/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_Class; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_TypeReference; //TODO - Deal with Subarch /** * A symbolic or physical register. * A wrapper around an OPT_Register that may contain program-point specific * information about the value denoted by the OPT_Register. * * TODO: This class is due for a refactor into subclasses * to split out the symbolic & physical registers and to create * special behavior for symbolic registers used as phi operands and * as validation (guard) operands. * * @see OPT_Operand */ public final class OPT_RegisterOperand extends OPT_Operand { /** * Register object that this operand uses. * TODO: make this field private, it is accessed via generated code */ public OPT_Register register; /** * Inferred data type of the contents of the register. * TODO: make this field private, it is accessed via generated code */ public VM_TypeReference type; /** * Optimizations can use it for different purposes, as long as they * are not used simultaneously */ public Object scratchObject; /** * 16bit scratch word that can be used for different optimizations. */ private short info; /** * Type of a RegisterOperand can be in one of three states: * * <ol> * <li>a- declared: the type obtained from a * getfield,getstatic,putfield,putstatic,array load</li> * <li>b- precise: obtained from a NEW.</li> * <li>c- computed: (default) computed from propagating types.</li> * </ol> * * If the register is holding an int-like type it can be holding * just positive values. * * For calling conventions registers can be for parameters or * volatile/non-volatile. The value in the register can also be * extant - that is a definite non-null value (e.g. this pointer). */ private byte flags; /** * The type has been declared as obtained from a getfield, * getstatic, putfield, putstatic, array load */ private static final int DECLARED_TYPE = 0x01; /** We know precisely the type as it was create by a NEW */ private static final int PRECISE_TYPE = 0x02; /** Is the contents of the int-like register always positive? */ private static final int POSITIVE = 0x04; /** the register operand is for a parameter */ private static final byte PARAMETER = 0x10; /** is this a non-volatile physical register? */ private static final byte NON_VOLATILE = 0x20; /** is this an extant object? */ private static final byte EXTANT = 0x40; /** * Some bits used to characterize guards. TODO: Maybe declare a * new type OPT_GuardOperand extends OPT_RegisterOperand, and save * this state there? */ private byte flags2; /** guard operand that represents a taken branch */ private static final byte TAKEN = 0x01; /** guard operand that represents a not taken branch */ private static final byte NOT_TAKEN = 0x02; /** Guard operand that originates from a bounds-check */ private static final byte BOUNDS_CHECK = 0x04; /** Guard operand that originates from a null-check */ private static final byte NULL_CHECK = 0x08; /** * Constructs a new register operand with the given register and data type. * * @param reg register object * @param typ data type */ public OPT_RegisterOperand(OPT_Register reg, VM_TypeReference typ) { setRegister(reg); setType(typ); } /** * Constructs a new register operand with the given register, data type and flags. * * @param reg register object * @param typ data type * @param inFlags to set for this register * @param isPrecise is this a precise type * @param isDeclared is this a declared type */ public OPT_RegisterOperand(OPT_Register reg, VM_TypeReference typ, byte inFlags, boolean isPrecise, boolean isDeclared) { setRegister(reg); setType(typ); flags = inFlags; if (isPrecise) { setPreciseType(); } else { clearPreciseType(); } if (isDeclared) { setDeclaredType(); } else { clearDeclaredType(); } } /** * Returns a copy of this register operand as an operand */ @Override public OPT_Operand copy() { return copyRO(); } /** * Returns a copy of this register operand as a register operand * NOTE: preserves the flags, info and scratchObject. Preserving is * required in all cases as several phases also depend on scratch * and/or scratchObject being copied */ public OPT_RegisterOperand copyRO() { OPT_RegisterOperand temp = new OPT_RegisterOperand(getRegister(), type); temp.info = info; temp.flags = flags; temp.flags2 = flags2; temp.scratchObject = scratchObject; if (VM.VerifyAssertions && isPreciseType() && type != null && type.isClassType() && type.isResolved(false)) { VM_Class preciseClass = type.resolve(false).asClass(); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isInterface()); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isAbstract()); } return temp; } /** * Returns a copy of this use register operand as another use reg operand. */ public OPT_RegisterOperand copyU2U() { return copyRO(); } /** * Returns a copy of this def register operand as a use. */ public OPT_RegisterOperand copyD2U() { return copyRO(); } /** * Returns a copy of this use register operand as a def. */ public OPT_RegisterOperand copyU2D() { return copyRO(); } /** * Returns a copy of this def register operand as a def. */ public OPT_RegisterOperand copyD2D() { return copyRO(); } /** * Returns whether the given operand is a register operand and has the same * register object. * * @param op operand to compare against */ @Override public boolean similar(OPT_Operand op) { return (op instanceof OPT_RegisterOperand) && (getRegister() == ((OPT_RegisterOperand) op).getRegister()); } /** * Copy type information from the given operand into this one * including flag information on whether this is a precise type or * not * @param rhs the type to copy information from */ public void copyType(OPT_RegisterOperand rhs) { this.flags = rhs.flags; this.setType(rhs.type); } /** * Does the operand represent a value of an int-like data type? * * @return <code>true</code> if the data type of <code>this</code> * is int-like as defined by {@link VM_TypeReference#isIntLikeType} * or <code>false</code> if it is not. */ @Override public boolean isIntLike() { return type.isIntLikeType(); } /** * Does the operand represent a value of an int data type? * * @return <code>true</code> if the data type of <code>this</code> * is int-like as defined by {@link VM_TypeReference#isIntLikeType} * or <code>false</code> if it is not. */ @Override public boolean isInt() { return type.isIntType(); } /** * Does the operand represent a value of the long data type? * * @return <code>true</code> if the data type of <code>this</code> * is a long as defined by {@link VM_TypeReference#isLongType} * or <code>false</code> if it is not. */ @Override public boolean isLong() { return type.isLongType(); } /** * Does the operand represent a value of the float data type? * * @return <code>true</code> if the data type of <code>this</code> * is a float as defined by {@link VM_TypeReference#isFloatType} * or <code>false</code> if it is not. */ @Override public boolean isFloat() { return type.isFloatType(); } /** * Does the operand represent a value of the double data type? * * @return <code>true</code> if the data type of <code>this</code> * is a double as defined by {@link VM_TypeReference#isDoubleType} * or <code>false</code> if it is not. */ @Override public boolean isDouble() { return type.isDoubleType(); } /** * Does the operand represent a value of the reference data type? * * @return <code>true</code> if the data type of <code>this</code> * is a reference as defined by {@link VM_TypeReference#isReferenceType} * or <code>false</code> if it is not. */ @Override public boolean isRef() { return type.isReferenceType(); } /** * Does the operand represent a value of the address data type? * * @return <code>true</code> if the data type of <code>this</code> * is an address as defined by {@link VM_TypeReference#isWordType} * or <code>false</code> if it is not. */ @Override public boolean isAddress() { return type.isWordType(); } /** * Does the operand definitely represent <code>null</code>? * * @return <code>true</code> if the operand definitely represents * <code>null</code> or <code>false</code> if it does not. */ @Override public boolean isDefinitelyNull() { return type == VM_TypeReference.NULL_TYPE; } /** Does this register hold a parameter */ public boolean isParameter() { return (flags & PARAMETER) != 0; } /** Set this register as being used to hold parameters */ public void setParameter() { flags |= PARAMETER; } /** Clear this register from being used to hold parameters */ public void clearParameter() { flags &= ~PARAMETER; } /** Is this a volatile register? */ public boolean isNonVolatile() { return (flags & NON_VOLATILE) != 0; } /** Set this register as being non-volatile */ public void setNonVolatile() { flags |= NON_VOLATILE; } /** Set this register as being volatile */ public void clearNonVolatile() { flags &= ~NON_VOLATILE; } /** Is this register known to contain an object? */ public boolean isExtant() { return (flags & EXTANT) != 0; } /** Set this register as holding a known to exist object */ public void setExtant() { flags |= EXTANT; } /** Clear this register from holding a known to exist object */ public void clearExtant() { flags &= ~EXTANT; } /** Does this register have a declared type? */ public boolean isDeclaredType() { return (flags & DECLARED_TYPE) != 0; } /** Set this register as having a declared type */ public void setDeclaredType() { flags |= DECLARED_TYPE; } /** Clear this register from having a declared type */ public void clearDeclaredType() { flags &= ~DECLARED_TYPE; } /** Do we know the precise type of this register? */ public boolean isPreciseType() { return (flags & PRECISE_TYPE) != 0; } /** Set this register as having a precise type */ public void setPreciseType() { if (VM.VerifyAssertions && type.isClassType() && type.isResolved(false)) { VM_Class preciseClass = type.resolve(false).asClass(); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isInterface()); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isAbstract()); } flags |= PRECISE_TYPE; } /** Clear this register from having a precise type */ public void clearPreciseType() { flags &= ~PRECISE_TYPE; } /** Is this register a declared or a precise type? */ public boolean isDeclaredOrPreciseType() { return (flags & (DECLARED_TYPE | PRECISE_TYPE)) != 0; } /** Is this register a positive int? */ public boolean isPositiveInt() { return (flags & POSITIVE) != 0; } /** Set this register as being a positive int */ public void setPositiveInt() { flags |= POSITIVE; } /** Return a byte encoding register flags */ public byte getFlags() { return flags; } /** Clear the flags of a register */ public void clearFlags() { flags = 0; } /** Merge two sets of register flags */ public void addFlags(byte inFlag) { flags |= inFlag; if (VM.VerifyAssertions && isPreciseType() && type != null && type.isClassType() && type.isResolved(false)) { VM_Class preciseClass = type.resolve(false).asClass(); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isInterface()); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isAbstract()); } } /** Currently all flags are inheritable, so copy all flags from src */ public void setInheritableFlags(OPT_RegisterOperand src) { flags = src.getFlags(); if (VM.VerifyAssertions && isPreciseType() && type != null && type.isClassType() && type.isResolved(false)) { VM_Class preciseClass = type.resolve(false).asClass(); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isInterface()); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isAbstract()); } } /** Currently all flags are "meetable", so mask flags together */ public void meetInheritableFlags(OPT_RegisterOperand other) { flags &= other.flags; } /** * Return true if we have any bits set (flag true) that other * doesn't. It's ok for other to have bits set true that we have set * to false. */ public boolean hasLessConservativeFlags(OPT_RegisterOperand other) { return other.getFlags() != (getFlags() | other.getFlags()); } /** Is this a guard operand from a taken branch? */ public boolean isTaken() { return (flags2 & TAKEN) != 0; } /** Set this a guard operand from a taken branch */ public void setTaken() { flags2 |= TAKEN; } /** Clear this from being a guard operand from a taken branch */ public void clearTaken() { flags2 &= ~TAKEN; } /** Is this a guard operand from a not taken branch? */ public boolean isNotTaken() { return (flags2 & NOT_TAKEN) != 0; } /** Set this a guard operand from a not taken branch */ public void setNotTaken() { flags2 |= NOT_TAKEN; } /** Clear this from being a guard operand from a not taken branch */ public void clearNotTaken() { flags2 &= ~NOT_TAKEN; } /** Is this a guard operand from a bounds check? */ public boolean isBoundsCheck() { return (flags2 & BOUNDS_CHECK) != 0; } /** Set this as a guard operand from a bounds check */ public void setBoundsCheck() { flags2 |= BOUNDS_CHECK; } /** Clear this from being a guard operand from a bounds check */ public void clearBoundsCheck() { flags2 &= ~BOUNDS_CHECK; } /** Is this a guard operand from a null check? */ public boolean isNullCheck() { return (flags2 & NULL_CHECK) != 0; } /** Set this as being a guard operand from a null check */ public void setNullCheck() { flags2 |= NULL_CHECK; } /** Clear this from being a guard operand from a null check */ public void clearNullCheck() { flags2 &= ~NULL_CHECK; } /** Get info scratch short */ public short getInfo() { return info; } /** Set info scratch short */ public void setInfo(short value) { info = value; } /** * Sets scratch object of the register operand to parameter. (sic) * Since there is not multiple inheritance in Java, I am copying the * accessor functions & fields of LinkedListElement. This field * is used to maintain lists of USEs and DEFs */ public void setNext(OPT_RegisterOperand Next) { scratchObject = Next; } /** * Sets scratch object of the register operand to parameter. */ public void append(OPT_RegisterOperand next) { scratchObject = next; } /** * Returns the scratch object of the register operand */ public OPT_RegisterOperand getNext() { return (OPT_RegisterOperand) scratchObject; } /** * Returns the string representation of this operand. */ @Override public String toString() { String s = getRegister().toString(); if (type != null) { if (type != VM_TypeReference.VALIDATION_TYPE) { s = s + "(" + type.getName(); if (isExtant()) s += ",x"; if (isDeclaredType()) s += ",d"; if (isPreciseType()) s += ",p"; if (isPositiveInt()) s += ",+"; s += ")"; } else { s += "(GUARD)"; } } return s; } /** * Modify the register */ public void setRegister(OPT_Register register) { this.register = register; } /** * @return the register */ public OPT_Register getRegister() { return register; } /** * Set the {@link VM_TypeReference} of the value represented by the operand. * * @param the inferred data type of the contents of the register */ public void setType(VM_TypeReference t) { type = t; if (VM.VerifyAssertions && isPreciseType() && type != null && type.isClassType() && type.isResolved(false)) { VM_Class preciseClass = type.resolve(false).asClass(); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isInterface()); VM._assert(!preciseClass.isAbstract()); } } /** * Return the {@link VM_TypeReference} of the value represented by the operand. * * @return the inferred data type of the contents of the register */ @Override public VM_TypeReference getType() { return type; } }