package er.ajax.mootools; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import; import er.ajax.AjaxFileUpload; import er.ajax.AjaxFileUploadRequestHandler; import er.ajax.AjaxResponse; import er.ajax.AjaxUploadProgress; import er.ajax.AjaxUtils; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXRequest; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXWOContext; import er.extensions.components.ERXComponentUtilities; import er.extensions.formatters.ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat; import; /** * AjaxFileUpload provides an Ajax wrapper around the file upload process. This works pretty differently than * WOFileUpload. The AjaxFileUpload component itself provides its own form and autosubmits when the user selects a file * to upload. The upload runs in a hidden iframe, with Ajax updates occurring in the main window. When the final ajax * update occurs after the completion of the upload, the appropriate actions fire. This means that if the user navigates * away during the upload, no completion/failure/etc notifications will occur. * * @binding cancelText the text to display for the cancel link * @binding cancelingText the text to display when the progress is being canceled * @binding startingText the text to display when the progress is starting * @binding startedFunction the javascript function to execute when the progress is started * @binding canceledFunction the javascript function to execute when the upload is canceled * @binding succeededFunction the javascript function to execute when the upload succeeds * @binding failedFunction the javascript function to execute when the upload fails * @binding finishedFunction the javascript function to execute when the upload finishes (succeeded, failed, or * canceled) * @binding finishedAction the action to fire when the upload finishes (cancel, failed, or succeeded) * @binding canceledAction the action to fire when the upload is canceled * @binding succeededAction the action to fire when the upload succeeded * @binding failedAction the action to fire when the upload fails * @binding data the NSData that will be bound with the contents of the upload * @binding inputStream will be bound to an input stream on the contents of the upload * @binding outputStream the output stream to write the contents of the upload to * @binding streamToFilePath the path to write the upload to, can be a directory * @binding finalFilePath the final file path of the upload (when streamToFilePath is set or keepTempFile = true) * @binding filePath the name of the uploaded file * @binding allowCancel if true, the cancel link is visible * @binding progressBarBeforeStart if true, the progress bar is visible before the upload is started * @binding progressBarAfterDone if true, the progress bar is visible after the upload is done * @binding refreshTime the number of milliseconds to wait between refreshes * @binding keepTempFile if true, don't delete the temp file that AjaxFileUpload creates * @binding uploadLabel the label to display on the Upload button ("Upload" by default) * @binding uploadFunctionName the upload button will instead be a function with the given name * @binding progressOfText the text to display for the word "of" in the "[size] of [totalsize]" string during upload * @binding mimeType set from the content-type of the upload header if available * @binding class the class attribute of the file input * @binding style the style attribute of the file input * @binding id the id attribute of the file input * @binding onFileSelected optional JS code that is called when the file selection changes. To auto-start the upload when * a file is selected, set uploadFunctionName to e.g. "startUpload" and onFileSelected to "startUpload()" * @binding uploadProgress access to the underlying AjaxUploadProgress object * * @author mschrag */ public class MTAjaxFileUpload extends WOComponent { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static boolean _requestHandlerRegistered = false; private String _id; protected boolean _uploadStarted; protected AjaxUploadProgress _progress; protected boolean _triggerUploadStart; private String _requestHandlerKey; public MTAjaxFileUpload(WOContext context) { super(context); _requestHandlerKey = AjaxFileUploadRequestHandler.REQUEST_HANDLER_KEY; if (!_requestHandlerRegistered) { synchronized (AjaxFileUpload.class) { if (!_requestHandlerRegistered) { if (WOApplication.application().requestHandlerForKey(AjaxFileUploadRequestHandler.REQUEST_HANDLER_KEY) == null) { WOApplication.application().registerRequestHandler(new AjaxFileUploadRequestHandler(), AjaxFileUploadRequestHandler.REQUEST_HANDLER_KEY); } _requestHandlerRegistered = true; } } } } public void setRequestHandlerKey(String requestHandlerKey) { _requestHandlerKey = requestHandlerKey; } public String requestHandlerKey() { return _requestHandlerKey; } @Override public boolean synchronizesVariablesWithBindings() { return false; } public String uploadLabel() { String uploadLabel = (String)valueForBinding("uploadLabel"); if (uploadLabel == null) { uploadLabel = "Upload"; } return uploadLabel; } public boolean progressBarBeforeStart() { boolean progressBarBeforeStart = false; if (hasBinding("progressBarBeforeStart")) { progressBarBeforeStart = ERXComponentUtilities.booleanValueForBinding(this, "progressBarBeforeStart"); } return progressBarBeforeStart; } public boolean progressBarAfterDone() { boolean progressBarAfterDone = false; if (hasBinding("progressBarAfterDone")) { progressBarAfterDone = ERXComponentUtilities.booleanValueForBinding(this, "progressBarAfterDone"); } return progressBarAfterDone; } public void setUploadProgress(AjaxUploadProgress progress) { _progress = progress; if (hasBinding("uploadProgress")) { setValueForBinding(progress, "uploadProgress"); } if (progress == null && !hasBinding("uploadStarted")) { _uploadStarted = false; } } public AjaxUploadProgress uploadProgress() { return _progress; } public String id() { String id = _id; if (id == null) { id = (String) valueForBinding("id"); if (id == null) { id = ERXWOContext.safeIdentifierName(context(), true); } _id = id; } return id; } public String uploadUrl() { String uploadUrl = context().urlWithRequestHandlerKey(_requestHandlerKey, "", null); return uploadUrl; } public String bytesReadSize() { String bytesReadSize = null; AjaxUploadProgress progress = uploadProgress(); if (progress != null) { NumberFormat formatter = new ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat(ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat.BYTE); formatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); bytesReadSize = formatter.format(progress.value()); } return bytesReadSize; } public String streamLengthSize() { String streamLengthSize = null; AjaxUploadProgress progress = uploadProgress(); if (progress != null) { NumberFormat formatter = new ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat(ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat.BYTE); formatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); streamLengthSize = formatter.format(progress.maximum()); } return streamLengthSize; } public String uploadFrameName() { return id() + "UploadFrame"; } public String startUploadName() { return id() + "StartUpload"; } public String startUploadFunctionCall() { return "form.submit(true); " + startUploadName() + "();"; } public boolean triggerStartUpload() { boolean triggerUploadStart = _triggerUploadStart; if (triggerUploadStart) { _triggerUploadStart = false; } return triggerUploadStart; } public String uploadFormID() { return id() + "Form"; } public String progressBarID() { return id() + "ProgressBar"; } public String startingText() { String startingText = (String) valueForBinding("startingText"); if (startingText == null) { startingText = "Upload Starting ..."; } return startingText; } public String cancelText() { String cancelText = (String) valueForBinding("cancelText"); if (cancelText == null) { cancelText = "cancel"; } return cancelText; } public String cancelingText() { String cancelingText = (String) valueForBinding("cancelingText"); if (cancelingText == null) { cancelingText = "Canceling Upload ..."; } return cancelingText; } public WOActionResults startUpload() { _triggerUploadStart = true; if (_progress != null) { _progress.reset(); } _progress = null; if (hasBinding("uploadProgress")) { setValueForBinding(null, "uploadProgress"); } _uploadStarted = true; if (hasBinding("uploadStarted")) { setValueForBinding(Boolean.TRUE, "uploadStarted"); } AjaxResponse response = AjaxUtils.createResponse(context().request(), context()); AjaxUtils.appendScriptHeaderIfNecessary(context().request(), response); response.appendContentString("document." + uploadFormID() + ".submit();"); AjaxUtils.appendScriptFooterIfNecessary(context().request(), response); return response; } public boolean isUploadStarted() { boolean uploadStarted; if (hasBinding("uploadStarted")) { uploadStarted = ERXComponentUtilities.booleanValueForBinding(this, "uploadStarted"); } else { AjaxUploadProgress progress = uploadProgress(); if (progress != null && progress.shouldReset()) { _uploadStarted = false; setValueForBinding(Boolean.FALSE, "uploadStarted"); } uploadStarted = _uploadStarted; } return uploadStarted; } public void uploadFinished() { valueForBinding("finishedAction"); } public WOActionResults uploadCanceled() { uploadFinished(); WOActionResults results = (WOActionResults) valueForBinding("canceledAction"); return results; } public WOActionResults uploadSucceeded() { AjaxUploadProgress progress = uploadProgress(); try { boolean deleteFile = true; if (hasBinding("filePath")) { setValueForBinding(progress.fileName(), "filePath"); } if (hasBinding("data")) { NSData data = new NSData(progress.tempFile().toURI().toURL()); setValueForBinding(data, "data"); } if (hasBinding("mimeType")) { String contentType = progress.contentType(); if (contentType != null) { setValueForBinding(contentType, "mimeType"); } } if (hasBinding("inputStream")) { setValueForBinding(new FileInputStream(progress.tempFile()), "inputStream"); deleteFile = false; } if (hasBinding("outputStream")) { OutputStream outputStream = (OutputStream) valueForBinding("outputStream"); if (outputStream != null) { ERXFileUtilities.writeInputStreamToOutputStream(new FileInputStream(progress.tempFile()), true, outputStream, true); } } String finalFilePath = progress.tempFile().getAbsolutePath(); if (hasBinding("streamToFilePath")) { File streamToFile = new File((String) valueForBinding("streamToFilePath")); boolean renamedFile; boolean renameFile; if (streamToFile.exists()) { boolean overwrite = ERXComponentUtilities.booleanValueForBinding(this, "overwrite"); if (streamToFile.isDirectory()) { File parentDir = streamToFile; String fileName = ERXFileUtilities.fileNameFromBrowserSubmittedPath(progress.fileName()); streamToFile = ERXFileUtilities.reserveUniqueFile(new File(parentDir, fileName), overwrite); renameFile = true; } else { renameFile = overwrite; } } else { renameFile = true; } if (renameFile && !streamToFile.isDirectory()) { ERXFileUtilities.renameTo(progress.tempFile(), streamToFile); renamedFile = true; } else { renamedFile = false; progress.setFailure(new Exception ("Could not rename file.")); return uploadFailed(); } if (renamedFile) { finalFilePath = streamToFile.getAbsolutePath(); } deleteFile = false; } else if (hasBinding("keepTempFile") && deleteFile) { deleteFile = !ERXComponentUtilities.booleanValueForBinding(this, "keepTempFile"); } if (deleteFile) { progress.dispose(); } else if (hasBinding("finalFilePath")) { setValueForBinding(finalFilePath, "finalFilePath"); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); progress.setFailure(t); return uploadFailed(); } finally { uploadFinished(); } WOActionResults results = (WOActionResults) valueForBinding("succeededAction"); return results; } public WOActionResults uploadFailed() { uploadFinished(); WOActionResults results = (WOActionResults) valueForBinding("failedAction"); return results; } public String srcUrl() { return context()._directActionURL("ERXDirectAction/empty", null, ERXRequest.isRequestSecure(context().request()), 0, false); } }