/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.utility.heap; import org.mmtk.utility.alloc.EmbeddedMetaData; import org.mmtk.utility.options.Options; import org.mmtk.policy.Space; import org.mmtk.utility.Conversions; import org.mmtk.utility.Constants; import org.mmtk.vm.VM; import org.vmmagic.pragma.*; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*; /** * This class manages the allocation of pages for a space. When a * page is requested by the space both a page budget and the use of * virtual address space are checked. If the request for space can't * be satisfied (for either reason) a GC may be triggered.<p> */ @Uninterruptible public final class MonotonePageResource extends PageResource implements Constants { /**************************************************************************** * * Instance variables */ private Address cursor; private Address sentinel; private final int metaDataPagesPerRegion; /** * Constructor * * Contiguous monotone resource. The address range is pre-defined at * initialization time and is immutable. * * @param pageBudget The budget of pages available to this memory * manager before it must poll the collector. * @param space The space to which this resource is attached * @param start The start of the address range allocated to this resource * @param bytes The size of the address rage allocated to this resource * @param metaDataPagesPerRegion The number of pages of meta data * that are embedded in each region. */ public MonotonePageResource(int pageBudget, Space space, Address start, Extent bytes, int metaDataPagesPerRegion) { super(pageBudget, space, start); this.cursor = start; this.sentinel = start.plus(bytes); this.metaDataPagesPerRegion = metaDataPagesPerRegion; } /** * Constructor * * Discontiguous monotone resource. The address range is <i>not</i> * pre-defined at initialization time and is dynamically defined to * be some set of pages, according to demand and availability. * * CURRENTLY UNIMPLEMENTED * * @param pageBudget The budget of pages available to this memory * manager before it must poll the collector. * @param space The space to which this resource is attached * @param metaDataPagesPerRegion The number of pages of meta data * that are embedded in each region. */ public MonotonePageResource(int pageBudget, Space space, int metaDataPagesPerRegion) { super(pageBudget, space); /* unimplemented */ this.start = Address.zero(); this.cursor = Address.zero(); this.sentinel = Address.zero(); this.metaDataPagesPerRegion = metaDataPagesPerRegion; } /** * Return the number of available physical pages for this resource. * This includes all pages currently unused by this resource's page * cursor. If the resource is using discontiguous space it also includes * currently unassigned discontiguous space.<p> * * Note: This just considers physical pages (ie virtual memory pages * allocated for use by this resource). This calculation is orthogonal * to and does not consider any restrictions on the number of pages * this resource may actually use at any time (ie the number of * committed and reserved pages).<p> * * Note: The calculation is made on the assumption that all space that * could be assigned to this resource would be assigned to this resource * (ie the unused discontiguous space could just as likely be assigned * to another competing resource). * * @return The number of available physical pages for this resource. */ @Override public int getAvailablePhysicalPages() { int rtn = Conversions.bytesToPages(sentinel.diff(cursor)); if (!contiguous) rtn += Map.getAvailableDiscontiguousChunks()*Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK; return rtn; } /** * Allocate <code>pages</code> pages from this resource. Simply * bump the cursor, and fail if we hit the sentinel.<p> * * If the request can be satisfied, then ensure the pages are * mmpapped and zeroed before returning the address of the start of * the region. If the request cannot be satisfied, return zero. * * @param requestPages The number of pages to be allocated. * @return The start of the first page if successful, zero on * failure. */ @Inline protected Address allocPages(int requestPages) { int pages = requestPages; lock(); Address rtn = cursor; if (metaDataPagesPerRegion != 0) { /* adjust allocation for metadata */ Address regionStart = getRegionStart(cursor.plus(Conversions.pagesToBytes(pages))); Offset regionDelta = regionStart.diff(cursor); if (regionDelta.sGE(Offset.zero())) { /* start new region, so adjust pages and return address accordingly */ pages += Conversions.bytesToPages(regionDelta) + metaDataPagesPerRegion; rtn = regionStart.plus(Conversions.pagesToBytes(metaDataPagesPerRegion)); } } Extent bytes = Conversions.pagesToBytes(pages); Address tmp = cursor.plus(bytes); if (!contiguous && tmp.GT(sentinel)) { /* we're out of virtual memory within our discontiguous region, so ask for more */ int requiredChunks = Space.requiredChunks(pages); start = space.growDiscontiguousSpace(requiredChunks); cursor = start; sentinel = cursor.plus(start.isZero() ? 0 : requiredChunks<<Space.LOG_BYTES_IN_CHUNK); rtn = cursor; tmp = cursor.plus(bytes); } if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(rtn.GE(cursor) && rtn.LT(cursor.plus(bytes))); if (tmp.GT(sentinel)) { unlock(); return Address.zero(); } else { Address old = cursor; cursor = tmp; commitPages(requestPages, pages); unlock(); Mmapper.ensureMapped(old, pages); VM.memory.zero(old, bytes); return rtn; } } /** * Adjust a page request to include metadata requirements, if any.<p> * * In this case we simply report the expected page cost. We can't use * worst case here because we would exhaust our budget every time. * * @param pages The size of the pending allocation in pages * @return The number of required pages, inclusive of any metadata */ public int adjustForMetaData(int pages) { return (metaDataPagesPerRegion * pages) / EmbeddedMetaData.PAGES_IN_REGION; } /** * Adjust a page request to include metadata requirements, if any.<p> * * Note that there could be a race here, with multiple threads each * adjusting their request on account of the same single metadata * region. This should not be harmful, as the failing requests will * just retry, and if multiple requests succeed, only one of them * will actually have the metadata accounted against it, the others * will simply have more space than they originally requested. * * @param pages The size of the pending allocation in pages * @param begin The start address of the region assigned to this pending * request * @return The number of required pages, inclusive of any metadata */ public int adjustForMetaData(int pages, Address begin) { if (getRegionStart(begin).plus(metaDataPagesPerRegion<<LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE).EQ(begin)) pages += metaDataPagesPerRegion; return pages; } private static Address getRegionStart(Address addr) { return addr.toWord().and(Word.fromIntSignExtend(EmbeddedMetaData.BYTES_IN_REGION - 1).not()).toAddress(); } /** * Reset this page resource, freeing all pages and resetting * reserved and committed pages appropriately. */ @Inline public void reset() { lock(); reserved = 0; committed = 0; releasePages(); unlock(); } /** * Notify that several pages are no longer in use. * * @param pages The number of pages */ public void unusePages(int pages) { lock(); reserved -= pages; committed -= pages; unlock(); } /** * Notify that previously unused pages are in use again. * * @param pages The number of pages */ public void reusePages(int pages) { lock(); reserved += pages; committed += pages; unlock(); } /** * Release all pages associated with this page resource, optionally * zeroing on release and optionally memory protecting on release. */ @Inline private void releasePages() { Address first = start; do { Extent bytes = cursor.diff(start).toWord().toExtent(); releasePages(start, bytes); cursor = start; } while (!contiguous && moveToNextChunk()); if (!contiguous) { sentinel = Address.zero(); Map.freeAllChunks(first); } } /** * Adjust the start and cursor fields to point to the next chunk * in the linked list of chunks tied down by this page resource. * * @return True if we moved to the next chunk; false if we hit the * end of the linked list. */ private boolean moveToNextChunk() { start = Map.getNextContiguousRegion(start); if (start.isZero()) return false; else { cursor = start.plus(Map.getContiguousRegionSize(start)); return true; } } /** * Release a range of pages associated with this page resource, optionally * zeroing on release and optionally memory protecting on release. */ @Inline private void releasePages(Address first, Extent bytes) { int pages = Conversions.bytesToPages(bytes); if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(bytes.EQ(Conversions.pagesToBytes(pages))); if (ZERO_ON_RELEASE) VM.memory.zero(first, bytes); if (Options.protectOnRelease.getValue()) Mmapper.protect(first, pages); } }