bytesPerMap = ", bytesPerMap()); VM.sysWrite(" - bitsPerMap = ", bitsPerMap); // VM.sysWriteln(" - startLocal0Offset = ", startLocal0Offset); } // define the basic blocks VM_BuildBB buildBB = new VM_BuildBB(); buildBB.determineTheBasicBlocks(method); VM_BuildReferenceMaps buildRefMaps = new VM_BuildReferenceMaps(); buildRefMaps.buildReferenceMaps(method, stackHeights, localTypes, this, buildBB); if (VM.ReferenceMapsBitStatistics) { showReferenceMapStatistics(method); } } /** * Given a machine code instruction offset, return an index to * identify the stack map closest to the offset ( but not beyond) * * Usage note: "machCodeOffset" must point to the instruction *following* * the actual instruction * whose stack map is sought. This allows us to properly handle the case where * the only address we have to work with is a return address (ie. from a stackframe) * or an exception address (ie. from a null pointer dereference, array bounds check, * or divide by zero) on a machine architecture with variable length instructions. * In such situations we'd have no idea how far to back up the instruction pointer * to point to the "call site" or "exception site". * * If the located site is within the scope of a jsr subroutine * the index value returned is a negative number */ public int locateGCPoint(Offset machCodeOffset, VM_Method method) { machCodeOffset = machCodeOffset.minus(1 << LG_INSTRUCTION_WIDTH); // this assumes that machCodeOffset points // to "next" instruction eg bal type instruction if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-locateGCPoint for machine code offset = "); VM.sysWrite(machCodeOffset); VM.sysWrite(" --- in method = "); VM.sysWrite(method.getName()); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } // Scan the list of machine code addresses to find the // closest site offset BEFORE the input machine code index ( offset in the code) Offset distance = Offset.zero(); int index = 0; // get the first possible location for (int i = 0; i < mapCount; i++) { // get an initial non zero distance distance = machCodeOffset.minus(MCSites[i]); if (distance.sGE(Offset.zero())) { index = i; break; } } // scan to find any better location ie closer to the site for (int i = index + 1; i < mapCount; i++) { Offset dist = machCodeOffset.minus(MCSites[i]); if (dist.sLT(Offset.zero())) continue; if (dist.sLE(distance)) { index = i; distance = dist; } } if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { showInfo(); VM.sysWrite(" VM_ReferenceMaps-locateGCPoint located index = "); VM.sysWrite(index); VM.sysWrite(" byte = "); VM.sysWrite(referenceMaps[index]); VM.sysWrite("\n"); if (index - 1 >= 0) { VM.sysWrite(" MCSites[index-1] = "); VM.sysWrite(machCodeOffset.minus(MCSites[index - 1])); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } VM.sysWrite(" MCSites[index ] = "); VM.sysWrite(machCodeOffset.minus(MCSites[index])); VM.sysWrite("\n"); if (index + 1 < MCSites.length) { VM.sysWrite(" MCSites[index+1] = "); VM.sysWrite(machCodeOffset.minus(MCSites[index + 1])); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } } // test for a site within a jsr subroutine if ((0x000000FF & (referenceMaps[index * bytesPerMap()] & JSR_MASK)) == (0x000000FF & JSR_MASK)) { // test for jsr map index = -index; // indicate site within a jsr to caller if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" VM_ReferenceMaps-locateGCPoint jsr mapid = "); VM.sysWrite(-index); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } } if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" VM_ReferenceMaps-locateGCPoint machine offset = "); VM.sysWrite(machCodeOffset); VM.sysWrite(" - return map index = "); VM.sysWrite(index); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } return index; } /** * @param index offset in the reference stack frame, * @param siteindex index that indicates the callsite (siteindex), * @return return the offset where the next reference can be found. * @return NOMORE when no more pointers can be found */ public int getNextRefIndex(int index, int siteindex) { if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-getNextRef-inputs index = "); VM.sysWrite(index); VM.sysWrite(" -siteindex = "); VM.sysWrite(siteindex); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } // use index to locate the gc point of interest if (bytesPerMap() == 0) return 0; // no map ie no refs int mapindex = siteindex * bytesPerMap(); int bitnum; if (index == STARTINDEX) { // this is the initial scan for the map int mapByteNum = mapindex; int startbitnumb = 1; // start search from beginning bitnum = scanForNextRef(startbitnumb, mapByteNum, bitsPerMap, referenceMaps); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-getNextRef-initial call bitnum = ", bitnum); } } else { // get bitnum and determine mapword to restart scan bitnum = index + 1; // +1 for jsr bit if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-getnextref- not initial- entry index,bitnum = ", index, " ", bitnum); } // scan forward from current position to next ref bitnum = scanForNextRef(bitnum + 1, mapindex, (bitsPerMap - (bitnum - 1)), referenceMaps); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-getnextref- not initial- scan returned bitnum = ", bitnum); } } if (bitnum == NOMORE) { if (VM.TraceStkMaps) VM.sysWriteln(" NOMORE"); return NOMORE; } else { int ans = bitnum - 1; //-1 for jsr bit if (VM.TraceStkMaps) VM.sysWriteln(" result = ", ans); return ans; } } /** * @param index offset in the JSR reference map, * @return The offset where the next reference can be found. * @return <code>NOMORE</code> when no more pointers can be found * <p> * NOTE: There is only one JSR map for the entire method because it has to * be constructed at GC time and would normally require additional * storage. * <p> * To avoid this, the space for one map is pre-allocated and the map * is built in that space. When multiple threads exist and if GC runs * in multiple threads concurrently, then the MethodMap must be locked * when a JSR map is being scanned. This should be a low probability * event. */ public int getNextJSRRefIndex(int index) { // user index to locate the gc point of interest if (bytesPerMap() == 0) return 0; // no map ie no refs int mapword = jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap; int bitnum; if (index == STARTINDEX) { // this is the initial scan for the map int startbitnumb = 1; // start search from beginning bitnum = scanForNextRef(startbitnumb, mapword, bitsPerMap, jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-getJSRNextRef-initial call - startbitnum =", startbitnumb); VM.sysWrite(" mapword = ", mapword); VM.sysWrite(" bitspermap = ", bitsPerMap); VM.sysWrite(" bitnum = ", bitnum); } } else { // get bitnum and determine mapword to restart scan bitnum = index; // get the bit number from last time // scan forward from current position to next ref if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps.getJSRnextref - not initial- starting (index,bitnum) = "); VM.sysWrite(index); VM.sysWrite(", "); VM.sysWrite(bitnum); } bitnum = scanForNextRef(bitnum + 1, mapword, (bitsPerMap - (bitnum - 1)), jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps); } if (bitnum == NOMORE) { if (VM.TraceStkMaps) VM.sysWriteln(" NOMORE"); return NOMORE; } else { int ans = bitnum; if (VM.TraceStkMaps) VM.sysWriteln(" result = ", ans); return ans; } } /** * Given an offset in the jsr returnAddress map, * return the offset where the next returnAddress can be found. * * NOTE: there is only one jsr returnAddress map for the entire method because it has to be * be constructed a GC time and would normally require additional storage. * To avoid this, the space for one map is pre-allocated and the map * is built in that space. When multiple threads exist and if GC runs * in multiple threads concurrently, then the MethodMap must be locked * when a jsr map is being scanned. * This shoulkd be a low probability event. * * NOTE: return addresses are handled separately from references because they point * inside an object ( internal pointers) * * Return NOMORE when no * more pointers can be found */ public int getNextJSRReturnAddrIndex(int index) { // use the preallocated map to locate the current point of interest int mapword = jsrInfo.mergedReturnAddressMap; if (bytesPerMap() == 0) { if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-getJSRNextReturnAddr-initial call no returnaddresses"); } return 0; // no map ie no refs } int bitnum; if (index == STARTINDEX) { // this is the initial scan for the map int startbitnumb = 1; // start search from beginning bitnum = scanForNextRef(startbitnumb, mapword, bitsPerMap, jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-getJSRNextReturnAddr-initial call startbitnum, mapword, bitspermap = "); VM.sysWrite(startbitnumb); VM.sysWrite(" , "); VM.sysWrite(mapword); VM.sysWrite(" , "); VM.sysWrite(bitsPerMap); VM.sysWrite(" \n "); VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-getJSRNextReturnAddr-initial call return bitnum = "); VM.sysWrite(bitnum); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } } else { // get bitnum and determine mapword to restart scan bitnum = index; // get the bit number if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-getJSRnextReturnAddr- not initial- starting index, starting bitnum = ", index, " ", bitnum); } // scan forward from current position to next ref bitnum = scanForNextRef(bitnum + 1, mapword, (bitsPerMap - (bitnum - 1)), jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-getJSRnextref- not initial- scan returned bitnum = ", bitnum); } } if (bitnum == NOMORE) { if (VM.TraceStkMaps) VM.sysWriteln(" NOMORE"); return NOMORE; } else { int ans = bitnum; if (VM.TraceStkMaps) VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-getJSRNextReturnAddr-return = ", ans); return ans; } } /** * For debugging (used with CheckRefMaps) * Note: all maps are the same size */ public int getStackDepth(int mapid) { return bytesPerMap(); } @Interruptible public int size() { int size = VM_TypeReference.VM_ReferenceMaps.peekType().asClass().getInstanceSize(); if (MCSites != null) size += VM_Array.IntArray.getInstanceSize(MCSites.length); if (referenceMaps != null) size += VM_Array.ByteArray.getInstanceSize(referenceMaps.length); if (jsrInfo != null && jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps != null) { size += VM_Array.JavaLangObjectArray.getInstanceSize(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps.length); } return size; } /** * start setting up the reference maps for this method. */ @Interruptible public void startNewMaps(int gcPointCount, int jsrCount, int parameterWords) { // normal map information mapCount = 0; MCSites = new int[gcPointCount]; referenceMaps = new byte[gcPointCount * bytesPerMap()]; if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-startNewMaps- gcPointCount = "); VM.sysWrite(gcPointCount); VM.sysWrite(" -jsrCount = "); VM.sysWrite(jsrCount); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } if (jsrCount > 0) { jsrInfo = new VM_JSRInfo(2 * jsrCount); // reserve a map for merging maps jsrInfo.tempIndex = getNextMapElement(); // reserve map words for merged reference map jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap = getNextMapElement(); // reserve map words for merged return address map jsrInfo.mergedReturnAddressMap = getNextMapElement(); //reserve maps for the jsrInfo.extraUnusualMapObject // the reference map int mapstart = getNextMapElement(); jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.setReferenceMapIndex(mapstart); //the set of non reference stores mapstart = getNextMapElement(); jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.setNonReferenceMapIndex(mapstart); // the return address map mapstart = getNextMapElement(); jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.setReturnAddressMapIndex(mapstart); } } /** * Given the information about a GC point, record the information in the proper tables * * The information is the following * the index in the bytecode of this site, * a byte array that describes the contents of the local variables and the java stack, * the last offset of a byte that contains information about the map, * a boolean to indicate that this map is a replacement for a currently * existing map. */ @Interruptible public void recordStkMap(int byteindex, byte[] byteMap, int BBLastPtr, boolean replacemap) { int mapNum = 0; if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" VM_ReferenceMaps-recordStkMap bytecode offset = "); VM.sysWrite(byteindex); VM.sysWrite("\n"); VM.sysWrite(" input byte map = "); for (int j = 0; j <= BBLastPtr; j++) { VM.sysWrite(byteMap[j]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); if (replacemap) { VM.sysWrite(" VM_ReferenceMaps-recordStkMap- replacing map at byteindex = "); VM.sysWrite(byteindex); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } } if (replacemap) { // replace a map that already exists in the table // locate the site for (mapNum = 0; mapNum < mapCount; mapNum++) { if (MCSites[mapNum] == byteindex) { // location found -clear out old map int start = mapNum * bytesPerMap(); // get starting byte in map for (int i = start; i < start + bytesPerMap(); i++) { referenceMaps[i] = 0; } if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" VM_ReferenceMaps-recordStkMap replacing map number = ", mapNum); VM.sysWriteln(" for machinecode index = ", MCSites[mapNum]); } break; } } } else { // add a map to the table - its a new site // allocate a new site mapNum = mapCount++; // fill in basic information MCSites[mapNum] = byteindex; // gen and save bytecode offset if (BBLastPtr == -1) return; // empty map for this gc point } if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" VM_ReferenceMaps-recordStkMap map id = "); VM.sysWrite(mapNum); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } // convert Boolean array into array of bits ie create the map int mapslot = mapNum * bytesPerMap(); int len = (BBLastPtr + 1); // get last ptr in map int offset = 0; // offset from origin int convertLength; //to start in the map int word = mapslot; // convert first byte of map // get correct length for first map byte - smaller of bits in first byte or size of map if (len < (BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT - 1)) { convertLength = len; } else { convertLength = BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT - 1; } byte firstByte = convertMapElement(byteMap, offset, convertLength, VM_BuildReferenceMaps.REFERENCE); referenceMaps[word] = (byte) ((0x000000ff & firstByte) >>> 1); // shift for jsr bit ie set it to 0 if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" VM_ReferenceMaps-recordStkMap convert first map bytes- byte number = "); VM.sysWrite(word); VM.sysWrite(" byte value in map = "); VM.sysWrite(referenceMaps[word]); VM.sysWrite(" - before shift = "); VM.sysWrite(firstByte); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } // update indexes for additional bytes word++; // next byte in bit map len -= (BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT - 1); // remaining count offset += (BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT - 1); // offset into input array // convert remaining byte array to bit array - while (len > 0) { // map takes multiple bytes -convert 1 at a time if (len <= (BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT - 1)) { convertLength = len; } else { convertLength = BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; } // map takes multiple bytes -convert 1 at a time referenceMaps[word] = convertMapElement(byteMap, offset, convertLength, VM_BuildReferenceMaps.REFERENCE); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln(" VM_ReferenceMaps-recordStkMap convert another map byte- byte number = ", word, " byte value = ", referenceMaps[word]); } len -= BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; // update remaining words offset += BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; // and offset word++; } // end of while // update stats if (VM.ReferenceMapsStatistics) { if (!replacemap) { } } } /** * Record a map for a point within a JSR Subroutine. This requires setting up one * of the unusual maps. * @param byteindex index into the byte code array of the point for the map * @param currReferenceMap map of references and return addresses that were set * within the JSR Subroutine * @param BBLastPtr map runs from -1 to BBLastPtr inclusively * @param returnAddrIndex Index in the stack where the return address * for the jsr routine (in which this gcpoint is located) * can be found * @param replacemap False if this is the first time this map point has been * recorded. */ @Interruptible public void recordJSRSubroutineMap(int byteindex, byte[] currReferenceMap, int BBLastPtr, int returnAddrIndex, boolean replacemap) { int mapNum = 0; int unusualMapIndex = 0; int internalReturnIndex; VM_UnusualMaps jsrSiteMap; if (replacemap) { // update an already existing map // locate existing site in table jsrSiteMap = null; findJSRSiteMap: for (mapNum = 0; mapNum < mapCount; mapNum++) { if (MCSites[mapNum] == byteindex) { // gc site found - get index in unusual map table and the unusual Map unusualMapIndex = JSR_INDEX_MASK & referenceMaps[mapNum * bytesPerMap()]; internalReturnIndex = returnAddrIndex - 1; //-1 for jsrbit if (unusualMapIndex == JSR_INDEX_MASK) { // greater than 127 jsrInfo.unusualMaps- sequential scan of locate others unusual map for (unusualMapIndex = JSR_INDEX_MASK; unusualMapIndex < jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps; unusualMapIndex++) { if (jsrInfo.unusualMaps[unusualMapIndex].getReturnAddressIndex() == internalReturnIndex) { jsrSiteMap = jsrInfo.unusualMaps[unusualMapIndex]; break findJSRSiteMap; } } VM.sysFail(" can't find unusual map !!!!!!! - should never occur"); } else { jsrSiteMap = jsrInfo.unusualMaps[unusualMapIndex]; break; } } } } else { // new map, add to end of table mapNum = mapCount++; // get slot and update count MCSites[mapNum] = byteindex; // gen and save bytecode offset // generate an UnusualMap for the site jsrSiteMap = new VM_UnusualMaps(); // add unusual map to UnusualMap table (table may need to be expanded) unusualMapIndex = addUnusualMap(jsrSiteMap); // set back pointer ie pointer from unusual maps back into referencemaps jsrSiteMap.setNormalMapIndex(mapNum); // setup index in reference maps if (unusualMapIndex > JSR_INDEX_MASK) { unusualMapIndex = JSR_INDEX_MASK; } referenceMaps[mapNum * bytesPerMap()] = (byte) ((byte) unusualMapIndex | JSR_MASK); // setup new unusual Map internalReturnIndex = returnAddrIndex - 1 + 2; // -1 for jsrbit +2 to convert to our index jsrSiteMap.setReturnAddressIndex(internalReturnIndex); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-recordJSRSubroutineMap- input map = "); for (int i = 0; i < BBLastPtr + 1; i++) { VM.sysWrite(currReferenceMap[i]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-recordJSRSubroutineMap- mapNum = "); VM.sysWrite(mapNum); VM.sysWrite(" - byteindex = "); VM.sysWrite(byteindex); VM.sysWrite(" - return address index = "); VM.sysWrite(internalReturnIndex); VM.sysWrite(" - reference map byte = "); VM.sysWrite(referenceMaps[mapNum * bytesPerMap()]); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } } // end else clause - add new map // for new maps, setup maps in UnusualMap, for existing map replace them // setup Reference Map int refindex = scanByteArray(currReferenceMap, BBLastPtr, VM_BuildReferenceMaps.SET_TO_REFERENCE, jsrSiteMap.getReferenceMapIndex(), true); jsrSiteMap.setReferenceMapIndex(refindex); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" - reference map index = "); VM.sysWrite(refindex); VM.sysWrite(" - reference map = "); for (int i = refindex; i < refindex + bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[i]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); } // setup NONReference Map int nonrefindex = scanByteArray(currReferenceMap, BBLastPtr, VM_BuildReferenceMaps.SET_TO_NONREFERENCE, jsrSiteMap.getNonReferenceMapIndex(), true); jsrSiteMap.setNonReferenceMapIndex(nonrefindex); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" - NONreference map index = "); VM.sysWrite(nonrefindex); VM.sysWrite(" - NON reference map = "); for (int i = nonrefindex; i < nonrefindex + bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[i]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); } // setup returnAddress Map int addrindex = scanByteArray(currReferenceMap, BBLastPtr, VM_BuildReferenceMaps.RETURN_ADDRESS, jsrSiteMap.getReturnAddressMapIndex(), false); jsrSiteMap.setReturnAddressMapIndex(addrindex); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" - returnAddress map index = "); VM.sysWrite(addrindex); VM.sysWrite(" - return Address map = "); for (int i = addrindex; i < addrindex + bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[i]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); } if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps-recordJSRSubroutineMap- unusualmap index = "); VM.sysWrite(unusualMapIndex); VM.sysWrite("\n"); } // update stats if (VM.ReferenceMapsStatistics) { if (!replacemap) { } } } /** * Add an VM_UnusualMap to the array of unusual maps, * expand the array and referencemap array if necessary * * @param jsrSiteMap unusualMap to be added to array */ @Interruptible private int addUnusualMap(VM_UnusualMaps jsrSiteMap) { if (jsrInfo.unusualMaps == null) { // start up code jsrInfo.unusualMaps = new VM_UnusualMaps[5]; jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps = 0; } // add to array and bump count jsrInfo.unusualMaps[jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps] = jsrSiteMap; int returnnumber = jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps; jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps++; // do we need to extend the maps if (jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps == jsrInfo.unusualMaps.length) { // array is full, expand arrays for jsrInfo.unusualMaps and unusual referencemaps VM_UnusualMaps[] temp = new VM_UnusualMaps[jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps + 5]; for (int i = 0; i < jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps; i++) { temp[i] = jsrInfo.unusualMaps[i]; } jsrInfo.unusualMaps = temp; byte[] temp2 = new byte[jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps.length + (5 * bytesPerMap() * 3)]; for (int i = 0; i < jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps.length; i++) { temp2[i] = jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[i]; } jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps = temp2; } return returnnumber; } /** * Setup a map within a JSR Subroutine. This requires using up one * of the unusual maps. This routine is called when the caller gets a * negative mapindex value return from {@link #locateGCPoint}. This routine * searches the map tables and uses its stack frameAddress input to build * reference and returnAddress maps. The caller uses the getNext... * routines to scan these maps for offsets in the frame of the * related references. * * @param mapid Index of map of instruction where map is required * ( this value was returned by locateGCpoint) * steps for this routine * use the mapid to get index of the Unusual Map * from the unusual map and the frame - get the location of the jsr invoker * from the invoker address and the code base address - get the machine code offset * from the machine code offset locate the map for that instruction * if the invoker was itself in a jsr- merge the delta maps of each jsr and * compute the new total delta maps * else the invoker was not already in a jsr merge the unusual map differences * with the invoker map */ public int setupJSRSubroutineMap(int mapid) { // first clear the maps in the jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap int j = jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.getReferenceMapIndex(); int k = jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.getNonReferenceMapIndex(); int l = jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.getReturnAddressMapIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[j + i] = 0; jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[k + i] = 0; jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[l + i] = 0; } // use the mapid to get index of the Unusual Map // if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-setupJSRSubroutineMap- mapid = ", mapid, " - mapid = ", -mapid); VM.sysWriteln(" -referenceMaps[(- mapid) * bytesPerMap] = ", referenceMaps[(-mapid) * bytesPerMap()]); VM.sysWriteln(" unusual mapid index = ", referenceMaps[(-mapid) * bytesPerMap()] & JSR_INDEX_MASK); } int unusualMapid = (referenceMaps[(-mapid) * bytesPerMap()] & JSR_INDEX_MASK); // if jsr map is > 127 go search for the right one if (unusualMapid == JSR_INDEX_MASK) { unusualMapid = findUnusualMap(-mapid); } VM_UnusualMaps unusualMap = jsrInfo.unusualMaps[unusualMapid]; unusualMapcopy(unusualMap); // deep copy unusual map into the extra map // from the unusual map and the frame - get the location of the jsr invoker // return unusualMap.getReturnAddressIndex(); } public int getNextJSRAddressIndex(Offset nextMachineCodeOffset, VM_NormalMethod m) { int jsrMapid = locateGCPoint(nextMachineCodeOffset, m); if (jsrMapid >= 0) { finalMergeMaps((jsrMapid * bytesPerMap()), jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-setupJSRsubroutineMap- afterfinalMerge jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap = "); jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.showInfo(); VM.sysWriteln(); VM.sysWriteln(" jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap Index = ", jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap); VM.sysWrite(" jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap = "); jsrInfo.showAnUnusualMap(jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap, bytesPerMap()); VM.sysWriteln(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap]); VM.sysWriteln(" jsrInfo.mergedReturnAddressMap Index = ", jsrInfo.mergedReturnAddressMap); VM.sysWriteln(" jsrInfo.mergedReturnAddressMap = ", jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[jsrInfo.mergedReturnAddressMap]); showInfo(); jsrInfo.showUnusualMapInfo(bytesPerMap()); } return 0; } jsrMapid = -jsrMapid; if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-setupJSRsubroutineMap- outer MapIndex = ", jsrMapid, " unusualMapIndex = ", referenceMaps[jsrMapid]); } // merge unusual maps- occurs in nested jsr conditions // merge each nested delta into the maps of the extraUnusualmap int unusualMapIndex = JSR_INDEX_MASK & referenceMaps[jsrMapid * bytesPerMap()]; if (unusualMapIndex == JSR_INDEX_MASK) { unusualMapIndex = findUnusualMap(jsrMapid); } jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap = combineDeltaMaps(unusualMapIndex); // Locate the next JSR from the current // VM_UnusualMaps thisMap = jsrInfo.unusualMaps[unusualMapIndex]; if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-setupJSRsubroutineMap- nested jsrs jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap = "); jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.showInfo(); VM.sysWriteln(); VM.sysWriteln("VM_ReferenceMaps-setupJSRsubroutineMap- nested jsrs thisMap = "); thisMap.showInfo(); VM.sysWriteln(); } return thisMap.getReturnAddressIndex(); } /** * Called when all the recording for this map is complete * Can now sort or perform other cleanups */ public void recordingComplete() { } /** * After code is generated, translate the bytecode indices * recorded in MCSites array into real machine code offsets. */ public void translateByte2Machine(int[] b2m) { for (int i = 0; i < MCSites.length; i++) { MCSites[i] = b2m[MCSites[i]] << LG_INSTRUCTION_WIDTH; } } /** * convert a portion of an array word of Bytes into a bitmap of references * ie given a byte array, * a starting offset in the array, * the length to scan, * and the type of byte to scan for * ... convert the area in the array to a * word of bits ... max length is 31 ie BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT */ private byte convertMapElement(byte[] curBBMap, int offset, int len, byte reftype) { byte bitmap = 0; byte mask = JSR_MASK; // starting bit mask for (int i = offset; i < offset + len; i++) { if (curBBMap[i] == reftype) { bitmap = (byte) (bitmap | mask); // add bit to mask } mask = (byte) ((0x000000ff & mask) >>> 1); // shift for next byte and bit } return bitmap; } /** * get Next free word in referencemaps for gc call sites */ @Interruptible private int getNextMapElement() { if (jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps == null) { // start up code jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps = new byte[((6 * 3) + 1) * bytesPerMap()]; // 3 maps per unusual map } if (jsrInfo.freeMapSlot >= jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps.length) { // map is full - get new array, twice the size byte[] newArray = new byte[jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps.length << 1]; // copy array from old to new for (int i = 0; i < jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps.length; i++) { newArray[i] = jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[i]; } // replace old array with the new jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps = newArray; // replace array } int allocate = jsrInfo.freeMapSlot; jsrInfo.freeMapSlot = jsrInfo.freeMapSlot + bytesPerMap(); return allocate; } /** * given a index in the local area (biased : local0 has index 1) * this routine determines the correspondig offset in the stack */ /* public int convertIndexToOffset(int index) { if (index == 0) return NOMORE; //invalid // convert from top of local words int offset = startLocal0Offset - (index <<LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS); // no jsrbit here if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln("convertIndexToOffset- input index = ", index, " offset = ", offset); } return offset; } */ /** * given a starting bitnumber in a map, * the index of the corresponding byte, * and the remaining number of bits in the map, * this routine scans forward to find the next ref in * the map (inclusive search ie include bitnum) */ private int scanForNextRef(int bitnum, int wordnum, int remaining, byte[] map) { int retbit, count = 0; // adjust bitnum and wordnum to bit within word while (bitnum > BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT) { wordnum++; bitnum -= BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; count += BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; } // determine remaining bits in this byte - first byte of scan int remain = (BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT + 1) - bitnum; // remaining bits in this word if (remain >= remaining) { // last word in this map retbit = scanByte(bitnum, wordnum, remaining, map); if (retbit == 0) return 0; return (retbit + count); } // search at least the rest of this byte int startbit = bitnum; // start at this bit retbit = scanByte(startbit, wordnum, remain, map); if (retbit != 0) return (retbit + count); // search additional bytes of map startbit = 1; // start from beginning from now on remaining -= remain; // remaing bits in map count += BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; // remember you did the first byte while (remaining > BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT) { wordnum++; // bump to next word remaining -= BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; // search this wordd retbit = scanByte(startbit, wordnum, BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT, map); if (retbit != 0) return (retbit + count); count += BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; } // end while // scan last byte of map wordnum++; retbit = scanByte(startbit, wordnum, remaining, map); // last word if (retbit != 0) return (retbit + count); return 0; } /** * given a bitnumber in a map, * the index of the corresponding map byte, * and the remaining number of bits in the byte, * this routine scans forward to find the next ref in * the byte or return zero if not found */ private int scanByte(int bitnum, int bytenum, int toscan, byte[] map) { int count = 0, mask; if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWrite(" scanByte- inputs bitnum = ", bitnum); VM.sysWrite(" bytenum = ", bytenum); VM.sysWriteln(" toscan = ", toscan); VM.sysWriteln(" stackmap byte = ", map[bytenum]); } // convert bitnum to mask mask = (1 << (BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT - bitnum)); // generate mask // scan rest of word while (toscan > 0) { if ((mask & map[bytenum]) == 0) { // this bit not a ref mask = mask >>> 1; // move mask bit count++; // inc count of bits checked toscan--; // decrement remaining count } else { // ref bit found if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln(" scanByte- return bit number = ", bitnum + count); } return bitnum + count; } } // end while return 0; // no more refs } /** * given a bytearray where each byte describes the corresponding word on a stack, * the length of the byte array, * and the type of information that is desired to be scanned * this subroutine scans the byte array looking for the type of information requested * and builds a bit array in the stack maps with the information * Skip one bits in the bitarray if skipOnBit is true - we need to skip one bit * for setRef and setNonRef maps so they are properly merged with jsr base maps. * However, we leave the retAddrMap alone. * it returns the index of the map in the reference map */ @Interruptible int scanByteArray(byte[] byteMap, int BBLastPtr, byte refType, int mapslot, boolean skipOneBit) { skipOneBit = false; if (BBLastPtr == -1) return -1; // no map for this jsr // get a place to hold the map if necessary if (mapslot == 0) { mapslot = getNextMapElement(); // get first word of map } // initialize search variables int len = (BBLastPtr + 1); // get length of map int offset = 0; // offset from origin int word = mapslot; // first word of map // map may take multiple words -convert 1 at a time while (len > 0) { boolean doSkip = (offset == 0 && skipOneBit); // skip a bit if first word and skipOneBit is set int bitsToDo = doSkip ? BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT - 1 : BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; if (len < bitsToDo) { bitsToDo = len; } byte result = convertMapElement(byteMap, offset, bitsToDo, refType); if (doSkip) { result = (byte) ((0x000000ff & result) >>> 1); // shift right to skip high bit for jsr to be consistent with normal maps } jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[word] = result; len -= bitsToDo; // update remaining words offset += bitsToDo; // and offset word++; // get next word } return mapslot; } /** * subroutine to deep copy an UnusualMap into the jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap */ private void unusualMapcopy(VM_UnusualMaps from) { jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.setReturnAddressIndex(from.getReturnAddressIndex()); copyBitMap(jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.getReferenceMapIndex(), from.getReferenceMapIndex()); copyBitMap(jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.getNonReferenceMapIndex(), from.getNonReferenceMapIndex()); copyBitMap(jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.getReturnAddressMapIndex(), from.getReturnAddressMapIndex()); } /** * subroutine to copy a bitmap into the extra unusualmap * inputs * the index of the map in the jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap ie the "to" map * the index of the map to copy ie the "from" map * mapid is used to get the length of the map * output is in the extraunusual map */ private void copyBitMap(int extramapindex, int index) { if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln(" copyBitMap from map index = ", index, " copyBitMap from value = ", jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[index]); } // copy the map over to the extra map for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[extramapindex + i] = jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[index + i]; } if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { VM.sysWriteln(" extraUnusualBitMap index = ", extramapindex, " extraunusualBitMap value = ", jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[extramapindex]); } } /** * merge unusual maps- occurs in nested jsr conditions * merge each nested delta map ( as represented by the jsrMapid of the * location site) into the jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap where the deltas are accumulated * NOTE: while the routine is written to combine 2 jsrInfo.unusualMaps in general * in reality the target map is always the same ( the jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap) */ private VM_UnusualMaps combineDeltaMaps(int jsrUnusualMapid) { //get the delta unusualMap VM_UnusualMaps deltaMap = jsrInfo.unusualMaps[jsrUnusualMapid]; // get the map indicies of the inner jsr map int reftargetindex = jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.getReferenceMapIndex(); int nreftargetindex = jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.getNonReferenceMapIndex(); int addrtargetindex = jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap.getReturnAddressMapIndex(); // get the map indices of the outer jsr map int refdeltaindex = deltaMap.getReferenceMapIndex(); int nrefdeltaindex = deltaMap.getNonReferenceMapIndex(); int addrdeltaindex = deltaMap.getReturnAddressMapIndex(); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { // display original maps VM.sysWriteln("combineDeltaMaps- original ref map id = ", reftargetindex); VM.sysWrite("combineDeltaMaps- original ref map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[reftargetindex + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); VM.sysWriteln("combineDeltaMaps- original nref map id = ", nreftargetindex); VM.sysWrite("combineDeltaMaps original nref map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[nreftargetindex + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); VM.sysWriteln("combineDeltaMaps- original retaddr map id = ", addrtargetindex); VM.sysWrite("combineDeltaMaps original retaddr map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[addrtargetindex + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); VM.sysWriteln("combineDeltaMaps- delta ref map id = ", refdeltaindex); VM.sysWrite("combineDeltaMaps- original delta ref map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[refdeltaindex + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); VM.sysWriteln("combineDeltaMaps- delta nref map id = ", nrefdeltaindex); VM.sysWrite("combineDeltaMaps original delta nref map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[nrefdeltaindex + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); VM.sysWriteln("combineDeltaMaps- delta retaddr map id = ", addrdeltaindex); VM.sysWrite("combineDeltaMaps original delta retaddr map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[addrdeltaindex + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); // display indices VM.sysWriteln("combineDeltaMaps- ref target mapid = ", reftargetindex); VM.sysWriteln(" ref delta mapid = ", refdeltaindex); VM.sysWriteln("combineDeltaMaps- NONref target mapid = ", nreftargetindex); VM.sysWriteln(" NONref delta mapid = ", nrefdeltaindex); VM.sysWriteln("combineDeltaMaps- retaddr target mapid = ", addrtargetindex); VM.sysWriteln(" retaddr delta mapid = ", addrdeltaindex); VM.sysWriteln(" jsrInfo.tempIndex = ", jsrInfo.tempIndex); } // merge the reference maps mergeMap(jsrInfo.tempIndex, reftargetindex, COPY); // save refs made in inner jsr sub(s) mergeMap(reftargetindex, refdeltaindex, OR); // get refs from outer loop mergeMap(reftargetindex, nreftargetindex, NAND); // turn off non refs made in inner jsr sub(s) mergeMap(reftargetindex, addrtargetindex, NAND); // then the return adresses mergeMap(reftargetindex, jsrInfo.tempIndex, OR); // OR inrefs made in inner jsr sub(s) // merge the non reference maps mergeMap(jsrInfo.tempIndex, nreftargetindex, COPY); // save nonrefs made in inner loop(s) mergeMap(nreftargetindex, nrefdeltaindex, OR); // get nrefs from outer loop mergeMap(nreftargetindex, reftargetindex, NAND); // turn off refs made in inner jsr sub(s) mergeMap(nreftargetindex, addrtargetindex, NAND); // then the return adresses mergeMap(nreftargetindex, jsrInfo.tempIndex, OR); // OR in non refs made in inner jsr sub(s) // merge return address maps mergeMap(addrtargetindex, addrdeltaindex, OR); if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { //display final maps VM.sysWrite("setupjsrmap-combineDeltaMaps- merged ref map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[reftargetindex + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); VM.sysWrite("setupjsrmap-combineDeltaMaps- merged nonref map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[nreftargetindex + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); VM.sysWrite("setupjsrmap-combineDeltaMaps- merged retaddr map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[addrtargetindex + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); } return jsrInfo.extraUnusualMap; } /** * Merge a delta map (as represented by its index in the referencemap table) * into a target map (similarly represented) * and use the operation indicated ( OR or NAND or COPY) */ private void mergeMap(int targetindex, int deltaindex, byte Op) { int i; // Merge the maps if (Op == COPY) { for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[targetindex + i] = jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[deltaindex + i]; } } if (Op == OR) { for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[targetindex + i] = (byte) (jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[targetindex + i] | jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[deltaindex + i]); } } if (Op == NAND) { for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { short temp = (byte) (~(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[deltaindex + i])); jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[targetindex + i] = (byte) (jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[targetindex + i] & temp); } } } /** * This method will merge the jsr invoker's base map with changes * due to *all* nested jsr subroutines.<p> * * The nested jsr subroutine maps were merged into a single delta * map prior to the calling of this method. We therefore know that * the base map can never be due to a subroutine (since all * subroutines have been merged), and therefore that there are no * return address maps due to the invoker (since return addresses * are only due to the subroutine maps). * * @param jsrBaseMapIndex The map index for the invoker * @param deltaMap The map for the invoked subroutine/s (all nested * subroutine maps are guaranteed to have been combined prior to * calling this) */ private void finalMergeMaps(int jsrBaseMapIndex, VM_UnusualMaps deltaMap) { int i; /* clear out the destination (merged) maps */ for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap + i] = 0; jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[jsrInfo.mergedReturnAddressMap + i] = 0; } /* get the indices of the maps for the combined subroutine map */ int refMapIndex = deltaMap.getReferenceMapIndex(); int nonRefMapIndex = deltaMap.getNonReferenceMapIndex(); int returnAddressMapIndex = deltaMap.getReturnAddressMapIndex(); /* merge the subroutine delta map into the invoker (base) map */ for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { /* first establish the change in the maps due to the combined subroutines */ byte deltaRef = jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[refMapIndex + i]; byte deltaNonRef = jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[nonRefMapIndex + i]; byte deltaRtnAddr = jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[returnAddressMapIndex + i]; byte deltaAny = (byte) (deltaRef | deltaNonRef | deltaRtnAddr); /* There is no merging to be done for the return address map * since the invoker cannot have any return addressses since it * is guaranteed not to be a subroutine (and only subroutines * can generate return address map entries) */ jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[jsrInfo.mergedReturnAddressMap + i] = deltaRtnAddr; /* Get the base reference map (the high bit is used to denote jsr) */ byte thisBase = referenceMaps[jsrBaseMapIndex + i]; byte nextBase = (i + 1 < bytesPerMap()) ? referenceMaps[jsrBaseMapIndex + i + 1] : 0; byte baseRef = (byte) ((thisBase << 1) | ((0xff & nextBase) >>> 7)); /* Merge the reference maps */ byte mergedRef = (byte) (deltaRef | (baseRef & ~deltaAny)); jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap + i] = mergedRef; /* VM.sysWrite(" **** thisBase = "); VM.sysWrite(thisBase); VM.sysWrite(" nextBase = "); VM.sysWrite(nextBase); VM.sysWrite(" deltaRef = "); VM.sysWrite(deltaRef); VM.sysWrite(" deltaNonRef = "); VM.sysWrite(deltaNonRef); VM.sysWrite(" base = "); VM.sysWrite(base); VM.sysWrite(" newRef = "); VM.sysWrite(newRef); VM.sysWrite("\n"); */ } if (VM.TraceStkMaps) { //Note: this displays each byte as a word ... only look at low order byte VM.sysWrite("finalmergemaps-jsr total set2ref delta map = "); for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[refMapIndex + i]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); VM.sysWrite(" -jsr total set2nonref delta map = "); for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[nonRefMapIndex + i]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); VM.sysWrite(" -jsr base map = "); for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) // ORIGINAL VM.sysWrite( jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[jsrBaseMapIndex + i]); { VM.sysWrite(referenceMaps[jsrBaseMapIndex + i]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); VM.sysWrite(" -combined merged ref map = "); for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap + i]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); VM.sysWrite(" -combined merged return address map = "); for (i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps[jsrInfo.mergedReturnAddressMap + i]); } VM.sysWrite("\n"); } } /** * This routine is used to clean out the MethodMap of structures that * were allocated from temporary storage. Temporary storage is freed up * between stack frames as the GC scans the stack. */ public void cleanupPointers() { if (VM.TraceStkMaps) VM.sysWrite("VM_ReferenceMaps- cleanupPointers\n"); } /** * This routine is used to find an Unusual map with an index * greater than 127 * it returns the index by doing a sequential scan and looking for the mapid * in the normal map directory */ int findUnusualMap(int mapid) { int i; // Greater than 127 map sites- can't use direct index. // Do sequential scan for rest of maps. It's slow but should almost never // happen. for (i = JSR_INDEX_MASK; i < jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps; i++) { if (jsrInfo.unusualMaps[i].getNormalMapIndex() == mapid) { break; } } if (i >= jsrInfo.numberUnusualMaps) { VM.sysFail(" can't find jsr map - PANIC !!!!"); } return i; } /** * show the basic information for each of the maps * this is for testing use */ public void showInfo() { VM.sysWriteln("showInfo- reference maps"); if (MCSites == null) { VM.sysWrite(" no MCSites array - assume using cached data - can't do showInfo()"); return; } VM.sysWrite(" MCSites.length = ", MCSites.length); VM.sysWrite(" mapCount = ", mapCount); // VM.sysWriteln(" startLocal0Offset = ", startLocal0Offset); for (int i = 0; i < mapCount; i++) { VM.sysWrite("mapid = ", i); VM.sysWrite(" - machine code offset ", MCSites[i]); VM.sysWrite(" -reference Map = "); for (int j = 0; j < bytesPerMap(); j++) { VM.sysWriteHex(referenceMaps[(i * bytesPerMap()) + j]); } VM.sysWriteln(); } } /** * show the basic information for a single map * this is for testing use */ public void showAMap(int MCSiteIndex) { VM.sysWriteln("show the map for MCSite index= ", MCSiteIndex); VM.sysWrite("machine code offset = ", MCSites[MCSiteIndex]); VM.sysWrite(" reference Map = "); for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerMap(); i++) { VM.sysWrite(referenceMaps[(MCSiteIndex * bytesPerMap()) + i]); } VM.sysWriteln(); } /** * Show the offsets for all the maps. <br> * This is for test use. */ public void showOffsets() { VM.sysWrite("in showOffset- #maps = "); VM.sysWrite(mapCount); VM.sysWrite("\n"); int i, tindex = 0; if (mapCount == 0) { VM.sysWrite(" no maps for method"); return; } for (i = 0; i < mapCount; i++) { tindex = getNextRefIndex(tindex, i); VM.sysWrite("initial offset = "); VM.sysWrite(tindex); VM.sysWrite(" for map "); VM.sysWrite(i); VM.sysWrite("\n"); while (tindex != 0) { tindex = getNextRefIndex(tindex, i); VM.sysWrite("next offset = "); VM.sysWrite(tindex); if (tindex == 0) VM.sysWrite("---------------- end of map"); } } } @Interruptible public int showReferenceMapStatistics(VM_Method method) { int index = 0; int totalCount = 0; int count; VM.sysWrite("-- Number of refs for method = "); VM.sysWrite(method.getDeclaringClass().getDescriptor()); VM.sysWrite("."); VM.sysWrite(method.getName()); VM.sysWrite("---------------------------\n"); for (int i = 0; i < mapCount; i++) { byte mapindex = referenceMaps[i * bytesPerMap()]; if (mapindex < 0) { // check for non jsr map VM.sysWrite(" -----skipping jsr map------- \n "); continue; } index = getNextRefIndex(index, i); count = 0; while (index != 0) { totalCount++; count++; index = getNextRefIndex(index, i); // display number of refs at each site - very noisy if (index == 0) { VM.sysWriteln(" -----map machine code offset = ", MCSites[i], " number of refs in this map = ", count); } } } VM.sysWrite("----- Total number of refs in method = "); VM.sysWrite(totalCount); VM.sysWrite(" total number of maps in method = "); VM.sysWrite(mapCount); VM.sysWrite("\n"); return totalCount; } /* Interface for general queries such as given a GC point, if a stack slot * or a local variable is a reference. */ /** Query if a local variable has a reference type value * @param method The method we're asking about. * @param mcoff The machine code offset of the instruction *following* the * actual instruction. * @param lidx the local index * @return true, if it is a reference type * false, otherwise */ public boolean isLocalRefType(VM_Method method, Offset mcoff, int lidx) { int bytenum, bitnum; byte[] maps; if (bytesPerMap() == 0) return false; // no map ie no refs int mapid = locateGCPoint(mcoff, method); if (mapid >= 0) { // normal case bytenum = mapid * bytesPerMap(); bitnum = lidx + 1 + 1; // 1 for being 1 based +1 for jsr bit maps = referenceMaps; } else { // in JSR bytenum = jsrInfo.mergedReferenceMap; bitnum = lidx + 1; // 1 for being 1 based maps = jsrInfo.unusualReferenceMaps; } // adjust bitnum and wordnum to bit within word while (bitnum > BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT) { bytenum++; bitnum -= BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT; } int mask = (1 << (BITS_PER_MAP_ELEMENT - bitnum)); // generate mask return ((mask & maps[bytenum]) != 0); } }