/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Common Public License (CPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.vm.gcspy; import org.mmtk.utility.Log; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*; import org.vmmagic.pragma.*; /** * Abstract class that provides generally useful * methods. */ @Uninterruptible public abstract class Util { /** * Allocate an array of bytes with malloc * * @param size The size to allocate * @return The start address of the memory allocated in C space * @see #free */ public abstract Address malloc(int size); /** * Free an array of bytes previously allocated with malloc * * @param addr The address of some memory previously allocated with malloc * @see #malloc */ public abstract void free(Address addr); /** * Dump a range in format [start,end) * * @param start The start of the range * @param end The end of the range */ public static void dumpRange(Address start, Address end) { Log.write("["); Log.write(start); Log.write(","); Log.write(end); Log.write(')'); } /** * Convert a String to a 0-terminated array of bytes * * @param str The string to convert * @return The address of a null-terminated array in C-space */ public abstract Address getBytes(String str); /** * Pretty print a size, converting from bytes to kilo- or mega-bytes as appropriate * * @param buffer The buffer (in C space) in which to place the formatted size * @param size The size in bytes */ public abstract void formatSize(Address buffer, int size); /** * Pretty print a size, converting from bytes to kilo- or mega-bytes as appropriate * * @param format A format string * @param bufsize The size of a buffer large enough to hold the formatted result * @param size The size in bytes */ public abstract Address formatSize(String format, int bufsize, int size); // public abstract Address formatSize(String format, int bufsize, int size); /** * Place a string representation of a long in an array of bytes * without incurring allocation * * @param buffer The byte array * @param value The long to convert * @return The length of the string representation of the integer * -1 indicates some problem (e.g the char buffer was too small) */ public static int numToBytes(byte[] buffer, long value) { return numToBytes(buffer, value, 10); } /** * Place a string representation of a long in an array of bytes * without incurring allocation * * @param buffer The byte array * @param value The long to convert * @param radix the base to use for conversion * @return The length of the string representation of the integer * -1 indicates some problem (e.g the char buffer was too small) */ public static int numToBytes(byte[] buffer, long value, int radix) { if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) radix = 10; if (value == 0) { buffer[0] = (byte)'0'; return 1; } boolean negative; long longValue; int count; if (!(negative = (value < 0))) { longValue = -value; count = 1; } else { longValue = value; count = 2; } long j = longValue; while ((j /= radix) != 0) count++; if (count > buffer.length) return -1; // overflow int i = count; do { int ch = (int) -(longValue % radix); if (ch > 9) ch -= (10 - (int) 'a'); else ch += (int) '0'; buffer [--i] = (byte) ch; } while ((longValue /= radix) != 0); if (negative) buffer [0] = (byte)'-'; return count; } /** * sprintf(char *str, char *format, char* value) * * @param str The destination 'string' (memory in C space) * @param format The format 'string' (memory in C space) * @param value The value 'string' (memory in C space) * @return The number of characters printed (as returned by C's sprintf */ public abstract int sprintf(Address str, Address format, Address value); /** * Create an array of a particular type. * The easiest way to use this is: * Foo[] x = (Foo [])Stream.createDataArray(new Foo[0], numElements); * @param templ a data array to use as a template * @param numElements number of elements in new array * @return the new array */ @Interruptible public abstract Object createDataArray(Object templ, int numElements); }