package er.googlechart.util; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; /** * Utility methods for encoding. * * @author mschrag */ public class GCEncoding { private static GCAbstractEncoding[] ENCODINGS = { new GCSimpleEncoding(), new GCExtendedEncoding(), new GCTextEncoding() }; public static GCAbstractEncoding recommendedEncoding(boolean normalize, List<List<Number>> dataSets) { for (GCAbstractEncoding encoding : GCEncoding.ENCODINGS) { if (encoding.canEncode(normalize, dataSets)) { return encoding; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("There was no encoder capable of encoding the given data sets."); } public static GCAbstractEncoding recommendedEncoding(Number maxValue, List<List<Number>> dataSets) { for (GCAbstractEncoding encoding : GCEncoding.ENCODINGS) { if (encoding.canEncode(maxValue, dataSets)) { return encoding; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("There was no encoder capable of encoding the given data sets."); } protected static List<Number> _convertToNumberList(List dataSet) { List<Number> numbers = new LinkedList<>(); for (Object datum : dataSet) { Number number = GCEncoding.numberFromObject(datum); numbers.add(number); } return numbers; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<List<Number>> convertToNumberLists(List dataSets) { List<List> outerList; if (dataSets == null || (!dataSets.isEmpty() && dataSets.get(0) instanceof List)) { outerList = dataSets; } else if (!dataSets.isEmpty() && dataSets.get(0).getClass().isArray()) { outerList = new LinkedList<>(); for (Object obj : dataSets) { Object[] innerObjects = (Object[]) obj; List innerList = new LinkedList(); for (Object innerObj : innerObjects) { innerList.add(innerObj); } outerList.add(innerList); } } else { outerList = new LinkedList<>(); outerList.add(dataSets); } List<List<Number>> numberLists = new LinkedList<List<Number>>(); if (outerList != null) { for (List dataSet : outerList) { numberLists.add(GCEncoding._convertToNumberList(dataSet)); } } return numberLists; } public static Number numberFromObject(Object datum) { Number number; if (datum instanceof Number) { number = (Number) datum; } else if (datum instanceof String) { number = Integer.parseInt((String) datum); } else if (datum instanceof Boolean) { number = null; } else if (datum instanceof NSKeyValueCoding.Null) { number = null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to convert " + datum + " to a number."); } return number; } public static boolean hasDecimalInList(List<Number> dataSet) { boolean hasDecimals = false; if (dataSet != null) { for (Number datum : dataSet) { if (datum instanceof Float || datum instanceof Double) { hasDecimals = true; break; } } } return hasDecimals; } public static boolean hasDecimalInLists(List<List<Number>> dataSets) { boolean hasDecimals = false; for (List<Number> dataSet : dataSets) { hasDecimals = GCEncoding.hasDecimalInList(dataSet); if (hasDecimals) { break; } } return hasDecimals; } public static float maxValueInList(List<Number> dataSet) { float maxValue = 0; if (dataSet != null) { for (Number datum : dataSet) { if (datum != null) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, datum.floatValue()); } } } return maxValue; } public static float maxValueInLists(List<List<Number>> dataSets) { float maxValue = 0; for (List<Number> dataSet : dataSets) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, GCEncoding.maxValueInList(dataSet)); } return maxValue; } public static float minValueInList(List<Number> dataSet) { float minValue = 0; if (dataSet != null) { for (Number datum : dataSet) { if (datum != null) { minValue = Math.min(minValue, datum.floatValue()); } } } return minValue; } public static float minValueInLists(List<List<Number>> dataSets) { float minValue = 0; for (List<Number> dataSet : dataSets) { minValue = Math.max(minValue, GCEncoding.minValueInList(dataSet)); } return minValue; } }