package er.extensions.eof; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGlobalID; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Caches objects of one entity by a given key. Listens to * EOEditingContextDidSaveChanges notifications to track changes. * Typically you'd fetch values by:<pre><code> * ERXEnterpriseObjectArrayCache<HelpText> helpTextCache = new ERXEnterpriseObjectArrayCache<HelpText>("HelpText") { * protected void handleUnsuccessfullQueryForKey(Object key) { * NSArray helpTexts = ... fetch from somewhere * setObjectsForKey(helpTexts, key); * } * }; * ... * NSArray<HelpText> helpTexts = helpTextCache.objectsForKey(ec, "AllTexts"); * ... * </code></pre> * You can supply a timeout after which the cache is to get cleared and all the objects refetched. Note * that this implementation only caches the global IDs, not the actual data. * @author ak * @param <T> */ public class ERXEnterpriseObjectArrayCache<T extends EOEnterpriseObject> { private String _entityName; private Map<Object, NSArray<EOGlobalID>> _cache; private long _timeout; private long _fetchTime; public static class NotFoundArray extends NSArray { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } protected static final NSArray NOT_FOUND_MARKER= new NotFoundArray(); /** * Creates the cache for the given entity name and the given keypath. No * timeout value is used. * @param entityName */ public ERXEnterpriseObjectArrayCache(String entityName) { this(entityName, 0L); } /** * Creates the cache for the given entity name and the given keypath. No * timeout value is used. */ public ERXEnterpriseObjectArrayCache(Class c) { this(entityNameForClass(c)); } protected static String entityNameForClass(Class c) { EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); ec.lock(); try { EOEntity entity = EOUtilities.entityForClass(ec, c); if(entity != null) { return; } return null; } finally { ec.unlock(); } } /** * Creates the cache for the given entity, keypath and timeout value in milliseconds. * @param entityName * @param timeout */ public ERXEnterpriseObjectArrayCache(String entityName, long timeout) { _entityName = entityName; _timeout = timeout; registerForNotifications(); } protected void registerForNotifications() { NSSelector selector = ERXSelectorUtilities.notificationSelector("editingContextDidSaveChanges"); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, selector, EOEditingContext.EditingContextDidSaveChangesNotification, null); selector = ERXSelectorUtilities.notificationSelector("clearCaches"); NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, selector, ERXEnterpriseObjectCache.ClearCachesNotification, null); } /** * Helper to check if an array of EOs contains the handled entity. * @param eos */ private boolean hadRelevantChanges(NSDictionary dict, String key) { NSArray<EOEnterpriseObject> eos = (NSArray<EOEnterpriseObject>) dict.objectForKey(key); for (Enumeration<EOEnterpriseObject> enumeration = eos.objectEnumerator(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) { EOEnterpriseObject eo = enumeration.nextElement(); if(eo.entityName().equals(entityName())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Handler for the editingContextDidSaveChanges notification. Calls reset if * and object of the given entity were changed. * @param n */ public void editingContextDidSaveChanges(NSNotification n) { EOEditingContext ec = (EOEditingContext) n.object(); if(ec.parentObjectStore() instanceof EOObjectStoreCoordinator) { if(!hadRelevantChanges(n.userInfo(), EOEditingContext.InsertedKey)) { if(!hadRelevantChanges(n.userInfo(), EOEditingContext.UpdatedKey)) { if(!hadRelevantChanges(n.userInfo(), EOEditingContext.DeletedKey)) { return; } } } reset(); } } /** * Handler for the clearCaches notification. Calls reset if * n.object is the entity name. * @param n */ public void clearCaches(NSNotification n) { if(n.object() == null || entityName().equals(n.object())) { reset(); } } protected String entityName() { return _entityName; } /** * Returns the backing cache. If the cache is to old, it is cleared first. */ private synchronized Map cache() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(_timeout > 0L && (now - _timeout) > _fetchTime) { reset(); } if(_cache == null) { _cache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); _fetchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return _cache; } /** * Add a list of objects to the cache with the given key. The object * can be null. * @param bugs array of objects */ public void setObjectsForKey(NSArray<? extends EOEnterpriseObject> bugs, Object key) { NSArray<EOGlobalID> gids = NOT_FOUND_MARKER; if(bugs != null) { gids = ERXEOControlUtilities.globalIDsForObjects(bugs); } setCachedArrayForKey(gids, key); } protected void setCachedArrayForKey(NSArray<EOGlobalID> gids, Object key) { cache().put(key, gids); } protected NSArray<EOGlobalID> cachedArrayForKey(Object key) { return (NSArray<EOGlobalID>) cache().get(key); } /** * Retrieves a list of EOs that matches the given key or null if no match * is in the cache. * @param ec editing context to get the objects into * @param key key value under which the objects are registered */ public NSArray<T> objectsForKey(EOEditingContext ec, Object key) { synchronized (this) { NSArray<EOGlobalID> gids = cachedArrayForKey(key); if(isNotFound(gids)) { return null; } else if(gids == null) { handleUnsuccessfullQueryForKey(key); gids = cachedArrayForKey(key); if(isNotFound(gids)) { return null; } else if(gids == null) { return null; } } NSArray<T> eos = ERXEOControlUtilities.faultsForGlobalIDs(ec, gids); return eos; } } protected boolean isNotFound(NSArray<EOGlobalID> gids) { return gids != null ? NotFoundArray.class == gids.getClass() : false; } /** * Called when a query hasn't found an entry in the cache. This * implementation puts a not-found marker in the cache so * the next query will return null. You could override this * method to create an EO with sensible default values and * call {@link #setObjectsForKey(NSArray, Object)} on it. * @param key */ protected void handleUnsuccessfullQueryForKey(Object key) { setCachedArrayForKey(NOT_FOUND_MARKER, key); } /** * Resets the cache by clearing the internal map. When the next value * is accessed, the objects are refetched. */ public synchronized void reset() { _cache = null; } protected long timeout() { return _timeout; } protected long fetchTime() { return _fetchTime; } }