package er.extensions.components;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
import er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer;
* A simple popup menu for language selection. The menu itself is can be
* localized in two different ways. It allows all language names to be presented
* in the current localized language, or each language name can be presented in
* its native language. The Localizable.strings keys for these language names
* are simply the English language name for that language. For example, if you
* were to localize this menu in an application that supports English and
* German, you would have:
* <pre>
* "English" = "English";
* "German" = "German";
* </pre>
* in your English.lproj/Localizable.strings file, and
* <pre>
* "English" = "Englisch";
* "German" = "Deutsch";
* </pre>
* in your German.lproj/Localizable.strings file. Beyond that, you only need to
* stick it in a form and bind the language binding to something that stores a
* language value. For example, your WOD file might contain:
* <code>LanguageMenu: ERXLanguageMenu { language = session.language; }</code>
* @author Ramsey Gurley
* @binding class (optional) the html class attribute string
* @binding dir (optional) the html dir attribute string. Defines the text
* direction and should only be equal to "ltr" for "left to
* right" text direction or "rtl" for "right to left" text direction.
* @binding disabled (optional) the html disabled attribute string. This is
* passed directly to the component so you should only bind the string
* value "disabled" if you wish to disable the component. Otherwise,
* leave it unbound.
* @binding id (optional) the html id attribute string. Each id value should be
* unique and not repeated on the same page.
* @binding language the language selected in the menu.
* @binding localizeDisplayStrings (optional) if true, this will cause each
* language name to be displayed in its native language. If false, all
* languages will be presented in the current language.
* @binding noSelectionString (optional) the string presented to indicate a null
* or empty selection.
* @binding size (optional) the html size attribute string. This defines the
* maximum number of menu items to display.
* @binding style (optional) the html style attribute string
* @binding title (optional) the html title attribute string
public class ERXLanguageMenu extends ERXStatelessComponent {
* Do I need to update serialVersionUID?
* See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the
* <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static NSDictionary<String, String> displayStringForLanguages;
private static final String localizeDisplayStringsKey = "localizeDisplayStrings";
private String _languageOption;
public ERXLanguageMenu(WOContext context) {
public void reset() {
_languageOption = null;
public NSArray availableLanguages() {
return ERXLocalizer.availableLanguages();
* @return the languageOption
public String languageOption() {
return _languageOption;
* @param languageOption
* the languageOption to set
public void setLanguageOption(String languageOption) {
_languageOption = languageOption;
* @return the displayString value for the language
public String displayStringForLanguage() {
if (ERXValueUtilities.booleanValueWithDefault(valueForBinding(localizeDisplayStringsKey), true)) {
return displayStringForLanguages().get(languageOption());
return ERXLocalizer.currentLocalizer().localizedStringForKey(languageOption());
* @return an array of localized language names
private NSDictionary<String, String> displayStringForLanguages() {
if (displayStringForLanguages == null) {
NSMutableDictionary<String, String> displayStrings = new NSMutableDictionary<>();
for (Object o : availableLanguages()) {
String languageKey = (String) o;
ERXLocalizer loc = ERXLocalizer.localizerForLanguage(languageKey);
String displayString = loc.localizedStringForKey(languageKey);
if (ERXStringUtilities.stringIsNullOrEmpty(displayString)) {
displayString = languageKey;
displayStrings.put(languageKey, displayString);
displayStringForLanguages = displayStrings.immutableClone();
return displayStringForLanguages;