package er.extensions.components; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResourceManager; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse; import com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOConstantValueAssociation; import; import; import; import; import; import; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXApplication; import er.extensions.appserver.ERXWOContext; import; import; /** * ERXComponentUtilities contains WOComponent/WOElement-related utility methods. * * @author mschrag */ public class ERXComponentUtilities { // use these so you don't need to check for null public static WOAssociation TRUE = new WOConstantValueAssociation(Boolean.TRUE); public static WOAssociation FALSE = new WOConstantValueAssociation(Boolean.FALSE); public static WOAssociation EMPTY = new WOConstantValueAssociation(""); public static WOAssociation ZERO = new WOConstantValueAssociation(0); /** * Returns a query parameter dictionary from a set of ?key=association * WOAssociation dictionary. * * @param associations * the set of associations * @param component * the component to evaluate their values within * @return a dictionary of key-value query parameters */ public static NSMutableDictionary queryParametersInComponent(NSDictionary associations, WOComponent component) { NSMutableDictionary queryParameterAssociations = ERXComponentUtilities.queryParameterAssociations(associations); return _queryParametersInComponent(queryParameterAssociations, component); } /** * Returns a query parameter dictionary from a set of ?key=association * WOAssociation dictionary. * * @param associations * the set of associations * @param component * the component to evaluate their values within * @param removeQueryParametersAssociations * should the entries be removed from the passed-in dictionary? * @return a dictionary of key-value query parameters */ public static NSMutableDictionary queryParametersInComponent(NSMutableDictionary associations, WOComponent component, boolean removeQueryParametersAssociations) { NSMutableDictionary queryParameterAssociations = ERXComponentUtilities.queryParameterAssociations(associations, removeQueryParametersAssociations); return _queryParametersInComponent(queryParameterAssociations, component); } public static NSMutableDictionary _queryParametersInComponent(NSMutableDictionary associations, WOComponent component) { NSMutableDictionary queryParameters = new NSMutableDictionary(); Enumeration keyEnum = associations.keyEnumerator(); while (keyEnum.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) keyEnum.nextElement(); WOAssociation association = (WOAssociation) associations.valueForKey(key); Object associationValue = association.valueInComponent(component); if (associationValue != null) { queryParameters.setObjectForKey(associationValue, key.substring(1)); } } return queryParameters; } /** * Returns the set of ?key=value associations from an associations * dictionary. * * @param associations * the associations to enumerate * @return dictionary with query parameter associations */ public static NSMutableDictionary<String, WOAssociation> queryParameterAssociations(NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations) { return ERXComponentUtilities._queryParameterAssociations(associations, false); } /** * Returns the set of ?key=value associations from an associations * dictionary. If removeQueryParameterAssociations is <code>true</code>, the * corresponding entries will be removed from the associations dictionary * that was passed in. * * @param associations * the associations to enumerate * @param removeQueryParameterAssociations * should the entries be removed from the passed-in dictionary? * @return dictionary with query parameter associations */ public static NSMutableDictionary<String, WOAssociation> queryParameterAssociations(NSMutableDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, boolean removeQueryParameterAssociations) { return ERXComponentUtilities._queryParameterAssociations(associations, removeQueryParameterAssociations); } public static NSMutableDictionary<String, WOAssociation> _queryParameterAssociations(NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, boolean removeQueryParameterAssociations) { NSMutableDictionary<String, WOAssociation> mutableAssociations = null; if (removeQueryParameterAssociations) { mutableAssociations = (NSMutableDictionary) associations; } NSMutableDictionary<String, WOAssociation> queryParameterAssociations = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); Enumeration keyEnum = associations.keyEnumerator(); while (keyEnum.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) keyEnum.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith("?")) { WOAssociation association = (WOAssociation) associations.valueForKey(key); if (mutableAssociations != null) { mutableAssociations.removeObjectForKey(key); } queryParameterAssociations.setObjectForKey(association, key); } } return queryParameterAssociations; } /** * Returns the boolean value of a binding. * * @param component * the component * @param bindingName * the name of the boolean binding * @return a boolean */ public static boolean booleanValueForBinding(WOComponent component, String bindingName) { return ERXComponentUtilities.booleanValueForBinding(component, bindingName, false); } /** * Returns the boolean value of a binding. * * @param component * the component * @param bindingName * the name of the boolean binding * @param defaultValue * the default value if the binding is null * @return a boolean */ public static boolean booleanValueForBinding(WOComponent component, String bindingName, boolean defaultValue) { if(component == null) { return defaultValue; } return ERXValueUtilities.booleanValueWithDefault(component.valueForBinding(bindingName), defaultValue); } /** * Returns the URL of the html template for the given component name. * * @param componentName * the name of the component to load a template for (without the * .wo) * @param languages * the list of languages to use for finding components * @return the URL to the html template (or null if there isn't one) */ public static URL htmlTemplateUrl(String componentName, NSArray languages) { return ERXComponentUtilities.templateUrl(componentName, "html", languages); } /** * Returns the URL of the template for the given component name. * * @param componentName * the name of the component to load a template for (without the * .wo) * @param extension * the file extension of the template (without the dot -- i.e. * "html") * @param languages * the list of languages to use for finding components * @return the URL to the template (or null if there isn't one) */ public static URL templateUrl(String componentName, String extension, NSArray languages) { String htmlPathName = componentName + ".wo/" + componentName + "." + extension; WOResourceManager resourceManager = WOApplication.application().resourceManager(); URL templateUrl = pathUrlForResourceNamed(resourceManager, htmlPathName, languages); if (templateUrl == null) { // jw: hack for bundle-less builds as there is some sort of classpath problem that will // pick up the wrong class for WOProjectBundle, _WOProject, … that register only component's // .wo directories but not the containing files (.html, .wod, .woo). Thus we are assuming // that if we can find the .wo directory we can manually point to the correct subfile templateUrl = pathUrlForResourceNamed(resourceManager, componentName + ".wo", languages); if (templateUrl != null) { File templateDir = null; try { templateDir = new File(templateUrl.toURI()); } catch(URISyntaxException e) { templateDir = new File(templateUrl.getPath()); } if (templateDir.isDirectory()) { File templateFile = new File(templateDir, componentName + "." + extension); if (templateFile.exists()) { try { templateUrl = templateFile.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // ignore } } } } } return templateUrl; } private static URL pathUrlForResourceNamed(WOResourceManager resourceManager, String resourceName, NSArray languages) { URL templateUrl = resourceManager.pathURLForResourceNamed(resourceName, null, languages); if (templateUrl == null) { NSArray frameworkBundles = NSBundle.frameworkBundles(); if (frameworkBundles != null) { Enumeration frameworksEnum = frameworkBundles.objectEnumerator(); while (templateUrl == null && frameworksEnum.hasMoreElements()) { NSBundle frameworkBundle = (NSBundle) frameworksEnum.nextElement(); templateUrl = resourceManager.pathURLForResourceNamed(resourceName,, languages); } } } return templateUrl; } /** * Returns the contents of the html template for the given component name as * a string. * * @param componentName * the name of the component to load a template for (without the * .wo) * @param languages * the list of languages to use for finding components * @return the string contents of the html template (or null if there isn't * one) * @throws IOException */ public static String htmlTemplate(String componentName, NSArray languages) throws IOException { return ERXComponentUtilities.template(componentName, "html", languages); } /** * Returns the contents of the template for the given component name as a * string. * * @param componentName * the name of the component to load a template for (without the * .wo) * @param extension * the file extension of the template (without the dot -- i.e. * "html") * @param languages * the list of languages to use for finding components * @return the string contents of the template (or null if there isn't one) * @throws IOException */ public static String template(String componentName, String extension, NSArray languages) throws IOException { String template; URL templateUrl = ERXComponentUtilities.templateUrl(componentName, extension, languages); if (templateUrl == null) { template = null; } else { template = ERXStringUtilities.stringFromURL(templateUrl); } return template; } /** * Allows a component to "inherit" the template (.html and .wod files) from another component. * <p>Usage in your WOComponent subclass:</p> * <pre> * @Override * public WOElement template() { * return ERXComponentUtilities.inheritTemplateFrom("AddAddress", session().languages()); * } * </pre> * This very simple implementation does have some limitations: * <ol> * <li>It can't be used to inherit the template of another component inheriting a template.</li> * <li>It can't handle having two components with the same name in different packages or frameworks</li> * <li>It does not use WO template caching</li> * </ol> * * @see com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent#template() * * @param componentName the name of the component whose template will be inherited * @param languages the list of languages to use for finding components * @return the template from the indicated component */ public static WOElement inheritTemplateFrom(String componentName, NSArray<String> languages) { try { /** require [valid_componentName] componentName != null; **/ String htmlString = ERXComponentUtilities.template(componentName, "html", languages); String wodString = ERXComponentUtilities.template(componentName, "wod", languages); return WOComponent.templateWithHTMLString("", "", htmlString, wodString, languages, WOApplication.application().associationFactoryRegistry(), WOApplication.application().namespaceProvider()); /** ensure [valid_Result] Result != null; **/ } catch (IOException e) { throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e); } } /** * Returns an array of the current component names. * * @return array of current component names */ public static NSArray<String> componentTree() { WOContext context = ERXWOContext.currentContext(); NSMutableArray<String> result = new NSMutableArray<>(); if (context != null) { WOComponent c = context.component(); while (c != null) { result.addObject(; c = c.parent(); } } return result; } /** * Appends a dictionary of associations as HTML attributes. * * @param associations * the associations dictionary * @param response * the response to write to * @param context * the context */ public static void appendHtmlAttributes(NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOResponse response, WOContext context) { WOComponent component = context.component(); ERXComponentUtilities.appendHtmlAttributes(associations, response, component); } /** * Appends a dictionary of associations as HTML attributes. * * @param associations * the associations dictionary * @param response * the response to write to * @param component * the component to evaluate the associations within */ public static void appendHtmlAttributes(NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOResponse response, WOComponent component) { for (String key : associations.allKeys()) { WOAssociation association = associations.objectForKey(key); ERXComponentUtilities.appendHtmlAttribute(key, association, response, component); } } /** * Appends a dictionary of associations as HTML attributes. * * @param associations * the associations dictionary * @param excludeKeys * the associations to ignore * @param response * the response to write to * @param component * the component to evaluate the associations within */ public static void appendHtmlAttributes(NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, NSArray<String> excludeKeys, WOResponse response, WOComponent component) { if (excludeKeys == null) { excludeKeys = NSArray.EmptyArray; } for (String key : associations.allKeys()) { if (!excludeKeys.contains(key)) { WOAssociation association = associations.objectForKey(key); ERXComponentUtilities.appendHtmlAttribute(key, association, response, component); } } } /** * Appends an association as an HTML attribute. * * @param key * the key to append * @param association * the association * @param response * the response to write to * @param component * the component to evaluate the association within */ public static void appendHtmlAttribute(String key, WOAssociation association, WOResponse response, WOComponent component) { Object value = association.valueInComponent(component); if (value != null) { response.appendContentString(" "); response.appendContentString(key); response.appendContentString("=\""); response.appendContentHTMLAttributeValue(value.toString()); response.appendContentString("\""); } } /** * Returns the component for the given class without having to cast. For * example: MyPage page = ERXComponentUtilities.pageWithName(MyPage.class, * context); * * @param <T> * the type of component to * @param componentClass * the component class to lookup * @param context * the context * @return the created component */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends WOComponent> T pageWithName(Class<T> componentClass, WOContext context) { return ERXApplication.erxApplication().pageWithName(componentClass, context); } /** * Calls pageWithName with ERXWOContext.currentContext() for the current * thread. * * @param <T> * the type of component to * @param componentClass * the component class to lookup * @return the created component */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends WOComponent> T pageWithName(Class<T> componentClass) { return ERXApplication.erxApplication().pageWithName(componentClass); } /** * Checks if there is an association for a binding with the given name. * * @param name binding name * @param associations array of associations * @return <code>true</code> if the association exists */ public static boolean hasBinding(String name, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations) { return associations.objectForKey(name) != null; } /** * Returns the association for a binding with the given name. If there is * no such association <code>null</code> will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param associations array of associations * @return association for given binding or <code>null</code> */ public static WOAssociation bindingNamed(String name, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations) { return associations.objectForKey(name); } /** * Checks if the association for a binding with the given name can assign * values at runtime. * * @param name binding name * @param associations array of associations * @return <code>true</code> if binding is settable */ public static boolean bindingIsSettable(String name, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations) { boolean isSettable = false; WOAssociation association = bindingNamed(name, associations); if (association != null) { isSettable = association.isValueSettable(); } return isSettable; } /** * Will try to set the given binding in the component to the passed value. * * @param value new value for the binding * @param name binding name * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to set the value in */ public static void setValueForBinding(Object value, String name, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { WOAssociation association = bindingNamed(name, associations); if (association != null) { association.setValue(value, component); } } /** * Retrieves the current value of the given binding from the component. If there * is no such binding or its value evaluates to <code>null</code> the default * value will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param defaultValue default value * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to get value from * @return retrieved value or default value */ public static Object valueForBinding(String name, Object defaultValue, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { Object value = valueForBinding(name, associations, component); if (value != null) { return value; } return defaultValue; } /** * Retrieves the current value of the given binding from the component. If there * is no such binding <code>null</code> will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to get value from * @return retrieved value or <code>null</code> */ public static Object valueForBinding(String name, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { WOAssociation association = bindingNamed(name, associations); if (association != null) { return association.valueInComponent(component); } return null; } /** * Retrieves the current string value of the given binding from the component. If there * is no such binding or its value evaluates to <code>null</code> the default * value will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param defaultValue default value * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to get value from * @return retrieved string value or default value */ public static String stringValueForBinding(String name, String defaultValue, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { String value = stringValueForBinding(name, associations, component); if (value != null) { return value; } return defaultValue; } /** * Retrieves the current string value of the given binding from the component. If there * is no such binding <code>null</code> will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to get value from * @return retrieved string value or <code>null</code> */ public static String stringValueForBinding(String name, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { WOAssociation association = bindingNamed(name, associations); if (association != null) { return (String) association.valueInComponent(component); } return null; } /** * Retrieves the current boolean value of the given binding from the component. If there * is no such binding the default value will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param defaultValue default value * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to get value from * @return retrieved boolean value or default value */ public static boolean booleanValueForBinding(String name, boolean defaultValue, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { WOAssociation association = bindingNamed(name, associations); if (association != null) { return association.booleanValueInComponent(component); } return defaultValue; } /** * Retrieves the current boolean value of the given binding from the component. If there * is no such binding <code>false</code> will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to get value from * @return retrieved boolean value or <code>false</code> */ public static boolean booleanValueForBinding(String name, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { return booleanValueForBinding(name, false, associations, component); } /** * Retrieves the current int value of the given binding from the component. If there * is no such binding the default value will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param defaultValue default value * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to get value from * @return retrieved int value or default value */ public static int integerValueForBinding(String name, int defaultValue, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { WOAssociation association = bindingNamed(name, associations); if (association != null) { Object value = association.valueInComponent(component); return ERXValueUtilities.intValueWithDefault(value, defaultValue); } return defaultValue; } /** * Retrieves the current array value of the given binding from the component. If there * is no such binding or its value evaluates to <code>null</code> the default * value will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param defaultValue default value * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to get value from * @return retrieved array value or default value */ public static <T> NSArray<T> arrayValueForBinding(String name, NSArray<T> defaultValue, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { WOAssociation association = bindingNamed(name, associations); if (association != null) { Object value = association.valueInComponent(component); return ERXValueUtilities.arrayValueWithDefault(value, defaultValue); } return defaultValue; } /** * Retrieves the current array value of the given binding from the component. If there * is no such binding <code>null</code> will be returned. * * @param name binding name * @param associations array of associations * @param component component to get value from * @return retrieved array value or <code>null</code> */ public static NSArray arrayValueForBinding(String name, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOComponent component) { return arrayValueForBinding(name, null, associations, component); } }