package; public interface NSKeyValueCodingAdditions extends NSKeyValueCoding { public static final String KeyPathSeparator = "."; public static final char _KeyPathSeparatorChar = '.'; public void takeValueForKeyPath(Object value, String keyPath); public Object valueForKeyPath(String keyPath); public static abstract class DefaultImplementation { public static Object valueForKeyPath(Object object, String keyPath) { if (keyPath == null) { return null; } int index = keyPath.indexOf(_KeyPathSeparatorChar); if (index < 0) { return NSKeyValueCoding.Utility.valueForKey(object, keyPath); } String key = keyPath.substring(0, index); Object value = NSKeyValueCoding.Utility.valueForKey(object, key); return ((value == null) ? null : NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(value, keyPath.substring(index + 1))); } public static void takeValueForKeyPath(Object object, Object value, String keyPath) { if (keyPath == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key path cannot be null"); } int index = keyPath.indexOf(_KeyPathSeparatorChar); if (index < 0) { NSKeyValueCoding.Utility.takeValueForKey(object, value, keyPath); } else { String key = keyPath.substring(0, index); Object targetObject = NSKeyValueCoding.Utility.valueForKey(object, key); if (targetObject != null) NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.takeValueForKeyPath(targetObject, value, keyPath.substring(index + 1)); } } } public static abstract class Utility { public static Object valueForKeyPath(Object object, String keyPath) { if (object == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object cannot be null"); if (object instanceof NSKeyValueCodingAdditions) return ((NSKeyValueCodingAdditions) object).valueForKeyPath(keyPath); return NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.valueForKeyPath(object, keyPath); } public static void takeValueForKeyPath(Object object, Object value, String keyPath) { if (object == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object cannot be null"); if (object instanceof NSKeyValueCodingAdditions) ((NSKeyValueCodingAdditions) object).takeValueForKeyPath(value, keyPath); else NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.takeValueForKeyPath(object, value, keyPath); } } }