package er.uber.components; import junit.framework.Assert; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import er.uber.model.Company; public class CharacterEncoding extends UberComponent { private String _initialCompanyName = "汉语/漢語"; private String _initialFormValue = "客家話"; private Company _company; public String _value; public CharacterEncoding(WOContext context) { super(context); _value = _initialFormValue; } public Company company() { if (_company == null) { EOEditingContext editingContext = editingContext(); _company = Company.createCompany(editingContext, _initialCompanyName); } return _company; } public WOActionResults testFormSubmit() { Assert.assertEquals(_value + " should have been " + _initialFormValue + " after the form submit.", _initialFormValue, _value); return null; } public WOActionResults testCompany() { EOEditingContext editingContext = editingContext(); Company company = company(); Assert.assertEquals("Company name should have been " + _initialCompanyName + " before we save to the database.", _initialCompanyName ,; editingContext.saveChanges(); Company reloadCompany = (Company) company.refetchObjectFromDBinEditingContext(editingContext()); Assert.assertEquals("Company name should have been " + _initialCompanyName + " after saving and refetching from the database.", _initialCompanyName,; String newName = "北方話 " + System.currentTimeMillis(); reloadCompany.setName(newName); editingContext().saveChanges(); Company updateCompany = (Company) _company.refetchObjectFromDBinEditingContext(editingContext()); Assert.assertEquals("Company name should have been " + newName + " after updating and refetching from the database.", newName,; Company fetchCompany = Company.fetchCompany(editingContext, Company.NAME_KEY, newName); Assert.assertNotNull("There should have been a Company named " + newName + " after updating and refetching from the database.", fetchCompany); Assert.assertEquals("There should have been a Company named " + newName + " after updating and refetching from the database.", newName,; updateCompany.delete(); editingContext.saveChanges(); _company = null; return null; } }