package er.prototaculous; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent; import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext; import; import; /** * An Ajax.Updater as a button (that also submits the form and form values). * <p> * In order to use this, the form elements(i.e WOTextField, etc) need to have their name attribute bound to concrete values. * The Prototype Ajax.Updater form is parametized using these names. WOElements won't correctly take form values otherwise. * Also Prototype/WO integration requires the use of <button> rather than <input> WOSubmitButtons. * <p> * So set: * <blockquote></blockquote> * * @see AjaxUpdater * @author mendis */ public class AjaxUpdaterButton extends AjaxUpdater { public AjaxUpdaterButton(WOContext context) { super(context); } @Override public boolean isStateless() { return true; } // accessors @Override protected NSArray<String> _options() { NSMutableArray<String> _options = super._options().mutableClone(); // add options _options.add("parameters: this.form.serialize(true)"); return _options.immutableClone(); } @Override protected String url() { if (hasBinding(Bindings.action)) { return "'" + context().componentActionURL(application().ajaxRequestHandlerKey()) + "'"; } else return super.url(); } // actions public WOActionResults invokeAction() { if (hasBinding(Bindings.action)) { WOActionResults action = (WOActionResults) valueForBinding(Bindings.action); if (action != null) { if (action instanceof WOComponent) ((WOComponent) action)._setIsPage(true); // cache is pageFrag cache return action; } } return context().page(); } }