package net.spy.memcached.protocol.binary; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import net.spy.memcached.CASResponse; import net.spy.memcached.KeyUtil; import net.spy.memcached.ops.CASOperationStatus; import net.spy.memcached.ops.OperationCallback; import net.spy.memcached.ops.OperationErrorType; import net.spy.memcached.ops.OperationState; import net.spy.memcached.ops.OperationStatus; import net.spy.memcached.protocol.BaseOperationImpl; /** * Base class for binary operations. */ abstract class OperationImpl extends BaseOperationImpl { protected static final byte REQ_MAGIC = (byte)0x80; protected static final byte RES_MAGIC = (byte)0x81; protected static final int MIN_RECV_PACKET=24; /** * Error code for items that were not found. */ protected static final int ERR_NOT_FOUND = 1; protected static final int ERR_EXISTS = 2; protected static final int ERR_NOT_STORED = 5; protected static final OperationStatus NOT_FOUND_STATUS = new CASOperationStatus(false, "Not Found", CASResponse.NOT_FOUND); protected static final OperationStatus EXISTS_STATUS = new CASOperationStatus(false, "Object exists", CASResponse.EXISTS); protected static final OperationStatus NOT_STORED_STATUS = new CASOperationStatus(false, "Not Stored", CASResponse.NOT_FOUND); protected static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0]; protected static final OperationStatus STATUS_OK = new CASOperationStatus(true, "OK", CASResponse.OK); private static final AtomicInteger seqNumber=new AtomicInteger(0); // request header fields private final int cmd; protected final int opaque; private final byte[] header=new byte[MIN_RECV_PACKET]; private int headerOffset=0; private byte[] payload=null; // Response header fields protected int responseCmd; protected int errorCode; protected int responseOpaque; protected long responseCas; private int payloadOffset=0; /** * Construct with opaque. * * @param o the opaque value. * @param cb */ protected OperationImpl(int c, int o, OperationCallback cb) { super(); cmd=c; opaque=o; setCallback(cb); } protected void resetInput() { payload=null; payloadOffset=0; headerOffset=0; } // Base response packet format: // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 // # magic, opcode, keylen, extralen, datatype, status, bodylen, // 12,3,4,5 16 // opaque, cas // RES_PKT_FMT=">BBHBBHIIQ" @Override public void readFromBuffer(ByteBuffer b) throws IOException { // First process headers if we haven't completed them yet if(headerOffset < MIN_RECV_PACKET) { int toRead=MIN_RECV_PACKET - headerOffset; int available=b.remaining(); toRead=Math.min(toRead, available); getLogger().debug("Reading %d header bytes", toRead); b.get(header, headerOffset, toRead); headerOffset+=toRead; // We've completed reading the header. Prepare body read. if(headerOffset == MIN_RECV_PACKET) { int magic=header[0]; assert magic == RES_MAGIC : "Invalid magic: " + magic; responseCmd=header[1]; assert cmd == -1 || responseCmd == cmd : "Unexpected response command value"; // TODO: Examine extralen and datatype errorCode=decodeShort(header, 6); int bytesToRead=decodeInt(header, 8); payload=new byte[bytesToRead]; responseOpaque=decodeInt(header, 12); responseCas=decodeLong(header, 16); assert opaqueIsValid() : "Opaque is not valid"; } } // Now process the payload if we can. if(headerOffset >= MIN_RECV_PACKET && payload == null) { finishedPayload(EMPTY_BYTES); } else if(payload != null) { int toRead=payload.length - payloadOffset; int available=b.remaining(); toRead=Math.min(toRead, available); getLogger().debug("Reading %d payload bytes", toRead); b.get(payload, payloadOffset, toRead); payloadOffset+=toRead; // Have we read it all? if(payloadOffset == payload.length) { finishedPayload(payload); } } else { // Haven't read enough to make up a payload. Must read more. getLogger().debug("Only read %d of the %d needed to fill a header", headerOffset, MIN_RECV_PACKET); } } protected void finishedPayload(byte[] pl) throws IOException { if(errorCode != 0) { OperationStatus status=getStatusForErrorCode(errorCode, pl); if(status == null) { handleError(OperationErrorType.SERVER, new String(pl)); } else { getCallback().receivedStatus(status); transitionState(OperationState.COMPLETE); } } else { decodePayload(pl); transitionState(OperationState.COMPLETE); } } /** * Get the OperationStatus object for the given error code. * * @param errCode the error code * @return the status to return, or null if this is an exceptional case */ protected OperationStatus getStatusForErrorCode(int errCode, byte[] errPl) { return null; } /** * Decode the given payload for this command. * * @param pl the payload. */ protected void decodePayload(byte[] pl) { assert pl.length == 0 : "Payload has bytes, but decode isn't overridden"; getCallback().receivedStatus(STATUS_OK); } /** * Validate an opaque value from the header. * This may be overridden from a subclass where the opaque isn't expected * to always be the same as the request opaque. */ protected boolean opaqueIsValid() { if(responseOpaque != opaque) { getLogger().warn("Expected opaque: %d, got opaque: %d\n", responseOpaque, opaque); } return responseOpaque == opaque; } static int decodeShort(byte[] data, int i) { return (data[i] & 0xff) << 8 | (data[i+1] & 0xff); } static int decodeInt(byte[] data, int i) { return (data[i] & 0xff) << 24 | (data[i+1] & 0xff) << 16 | (data[i+2] & 0xff) << 8 | (data[i+3] & 0xff); } static long decodeUnsignedInt(byte[] data, int i) { return ((long)(data[i] & 0xff) << 24) | ((data[i+1] & 0xff) << 16) | ((data[i+2] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[i+3] & 0xff); } static long decodeLong(byte[] data, int i) { return(data[i ] & 0xff) << 56 | (data[i+1] & 0xff) << 48 | (data[i+2] & 0xff) << 40 | (data[i+3] & 0xff) << 32 | (data[i+4] & 0xff) << 24 | (data[i+5] & 0xff) << 16 | (data[i+6] & 0xff) << 8 | (data[i+7] & 0xff); } /** * Prepare a send buffer. * * @param cmd the command identifier * @param key the key (for keyed ops) * @param val the data payload * @param extraHeaders any additional headers that need to be sent */ protected void prepareBuffer(String key, long cas, byte[] val, Object... extraHeaders) { int extraLen=0; for(Object o : extraHeaders) { if(o instanceof Integer) { extraLen += 4; } else if(o instanceof byte[]) { extraLen += ((byte[])o).length; } else if(o instanceof Long) { extraLen += 8; } else { assert false : "Unhandled extra header type: " + o.getClass(); } } final byte[] keyBytes=KeyUtil.getKeyBytes(key); int bufSize=MIN_RECV_PACKET + keyBytes.length + val.length; // # magic, opcode, keylen, extralen, datatype, [reserved], // bodylen, opaque, cas // REQ_PKT_FMT=">BBHBBxxIIQ" // set up the initial header stuff ByteBuffer bb=ByteBuffer.allocate(bufSize + extraLen); assert bb.order() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; bb.put(REQ_MAGIC); bb.put((byte)cmd); bb.putShort((short)keyBytes.length); bb.put((byte)extraLen); bb.put((byte)0); // data type bb.putShort((short)0); // reserved bb.putInt(keyBytes.length + val.length + extraLen); bb.putInt(opaque); bb.putLong(cas); // Add the extra headers. for(Object o : extraHeaders) { if(o instanceof Integer) { bb.putInt((Integer)o); } else if(o instanceof byte[]) { bb.put((byte[])o); } else if(o instanceof Long) { bb.putLong((Long)o); } else { assert false : "Unhandled extra header type: " + o.getClass(); } } // Add the normal stuff bb.put(keyBytes); bb.put(val); bb.flip(); setBuffer(bb); } /** * Generate an opaque ID. */ static int generateOpaque() { int rv=seqNumber.incrementAndGet(); while(rv < 0) { if(seqNumber.compareAndSet(rv, 0)) { rv=seqNumber.incrementAndGet(); } } return rv; } }