/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.osr; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.VM_Magic; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word; /** * An instance of OSR_VariableElement represents a byte code variable * (local or stack element). It is used to generate prologue to * recover the runtime state. It refers to VM architecture. */ public class OSR_VariableElement implements OSR_Constants { ////////////////////////////////// // instance fields ////////////////////////////////// /** the kind of this element : LOCAL or STACK */ private final boolean kind; /** * the number of element, e.g., with kind we * can know it is L0 or S1. */ private final char num; /** type code, can only be INT, FLOAT, LONG, DOUBLE, RET_ADDR, WORD or REF */ private final byte tcode; /** * The value of this element. * For type INT, FLOAT, RET_ADDR and WORD (32-bit), the lower 32 bits are valid. * For type LONG and DOUBLE and WORD(64-bit), 64 bits are valid. * For REF type, next field 'ref' is valid. * * For FLOAT, and DOUBLE, use VM_Magic.intBitsAsFloat * or VM_Magic.longBitsAsDouble * to convert bits to floating-point value. */ private final long value; /** for reference type value */ private final Object ref; ////////////////////////////////// // class auxiliary methods ///////////////////////////////// static boolean isIBitsType(int tcode) { switch (tcode) { case INT: case FLOAT: case RET_ADDR: return true; case WORD: return VM.BuildFor32Addr; default: return false; } } static boolean isLBitsType(int tcode) { switch (tcode) { case LONG: case DOUBLE: return true; case WORD: return VM.BuildFor64Addr; default: return false; } } static boolean isRefType(int tcode) { return tcode == REF; } static boolean isWordType(int tcode) { return tcode == WORD; } ////////////////////////////////////// // Initializer ///////////////////////////////////// /** Constructor for 32-bit value */ public OSR_VariableElement(boolean what_kind, int which_num, byte type, int ibits) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert(isIBitsType(type)); VM._assert(which_num < 0xFFFF); } this.kind = what_kind; this.num = (char)which_num; this.tcode = type; this.value = (long) ibits & 0x0FFFFFFFFL; this.ref = null; } /** Constructor for 64-bit value */ public OSR_VariableElement(boolean what_kind, int which_num, byte type, long lbits) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert(isLBitsType(type)); VM._assert(which_num < 0xFFFF); } this.kind = what_kind; this.num = (char)which_num; this.tcode = type; this.value = lbits; this.ref = null; } /** Constructor for reference type */ public OSR_VariableElement(boolean what_kind, int which_num, byte type, Object ref) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert(isRefType(type)); VM._assert(which_num < 0xFFFF); } this.kind = what_kind; this.num = (char)which_num; this.tcode = type; this.value = 0; this.ref = ref; } /** Constructor for word type */ public OSR_VariableElement(boolean what_kind, int which_num, byte type, Word word) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert(isWordType(type)); VM._assert(which_num < 0xFFFF); } this.kind = what_kind; this.num = (char)which_num; this.tcode = type; if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) { this.value = ((long) word.toInt()) & 0x0FFFFFFFFL; } else { this.value = word.toLong(); } this.ref = null; } //////////////////////////////// // instance method //////////////////////////////// /** local or stack element */ boolean isLocal() { return kind == LOCAL; } /** get type code */ byte getTypeCode() { return tcode; } char getNumber() { return num; } /** is reference type */ boolean isRefType() { return (this.tcode == REF); } Object getObject() { return ref; } /** is word type */ boolean isWordType() { return (this.tcode == WORD); } Word getWord() { return (VM.BuildFor32Addr) ? Word.fromIntSignExtend((int) value) : Word.fromLong(value); } /* for numerical */ int getIntBits() { return (int) (value & 0x0FFFFFFFF); } long getLongBits() { return value; } /* to string */ public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("("); if (kind == LOCAL) { buf.append('L'); } else { buf.append('S'); } buf.append((int)num); buf.append(","); char t = 'V'; switch (tcode) { case INT: t = 'I'; break; case FLOAT: t = 'F'; break; case LONG: t = 'J'; break; case DOUBLE: t = 'D'; break; case RET_ADDR: t = 'R'; break; case REF: t = 'L'; break; case WORD: t = 'W'; break; } buf.append(t); buf.append(","); switch (tcode) { case REF: // it is legal to have a null reference. if (ref == null) { buf.append("null"); } else { buf.append(VM.addressAsHexString(VM_Magic.objectAsAddress(ref))); buf.append(" "); // buf.append(ref.toString()); } break; case WORD: buf.append("0x"); if (VM.BuildFor32Addr) { buf.append(Integer.toHexString((int) (value & 0x0FFFFFFFFL))); } else { buf.append(Long.toHexString(value)); } buf.append(" "); break; case FLOAT: buf.append(VM_Magic.intBitsAsFloat((int) (value & 0x0FFFFFFFF))); break; case LONG: buf.append(value); break; case DOUBLE: buf.append(VM_Magic.longBitsAsDouble(value)); break; default: buf.append((int) (value & 0x0FFFFFFFF)); break; } buf.append(")"); return buf.toString(); } }