package er.extensions.eof; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOModelGroup; import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOFaultHandler; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOFaulting; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGenericRecord; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOGlobalID; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator; import; import er.erxtest.ERXTestCase; import er.erxtest.ERXTestUtilities; import er.erxtest.model.Company; import er.erxtest.model.Employee; public class ERXEOControlUtilitiesTest extends ERXTestCase { @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { ERXTestUtilities.deleteAllObjects(); } @Test public void testCreateAndInsertObjectEOEditingContextClassOfT() { EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); Company co = ERXEOControlUtilities.createAndInsertObject(ec, Company.class); //Only testing for nullness since the above should throw a class cast ex if //co is not a company. Assert.assertNotNull(co); Assert.assertTrue(ec.insertedObjects().contains(co)); } public void testRootEntity() { EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); // using vertical inheritance EOGenericRecord eo1 = (EOGenericRecord)EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, "EmployeeVI"); assertEquals("Person", ERXEOControlUtilities.rootEntityName(eo1)); assertEquals(EOModelGroup.defaultGroup().entityNamed("Person"), ERXEOControlUtilities.rootEntity(eo1)); // using horizontal inheritance EOGenericRecord eo2 = (EOGenericRecord)EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, "EmployeeHI"); assertEquals("Person", ERXEOControlUtilities.rootEntityName(eo2)); assertEquals(EOModelGroup.defaultGroup().entityNamed("Person"), ERXEOControlUtilities.rootEntity(eo2)); } /** * Test case where * <li>the object is a new unsaved object. */ public void testObjectCountForToManyRelationship_NewEO() { EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); ec.lock(); try { Company c = (Company) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, Company.ENTITY_NAME); // No employees Integer count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertEquals(0, count.intValue()); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Employee e1 = c.createEmployeesRelationship(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Employee e2 = c.createEmployeesRelationship(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Employee e3 = c.createEmployeesRelationship(); // Expecting a new object for this call assertTrue(ERXEOControlUtilities.isNewObject(c)); count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertEquals(3, count.intValue()); } finally { ec.unlock(); } } /** * Test case where * <li> the relationship is not a fault. */ public void testObjectCountForToManyRelationship_NoFault() { EOGlobalID cGid = ERXTestUtilities.createCompanyAnd3Employees(); EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); ec.lock(); try { Company c = (Company) ec.faultForGlobalID(cGid, ec); // Add a new item to employees relationship @SuppressWarnings("unused") Employee e4 = c.createEmployeesRelationship(); // I expect relationship to NOT be a fault Object relationshipValue = c.storedValueForKey(Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertFalse(EOFaultHandler.isFault(relationshipValue)); Integer count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertEquals(4, count.intValue()); } finally { ec.unlock(); } cGid = ERXTestUtilities.createCompanyAndNoEmployees(); ec.lock(); try { Company c = (Company) ec.faultForGlobalID(cGid, ec); // Fire the fault Object relationshipValue = c.storedValueForKey(Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertTrue(EOFaultHandler.isFault(relationshipValue)); EOFaulting fault = (EOFaulting) relationshipValue; // Fire the fault fault.faultHandler().completeInitializationOfObject(fault); // Now I expect relationship to NOT be a fault assertFalse(EOFaultHandler.isFault(relationshipValue)); Integer count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertEquals(0, count.intValue()); } finally { ec.unlock(); } } /** * Test case where * <li> the relationship is a fault. * <li> pre-existing fresh-enough snapshot exists in the EOF stack */ public void testObjectCountForToManyRelationship_Snapshot() { // Make no assumptions about state of stack or if OSC pool active EOObjectStoreCoordinator osc = new EOObjectStoreCoordinator(); // Setup EOGlobalID cGid = ERXTestUtilities.createCompanyAnd3Employees(); EOGlobalID cGid0 = ERXTestUtilities.createCompanyAndNoEmployees(); EOEditingContext ec1 = ERXEC.newEditingContext(osc); EOEditingContext ec2 = ERXEC.newEditingContext(osc); // Fetch again into this ec to ensure snapshots are in the database Company c; // Expect relationship to be a fault Object relationshipValue; ec1.lock(); try { // Fetch Company with cGid c = (Company) ec1.faultForGlobalID(cGid, ec1); // c will be a fault assertTrue(EOFaultHandler.isFault(c)); relationshipValue = c.storedValueForKey(Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); // c will no longer be a fault assertFalse(EOFaultHandler.isFault(c)); // relationshipValue will be a fault assertTrue(EOFaultHandler.isFault(relationshipValue)); // Fire the fault to fetch and to ensure snapshot is registered in eodb ERXTestUtilities.fireFault(relationshipValue); // ----------------------------------------- // Fetch Company with cGid0 c = (Company) ec1.faultForGlobalID(cGid0, ec1); relationshipValue = c.storedValueForKey(Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertTrue(EOFaultHandler.isFault(relationshipValue)); // Fire the fault to fetch and to ensure snapshot is registered in eodb ERXTestUtilities.fireFault(relationshipValue); } finally { ec1.unlock(); } // Fetch ec2.lock(); try { // Fetch Company with cGid c = (Company) ec2.faultForGlobalID(cGid, ec2); // Expect relationship to be a fault relationshipValue = c.storedValueForKey(Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertTrue(EOFaultHandler.isFault(relationshipValue)); // There will be a snapshot in the db NSArray toManySnapshot = ERXTestUtilities.snapshotArrayForRelationshipInObject(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertNotNull(toManySnapshot); // Count will come from snapshot cache Integer count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertEquals(3, count.intValue()); // ----------------------------------------- // Fetch Company with cGid0 c = (Company) ec2.faultForGlobalID(cGid0, ec2); // Expect relationship to be a fault relationshipValue = c.storedValueForKey(Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertTrue(EOFaultHandler.isFault(relationshipValue)); // There will be a snapshot in the db toManySnapshot = ERXTestUtilities.snapshotArrayForRelationshipInObject(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertNotNull(toManySnapshot); // Count will come from snapshot cache count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertEquals(0, count.intValue()); } finally { ec2.unlock(); } } /** * Test case where * <li> The relationship is a fault. * <li> A snapshot array does not exist. * <li> The count is done in the database */ public void testObjectCountForToManyRelationship_DatabaseCount() { // Setup EOGlobalID cGid = ERXTestUtilities.createCompanyAnd3Employees(); // Virgin OSC with no snapshots EOObjectStoreCoordinator osc = new EOObjectStoreCoordinator(); EOEditingContext ec1 = ERXEC.newEditingContext(osc); ec1.lock(); try { Company c = (Company) ec1.faultForGlobalID(cGid, ec1); // We expect relationship to be a fault Object relationshipValue = c.storedValueForKey(Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertTrue(EOFaultHandler.isFault(relationshipValue)); // There will be no snapshot in the db NSArray toManySnapshot = ERXTestUtilities.snapshotArrayForRelationshipInObject(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertNull(toManySnapshot); // This will perform SQL count against the database Integer count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(c, Company.EMPLOYEES_KEY); assertEquals(3, count.intValue()); } finally { ec1.unlock(); } } /** * Test obvious invalid arguments. */ public void testObjectCountForToManyRelationship_BadArgumentsFailure() { // Setup EOGlobalID cGid = ERXTestUtilities.createCompanyAnd3Employees(); EOEditingContext ec = ERXEC.newEditingContext(); ec.lock(); try { // Test using null eo Integer count; try { // Company is null count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(null, Employee.COMPANY_KEY); } catch (NullPointerException exception) { assertEquals("object argument cannot be null", exception.getMessage()); } // Test using a key that is not a toMany on a new object Employee e = (Employee) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, Employee.ENTITY_NAME); try { // key is null count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, null); } catch (NullPointerException exception) { assertEquals("relationshipName argument cannot be null", exception.getMessage()); } try { // Company is null count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, Employee.COMPANY_KEY); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { assertEquals( "The attribute named 'company' in the entity named 'Employee' is not a toMany relationship! Expected an NSArray, but got null.", exception.getMessage()); } Company c = (Company) EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(ec, Company.ENTITY_NAME); e.setCompanyRelationship(c); try { // Company is not null count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, Employee.COMPANY_KEY); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { assertEquals( "The attribute named 'company' in the entity named 'Employee' is not a toMany relationship! Expected an NSArray, but got a er.erxtest.model.Company", exception.getMessage()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Test using a key that is not a toMany on an existing object c = (Company) ec.faultForGlobalID(cGid, ec); try { // address1 attribute is null count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(c, Company.ADDRESS1_KEY); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { assertEquals( "The attribute named 'address1' in the entity named 'Company' is not a toMany relationship! Expected an NSArray, but got null.", exception.getMessage()); } e = c.employees().objectAtIndex(0); EOGlobalID eGid = ec.globalIDForObject(e); try { // Company is not null count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, Employee.COMPANY_KEY); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { assertEquals( "The attribute named 'company' in the entity named 'Employee' is not a toMany relationship! Expected an NSArray, but got a er.erxtest.model.Company", exception.getMessage()); } try { // Department to-one is null count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, Employee.DEPARTMENT_KEY); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { assertEquals( "The attribute named 'department' in the entity named 'Employee' is not a toMany relationship! Expected an NSArray, but got null.", exception.getMessage()); } // Test failure where key is to-one fault ec.revert(); ec.invalidateAllObjects(); e = (Employee) ec.faultForGlobalID(eGid, ec); assertTrue(EOFaultHandler.isFault(e.storedValueForKey(Employee.COMPANY_KEY))); try { // Company is a to-one fault count = ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountForToManyRelationship(e, Employee.COMPANY_KEY); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { assertEquals( "The attribute named 'company' in the entity named 'Employee' is not a toMany relationship!", exception.getMessage()); } } finally { ec.unlock(); } } }