package er.neo4jadaptor.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSortOrdering; import; import er.neo4jadaptor.ersatz.Ersatz; import er.neo4jadaptor.utils.cursor.Cursor; import er.neo4jadaptor.utils.cursor.IteratorCursor; public class EOUtilities { private static final String INTEGER_CLASS_NAME = Integer.class.getCanonicalName(); public static Number convertToAttributeType(EOAttribute att, Number value) { if (att.valueTypeClassName().equals(INTEGER_CLASS_NAME)) { return value.intValue(); } else { return value; } } private static final Pattern DOT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\."); public static String unflattenedKey(EOEntity entity, String keypath) { EOEntity currentEntity = entity; List<String> splits = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); Collections.addAll(splits, DOT_PATTERN.split(keypath)); for (int i=0; i<splits.size(); i++) { String key = splits.get(i); EORelationship rel = currentEntity.relationshipNamed(key); if (rel != null) { if (rel.isFlattened()) { String [] newDefinition = DOT_PATTERN.split(rel.definition()); // perform replacement splits.remove(i); for (int j=0; j<newDefinition.length; j++) { splits.add(i+j, newDefinition[j]); } // possibly we have replaced flat relationship with another flat one, // let's have a look at it again then i--; } currentEntity = rel.destinationEntity(); } } for (int i=0; i<splits.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { b.append('.'); } b.append(splits.get(i)); } return b.toString(); } public static EOAttribute primaryKeyAttribute(EOEntity entity) { NSArray<EOAttribute> pks = entity.primaryKeyAttributes(); if (pks.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Compound primary keys are not supported"); } else { return pks.get(0); } } public static EORelationship getRelationshipForSourceAttribute(EOEntity entity, EOAttribute att) { for (EORelationship r : entity.relationships()) { NSArray<EOAttribute> srcAtts = r.sourceAttributes(); if (srcAtts.size() == 1 && srcAtts.get(0).equals(att)) { return r; } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Cursor<Ersatz> sort(final Cursor<? extends Ersatz> c, EOEntity entity, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrderings) { for (EOSortOrdering so : sortOrderings) { if (entity.attributeNamed(so.key()) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only sorting by attribute is supported"); } } List<Ersatz> list = new ArrayList<>(); while (c.hasNext()) { list.add(; } Collections.sort(list, new SortingComparator(entity, sortOrderings)); Iterator<Ersatz> it = list.iterator(); return new IteratorCursor<Ersatz>(it) { @Override public void close() { c.close(); }; }; } }