package er.bugtracker.components; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOCookie; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2W; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext; import; import er.bugtracker.Factory; import er.bugtracker.People; import er.bugtracker.Session; import er.extensions.crypting.ERXCrypto; import; public class LoginPanel extends WOComponent { public LoginPanel(WOContext context) { super(context); } public String username; public String password; public boolean validated; public boolean rememberPassword; public String errorMessage; private WOComponent _nextPage; public WOComponent nextPage() { if ((_nextPage == null) && (_nextPageCallback != null)) { _nextPage = (WOComponent)_nextPageCallback.invoke(session()); } return _nextPage; } private ERXUtilities.Callback _nextPageCallback; public ERXUtilities.Callback nextPageCallback() { return _nextPageCallback; } public void setNextPageCallback(ERXUtilities.Callback value) { // delay the next page creation as long as possible because Main's constructor calls refresh which // will do nothing if the sesion's user is null, which it will be until deep in the defaultPage action // below. _nextPageCallback = value; _nextPage = null; } public WOComponent signUp() { return Factory.bugTracker().signUp(); } public WOComponent login() { EOEditingContext editingContext; Session session = (Session)session(); editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext(); if (!validated && false) {// captcha disabled for now errorMessage="The captcha is wrong!"; return null; } if (username==null || password==null) { errorMessage="Please specify both fields!"; return null; } People userObject = People.clazz.userWithUsernamePassword(editingContext, username, password); if(userObject == null) { errorMessage="Sorry login incorrect!"; return null; } if (!userObject.isActive()) { errorMessage="Sorry your account is inactive!"; return null; } session.setUser(userObject); boolean isAdmin = userObject.isAdmin(); D2W.factory().setWebAssistantEnabled(isAdmin); String encryptedIDPrimaryKey = ERXCrypto.crypterForAlgorithm(ERXCrypto.BLOWFISH).encrypt(userObject.primaryKey()); WOCookie loginCookie=new WOCookie("BTL", rememberPassword ? encryptedIDPrimaryKey : "-"); loginCookie.setExpires(NSTimestamp.DistantFuture); loginCookie.setPath("/"); context().response().addCookie(loginCookie); WOComponent nextPage = nextPage(); return ((nextPage == null) ? pageWithName("HomePage") : nextPage); } }