* Copyright (C) NetStruxr, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the terms of the NetStruxr
* Public Software License version 0.5, a copy of which has been
* included with this distribution in the LICENSE.NPL file. */
/* MacBinarySwissArmyKnife.java created by travis on Wed 20-Sep-2000 */
package er.extensions.components;
import com.webobjects.foundation.NSData;
import com.webobjects.foundation.NSRange;
/* This draws liberally from code by Gregory L. Guerin:
** Copyright 1998, 1999 by Gregory L. Guerin.
** Terms of use:
** - Brief terms: OPEN SOURCE... credit fairly, use freely, consider hiring me.
** - Complete terms: <http://www.amug.org/~glguerin/sw/index.html>
* Useful for extracting files from binhexed files, ie when a Mac user uploads a file.
public class ERXMacBinarySwissArmyKnife {
** Offsets in header where the fields are located.
public static final int
ZERO_1_AT = 0,
ZERO_2_AT = 74,
ZERO_3_AT = 82,
MB3_SIGNATURE_AT = 102, // 'mBIN'
FINDER_FLAGS3_AT = 107, // 1-byte
CRC_AT = 124,
_AT = 0;
** Possible values in VERSION_TARGET_AT and VERSION_MIN_AT byte-sized fields.
public static final int
MB1_VERSION = 128, // MacBinary I
MB2_VERSION = 129, // MacBinary II
MB3_VERSION = 130; // MacBinary III
** Distinctive int-sized value in MB3_SIGNATURE_AT field, only present
** for MB-3 format.
public static final int
MB3_SIGNATURE = 0x6D42494E; // 'mBIN'
** Bit-masks for different levels.
** The mask at 0 clears only the "do not restore" flags, but none of the "reserved" bits.
** "Reserved" bits are cleared to zero in the other masks -- you may not want
protected static final int[] levelMasks =
0x0000FC00, // MacBinary-1
0x0000FC4E, // MacBinary-2
0x0000FC4E, // MacBinary-3
** Length of a MacBinary header, always the first component of the file,
** and the only required element. A MacBinary file must be at least this length.
public static final int MACBINARY_HEADER_LEN = 128;
** Enforce this limit on data-fork length, due either to Mac OS API or field-width.
public static final long LIMIT_DATAFORK = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
** Enforce this limit on resource-fork length, due either to Mac OS API or field-width.
public static final int LIMIT_RESFORK = (16 * 1024 * 1024) - 1;
** Enforce this limit on name-length, regardless of available space in header.
public static final int LIMIT_NAME = 31;
private byte[] myBytes;
private static final byte[] noBytes = new byte[ 0 ];
protected static boolean strict = false;
public ERXMacBinarySwissArmyKnife() {
public ERXMacBinarySwissArmyKnife(NSData fileData) {
** The array's index is the negative of the result-code.
** The result-code meanings are described at MacBinaryHeader.checkFormat().
** @see MacBinaryHeader#checkFormat
private static String[] errorText =
"Zero-length name",
"Invalid fork-lengths",
"Non-zero byte at 74",
"Non-zero bytes at 0 and/or 82"
** Return a brief text String explaining a format or result-code.
private static String formatExplained( int format ) {
if ( format > 0 )
return ( "MacBinary-" + format );
return ( errorText[ -format ] );
public boolean isMacBinary(NSData fileData) {
try {
// Though we are lax in accepting the file-header, we are strict in displaying
// the format-number. This lets us spy into files to discover their true internal form.
int dataLength;
if (fileData.length() >= MACBINARY_HEADER_LEN) {
} else {
//System.out.println("The data is too short to be a MacBinary. Only received " + fileData.length() + "bytes.");
return false;
// Feed bytes into a MacBinaryHeader and see what turns up...
myBytes = fileData.bytes(0,dataLength);
int fileFormat = checkFormat( strict );
if ( fileFormat <= 0 ) {
// System.out.println( " ## Not MacBinary: " + formatExplained( fileFormat ) );
return false;
} catch ( Throwable why ){
// System.out.println( "### Problem with file: " );
// why.printStackTrace( System.out );
return false;
return true;
public NSData unwrapMacBinary(NSData fileContents) {
int dataForkLength = getDataForkLength();
return fileContents.subdataWithRange( new NSRange( MACBINARY_HEADER_LEN,dataForkLength ) );
public int checkFormat( boolean strictFormat ) {
// Check for absolute minimal conformance to MacBinary header form...
int a = getUByteAt( ZERO_1_AT );
int b = getUByteAt( ZERO_3_AT );
if ( a != 0 || b != 0 )
return ( -3 );
// Check for more strict conformance to MacBinary header form...
if ( strictFormat && getUByteAt( ZERO_2_AT ) != 0 )
return ( -2 );
// Check for "safe" values known to exist in all MacBinary headers.
// This is only done after the minimal conformance checks above.
a = getDataForkLength();
b = getResourceForkLength();
if ( a < 0 || a > LIMIT_DATAFORK || b < 0 || b > LIMIT_RESFORK )
return ( -1 );
// Check for usable name-len... Note that this check makes names with
// length [32-63] illegal, even though they are legal on non-HFS (400K) diskettes.
// This seemed safe enough, considering that names of that actual length
// are very unlikely to appear in anything of recent vintage.
// If need to decode something that old, change it here.
a = getUByteAt( NAME_LEN_AT );
if ( a < 1 || a > LIMIT_NAME )
return ( 0 );
// Getting here, it's now known to be at least MacBinary I format.
// Check for MacBinary II features...
if ( ! isValidCRC() || getUByteAt( VERSION_MIN_AT ) < MB2_VERSION )
return ( 1 );
// now known to be at least MacBinary II format.
// Check for MacBinary III features...
a = getIntAt( MB3_SIGNATURE_AT );
if ( a != MB3_SIGNATURE )
return ( 2 );
// now known to be at least MacBinary III format.
return ( 3 );
** Return the signed byte at the given offset.
public byte getByteAt( int offset ) { return ( myBytes[ offset ] ); }
** Return an int holding the unsigned byte at the given offset.
public int
getUByteAt( int offset )
return ( 0x00FF & myBytes[ offset ] );
** Return the signed short at the given offset.
public short
getShortAt( int offset )
return ( (short) ( (myBytes[ offset ] << 8) + (0x00FF & myBytes[ offset + 1 ]) ) );
** Return an int holding the unsigned short at the given offset.
public int
getUShortAt( int offset )
return ( (0xFF00 & (myBytes[ offset ] << 8)) + (0x00FF & myBytes[ offset + 1 ]) );
** Return the signed int at the given offset.
public int
getIntAt( int offset )
int value = (0x0FF & myBytes[ offset ]) << 24;
value += (0x0FF & myBytes[ offset + 1 ]) << 16;
value += (0x0FF & myBytes[ offset + 2 ]) << 8;
return ( value + (0x0FF & myBytes[ offset + 3 ]) );
** Return a long holding the unsigned int at the given offset.
public long
getUIntAt( int offset )
long value = 0xFFFFFFFFL & getIntAt( offset );
return ( value );
** Return the signed long at the given offset.
public long
getLongAt( int offset )
long value = getIntAt( offset );
return ( (value << 32) + getUIntAt( offset + 4 ) );
** Put the given byte at the supplied offset.
public void
putByteAt( byte value, int offset )
myBytes[ offset ] = value;
** Put all the given bytes at the supplied offset.
public void
putBytesAt( byte[] data, int offset )
System.arraycopy( data, 0, myBytes, offset, data.length );
** Put the given bytes at the supplied offset.
public void
putBytesAt( byte[] data, int offset, int count )
System.arraycopy( data, 0, myBytes, offset, count );
** Put the given short at the supplied offset.
public void
putShortAt( short value, int offset )
myBytes[ offset ] = (byte) (value >> 8);
myBytes[ offset + 1 ] = (byte) (value);
** Put the given int at the supplied offset.
public void
putIntAt( int value, int offset )
myBytes[ offset ] = (byte) (value >> 24);
myBytes[ offset + 1 ] = (byte) (value >> 16);
myBytes[ offset + 2 ] = (byte) (value >> 8);
myBytes[ offset + 3 ] = (byte) (value);
** Put the given long at the supplied offset.
public void
putLongAt( long value, int offset )
putIntAt( (int) (value >> 32), offset );
putIntAt( (int) (value), offset + 4 );
** Get the internal byte-array.
public final byte[] getByteArray() { return ( myBytes ); }
** Use the given array to hold bytes.
** Accepts null and/or zero-length arrays without error,
** though a subsequent get or put will throw an exception.
public final void setByteArray( byte[] bytes ) { myBytes = bytes; }
** Get the data-fork length from the header.
public int getDataForkLength() { return ( getIntAt( LEN_DATA_FORK_AT ) ); }
** Get the resource-fork length from the header.
public int getResourceForkLength() { return ( getIntAt( LEN_RES_FORK_AT ) ); }
// ### C R C ###
** Calculate a MacBinary CRC using the given starting seed, and proceeding over the given
** range of bytes. The returned CRC value is a 16-bit result in an int, because it's unsigned.
public static int calculateCRC( int seed, byte[] bytes, int offset, int count ) {
for ( count += offset; offset < count; ++offset ) {
seed ^= (0xFF & bytes[ offset ]) << 8;
seed = (seed << 8) ^ crcTable[ 0xFF & (seed >> 8) ];
return ( 0xFFFF & seed );
** Conveniently, UniCode chars are unsigned 16-bit values.
** Equally convenient, it's very easy to create constant String objects,
** then retrieve individual chars from them later.
** In particular, the String-constant rendering of the code consumes vastly fewer byte-codes
** than an ordinary array initializer would. And we still get a char[] out of it.
private static final char[] crcTable =
"\u0000\u1021\u2042\u3063\u4084\u50a5\u60c6\u70e7" +
"\u8108\u9129\ua14a\ub16b\uc18c\ud1ad\ue1ce\uf1ef" +
"\u1231\u0210\u3273\u2252\u52b5\u4294\u72f7\u62d6" +
"\u9339\u8318\ub37b\ua35a\ud3bd\uc39c\uf3ff\ue3de" +
"\u2462\u3443\u0420\u1401\u64e6\u74c7\u44a4\u5485" +
"\ua56a\ub54b\u8528\u9509\ue5ee\uf5cf\uc5ac\ud58d" +
"\u3653\u2672\u1611\u0630\u76d7\u66f6\u5695\u46b4" +
"\ub75b\ua77a\u9719\u8738\uf7df\ue7fe\ud79d\uc7bc" +
"\u48c4\u58e5\u6886\u78a7\u0840\u1861\u2802\u3823" +
"\uc9cc\ud9ed\ue98e\uf9af\u8948\u9969\ua90a\ub92b" +
"\u5af5\u4ad4\u7ab7\u6a96\u1a71\u0a50\u3a33\u2a12" +
"\udbfd\ucbdc\ufbbf\ueb9e\u9b79\u8b58\ubb3b\uab1a" +
"\u6ca6\u7c87\u4ce4\u5cc5\u2c22\u3c03\u0c60\u1c41" +
"\uedae\ufd8f\ucdec\uddcd\uad2a\ubd0b\u8d68\u9d49" +
"\u7e97\u6eb6\u5ed5\u4ef4\u3e13\u2e32\u1e51\u0e70" +
"\uff9f\uefbe\udfdd\ucffc\ubf1b\uaf3a\u9f59\u8f78" +
"\u9188\u81a9\ub1ca\ua1eb\ud10c\uc12d\uf14e\ue16f" +
"\u1080\u00a1\u30c2\u20e3\u5004\u4025\u7046\u6067" +
"\u83b9\u9398\ua3fb\ub3da\uc33d\ud31c\ue37f\uf35e" +
"\u02b1\u1290\u22f3\u32d2\u4235\u5214\u6277\u7256" +
"\ub5ea\ua5cb\u95a8\u8589\uf56e\ue54f\ud52c\uc50d" +
"\u34e2\u24c3\u14a0\u0481\u7466\u6447\u5424\u4405" +
"\ua7db\ub7fa\u8799\u97b8\ue75f\uf77e\uc71d\ud73c" +
"\u26d3\u36f2\u0691\u16b0\u6657\u7676\u4615\u5634" +
"\ud94c\uc96d\uf90e\ue92f\u99c8\u89e9\ub98a\ua9ab" +
"\u5844\u4865\u7806\u6827\u18c0\u08e1\u3882\u28a3" +
"\ucb7d\udb5c\ueb3f\ufb1e\u8bf9\u9bd8\uabbb\ubb9a" +
"\u4a75\u5a54\u6a37\u7a16\u0af1\u1ad0\u2ab3\u3a92" +
"\ufd2e\ued0f\udd6c\ucd4d\ubdaa\uad8b\u9de8\u8dc9" +
"\u7c26\u6c07\u5c64\u4c45\u3ca2\u2c83\u1ce0\u0cc1" +
"\uef1f\uff3e\ucf5d\udf7c\uaf9b\ubfba\u8fd9\u9ff8" +
** Calculate and set the CRC over the header bytes previously set,
** invoking calcCRC() to calculate the 16-bit value to store.
** You should only invoke this after setting every other field of interest,
** such as name and name-encoding, data-fork len, res-fork len, secondary-header len, etc.
** Since the CRC is calculated internally, there is no parameter to this method,
** even though it's a "setter" method.
** In most cases, you will find finishHeader() more useful since it finishes
** all the assembly for a particular header-format you select.
public void setCRC() { putShortAt( (short) calcCRC(), CRC_AT ); }
** Calculate and check the header CRC.
public boolean isValidCRC() { return ( calcCRC() == getCRC() ); }
** Calculate and return a CRC over the header.
** The CRC value is in the low 16-bits of the returned int.
public int calcCRC() { return ( calculateCRC( 0, getByteArray(), 0, CRC_AT ) ); }
** Calculate and return an alternative header CRC.
** Where calcCRC() calculates over the first 124 bytes of the header,
** this calculates over the first 126 bytes of the header.
** I'm guessing that with a valid CRC-value in the header, the returned value
** is zero, but I don't know enough about CRC theory and practice to assert that confidently.
** This is more of a Greg's-hacky-toy than anything that might actually be useful.
public int calcCRC2() { return ( calculateCRC( 0, getByteArray(), 0, CRC_AT + 2 ) ); }
** Return the header CRC, as embedded in the header itself.
public int getCRC() { return ( getUShortAt( CRC_AT ) ); }