package; import; import; import er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer; import; import; /** * ERXRestFormatDelegate is the default implementation of the ERXRestFormat.Delegate interface. * * @property ERXRest.idKey (default "id") Override this property if you want to use a different key for the 'id' attribute * @property ERXRest.nilKey (default "nil") Override this property if you want to use a different key for the 'nil' attribute * @property ERXRest.writeNilKey (default "true") * @property ERXRest.pluralEntityNames (default "true") * @property ERXRest.typeKey (default "type") Override this property if you want to use a different key for the 'type' attribute * @property ERXRest.writeTypeKey (default "true") * * @author mschrag */ public class ERXRestFormatDelegate implements ERXRestFormat.Delegate { public static final String ID_KEY = "id"; public static final String TYPE_KEY = "type"; public static final String NIL_KEY = "nil"; private String _idKey; private String _typeKey; private String _nilKey; private boolean _arrayTypes; private boolean _writeNilKey; private boolean _pluralNames; private boolean _underscoreNames; private boolean _writeTypeKey; public ERXRestFormatDelegate() { this(ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.idKey", ERXRestFormatDelegate.ID_KEY), ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.typeKey", ERXRestFormatDelegate.TYPE_KEY), ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.nilKey", ERXRestFormatDelegate.NIL_KEY), ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.writeNilKey", true), ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.pluralEntityNames", true), false, false); } public ERXRestFormatDelegate(String idKey, String typeKey, String nilKey, boolean writeNilKey, boolean pluralNames, boolean underscoreNames, boolean arrayTypes) { this(idKey, typeKey, nilKey, writeNilKey, pluralNames, underscoreNames, arrayTypes, ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.writeTypeKey", true)); } public ERXRestFormatDelegate(String idKey, String typeKey, String nilKey, boolean writeNilKey, boolean pluralNames, boolean underscoreNames, boolean arrayTypes, boolean writeTypeKey) { _idKey = idKey; _typeKey = typeKey; _nilKey = nilKey; _writeNilKey = writeNilKey; _pluralNames = pluralNames; _underscoreNames = underscoreNames; _arrayTypes = arrayTypes; _writeTypeKey = writeTypeKey; } @Override public void nodeDidParse(ERXRestRequestNode node) { if (node.isRootNode()) { node.setName(ERXRestNameRegistry.registry().internalNameForExternalName(; } Object id = node.removeAttributeOrChildNodeNamed(_idKey); node.setID(id); String externalType = (String) node.removeAttributeOrChildNodeNamed(_typeKey); if (externalType != null) { if (_arrayTypes && "array".equals(externalType)) { node.setArray(true); } else { String type = ERXRestNameRegistry.registry().internalNameForExternalName(externalType); if (_underscoreNames) { type = ERXStringUtilities.underscoreToCamelCase(type, true); } node.setType(type); } } Object nil = node.removeAttributeOrChildNodeNamed(_nilKey); if (nil != null) { node.setNull("true".equals(nil) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(nil)); } if (_underscoreNames) { String name =; if (name != null) { name = ERXStringUtilities.underscoreToCamelCase(name, node.isRootNode()); node.setName(name); } } } @Override public void nodeWillWrite(ERXRestRequestNode node) { if (node.isRootNode() && node.isArray()) { if (_pluralNames) { node.setName(ERXRestNameRegistry.registry().externalNameForInternalName(ERXLocalizer.englishLocalizer().plurifiedString(, 2))); } else { node.setName(ERXRestNameRegistry.registry().externalNameForInternalName(; } } Object id =; if (id != null) { node.setAttributeForKey(id, _idKey); } if (_writeTypeKey) { String internalType = node.type(); if (internalType != null) { if (_arrayTypes && node.isArray()) { node.setAttributeForKey("array", _typeKey); } else { String type = ERXRestNameRegistry.registry().externalNameForInternalName(internalType); if (_underscoreNames) { type = ERXStringUtilities.camelCaseToUnderscore(type, true); } node.setAttributeForKey(type, _typeKey); } } } if (node.isNull() && _writeNilKey) { node.setAttributeForKey(Boolean.TRUE, _nilKey); } if (_underscoreNames) { String name =; if (name != null) { name = ERXStringUtilities.camelCaseToUnderscore(name, true); node.setName(name); } } } }