package; import; public class NSRange extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable { public static final NSRange ZeroRange = new NSRange(); /** * * @param string The string must be of the form "{location,length}" * @return */ public static NSRange fromString(String string) { if (string == null || !string.trim().matches("\\{[0-9]+,\\s*[0-9]+\\}")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument to NSRange.fromString"); String str = string.trim(); str = str.substring(1, str.length()-1); String[] parts = str.split(",\\s*"); return new NSRange(Integer.parseInt(parts[0]), Integer.parseInt(parts[1])); } protected int location; protected int length; public NSRange() { location = 0; length = 0; } public NSRange(int location, int length) { this(location, length, true); } private NSRange(int location, int length, boolean checkValues) { this.location = 0; this.length = 0; if (checkValues) { if (location < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create an" + super.getClass().getName() + " with negative location."); if (length < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create an" + super.getClass().getName() + " with negative length."); if (location - 1 > 2147483647 - length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Range endpoint greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE"); } this.location = location; this.length = length; } public NSRange(NSRange range) { this(); if (range != null) { this.location = range.location(); this.length = range.length(); } } public int location() { return location; } public int length() { return length; } public boolean isEqualToRange(NSRange otherRange) { return equals(otherRange); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + length; result = prime * result + location; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (super.equals(obj)) return true; if (!(obj instanceof NSRange)) return false; final NSRange other = (NSRange) obj; return location == other.location && length == other.length; } @Override public String toString() { return "{" + location + ", " + length + "}"; } @Override public Object clone() { return this; } public boolean containsLocation(int _location) { return _location >= location && _location < this.maxRange(); } public boolean intersectsRange(NSRange otherRange) { if (otherRange == null) return false; if (otherRange.location >= location && otherRange.location <= maxRange()) return true; // starts in this range else if (otherRange.maxRange() >= location && otherRange.maxRange() <= maxRange()) return true; // ends in this range else return false; } public boolean isEmpty() { return length == 0; } public boolean isSubrangeOfRange(NSRange otherRange) { if (otherRange == null) return false; return (otherRange.location <= location && otherRange.maxRange() >= maxRange()); } public int maxRange() { return location + length; } public NSRange rangeByIntersectingRange(NSRange otherRange) { if (otherRange == null) return ZeroRange; int start = Math.max(location, otherRange.location()); int end = Math.min(maxRange(), otherRange.maxRange()); return new NSRange(start, end - start); } public NSRange rangeByUnioningRange(NSRange otherRange) { if (otherRange == null) return this; int start = Math.min(location, otherRange.location()); int end = Math.max(maxRange(), otherRange.maxRange()); return new NSRange(start, end - start); } public void subtractRange(NSRange otherRange, NSMutableRange resultRange1, NSMutableRange resultRange2) { NSRange intersection = rangeByIntersectingRange(otherRange); // no intersection, return empty range if (intersection.isEmpty()) { resultRange1.setLocation(0); resultRange1.setLength(0); resultRange2.setLocation(0); resultRange2.setLength(0); // total intersection, return empty range } else if (intersection.location() == location() && intersection.length() == length()) { resultRange1.setLocation(0); resultRange1.setLength(0); resultRange2.setLocation(0); resultRange2.setLength(0); // intersects from the start, single result with the remaining range } else if (intersection.location() == location()) { resultRange1.setLocation(intersection.maxRange()); resultRange1.setLength(length() - intersection.length()); resultRange2.setLocation(0); resultRange2.setLength(0); // intersects from the end, single result with the beginning range } else { resultRange1.setLocation(intersection.location-1); resultRange1.setLength(length() - intersection.length()); resultRange2.setLocation(0); resultRange2.setLength(0); } } }