/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt; /** * OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge is a generic graph edge. Extend this to implement * specific graph edge types, or use it as a generic edge. * OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdges are directed, and therefore, have a from-node and * a to-node. */ public class OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge implements OPT_GraphEdge, OPT_VCGEdge { /** * End node. */ protected OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode _toNode; /** * Start node. */ protected OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode _fromNode; /** * The following word is defined for several uses. The first 4 bits * are reserved for OPT_SpaceEffGraph. Classes that subclass this one * can use the remaining 28 bits */ protected int scratch; static final int VISITED = 0x10000000; // general purpose static final int BACK_EDGE = 0x20000000; // edge information static final int DOMINATOR = 0x40000000; // edge information static final int INFO_MASK = 0x0fffffff; public final boolean visited() { return (scratch & VISITED) != 0; } public final boolean backEdge() { return (scratch & BACK_EDGE) != 0; } public final boolean dominatorEdge() { return (scratch & DOMINATOR) != 0; } public final void setVisited() { scratch |= VISITED; } public final void setBackEdge() { scratch |= BACK_EDGE; } public final void setDominatorEdge() { scratch |= DOMINATOR; } public final void clearVisited() { scratch &= ~VISITED; } public final void clearBackEdge() { scratch &= ~BACK_EDGE; } public final void clearDominatorEdge() { scratch &= ~DOMINATOR; } public final int getInfo() { return scratch & INFO_MASK; } public final void setInfo(int value) { scratch = (scratch & ~INFO_MASK) | (value & INFO_MASK); } /** * Get the end node for the edge. * @return end node for the edge */ public final OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode toNode() { return _toNode; } /** * Get the start node for the edge. * @return start node for the edge */ public final OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode fromNode() { return _fromNode; } /** * Set end node. * WARNING: use with caution * @param toNode new end node */ final void setToNode(OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode toNode) { _toNode = toNode; } /** * Set start node. * WARNING: use with caution * @param fromNode new start node */ final void setFromNode(OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode fromNode) { _fromNode = fromNode; } /** * Constructs an empty edge. */ OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge() { } /** * Constructs an edge starting at a given node and ending at a given node. * @param fromNode start node * @param toNode end node */ OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge(OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode fromNode, OPT_SpaceEffGraphNode toNode) { _toNode = toNode; _fromNode = fromNode; } /** * Delete this edge from the graph. */ final void delete() { _fromNode.removeOut(this); _toNode.removeIn(this); } /** * Returns the string representation of the edge type. * @return string representation of the edge type */ public String getTypeString() { return ""; } /** * Returns the string representation of the end node (used for printing). * @return string representation of the end node */ public String toNodeString() { return "---> " + _toNode; } /** * Returns the string representation of the start node (used for printing). * @return string representation of the start node */ public String fromNodeString() { return "<--- " + _fromNode; } /** * Get the end node for the edge. * @return end node for the edge */ public final OPT_GraphNode to() { return _toNode; } /** * Get the start node for the edge. * @return start node for the edge */ public final OPT_GraphNode from() { return _fromNode; } /** * Returns the source node of the edge. * @return edge source node * @see OPT_VisEdge#sourceNode */ public OPT_VisNode sourceNode() { return _fromNode; } /** * Returns the target node of the edge. * @return edge target node * @see OPT_VisEdge#targetNode */ public OPT_VisNode targetNode() { return _toNode; } /** * Returns whether this edge is a backedge. * @return true if the edge is a backedge, false otherwise * @see OPT_VCGEdge#backEdge */ // Already defined above. //public boolean backEdge(); /** * Returns a VCG descriptor for the edge which will provide VCG-relevant * information for the edge. * @return edge descriptor * @see OPT_VCGEdge#getVCGDescriptor */ public OPT_VCGEdge.EdgeDesc getVCGDescriptor() { return new OPT_VCGEdge.EdgeDesc() { public String getStyle() { return backEdge() ? "dotted" : null; } public String getColor() { return backEdge() ? "red" : null; } public int getThickness() { return dominatorEdge() ? 3 : 1; } }; } /** * Links inlined from LinkedListElement2. */ protected OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge nextIn, nextOut; /** * Get the next in edge. * @return next in edge. */ public final OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge getNextIn() { return nextIn; } /** * Get the next out edge. * @return next out edge. */ public final OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge getNextOut() { return nextOut; } /** * Append a given edge after this edge as an in edge. * @param e the edge to append */ final void appendIn(OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge e) { nextIn = e; } /** * Append a given edge after this edge as an out edge. * @param e the edge to append */ final void appendOut(OPT_SpaceEffGraphEdge e) { nextOut = e; } }