package er.directtoweb; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment; import com.webobjects.directtoweb.Rule; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOAndQualifier; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueArchiver; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueUnarchiver; import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier; import; import; import; /** * Rule class that works around two problems: * <ul> * <li>when you have an assignment class that is not present in the classpath * then the model will not load, making for very strange errors. We replace the * missing class with the normal assignment class and log the error. * <li>when evaluating rule priorities, the default is to place rules containing <code>pageConfiguration</code> * keys so high up that they will get preferred over rules without such a condition, but with a higher author setting. * This is pretty ridiculous and leads to having to set <code>... AND (pageConfiguration like '*')</code> * in all the conditions.<br> * We place rules with a <code>pageConfiguration</code> so high that they will be higher than rules with the same author setting * but lower than a rule with a higher setting. * </ul> * In order to be usable with the D2WClient and Rule editor, we also patch the encoded * dictionary so these tools find no trace of the patched rules. * @author ak */ public class ERD2WRule extends Rule { /** * Do I need to update serialVersionUID? * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private int _priority = -1; private String _assignmentClassName; private boolean patchRulePriority = ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("er.directtoweb.ERD2WRule.patchRulePriority", true); public ERD2WRule() { super(); } public ERD2WRule(EOKeyValueUnarchiver eokeyvalueunarchiver) { super(eokeyvalueunarchiver.decodeIntForKey("author"), ((EOQualifier) eokeyvalueunarchiver.decodeObjectForKey("lhs")), ((Assignment) eokeyvalueunarchiver.decodeObjectForKey("rhs"))); _assignmentClassName = (String)eokeyvalueunarchiver.decodeObjectForKey("assignmentClassName"); } public static Object decodeWithKeyValueUnarchiver(EOKeyValueUnarchiver eokeyvalueunarchiver) { ERD2WRule rule = null; try { rule = new ERD2WRule(eokeyvalueunarchiver); } catch(Throwable t) { // AK: this occurs mostly when we want to load a rule that contains an assigment class which can't be found //HACK cheesy way to get at the encoded rule dictionary NSMutableDictionary dict = (NSMutableDictionary)NSKeyValueCoding.Utility.valueForKey(eokeyvalueunarchiver,"propertyList"); String ruleString = dict.toString(); // now store the old assignment class dict.takeValueForKeyPath(dict.valueForKeyPath("rhs.class"), "assignmentClassName"); // and push in the default class dict.takeValueForKeyPath(Assignment.class.getName(), "rhs.class"); // try again try { rule = new ERD2WRule(eokeyvalueunarchiver); ruleString = rule.toString(); } finally { ERD2WModel.log.error("Problems with this rule: \n" + t + "\n" + ruleString, t); } } return rule; } /** * Overridden to patch the normal rule class name into the generated dictionary. * @see com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueArchiving#encodeWithKeyValueArchiver(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueArchiver) */ @Override public void encodeWithKeyValueArchiver (EOKeyValueArchiver eokeyvaluearchiver) { super.encodeWithKeyValueArchiver(eokeyvaluearchiver); ((NSMutableDictionary)eokeyvaluearchiver.dictionary()).setObjectForKey(Rule.class.getName(), "class"); } /** * Overridden to work around * @see com.webobjects.directtoweb.Rule#priority() */ @Override public int priority() { if (!patchRulePriority) { // TC - Added for MZ because we have thousands of rules and don't want to comb through all of them to change their priorities. return super.priority(); } if(_priority == -1) { EOQualifier lhs = lhs(); String lhsString = ""; _priority = 1000 * author(); if(lhs != null) { lhsString = lhs.toString(); if(lhsString.indexOf("dummyTrue") == -1) { if(lhsString.indexOf("pageConfiguration") != -1) { _priority += 500; } if(lhs() instanceof EOAndQualifier) { _priority += ((EOAndQualifier)lhs()).qualifiers().count(); } else { _priority ++; } } } } return _priority; } public String assignmentClassName() { if(_assignmentClassName == null) { _assignmentClassName = rhs().getClass().getName(); } return _assignmentClassName; } public ERD2WRule cloneRule() { EOKeyValueArchiver archiver = new EOKeyValueArchiver(); encodeWithKeyValueArchiver(archiver); EOKeyValueUnarchiver unarchiver = new EOKeyValueUnarchiver(archiver.dictionary()); return new ERD2WRule(unarchiver); } /** * Builds a string like:<br> * <pre><code> 100: (( = 'Bug') and (task = 'edit')) => isInspectable = true [com.directtowen.BooleanAssignment]</code></pre> * @return a nice description of the rule */ @Override public String toString() { String prefix = " "; String rhsClass = assignmentClassName(); return ( prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() - ("" + author()).length()) + author() + " : " + (lhs() == null ? "*true*" : lhs().toString()) + " => " + (rhs() == null ? "<NULL>" : rhs().keyPath() + " = " + rhs().value() + ( rhsClass.equals(Assignment.class.getName()) ? "" : " [" + rhsClass + "]") ) + " (" + priority() + ")"); } }