/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.utility.sanitychecker; import org.mmtk.plan.TraceLocal; import org.mmtk.policy.RawPageSpace; import org.mmtk.utility.Constants; import org.mmtk.utility.deque.*; import org.mmtk.utility.SimpleHashtable; import org.vmmagic.pragma.*; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*; /** * This class implements a simple hashtable to store and retrieve per * object information for sanity checking. <p> * * This class is not thread safe. */ @Uninterruptible public final class SanityDataTable extends SimpleHashtable implements Constants { /** The number of bits for the normal reference count */ private static final int NORMAL_RC_BITS = 25; /** The mask for the normal reference count */ private static final int NORMAL_RC_MASK = (1 << 25) - 1; /** The shift for the root reference count */ private static final int ROOT_RC_SHIFT = NORMAL_RC_BITS; /** The increment to use for normal increments */ private static final int NORMAL_RC_INC = 1; /** The increment to use for root increments */ private static final int ROOT_RC_INC = 1 << ROOT_RC_SHIFT; /** * Create a new data table of a specified size. * * @param rps The space to acquire the data structure from. * @param logSize The log of the number of table entries. */ public SanityDataTable(RawPageSpace rps, int logSize) { super(rps, logSize, Extent.fromIntSignExtend(BYTES_IN_WORD)); } /** * Increment the data word for an object. * * @param entry The table entry. * @param root True if this is a root reference. * @return True if this is the first ref to that object. */ @Inline public static boolean incRC(Address entry, boolean root) { Address data = SimpleHashtable.getPayloadAddress(entry); int old = data.loadInt(); data.store(old + (root ? ROOT_RC_INC : NORMAL_RC_INC)); return (old == 0); } /** * Push any entries that are only in this table, and not the * passed table. This does not compare values. * * @param other The table to use for comparison. * @param deque The buffer to push results onto. */ public void pushNotInOther(SanityDataTable other, ObjectReferenceDeque deque) { Address entry = getFirst(); while (!entry.isZero()) { Word key = SimpleHashtable.getKey(entry); if (!other.contains(key)) { deque.push(key.toAddress().toObjectReference()); } entry = getNext(entry); } } /** * Given an address of an entry, read the reference count, * excluding root references. * * @param entry The entry * @return The reference count. */ public static int getNormalRC(Address entry) { return SimpleHashtable.getPayloadAddress(entry).loadInt() & NORMAL_RC_MASK; } /** * Given an address of an entry, read the root reference count. * * @param entry The entry * @return The root reference count. */ public static int getRootRC(Address entry) { return SimpleHashtable.getPayloadAddress(entry).loadInt() >>> ROOT_RC_SHIFT; } /** * Given an address of an entry, read the total reference count. * * @param entry The entry * @return The total reference count. */ public static int getRC(Address entry) { int val = SimpleHashtable.getPayloadAddress(entry).loadInt(); return (val & NORMAL_RC_MASK) + val >>> ROOT_RC_SHIFT; } /** * Given an address of an entry, read the reference component. * * @param entry The entry * @return The object reference. */ public static ObjectReference getObjectReference(Address entry) { return SimpleHashtable.getKey(entry).toAddress().toObjectReference(); } /** * Forward data table using the supplied trace. Note that the data is * not hashed correctly, so only enumeration can be used without * rehashing. * * @param trace The trace to use. */ public void forwardTable(TraceLocal trace) { Address entry = getFirst(); while (!entry.isZero()) { ObjectReference obj = getObjectReference(entry); SimpleHashtable.replaceKey(entry, trace.getForwardedReference(obj).toAddress().toWord()); entry = getNext(entry); } } /** * Get an entry for an object. * * @param object The object to find an entry for. * @param create Create an entry if none exists? * @return The entry address. */ public Address getEntry(ObjectReference object, boolean create) { return super.getEntry(object.toAddress().toWord(), create); } }