package er.jqm.components.extended;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
import er.jqm.components.core.ERQMButton;
* Button Links with data-role="button" and data-rel = "external".
* <pre>
* one of:
* action
* href
* linkResource @see {@link ERXHyperlinkResource}
* queryDictionary
* isButton <strong>true</strong> | false
* string
* id
* disabled
* otherTagString tag string added to the container
* class
* data-corners <strong>true</strong> | false
* data-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search
* data-iconpos <strong>lef</strong>t | right | top | bottom | notext
* data-iconshadow true | <strong>false</strong>
* data-inline true | <strong>false</strong>
* data-mini true | <strong>false</strong> - Compact sized version
* data-shadow <strong>true</strong> | false
* data-theme swatch letter (a-z)
* Links: including those with a data-role="button" share these attributes
* data-ajax <strong>true</strong> | false
* data-direction reverse - Reverse transition animation (only for page or dialog)
* data-dom-cache true | <strong>false</strong>
* data-prefetch true | <strong>false</strong>
* data-transition <strong>fade</strong> | flip | flow | pop | slide | slidedown | slidefade | slideup | turn | none
* data-position-to <strong>origin</strong> - Centers the popup over the link that opens it
* jQuery selector - Centers the popup over the specified element
* window - Centers the popup in the window
* Note: option only available when used with popups. See also: options.
* </pre>
public class ERQMButtonExternal extends ERQMButton
public ERQMButtonExternal(WOContext aContext)
public String dataRelDefault()
return "external";