/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation.VM_CompilerDNA; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util.VM_AOSLogging; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.VM_NormalMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.VM_CompiledMethod; /** * This class encapsulates the analytic model used by the controller * to guide multi-level recompilation decisions. An early version of * this model is described in the OOPSLA'2000 paper, but we've made * some improvements since then... * * @see VM_MultiLevelAdaptiveModel */ abstract class VM_AnalyticModel extends VM_RecompilationStrategy { //---- Interface ------ // Code that inherits from VM_AnalyticModel must define the // following behavior /** * Initialize the set of "optimization choices" that the * cost-benefit model will consider when using will consider when * using adaptive compilation. */ abstract void populateRecompilationChoices(); /** * Compute the set of optimization choices that should be * considered by the cost-benefit model, given the previous compiler. * * @param prevCompiler The compiler compiler that was used to * comile cmpMethod * @param cmpMethod The compiled method being considered */ abstract VM_RecompilationChoice[] getViableRecompilationChoices(int prevCompiler, VM_CompiledMethod cmpMethod); // ----------------------------------------------------- // Below code that is (currently) common to all recompilation // strategies that use the analytic model. /** * Initialize the analytic model: * * NOTE: The call to super.init() uses the command line options to * set up the optimization plans, so this must be run after the * command line options are available. */ void init() { // Do the common initialization first super.init(); // setup the recompilation choices that are available to the // analytic model populateRecompilationChoices(); } /** * This method is the main decision making loop for all * recompilation strategies that use the analytic model. * <p> * Given a HotMethodRecompilationEvent, this code will determine * IF the method should be recompiled, and if so, HOW to perform * the recompilation, i.e., what compilation plan should be used. * The method returns a controller plan, which contains the compilation * plan and other goodies. * * @param cmpMethod the compiled method of interest * @param hme the VM_HotMethodRecompilationEvent * @return the controller plan to be used or NULL, if no * compilation is to be performed. */ VM_ControllerPlan considerHotMethod(VM_CompiledMethod cmpMethod, VM_HotMethodEvent hme) { // Compiler used for the previous compilation int prevCompiler = getPreviousCompiler(cmpMethod); if (prevCompiler == -1) { return null; // Not a method that we can recompile (trap, JNI). } VM_ControllerPlan plan = VM_ControllerMemory.findMatchingPlan(cmpMethod); // for a outdated hot method from baseline, we consider OSR, // and execute plan in the routine, no more action here if (considerOSRRecompilation(cmpMethod, hme, plan)) return null; if (!considerForRecompilation(hme, plan)) return null; // Now we know the compiler that generated the method (prevCompiler) and // that the method is a potential candidate for additional recompilation. // So, next decide what, if anything, should be done now. // We consider doing nothing (ie leaving the method at the current // opt level, which incurs no compilation cost), and recompiling the // method at each greater compilation level. double futureTimeForMethod = futureTimeForMethod(hme); // initialize bestAction as doing nothing, which means we'll // spend just as much time in the method in the future as we have so far. VM_RecompilationChoice bestActionChoice = null; double bestActionTime = futureTimeForMethod; double bestCost = 0.0; VM_AOSLogging.recordControllerEstimateCostDoNothing(cmpMethod.getMethod(), VM_CompilerDNA.getOptLevel(prevCompiler), bestActionTime); // Get a vector of optimization choices to consider VM_RecompilationChoice[] recompilationChoices = getViableRecompilationChoices(prevCompiler, cmpMethod); // Consider all choices in the vector of possibilities VM_NormalMethod meth = (VM_NormalMethod) hme.getMethod(); for (VM_RecompilationChoice choice : recompilationChoices) { // Get the cost and benefit of this choice double cost = choice.getCost(meth); double futureExecutionTime = choice.getFutureExecutionTime(prevCompiler, futureTimeForMethod); double curActionTime = cost + futureExecutionTime; VM_AOSLogging.recordControllerEstimateCostOpt(cmpMethod.getMethod(), choice.toString(), cost, curActionTime); if (curActionTime < bestActionTime) { bestActionTime = curActionTime; bestActionChoice = choice; bestCost = cost; } } // if the best action is the previous than we don't need to recompile if (bestActionChoice == null) { plan = null; } else { plan = bestActionChoice.makeControllerPlan(cmpMethod, prevCompiler, futureTimeForMethod, bestActionTime, bestCost); } return plan; } /* check if a compiled method is outdated, then decide if it needs OSR from BASE to OPT */ boolean considerOSRRecompilation(VM_CompiledMethod cmpMethod, VM_HotMethodEvent hme, VM_ControllerPlan plan) { boolean outdatedBaseline = false; if (plan == null) { // if plan is null, this method was not compiled by AOS; it was // either in the boot image or compiled by the initial baseline // compiler. In either case, if we've completed any recompilation // then the compiled method is outdated. outdatedBaseline = VM_ControllerMemory.planWithStatus(cmpMethod.getMethod(), VM_ControllerPlan.COMPLETED) && cmpMethod.getCompilerType() == VM_CompiledMethod.BASELINE; if (outdatedBaseline) { VM_AOSLogging.debug("outdated Baseline " + cmpMethod.getMethod() + "(" + cmpMethod.getId() + ")"); } } // consider OSR option for old baseline-compiled activation if (outdatedBaseline) { if (!hme.getCompiledMethod().getSamplesReset()) { // the first time we see an outdated event, we clear the samples // associated with the cmid. hme.getCompiledMethod().setSamplesReset(); VM_Controller.methodSamples.reset(hme.getCMID()); VM_AOSLogging.debug(" Resetting method samples " + hme); return true; } else { plan = chooseOSRRecompilation(hme); // insert the plan to memory, which sets up state in the system to trigger // the OSR promotion if (plan != null) { VM_ControllerMemory.insert(plan); // to coordinate with OSRListener, it marks cmpMethod as outdated if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert(cmpMethod.getCompilerType() == VM_CompiledMethod.BASELINE); } cmpMethod.setOutdated(); } // we don't do any more action on the controller side. return true; } } return false; } /** * @param hme sample data for an outdated cmid * @return a plan representing recompilation with OSR, null if OSR not * justified. */ private VM_ControllerPlan chooseOSRRecompilation(VM_HotMethodEvent hme) { if (!VM_Controller.options.OSR_PROMOTION) return null; VM_AOSLogging.debug(" Consider OSR for " + hme); VM_ControllerPlan prev = VM_ControllerMemory.findLatestPlan(hme.getMethod()); if (prev.getStatus() == VM_ControllerPlan.OSR_BASE_2_OPT) { VM_AOSLogging.debug(" Already have an OSR promotion plan for this method"); return null; } double millis = (double) (prev.getTimeCompleted() - prev.getTimeInitiated()); double speedup = prev.getExpectedSpeedup(); double futureTimeForMethod = futureTimeForMethod(hme); double futureTimeOptimized = futureTimeForMethod / speedup; VM_AOSLogging.debug(" Estimated future time for method " + hme + " is " + futureTimeForMethod); VM_AOSLogging.debug(" Estimated future time optimized " + hme + " is " + (futureTimeOptimized + millis)); if (futureTimeForMethod > futureTimeOptimized + millis) { VM_AOSLogging.recordOSRRecompilationDecision(prev); VM_ControllerPlan p = new VM_ControllerPlan(prev.getCompPlan(), prev.getTimeCreated(), hme.getCMID(), prev.getExpectedSpeedup(), millis, prev.getPriority()); // set up state to trigger osr p.setStatus(VM_ControllerPlan.OSR_BASE_2_OPT); return p; } else { return null; } } /** * This function defines how the analytic model handles a * VM_AINewHotEdgeEvent. The basic idea is to use the model to * evaluate whether it would be better to do nothing or to recompile * at the same opt level, assuming there would be some "boost" after * performing inlining. */ void considerHotCallEdge(VM_CompiledMethod cmpMethod, VM_AINewHotEdgeEvent event) { // Compiler used for the previous compilation int prevCompiler = getPreviousCompiler(cmpMethod); if (prevCompiler == -1) { return; // Not a method we can recompile (trap, JNI). } VM_ControllerPlan plan = VM_ControllerMemory.findMatchingPlan(cmpMethod); if (!considerForRecompilation(event, plan)) return; double prevCompileTime = cmpMethod.getCompilationTime(); // Use the model to caclulate expected cost of (1) doing nothing // and (2) recompiling at the same opt level with the FDO boost double futureTimeForMethod = futureTimeForMethod(event); double futureTimeForFDOMethod = prevCompileTime + (futureTimeForMethod / event.getBoostFactor()); int prevOptLevel = VM_CompilerDNA.getOptLevel(prevCompiler); VM_AOSLogging.recordControllerEstimateCostDoNothing(cmpMethod.getMethod(), prevOptLevel, futureTimeForMethod); VM_AOSLogging.recordControllerEstimateCostOpt(cmpMethod.getMethod(), "O" + prevOptLevel + "AI", prevCompileTime, futureTimeForFDOMethod); if (futureTimeForFDOMethod < futureTimeForMethod) { // Profitable to recompile with FDO, so do it. int optLevel = VM_CompilerDNA.getOptLevel(prevCompiler); double priority = futureTimeForMethod - futureTimeForFDOMethod; plan = createControllerPlan(cmpMethod.getMethod(), optLevel, null, cmpMethod.getId(), event.getBoostFactor(), futureTimeForFDOMethod, priority); plan.execute(); } } /** * How much time do we expect to spend in the method in the future if * we take no recompilation action? * The key assumption is that we'll spend just as much time * executing in the the method in the future as we have done so far * in the past. * * @param hme The VM_HotMethodEvent in question * @return estimate of future execution time to be spent in this method */ double futureTimeForMethod(VM_HotMethodEvent hme) { double numSamples = hme.getNumSamples(); double timePerSample = (double) VM.interruptQuantum; if (!VM.UseEpilogueYieldPoints) { // NOTE: we take two samples per timer interrupt, so we have to // adjust here (otherwise we'd give the method twice as much time // as it actually deserves). timePerSample /= 2.0; } if (VM_Controller.options.mlCBS()) { // multiple method samples per timer interrupt. Divide accordingly. timePerSample /= (double) VM.CBSMethodSamplesPerTick; } double timeInMethodSoFar = numSamples * timePerSample; return timeInMethodSoFar; } }