/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_Atom; /** * Utility to read compiler advice annotations from file in ascii format. * Takes a single argument: the name of the file containing the ascii * annotations. Each line of the file corresponds to an annotation * for one method and has the following format: * <p> * <pre> * <class> <method> <signature> <advice> <optLevel> * </pre> * Where the types and meanings of the fields is as follows: * <ul> * <li><code><class></code> <i>string</i> The name of the class</li> * <li><code><method></code> <i>string</i> The name of the method</li> * <li><code><signature></code> <i>string</i> The method signature</li> * <li><code><advice></code> <i>int</i> The compiler type to be used -- * an integer value corresponding to the compiler enumeration in VM_CompiledMethod</li> * <li><code><optLevel></code> <i>int</i> (Optional) The opt level to use if compiler is optimizing compiler</li> * </ul> * * * @see VM_CompilerAdvice * @see VM_CompilerAdviceAttribute */ class VM_CompilerAdviceInfoReader { /** * Read annoations from a specified file. Reads all annotations at * once and returns a collection of compiler advice attributes. * * @param file The annoation file to be read * @return A list of compileration advice attributes */ public static List<VM_CompilerAdviceAttribute> readCompilerAdviceFile(String file) { List<VM_CompilerAdviceAttribute> compilerAdviceInfo = new ArrayList<VM_CompilerAdviceAttribute>(); BufferedReader fileIn = null; if (file == null) return null; try { fileIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8")); try { for (String s = fileIn.readLine(); s != null; s = fileIn.readLine()) { StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer(s, " \n,"); compilerAdviceInfo.add(readOneAttribute(parser)); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); VM.sysFail("Error parsing input compilation advice file " + file); } fileIn.close(); } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("IO: Couldn't read compiler advice attribute file: " + file + e); return null; } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) { System.out.println("IO: UTF-8 is not supported: " + e); return null; } catch (java.io.IOException e) { System.out.println("IO: Couldn't close compiler advice attribute file: " + file + e); return null; } return compilerAdviceInfo; } /** * Actual reading is done here. This method reads one attribute * from a single line of an input stream. There are six elements * per line corresponding to each call site. First three are * strings, <i>class name</i>, <i>method name</i>, <i>method * signature</i>, followed by one number, * <i>compiler advice</i>. * * @param st an input stream * @return an compileration advice atribute */ private static VM_CompilerAdviceAttribute readOneAttribute(StringTokenizer st) { int compiler, optLevel = -1; try { VM_Atom cls = VM_Atom.findOrCreateUnicodeAtom(st.nextToken()); VM_Atom mth = VM_Atom.findOrCreateUnicodeAtom(st.nextToken()); VM_Atom sig = VM_Atom.findOrCreateUnicodeAtom(st.nextToken()); compiler = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); optLevel = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); // this is the attribute which will be returned VM_CompilerAdviceAttribute newAttrib; if (optLevel >= 0) { newAttrib = new VM_CompilerAdviceAttribute(cls, mth, sig, compiler, optLevel); } else { newAttrib = new VM_CompilerAdviceAttribute(cls, mth, sig, compiler); } return newAttrib; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { return null; } } }