package er.extensions.appserver; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOProperties; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOShared; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOURLFormatException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer; /** * Subclass of WORequest that fixes several Bugs. * The ID's are #2924761 and #2961017. It can also be extended to handle * #2957558 ("de-at" is converted to "German" instead of "German_Austria"). * The request is created via {@link ERXApplication#createRequest(String, String, String, Map, NSData, Map)}. */ public class ERXRequest extends WORequest { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERXRequest.class); public static final String UNKNOWN_HOST = "UNKNOWN"; public static final String X_FORWARDED_PROTO_FOR_SSL = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("er.extensions.appserver.ERXRequest.xForwardedProtoForSsl", "https"); public static final String X_FORWARDED_PROTO_HEADER_KEY_FOR_SSL = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("er.extensions.appserver.ERXRequest.xForwardedProtoHeaderKeyForSsl", "x-forwarded-proto"); protected static Boolean isBrowserFormValueEncodingOverrideEnabled; protected static final NSArray<String> HOST_ADDRESS_KEYS = new NSArray<>(new String[]{"x-forwarded-for", "pc-remote-addr", "remote_host", "remote_addr", "remote_user", "x-webobjects-remote-addr"}); // 'Host' is the official HTTP 1.1 header for the host name in the request URL, so this should be checked first. // @see // when the app is behind a reverse proxy 'Host' will contain the proxy address instead of the requested one so check first for 'x-forwarded-host' // @see // Fallback headers such as server_name will screw up your complete URL generation for secure domains that have wildcard subdomains since it returns sth like * for host name protected static final NSArray<String> HOST_NAME_KEYS = new NSArray<>(new String[]{"x-forwarded-host", "Host", "x-webobjects-server-name", "server_name", "http_host"}); /** NSArray to keep browserLanguages in. */ protected NSArray<String> _browserLanguages; /** holds a reference to the browser object */ protected ERXBrowser _browser; /** * Specifies whether https should be overridden to be enabled or disabled app-wide. This is * useful if you are developing with DirectConnect and you want to be able to specify secure * forms and links, but you want to be able to continue testing them without setting up SSL. * * Defaults to <code>false</code>, set er.extensions.ERXRequest.secureDisabled=true to turn it off. */ protected boolean _secureDisabled; /** * Holds the cookies in a NSDictionary. */ protected NSDictionary<String, NSArray<String>> _cookieDictionary; /** * Returns a ERXRequest object initialized with the specified parameters. * * @param aMethod a "GET", "POST" or "HEAD", may not be <code>null</code>. If <code>null</code>, or not one of the allowed methods, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown * @param aURL a URL, may not be null or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown * @param anHTTPVersion the version of HTTP used when sending the message, may not be <code>null</code> or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown * @param someHeaders a dictionary whose String keys correspond to header names and whose values are arrays of one or more strings corresponding to the values of each header * @param aContent the HTML content * @param aUserInfoDictionary java.util.Map that contains any information that the WORequest object wants to pass along to other objects */ public ERXRequest(String aMethod, String aURL, String anHTTPVersion, Map someHeaders, NSData aContent, Map aUserInfoDictionary) { super(aMethod, aURL, anHTTPVersion, someHeaders, aContent, aUserInfoDictionary); if (isBrowserFormValueEncodingOverrideEnabled() && browser().formValueEncoding() != null) { setDefaultFormValueEncoding(browser().formValueEncoding()); } _secureDisabled = ERXRequest._isSecureDisabled(); } /** * This method is used by WOContext when generating full URLs for form actions in secure mode, etc. * * Overriding this because WORequest checks 'server_name' before 'Host' by default and it does not cut it for generating full secure * urls in the case of a hostname that uses a wildcard SSL certificate allowing infinite secure subdomains. * * For example, if we have a wildcard ssl cert for https://* (where * = wildcard subdomain), and we use * subdomains to implement CSS skinning for different customers that are all using the * same WO app while using subdomains to get their "custom" site, with host names such as *,,, etc., and we configure apache with one virtual host config for * *, then the stupid 'server_name' header will return * INSTEAD OF the host name * used in the request URL, and thus all https urls in forms, links etc will be broken. * * @return the server name, which happens to be used by WOContext for generating full URLs. * @see com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest#_serverName() * @see WOContext#completeURLWithRequestHandlerKey(String, String, String, String, boolean, int) * @see WORequest#_completeURLPrefix(StringBuffer, boolean, int) */ @Override public String _serverName() { String serverName = headerForKey("x-webobjects-servlet-server-name"); if ((serverName == null) || (serverName.length() == 0)) { if (isUsingWebServer()) { // Check our host name keys in our preferred order instead of Apple WO 5.4.3 default header check logic. serverName = remoteHostName(); if ((serverName == null) || (serverName.length() == 0) || serverName.equals(UNKNOWN_HOST)) throw new NSForwardException(new WOURLFormatException("<" + super.getClass().getName() + ">: Unable to build complete url as no server name was provided in the headers of the request.")); } else { serverName = WOApplication.application().host(); } } return serverName; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if er.extensions.ERXRequest.secureDisabled is true. * Defaults to <code>false</code>. * * @return <code>true</code> if er.extensions.ERXRequest.secureDisabled is true */ public static boolean _isSecureDisabled() { return ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("er.extensions.ERXRequest.secureDisabled", false); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if er.extensions.ERXRequest.secureDisabled is true. * * @return <code>true</code> if er.extensions.ERXRequest.secureDisabled is true */ public boolean isSecureDisabled() { return _secureDisabled; } public boolean isBrowserFormValueEncodingOverrideEnabled() { if (isBrowserFormValueEncodingOverrideEnabled == null) { isBrowserFormValueEncodingOverrideEnabled = ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("er.extensions.ERXRequest.BrowserFormValueEncodingOverrideEnabled", false) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } return isBrowserFormValueEncodingOverrideEnabled.booleanValue(); } @Override public WOContext context() { return _context(); } /** Returns a cooked version of the languages the user has set in his Browser. * Adds "Nonlocalized" and {@link er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer#defaultLanguage()} if not * already present. Transforms regionalized en_us to English_US as a key. * @return cooked version of user's languages */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public NSArray<String> browserLanguages() { if (_browserLanguages == null) { NSMutableArray<String> languageKeys = new NSMutableArray<>(); NSArray<String> fixedLanguages = null; String string = headerForKey("accept-language"); if (string != null) { NSArray<String> rawLanguages = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(string, ","); fixedLanguages = fixAbbreviationArray(rawLanguages); for (Enumeration<String> e = fixedLanguages.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String languageKey = e.nextElement(); String language = WOProperties.TheLanguageDictionary.objectForKey(languageKey); if(language == null) { int index = languageKey.indexOf('_'); if(index > 0) { String mainLanguageKey = languageKey.substring(0, index); String region = languageKey.substring(index); language = WOProperties.TheLanguageDictionary.objectForKey(mainLanguageKey); if(language != null) { language = language + region.toUpperCase(); } } } if(language != null) { languageKeys.addObject(language); } } } languageKeys.addObject("Nonlocalized"); if(!languageKeys.containsObject(ERXLocalizer.defaultLanguage())) { languageKeys.addObject(ERXLocalizer.defaultLanguage()); } _browserLanguages = languageKeys.immutableClone(); } return _browserLanguages; } @Override public String stringFormValueForKey(String key) { String result = super.stringFormValueForKey(key); if (result == null && "wodata".equals(key)) { // AK: yet another crappy 5.4 fix, WODynamicURL changed packages String requestHandlerKey = (String)valueForKeyPath("_uriDecomposed.requestHandlerKey"); if (WOApplication.application().resourceRequestHandlerKey().equals(requestHandlerKey)) { String requestHandlerPath = (String)valueForKeyPath("_uriDecomposed.requestHandlerPath"); if(requestHandlerPath != null) { requestHandlerPath = "file:/" + requestHandlerPath.substring("wodata=/".length()); result = requestHandlerPath.replace('+', ' '); } } } return result; } @Override public NSTimestamp dateFormValueForKey(String aKey, SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter) { String aDateString = stringFormValueForKey(aKey); java.util.Date aDate = null; if (aDateString != null && dateFormatter != null) { try { aDate = dateFormatter.parse(aDateString); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { log.error("Could not parse date '{}'.", aDateString, e); } } return aDate == null ? null : new NSTimestamp(aDate); } /** * Gets the ERXBrowser associated with the user-agent of * the request. * @return browser object for the request */ public ERXBrowser browser() { if (_browser == null) { ERXBrowserFactory browserFactory = ERXBrowserFactory.factory(); _browser = browserFactory.browserMatchingRequest(this); browserFactory.retainBrowser(_browser); } return _browser; } /** * Cleaning up retain count on the browser. */ @Override public void finalize() throws Throwable { if (_browser != null) { ERXBrowserFactory.factory().releaseBrowser(_browser); } super.finalize(); } /** * Returns whether or not this request is secure. * * @return whether or not this request is secure */ @Override public boolean isSecure() { return ERXRequest.isRequestSecure(this); } @Override public void _completeURLPrefix(StringBuffer stringbuffer, boolean secure, int port) { if (_secureDisabled) { secure = false; } String serverName = _serverName(); String portStr; if (port == 0) { String sslPort = String.valueOf(ERXApplication.erxApplication().sslPort()); portStr = secure ? sslPort : _serverPort(); } else { portStr = WOShared.unsignedIntString(port); } if (secure) { stringbuffer.append("https://"); } else { stringbuffer.append("http://"); } stringbuffer.append(serverName); if(portStr != null && WOApplication.application().isDirectConnectEnabled() && ((secure && !"443".equals(portStr)) || (!secure && !"80".equals(portStr)))) { stringbuffer.append(':'); stringbuffer.append(portStr); } } /** * Returns whether or not the given request is secure. * MS: I found this somewhere else a while ago, but I have no idea where or * I'd give attribution. * * @param request the request to check * @return whether or not the given request is secure. */ public static boolean isRequestSecure(WORequest request) { boolean isRequestSecure = false; // Depending on the adaptor the incoming port can be found in one of two // places. if (request != null) { String serverPort = request.headerForKey("SERVER_PORT"); if (serverPort == null) { serverPort = request.headerForKey("x-webobjects-server-port"); } // Apache and some other web servers use this to indicate HTTPS mode. String httpsMode = request.headerForKey("https"); // If either the https header is 'on' or the server port is 443 then we // consider this to be an HTTP request. if (httpsMode != null && httpsMode.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { isRequestSecure = true; } else if (serverPort != null && WOApplication.application() instanceof ERXApplication && String.valueOf(ERXApplication.erxApplication().sslPort()).equals(serverPort)) { isRequestSecure = true; } // MS: I have no idea how to do this properly ... There doesn't appear to be any way to // determine which adaptor is servicing this request right now, and WOHttpIO only tracks the // the originating port, not the original server port that serviced the request. else if (!request.isUsingWebServer()) { // It turns out there appears to always be a "host" header of the format "hostname:port" ... I // don't believe this is actually secure at ALL, so I'm only enabling it when you're not using // a webserver (i.e. probably testing). String hostHeader = request.headerForKey("host"); if (hostHeader != null && WOApplication.application() instanceof ERXApplication && hostHeader.endsWith(":" + ERXApplication.erxApplication().sslPort())) { isRequestSecure = true; } } // Check if we've got an x-forwarded-proto header which is typically sent by a load balancer that is // implementing ssl termination to indicate the request on the public side of the load balancer is secure. else if (X_FORWARDED_PROTO_FOR_SSL.equals(request.headerForKey(X_FORWARDED_PROTO_HEADER_KEY_FOR_SSL))) { isRequestSecure = true; } } return isRequestSecure; } private static class _LanguageComparator extends NSComparator { public _LanguageComparator() {} private static float quality(String languageString) { float result=0f; if (languageString!=null) { languageString = languageString.trim(); int semicolon=languageString.indexOf(';'); if (semicolon!=-1 && languageString.length()>semicolon+2) { result=Float.parseFloat(languageString.substring(semicolon+1).trim().substring(2)); } else result=1.0f; } return result; } @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { float f1=quality((String)o1); float f2=quality((String)o2); return f1<f2 ? OrderedDescending : ( f1==f2 ? OrderedSame : OrderedAscending ); // we want DESCENDING SORT!! } } private final static NSComparator COMPARE_Qs = new _LanguageComparator(); /** Translates ("de", "en-us;q=0.33", "en", "en-gb;q=0.66") to ("de", "en_gb", "en-us", "en"). * @param languages NSArray of Strings * @return sorted NSArray of normalized Strings */ protected NSArray<String> fixAbbreviationArray(NSArray<String> languages) { try { languages=languages.sortedArrayUsingComparator(COMPARE_Qs); } catch (NSComparator.ComparisonException e) { log.warn("Couldn't sort language array {}.", languages, e); } catch (NumberFormatException e2) { log.warn("Couldn't sort language array {}.", languages, e2); } NSMutableArray<String> languagePrefix = new NSMutableArray<>(languages.count()); for (int languageNum = languages.count() - 1; languageNum >= 0; languageNum--) { String language = languages.objectAtIndex(languageNum); int offset; language = language.trim(); offset = language.indexOf(';'); if (offset > 0) { language = language.substring(0, offset); } offset = language.indexOf('-'); if (offset > 0) { String langPrefix = language.substring(0, offset); // "en" part of "en-us" if (!languagePrefix.containsObject(langPrefix)) { languagePrefix.insertObjectAtIndex(langPrefix, 0); } // converts "en-us" into "en_us"; String cooked = language.replace('-', '_'); language = cooked; } languagePrefix.insertObjectAtIndex(language, 0); } return languagePrefix; } /** * Parses all cookies one at a time catch parse exception which just discards * that cookie and not all cookies. It uses as a parser. * @return a dictionary of cookies, parsed one cookie at a time */ private NSDictionary _cookieDictionary() { if (_cookieDictionary == null) { NSMutableDictionary<String, NSArray<String>> cookieDictionary = new NSMutableDictionary<String, NSArray<String>>(); // // from WORequest._cookieDescription() String cookie = headerForKey("cookie"); if (cookie == null || cookie.length() == 0) // IIS cookies use a different header cookie = headerForKey("http_cookie"); if (cookie != null && cookie.length() > 0) { String[] cookies = cookie.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { try { // // only parse one cookie at a time => get(0) HttpCookie httpCookie = HttpCookie.parse(cookies[i]).get(0); log.debug("Cookie: '"+httpCookie.getName()+"' = '"+httpCookie.getValue()+"'"); cookieDictionary.setObjectForKey(new NSArray<String>(httpCookie.getValue()), httpCookie.getName()); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Unable to parse cookie '"+cookies[i]+"' : "+t.getMessage()); } } } _cookieDictionary = cookieDictionary.immutableClone(); } return _cookieDictionary; } /** * Overridden to call _cookieDictionary() where we parse the cookies one * at a time using so that we don't get an empty cookie * dictionary if one cookie is malformed. */ @Override public NSDictionary cookieValues() { return _cookieDictionary(); } /** * Overridden because the super implementation would pull in all * content even if the request is supposed to be streaming and thus * very large. Will now return <code>false</code> if the request * handler is streaming. * * @return <code>true</code> if the session ID can be obtained from the form values or a cookie. */ @Override public boolean isSessionIDInRequest() { ERXApplication app = (ERXApplication)WOApplication.application(); if (app.isStreamingRequestHandlerKey(requestHandlerKey())) { return false; } return super.isSessionIDInRequest(); } /** * Overridden because the super implementation would pull in all * content even if the request is supposed to be streaming and thus * very large. Will now look for the session ID only in the cookie * values. * * @param inCookiesFirst * define if session ID should be searched first in cookie */ @Override protected String _getSessionIDFromValuesOrCookie(boolean inCookiesFirst) { ERXApplication app = (ERXApplication)WOApplication.application(); String sessionIdKey = WOApplication.application().sessionIdKey(); boolean wis = WOApplication.application().streamActionRequestHandlerKey().equals(requestHandlerKey()); boolean alternateStreaming = app.isStreamingRequestHandlerKey(requestHandlerKey()); boolean streaming = wis || alternateStreaming; String sessionID = null; if(inCookiesFirst) { sessionID = cookieValueForKey(sessionIdKey); if(sessionID == null && !streaming) { sessionID = stringFormValueForKey(sessionIdKey); } } else { if(!streaming) { sessionID = stringFormValueForKey(sessionIdKey); } if(sessionID == null) { sessionID = cookieValueForKey(sessionIdKey); } } return sessionID; } /** * Utility method to set credentials for basic authorization. * * @param userName * the user name * @param password * the password */ public void setCredentials(String userName, String password) { String up = userName + ":" + password; byte[] bytes = up.getBytes(); String encodedString = Base64.encodeBase64String(bytes); setHeader("Basic " + encodedString, "authorization"); } /** * Returns the remote client host address. Works in various setups, like * direct connect, deployed etc. If no host name can be found, * returns "UNKNOWN". * * @return remote client host address */ public String remoteHostAddress() { if (WOApplication.application().isDirectConnectEnabled()) { if (_originatingAddress() != null) { return _originatingAddress().getHostAddress(); } } for (String key : HOST_ADDRESS_KEYS) { String remoteAddressHeaderValue = headerForKey(key); if (remoteAddressHeaderValue != null) { return remoteAddressHeaderValue; } } return UNKNOWN_HOST; } /** * Returns the remote client host name. If no host name can be found, * returns "UNKNOWN". * * @return remote client host name */ public String remoteHostName() { for (String key : HOST_NAME_KEYS) { if (headerForKey(key) != null) { return headerForKey(key); } } return UNKNOWN_HOST; } public NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> mutableUserInfo() { NSDictionary userInfo = userInfo(); NSMutableDictionary mutableUserInfo; if (userInfo == null) { mutableUserInfo = new NSMutableDictionary(); _userInfo = mutableUserInfo; } else if (userInfo instanceof NSMutableDictionary) { mutableUserInfo = (NSMutableDictionary) userInfo; } else { mutableUserInfo = userInfo.mutableClone(); _userInfo = mutableUserInfo; } return mutableUserInfo; } }