package er.plot; import jofc2.model.Chart; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXResponseRewriter; import er.extensions.components.ERXStatelessComponent; import; public class ERPOFCChart extends ERXStatelessComponent { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERPOFCChart.class); private Chart _chart; private String _safeElementID; private Integer _height; private Integer _width; private String _id; public ERPOFCChart(WOContext context) { super(context); } @Override public void appendToResponse(WOResponse r, WOContext c) { ERXResponseRewriter.addScriptResourceInHead(r, c, "ERPlot", "js/swfobject.js"); ERXResponseRewriter.addScriptResourceInHead(r, c, "ERPlot", "js-ofc-library/open_flash_chart.js"); r.appendContentString("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); r.appendContentString("swfobject.embedSWF(\""); r.appendContentString(openFlashChartSwf()); r.appendContentString("\", \""); r.appendContentString(id()); r.appendContentString("\", \""); r.appendContentString(width().toString()); r.appendContentString("\", \""); r.appendContentString(height().toString()); r.appendContentString("\", \"9.0.0\", \"expressInstall.swf\");"); r.appendContentString("</script>"); r.appendContentString("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); r.appendContentString("function open_flash_chart_data() { return JSON.stringify(data);}"); r.appendContentString("var data ="); r.appendContentString(json()); r.appendContentString("</script>"); r.appendContentString("<div id=\""); r.appendContentString(id()); r.appendContentString("\"></div>"); } public Chart chart() { if (_chart == null) { _chart = (Chart) valueForBinding("chart"); } return _chart; } public Integer height() { if (_height == null) { _height = intValueForBinding("height", Integer.valueOf(300)); log.debug("height = {}", _height); } return _height; } public String id() { if (_id == null) { _id = stringValueForBinding("id", safeElementID()); log.debug("id = {}", _id); } return _id; } public String json() { return chart().toString(); } /** * @return the swfLocation */ public String openFlashChartSwf() { return application().resourceManager().urlForResourceNamed("open-flash-chart-full-embedded-font.swf", "ERPlot", context()._languages(), context().request()); } @Override public void reset() { super.reset(); _chart = null; _safeElementID = null; _height = null; _width = null; _id = null; } /** @return a safe element name element. */ public String safeElementID() { if (_safeElementID == null) { _safeElementID = ERXStringUtilities.safeIdentifierName(context().elementID()); log.debug("safeElementID = {}", _safeElementID); } return _safeElementID; } public Integer width() { if (_width == null) { _width = intValueForBinding("width", Integer.valueOf(500)); log.debug("width = {}", _width); } return _width; } }