/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.vm; import org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.Color; import org.mmtk.utility.gcspy.drivers.AbstractDriver; import org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.ByteStream; import org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.IntStream; import org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.ServerInterpreter; import org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.ServerSpace; import org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.ShortStream; import org.mmtk.vm.gcspy.Util; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * This class is responsible for all VM-specific functionality required * by MMTk.<p> * * The class has three major elements. First it defines VM-specific * constants which are used throughout MMTk, second, it declares * singleton instances of each of the abstract classes in this * package, and third, it provides factory methods for VM-specific * instances which are needed by MMTk (such as <code>Lock</code>).<p> * * Both the constants and the singleton instances are initialized to * VM-specific values at build time using reflection and a VM-specific * factory class. The system property <code>mmtk.hostjvm</code> is * interrogated at build time to establish concrete instantations of * the abstract classes in this package. By <b>convention</b>, * <code>mmtk.hostjvm</code> will identify a VM-provided package which * includes concrete instances of each of the abstract classes, with * each concrete class having the same base class name (but different * package name) as the abstract classes defined here. The class * initializer for this class then uses the system property * <code>mmtk.hostjvm</code> to load the VM-specific concrete classes * and initialize the constants and singletons defined here. */ public final class VM { /* * VM-specific constant values */ /** <code>true</code> if assertions should be verified */ public static final boolean VERIFY_ASSERTIONS; /** The lowest address in virtual memory known to MMTk */ public static final Address HEAP_START; /** The highest address in virtual memory known to MMTk */ public static final Address HEAP_END; /** The lowest address in the contiguously available memory available to MMTk */ public static final Address AVAILABLE_START; /** The highest address in the contiguously available memory available to MMTk */ public static final Address AVAILABLE_END; /** The log base two of the size of an address */ public static final byte LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS; /** The log base two of the size of a word */ public static final byte LOG_BYTES_IN_WORD; /** The log base two of the size of an OS page */ public static final byte LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE; /** The log base two of the minimum allocation alignment */ public static final byte LOG_MIN_ALIGNMENT; /** The log base two of (MAX_ALIGNMENT/MIN_ALIGNMENT) */ public static final byte MAX_ALIGNMENT_SHIFT; /** The maximum number of bytes of padding to prepend to an object */ public static final int MAX_BYTES_PADDING; /** The value to store in alignment holes */ public static final int ALIGNMENT_VALUE; /** The offset from an array reference to element zero */ public static final Offset ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET; /* * VM-specific functionality captured in a series of singleton classs */ public static final ActivePlan activePlan; public static final Assert assertions; public static final Barriers barriers; public static final Collection collection; public static final Config config; public static final Memory memory; public static final ObjectModel objectModel; public static final Options options; public static final ReferenceProcessor weakReferences; public static final ReferenceProcessor softReferences; public static final ReferenceProcessor phantomReferences; public static final Scanning scanning; public static final Statistics statistics; public static final Strings strings; public static final TraceInterface traceInterface; /* * The remainder is does the static initialization of the * above, reflectively binding to the appropriate host jvm * classes. */ private static final Factory factory; private static final String vmFactory; /** * This class initializer establishes a VM-specific factory class * using reflection, and then uses that to create VM-specific concrete * instances of all of the vm classes, initializing the singltons in * this class. Finally the constants declared in this class are * initialized using the VM-specific singletons. */ static { /* Identify the VM-specific factory using reflection */ vmFactory = System.getProperty("mmtk.hostjvm"); Factory xfa = null; try { xfa = (Factory) Class.forName(vmFactory).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); // we must *not* go on if the above has failed } factory = xfa; /* Now instantiate the singletons using the factory */ activePlan = factory.newActivePlan(); assertions = factory.newAssert(); barriers = factory.newBarriers(); collection = factory.newCollection(); memory = factory.newMemory(); objectModel = factory.newObjectModel(); options = factory.newOptions(); weakReferences = factory.newReferenceProcessor(ReferenceProcessor.Semantics.WEAK); softReferences = factory.newReferenceProcessor(ReferenceProcessor.Semantics.SOFT); phantomReferences = factory.newReferenceProcessor(ReferenceProcessor.Semantics.PHANTOM); scanning = factory.newScanning(); statistics = factory.newStatistics(); strings = factory.newStrings(); traceInterface = factory.newTraceInterface(); config = new Config(factory.newBuildTimeConfig()); /* Now initialize the constants using the vm-specific singletons */ VERIFY_ASSERTIONS = Assert.verifyAssertionsTrapdoor(assertions); HEAP_START = Memory.heapStartTrapdoor(memory); HEAP_END = Memory.heapEndTrapdoor(memory); AVAILABLE_START = Memory.availableStartTrapdoor(memory); AVAILABLE_END = Memory.availableEndTrapdoor(memory); LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS = Memory.logBytesInAddressTrapdoor(memory); LOG_BYTES_IN_WORD = Memory.logBytesInWordTrapdoor(memory); LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE = Memory.logBytesInPageTrapdoor(memory); LOG_MIN_ALIGNMENT = Memory.logMinAlignmentTrapdoor(memory); MAX_ALIGNMENT_SHIFT = Memory.maxAlignmentShiftTrapdoor(memory); MAX_BYTES_PADDING = Memory.maxBytesPaddingTrapdoor(memory); ALIGNMENT_VALUE = Memory.alignmentValueTrapdoor(memory); ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET = ObjectModel.arrayBaseOffsetTrapdoor(objectModel); } /** * Create a new Lock instance using the appropriate VM-specific * concrete Lock sub-class. * * @see Lock * * @param name The string to be associated with this lock instance * @return A concrete VM-specific Lock instance. */ public static Lock newLock(String name) { return factory.newLock(name); } /** * Create a new SynchronizedCounter instance using the appropriate * VM-specific concrete SynchronizedCounter sub-class. * * @see SynchronizedCounter * * @return A concrete VM-specific SynchronizedCounter instance. */ public static SynchronizedCounter newSynchronizedCounter() { return factory.newSynchronizedCounter(); } /********************************************************************** * GCspy methods */ /** * Create a new Util instance using the appropriate * VM-specific concrete Util sub-class. * * @see Util * * @return A concrete VM-specific Util instance. */ public static Util newGCspyUtil() { return factory.newGCspyUtil(); } /** * Create a new ServerInterpreter instance using the appropriate * VM-specific concrete ServerInterpreter sub-class. * * @see ServerInterpreter * * @return A concrete VM-specific ServerInterpreter instance. */ public static ServerInterpreter newGCspyServerInterpreter() { return factory.newGCspyServerInterpreter(); } /** * Create a new ServerInterpreter instance using the appropriate * VM-specific concrete ServerInterpreter sub-class. * * @see ServerInterpreter * * @return A concrete VM-specific ServerInterpreter instance. */ public static ServerSpace newGCspyServerSpace( ServerInterpreter serverInterpreter, String serverName, String driverName, String title, String blockInfo, int tileNum, String unused, boolean mainSpace) { return factory.newGCspyServerSpace(serverInterpreter, serverName, driverName, title, blockInfo, tileNum, unused, mainSpace); } /** * Create a new ByteStream instance using the appropriate * VM-specific concrete ByteStream sub-class. * * @param driver The driver that owns this Stream * @param name The name of the stream (e.g. "Used space") * @param minValue The minimum value for any item in this stream. * Values less than this will be represented as "minValue-" * @param maxValue The maximum value for any item in this stream. * Values greater than this will be represented as "maxValue+" * @param zeroValue The zero value for this stream * @param defaultValue The default value for this stream * @param stringPre A string to prefix values (e.g. "Used: ") * @param stringPost A string to suffix values (e.g. " bytes.") * @param presentation How a stream value is to be presented. * @param paintStyle How the value is to be painted. * @param indexMaxStream The index of the maximum stream if the presentation is *_VAR. * @param colour The default colour for tiles of this stream * @see IntStream * * @return A concrete VM-specific ByteStream instance. */ public static ByteStream newGCspyByteStream( AbstractDriver driver, String name, byte minValue, byte maxValue, byte zeroValue, byte defaultValue, String stringPre, String stringPost, int presentation, int paintStyle, int indexMaxStream, Color colour, boolean summary) { return factory.newGCspyByteStream(driver, name, minValue, maxValue, zeroValue, defaultValue, stringPre, stringPost, presentation, paintStyle, indexMaxStream, colour, summary); } /** * Create a new IntStream instance using the appropriate * VM-specific concrete IntStream sub-class. * * @param driver The driver that owns this Stream * @param name The name of the stream (e.g. "Used space") * @param minValue The minimum value for any item in this stream. * Values less than this will be represented as "minValue-" * @param maxValue The maximum value for any item in this stream. * Values greater than this will be represented as "maxValue+" * @param zeroValue The zero value for this stream * @param defaultValue The default value for this stream * @param stringPre A string to prefix values (e.g. "Used: ") * @param stringPost A string to suffix values (e.g. " bytes.") * @param presentation How a stream value is to be presented. * @param paintStyle How the value is to be painted. * @param indexMaxStream The index of the maximum stream if the presentation is *_VAR. * @param colour The default colour for tiles of this stream * @see IntStream * * @return A concrete VM-specific IntStream instance. */ public static IntStream newGCspyIntStream( AbstractDriver driver, String name, int minValue, int maxValue, int zeroValue, int defaultValue, String stringPre, String stringPost, int presentation, int paintStyle, int indexMaxStream, Color colour, boolean summary) { return factory.newGCspyIntStream(driver, name, minValue, maxValue, zeroValue, defaultValue, stringPre, stringPost, presentation, paintStyle, indexMaxStream, colour, summary); } /** * Create a new ShortStream instance using the appropriate * VM-specific concrete ShortStream sub-class. * * @param driver The driver that owns this Stream * @param name The name of the stream (e.g. "Used space") * @param minValue The minimum value for any item in this stream. * Values less than this will be represented as "minValue-" * @param maxValue The maximum value for any item in this stream. * Values greater than this will be represented as "maxValue+" * @param zeroValue The zero value for this stream * @param defaultValue The default value for this stream * @param stringPre A string to prefix values (e.g. "Used: ") * @param stringPost A string to suffix values (e.g. " bytes.") * @param presentation How a stream value is to be presented. * @param paintStyle How the value is to be painted. * @param indexMaxStream The index of the maximum stream if the presentation is *_VAR. * @param colour The default colour for tiles of this stream * @see IntStream * * @return A concrete VM-specific IntStream instance. */ public static ShortStream newGCspyShortStream( AbstractDriver driver, String name, short minValue, short maxValue, short zeroValue, short defaultValue, String stringPre, String stringPost, int presentation, int paintStyle, int indexMaxStream, Color colour, boolean summary) { return factory.newGCspyShortStream(driver, name, minValue, maxValue, zeroValue, defaultValue, stringPre, stringPost, presentation, paintStyle, indexMaxStream, colour, summary); } }