package; import java.util.Arrays; public class NSMutableData extends NSData { public NSMutableData() { this(128); } public NSMutableData(NSData aData) { super(aData.immutableBytes(), aData.immutableRange(), false); } public NSMutableData(int size) { super(new byte[size]); } public NSMutableData(byte bytes[]) { super(bytes); } public NSMutableData(byte bytes[], NSRange range) { super(bytes, range); } public NSMutableData(byte bytes[], NSRange range, boolean noCopy) { super(bytes, range, noCopy); } public void setLength(int length) { byte[] data = new byte[ length ]; // inits to zeroes int limit = length > _bytes.length ? _bytes.length : length; System.arraycopy(_bytes, 0, data, 0, limit); this._bytes = data; } /** * Appends the specified data to the end of this data. */ public void appendData(NSData data) { appendBytes(data.bytes()); } public void appendByte(byte b) { setLength(_bytes.length + 1); _bytes[_bytes.length - 1] = b; } public void appendBytes(byte[] b) { int origLen = _bytes.length; setLength(origLen + b.length); System.arraycopy(b, 0, _bytes, origLen, b.length); } /** * Increases the size of the byte array by the specified amount. */ public void increaseLengthBy(int increment) { setLength(length() + increment); } public void resetBytesInRange(NSRange aRange) { Arrays.fill(_bytes, aRange.location(), aRange.maxRange(), (byte)0); } public void setData(NSData aData) { _bytes = aData.bytes(); } }